Babysitter Bondage (An Age Play Story) (10 page)

BOOK: Babysitter Bondage (An Age Play Story)
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“Smart girl.” He pinched my cheek, hopped off the bed, and headed back for the front door just as the bell rang again. He paused at the entrance to the hallway. With one hand on the wall, he turned back and smirked at me, “And just remember, baby girls can’t walk, so they certainly can’t try to run away. And if you do, we’ll go back to those baby pictures, and I’ll make sure everyone you know gets to see them. Understand?”

I nodded frantically. They were sharp, darted bobs of my chin, which seemed to satisfy him. My captor turned around and headed back to the front door.

Left alone, I curled up into a ball. With my legs pulled up against my chest, I heard the diaper crinkle and felt the bulk between my thighs, but it didn’t matter. I imagined someone else seeing me like this. It seemed too impossible to comprehend.

What would I say? How could I explain my situation?

I couldn’t. He had the pacifier tied into my mouth! Tentative and worried I might get caught, I reached for the bow. I touched the middle part and felt the silky edges. It was a ribbon alright. I could picture how it was tied fairly easily, but when I tried to find some spot to tug, hoping it might release me, I didn’t find anything. He must have used some especially complex knot.

No, I wouldn’t be getting the pacifier out without his consent.

All thoughts of removing the muzzle disintegrated when I heard voices. There were footsteps coming down the hall too. I heard them click and hoped that they would go into some other room. C’mon, I kept praying, he promised no one would see me if I stayed on the couch. I hadn’t moved at all.

Trevor had always told me the truth, I thought. I didn’t think he would lie to me right then either. His voice rang out clear. The other voice was a girl’s. It sounded familiar, but with the echoing acoustics, I couldn’t place it.

Twisting around in the same spot on the couch, I gripped the armrest. I held it so tight that my knuckles turned white because the voices got closer, closer. I started to hyperventilate, hoping and praying and willing them to turn off.

Trevor came in first. Walking behind him at a leisurely pace was—my sister.


She stepped into the entertainment room, her eyes lit on me, and she blinked. My mind blanked as I tried to think of something to do or say. We stared back at one another like animals who didn’t know how to react.

“It’s true?” she asked, but the question wasn’t directed at me.

“Yup,” he said, clearly proud. “She’s taken very nicely to the bottle. And now she’s settling down with her pacifier. But there’s more.”

My eyes widened, and I started to turn around so I could try to flee, but my drugged movements were too slow. Trevor took his girlfriend’s hand and led her back around the couch.

“Oh my God!” Mia said. “Is that a diaper?”

“It is.”

I turned back to my little sister, my eyes big and pleading. In half a second, my hopes blossomed because she could let me out. She was my little sister, and even if I gave her a hard time about being an immature brat sometimes, she had to release me. She would tell him this was wrong and demand he release me. She would break up with him, untie the stupid bow, and make him hand over the keys to the diaper cover.

Those images rocketed through my head.

“Can we see her wet?”

At first, I couldn’t comprehend what she said. My neurons and synapses didn’t know what to do with those sounds. It didn’t make any sense.
Can we see her wet?
I remembered and recalled them and tried to analyze them.

“Of course,” he said like a happy pet owner. “In fact, it just takes a little tickling.”

I screamed the concept in my head, paralyzed as Mia grinned and scampered over to my spot on the couch. I watched and shook my head. I tried to speak through the pacifier, but just mumbled gibberish emerged.

“Silly sister. Babies can’t talk yet.”

But I wasn’t a baby.

It didn’t matter.

Mia hopped onto the couch as I tried to scramble back. My body didn’t work right though, and I could only squirm back against the armrest. Just seconds before, I imagined her as a predator. Now she looked like one, especially with the hungry grin.

My expression must have been obvious because she giggled like a schoolgirl with a new toy, “Why? Do you want to know why this is going to happen?”

I managed to nod.

“Simple,” she explained. “You think I’m some immature kid, but I’m not. In fact, I think you’re the baby girl. Aren’t you? We saw each other this morning, and look at you now. You’re so cute in diapers!”

I wanted to convey something, anything. I wanted her to understand how this wasn’t right. I was her big sister. I was supposed to look out for her and take care of her, especially when she wanted to do something stupid. With the pacifier in my mouth, I couldn’t do anything beyond whimper or mewl pathetically. Mia didn’t seem to mind.

My sister pounced on me. She pinned me beneath her, so I was left staring up, hoping for some mercy, some ounce of pity. Neither came because her hands shot down and she started to poke and tease my flanks.

In spite of the pacifier, I started to chortle like a happy little girl. As her fingers moved to my underarms, those chortles turned to hysterical laughter. With her small, soft hands, Mia teased and stroked me into fits of uncontrollable noise. The laughter was ripped from me and I couldn’t stop it.

“Don’t wet,” she said. “Don’t wet your diaper! Wet your diaper and I get to spank you too!”

My eyes shot open wide again. My heart sped up even more when it seemed like my pulse couldn’t go any faster. I lost control over everything. I couldn’t even throw up any useful defense. Trevor had me tied down, but Mia simply moved her tormenting fingers while I flailed uselessly.

The laughter spilled out of my opened mouth until my jaw hurt. My cheeks ached with the exertion, but I didn’t care. I had only one goal, but even then I failed.

Mia kept tickling me, and those impulses took up most of my attention except for the stream shooting down between my legs. The layers of tick diaper kept it from leaking out, but I was wetting again.

My little sister must have noticed the shift in my expression because she sat up straight and watched. She looked down and saw my diaper start to sag despite the plastic panties’ support. As I panted and gasped my way back to equilibrium, I fought to regain control of myself, but just like with Trevor, my body refused to obey. I couldn’t tighten my muscles or clench and get it to stop.

Mia watched, clearly amazed. I risked a glance at her and she started clapping! She couldn’t believe this but was obviously savoring my humiliation. For years, I had been the serious, the mature one. I had been the one my parents left in charge on those weekends when they went out of town. Only four years separated us, and yet she had always been the baby sister.

Now it was my turn.

Finally, I stopped wetting. My diaper soaked up most of the hot urine, but I could tell any moment would cause the diaper to slosh and squelch.

“Oh, did you wet your diaper?” she asked with faux sympathy.

I nodded, hoping cooperation might make this go a bit easier on me. For once, I was eager to have my diaper changed. I didn’t care if they teased me or made me wear something frilly and embarrassing. So long as I didn’t have to waddle around in a soaked diaper, I would be grateful. Besides, until I could get into something clean, Mia would never listen to me.

“You did! You wet your diaper! I can’t believe it,” she shook her head, clearly amazed and amused at the same time. “You’ve always been so keen on proving you’re more mature. But just look at you now. Oh, nothing to say? Are you too busy sucking on your binky?”

My eyes narrowed at her, which only provoked more laughter. Mia giggled some more and told me to follow.

“Don’t forget her leash,” Trevor said helpfully. I threw him a baleful glance, but he didn’t care. He wanted my sister. And he wanted to humiliate me.

Mia chuckled again, then had the gall to pat me on the head too. I seethed and bit down, fighting every urge to talk down to her again. It didn’t matter that I had to move around in a soaked diaper. She couldn’t do this to me!

Except she could.

There was nothing to stop her, and Trevor motioned for her to continue. Gritting my teeth, I felt her take up the loose weight of my leash, wrap it around her hands, and give my bottom a little swat. I got off the couch, crawled onto the floor, and tried to stand.

Some part of me hoped that my body had recovered enough to walk or at least toddle again. Apparently not. Right away, I could tell the weakness lingered throughout my body. It was as if all of my strength had been drained away. With a few more seconds or minutes, I might have been able to marshal the necessary strength. I worked out routinely. One drug shouldn’t have been able to so easily incapacitate me.

But I didn’t get those seconds or minutes. My little sister took my leash and gave it a tug. I tried another whimpered plea through the pacifier, but she just shrugged as if to say this had to happen.

That gave me hope.

I started to think that maybe this show of humiliation was for Trevor’s benefit. Maybe she really wanted out of her relationship, but didn’t know what to say! It could totally be like that. With that thought warming my heart, I scampered after her and even managed to ignore the wagging of my diapered butt.

She walked me right back to the nursery and nodded for me to go in through the open door. I crawled onto the carpet and spun around as she shut the door behind her.

I looked up, hopeful and eager. I kept thinking she was going to untie the pacifier. That was the first step. If she did, then I had real reason to think I could get out of here. She was my sister, after all. Family. She wouldn’t want to see me so demeaned and degraded, no matter what other tiffs we’d had in the past.

Mia reached down for the bow and untied it. I spat out the pacifier. The sight of it hitting the carpet filled me with unspeakable glee.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! Now quick, help me out of here.
I don’t care about the diaper.
We can deal with it later.”

Standing back up, Mia crossed her arms. “Always so bossy,” she said. “What makes you think I’d listen to anything you have to say? You’re just a naughty little girl.”

My stomach started to sink. It felt as though a hole might open up and swallow me, letting me fall forever. Ignoring those doubts, I went back to the fact that Mia wouldn’t let me remain like this. It just wasn’t possible.

“Look, Mia, please, we have to get out of here.”

“Do we now? Because I thought you needed a change. Oh, and I still owe you a spanking, don’t I?”

Before I could stammer out some kind of response, Mia grabbed the leash again and gave a hard tug. I nearly fell onto my chest. Hoping to talk some sense into her, I crawled after her. She took me back to the changing table, leaned down, and helped me back to my feet. I didn’t resist, if only because I was nervous she might call Trevor to come in and help her with me.

I got onto the changing table. With surprising strength, Mia forced me down onto my back. I tried talking to her. I tried to convince her that we were sisters and she had to help me.

“Have to help you?” she sneered. “I don’t have to do anything. You’re a naughty girl. You thought you could come over here and tell my boyfriend to break up with me.
Such a naughty, naughty girl.” Mia never would have talked like that. She only did it to make me flush, and it worked.

“Please,” I tried again, letting that one plaintive syllable trail off.


“You’ll help me?” I asked, hopeful with my hands at my sides.

“Sure,” she said a tad bit too sweetly. “I’ll help you.” She smiled down at me and gave me a light kiss on the forehead. It seemed weird, but I wasn’t about to question any good fortune I happened to receive. With her body blocking out most of my sight, I didn’t notice her pick up the nylon strap. I didn’t realize she could loop it over my wrist without me noticing, not until I felt the pull of the material tighten around my skin.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting you strapped in. It’s for your own safety,” she said with an exaggerated nod. I couldn’t help but think of Trevor and how he used the same expression.

I raised my other fist, desperate to get the first strap off. Mia grabbed my hand and forced it down. She strapped my second wrist into place, locking me down. “Now, you’re going to get a spanking no matter what, but if you give me a hard time, you’re going to be in a lot more trouble. Understand, baby girl?”

“I’m not a baby!”

“Really?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious. “Then how do you explain this?” She placed her hand on my diaper and pressed down. I felt the rush of heat again. It lingered and clung to me. I couldn’t escape those stupid feelings, no matter how hard I tried.

“Look, he forced me into this.”

“And you let him,” Mia tossed back. “Face it. All our lives, you’ve tried to convince yourself you were more mature. You thought you were smarter and prettier, but in the end, you’re back in diapers, completely powerless to stop any of this from happening.”

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