Baby Bitch (Bitches and Queens)

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Baby Bitch

By: Rachael James


Other Contemporary Novels by

Rachael James

Hook, Line, and Garter

Crazy Bitch


Coming Soon

A New Queen


copyright © 2013




No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
format without written consent from the publisher, except by a reviewer who
wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for
insertion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any
person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely
coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously.


!” McKenna Mallory
hurled her venom across the dining room table.

I would take you to New
York once you finished school. The last time I checked, there was still three
months left until graduation,” Hannah Mallory, her mother, replied evenly.

“You’re a
” McKenna screeched
as she shoved away from the table. Spinning around on her heels at the door,
she screamed, “You just don’t want me to go because I’m prettier than you now
and everyone will know you are nothing but yesterday’s cover girl.”

Hannah remained still until McKenna
stormed up to her bedroom and slammed the door with such a force it echoed down
below. A slight frown pierced her lips as she rubbed against the strain in her
temples, thinking to herself how nice it would be to have one family dinner
where someone didn’t leave in a sulk.

“She’s right, you know,” Willow said
quietly. “Ever since she was a baby, she wanted nothing more than to be like
you, and you did promise to take her as soon as she turned eighteen.”

Hannah’s eyes narrowed to slits before
she hissed, “If you had any idea what they are going to do her, you wouldn’t be
on her side.”

“I have worked in the industry for twenty
years so I think I have some comprehension of what it entails,” Willow shot

“As a
—not a face,” Hannah
hissed as she stood and began to clear the dishes. Taking a deep breath, she
asked, “I made some key lime pie for desert. Would any of you care for a

Kenyon, McKenna’s twin, stretched and
walked over to Hannah. He stood just a few inches taller than Hannah did. Both
of the twins had inherited their height from their biological father. Placing
his hands on her shoulders, he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I might have
a piece later. Dinner was good, Mom.”

Willow left to check on McKenna, leaving
Hannah with her eldest son, Sam, his wife, Kate, and their fourteen-year-old
daughter, Abigail. “Let me help,” Kate offered as she began gathering the
plates and utensils and followed Hannah into the kitchen.

“It’s just her age and all those hormones
racing through her veins,” Kate offered once they were alone.

“And I know
about female
hormones,” Hannah declared dramatically.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know,” Hannah sighed. “I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have said that but teenagers drive me insane.” Shaking her head with
disgust as she thought about her wife, she continued, “Willow always takes her
side and, somehow, I end up being the bad guy. McKenna hates me.”

“No, she doesn’t.”

“Willow hates me.”

“That’s not true either.”

“My only child that is remotely normal is
Kenyon, and if he didn’t look so much like Willow, I swear I would think he was
switched at birth. I’ve made an entire career writing family how-to books, and
we can’t have a single dinner without someone storming off mad. It’s
ridiculous,” Hannah groaned.

“Sam loves you,” Kate stated softly. “And
Abigail, Kenyon, McKenna, and Willow too. In a few years, McKenna will settle
down, everything will return to normal, and you can write your next best-selling
novel about navigating the precarious path of teenagers.”

Later that evening, Hannah was lying in
bed reading a book on her tablet and wondering what was taking Willow so long
in the bathroom. She was still miffed at her from earlier in the evening but
wished she would hurry up so they could go to sleep. Just as she was about to
call out, Willow opened the door and turned down the lights.

“I need the lights on to read,” Hannah
said irritated, without looking up.

“No, you don’t,” Willow purred

“Yes, I…” Hannah started to say but
stopped when she looked up and spotted her wearing nothing but a sheer, black
veil. A wide smile broke out across her face. “Where did…?”

Willow placed her finger on Hannah’s lips
to silence her. “You can look but you can’t touch—house rules,” she whispered
as she straddled her lap.

“Is that so?”

“Hmm,” Willow murmured coyly as she
rubbed herself against Hannah’s waist. She gently pushed her back against the
pillows and then used her veil to tie her wrists together above her head.
Leaning down, her tight nipples rested against Hannah’s cheek.

Hannah turned her face and started to
open her mouth, but Willow pulled up out of reach. “No touching,” she chided as
she rocked her hips in the most delicious rhythm against her.

Willow’s fingertips slipped underneath
her shirt and danced against her tight stomach. Growing feverish, Hannah
started to push her hips up to meet Willow’s, but she reached down and pinched
her inner thigh. “You really are a terrible cheat. If you don’t stop, I will
have to call in security.”

“What is security?” Hannah giggled

“You really don’t want them to get
involved. They would love to make a gorgeous woman like you their bitch. Maybe
I should sample the goods myself and let them know what they are missing.”

Willow unbuttoned Hannah’s pajama top and
spread it wide. She played with her creamy, smooth breasts for a moment before
leaning down to lick her nipple with her wet tongue. Panting and quivering with
lust, Hannah groaned, “Fuck me.”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you—my
fingers inside you while I licked your pussy?”

Reaching between her legs, she cupped
Hannah’s sex. She felt warm and wet. Scooting down, Willow pulled off her pants
and panties.

Eagerly, Hannah spread her toned legs,
but Willow started by kissing her way up her inner thigh. “You’re such a
fucking tease,” Hannah moaned.

“The only time you ever say that word
anymore is when you are actually doing it,” Willow pondered aloud as she
shifted her attention to her other leg.

“Fuck me,” Hannah demanded more urgently.

“Like this?” Willow asked as she slipped
first one and then two fingers inside Hannah’s tight pussy. “Or this?” she
questioned as she took her hard, throbbing cock into her mouth.

“No,” Hannah whimpered helplessly against
the rising tide of sensation.

“Tonight, you will just have to be a
little more inventive,” Willow whispered.

As Willow once said several years ago,
Hannah was unique—so unique that she could climax as either a woman or a man.
Either way felt fabulous but distinct from the other. When combined together, it
felt as close to heaven as possible on this earth, but she preferred to keep
them separate for Willow’s benefit. The feelings created were so overwhelming
that she was over-sensitized and useless for several hours afterwards.

Unable to hold back the impeding
explosion, her toes curled tight as she pounded her feet against the mattress.
For several long, shattering moments, she sailed through the starry skies
before crashing back to earth, limp and exhausted.

Willow snuggled in her arms. “You will
have to give me a few minutes. I don’t think I can move,” Hannah moaned.

“I know,” Willow chuckled softly. “I
don’t mind. I love it when you fuck me as a woman.”

“You like it more when I fuck you as a
man,” Hannah countered.

“Not always,” Willow murmured as her hand
slipped between her legs.

Leaning up, Hannah smiled softly, “What
are you doing?”

“I’m starting for you.” Willow reached
for her hand and placed it on her pussy.

Hannah pushed her fingers inside and was
delighted to discover she was hot and soaked. Willow moaned softly and started
to grind her hips in beat to her naughty finger dance. As the fire spread to
her belly, her hand grew limp. “No, don’t stop. I like watching you. It excites
me,” Hannah purred.

Hannah scooted down to get a closer look.
She bit her lip in anticipation of Willow’s climax. She was so turned on she
felt herself getting wet again just watching her play with herself. And to
think, she had assumed she had grown out of her voyeurism fetish years ago, but
this was different. She wasn’t just watching—she was very much actively
participating. Her tongue snaked out and sashayed between Willow’s fingers.

 Willow grew frantic and wild. “Harder,”
she demanded breathlessly.

Hannah complied, giving her exactly what
she needed until Willow shattered, clenching her fingers tight.


Hannah flipped on the switch and called
out, “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

Half-blinded by the sudden light, McKenna
rolled over and reached for her phone to check the time. “Mommy, it is only
four o’clock in the morning,” she groaned and pulled the blankets over her

“We have to be at the airport in an hour
to catch our flight,” Hannah explained as she pulled back the covers.

“What plane? Where are we going?”

“We are going to New York.”

“What?” McKenna exclaimed, suddenly
coming very alert. “Are you serious?”

“The only reason I would wake up at this god-awful
hour of the morning is to travel,” Hannah answered earnestly.

“Oh Mommy,” McKenna cried out with joy as
she wrapped her arms around Hannah. “I love you… I love you… thank you so

Hannah chuckled softly. “It’s your mom
you should be thanking. Let’s just say she persuaded me to change my mind last
night. And…” Hannah cautioned firmly, “…you must understand that we are only going
there to meet with Pierre. He is going to take a few shots to start your
portfolio and then we are coming home. You
finish school first.”

“But if I get an agent…” McKenna started
to say worriedly.

you get an agent,” Hannah
corrected, “I will deal with them.”

“Mommy, I love you so much! You’re the
best mommy in the whole world!” McKenna shouted wildly as she literally jumped
up and down with joy.

“I know,” Hannah agreed. “Now go get a
shower while I get you packed.”

During the flight, McKenna wondered what
Willow had said to make Hannah change her mind because once it was set, there
was usually no convincing her otherwise. Hannah wouldn’t tell her, only saying
that they had a private discussion. Her parents were just like that sometimes.

Mostly, they were like all her friend’s parents,
with the exceptions being that they were both female and still happily
together. Both women had highly successful careers. Hannah was a parenting guru.
Willow was, as one magazine labeled her, the
Queen of Naughty Underwear.
They did all the same things normal families did, such as celebrate the same
holidays. Hannah always went a bit overboard on birthdays, but other than that,
they were just a typical family—most of the time.

McKenna learned long ago that her parents
had that telepathic-communication thing down to a fine art. Entire
conversations could be spoken in just a single glance. As she grew older,
McKenna began to realize that the silent discussions often involved secrets
just the two of them shared. Although generally very open and honest, there
were certain taboo subjects that both women refused to discuss.

Hannah never talked about her adopted
parents. She would only say that they were both dead. A few years ago, McKenna
found an old article on the internet and discovered that they had been brutally
murdered. When she told Willow about what she had read, her mom told her not to
bring it up because it was a very painful time in Hannah’s life.

Hannah also didn’t like to talk about her
career as a model. She liked to pretend that decade of her life never happened.
McKenna might never have known about it, but she found an old magazine with a
picture of Hannah on the cover at Sam’s house when she was a little girl. She
had been obsessed ever since. Hannah wasn’t very happy when she discovered the
scrapbooks McKenna had made of all her old magazine photos. McKenna didn’t
understand why. Hannah had been so divine, so beautiful, that she almost didn’t
look real. Of course, she was still beautiful, both of her parents were. If you
didn’t know, no one could possibly guess that Hannah was forty-seven and Willow
was forty-two. They both looked decades younger.

The number-one subject they refused to
discuss was the donor. McKenna didn’t know if her biological father was just a
random sample from the sperm bank or if he was someone her parents knew. Hannah
was always so meticulous about everything else that she couldn’t imagine she
would have left the fate of her children to chance so McKenna highly suspected
the latter of the two options to be true.

 But who could it be? McKenna had a few
suspects in mind. Finn Sullivan, for one, Hannah’s best gay friend. He was a
highly successful and talented event planner in Austin. He also did their
birthday every year. Neither she nor Kenyon remotely resembled him, but he did
give both twins Christmas presents every year, which made her wonder if he
wasn’t trying to somehow acknowledge their connection.

When they were young, Kenyon used to be
just as curious as she was, but now he said it didn’t make a difference.
Sometimes it was impossible to believe they shared the same womb. People always
said that twins were supposed to share a special connection. Well—the only
connection they shared was the mutual need to knock the other one over the
head. The moments that they were peaceful and in accord were few and far
between. When their parents weren’t there to run interference between the
warring twins, Sam often had to step in and take over the job.

And that was another thing that always
bothered McKenna. Why had Mommy adopted him and when? Sam had two parents, both
of whom had passed away, that he still loved dearly. Sam was an adult when his
billionaire dad had died and left him a very sizable fortune and a seat on the
board of directors at MMI—the software company where his wife, Kate, was currently
employed as senior vice-president. It wasn’t as if he was still a child and
needed someone to take care of him.

All right, so maybe her family wasn’t so
normal after all. But they were hers and she loved them all dearly. Maybe she
didn’t love Kenyon quite so much, but he was her brother and that had to count
for something.

Hannah interrupted her thoughts. “Put
this over your eyes.”

“What is it?”

“It is a cold cucumber compress. It will
help reduce the puffiness under your eyes,” she explained.

“If you would have told me last night we
had to get up at four o’clock in the morning, I would have gone to bed before

you would have gone to sleep
at your bedtime, you wouldn’t have had to worry about it.”

“Mommy,” McKenna groaned. “I’m too old to
have a bedtime.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Hannah dismissed.
“You’re never too old for a bedtime. I even give your mom a bedtime.”

McKenna pulled back the compress to peek
at her. “Does she actually listen to you?”

“Of course,” Hannah dismissed with a
nonchalant wave of her hand and then pointed towards the mask.

“Why do you get to set the bedtimes for
everyone in the house?”

“Because I’m the one that makes the
schedule. If you would like to try your hand at organizing everyone’s class
load, work hours, and extracurricular activities, then you could set the

“No, thank you,” McKenna grumbled and
then took a deep breath. Speaking softly, she questioned, “Were you this nervous
the first time you went to New York?”

Hannah stopped to think before she
answered. Obviously, they were going there under entirely different
circumstances. McKenna had come from a happy and stable home. Hannah was just
sixteen the first time she stepped foot in the city, but she had just escaped
the House of Hell and her evil demon overlords. So, no, she wasn’t the
slightest bit nervous. Perhaps overwhelming thrilled and relieved might better
describe her emotions that day. But she didn’t want her only daughter to get
the wrong impression about the career path she was so determined to forge. In
so many ways, she had traded one prison for another. She would never have
escaped if not for Willow. If not for her, Hannah very much doubted she would
even be alive today.

“No,” she finally answered. “But if I had
known what I know now, I wouldn’t have been nervous. I would have been

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