Atlantis Betrayed

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Authors: Alyssa Day

BOOK: Atlantis Betrayed
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Table of Contents
“The perfect blend of fabulous world building and sexy romantic adventure.”
—Jayne Castle,
New York Times
bestselling author

Fresh Fiction
“Alyssa Day works her own brand of sexy sorcery in this fabulous new paranormal series. Warriors and witches have never been so hot!”
—Teresa Medeiros,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Day continues to deliver consistent quality and sizzling adventure!”
—Romantic Times
“Tortured, sexy, and dangerous as all get out, this is one warrior it wouldn’t be wise to cross and a man who defines devotion . . . Day has a real talent for creative storytelling, crafting characters who are unique in their own right and claim your allegiance as easily as Poseidon claimed theirs.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Action-packed and hot and spicy.”
—TwoLips Reviews
“An action-packed, sensual read with strong, likable characters to support it. You won’t be able to get enough of those hunky warriors.”
—A Romance Review
“This character-driven tale will grab the reader’s imagination from page one . . . An epic thrill ride that should not be missed.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“A terrific romantic fantasy thriller.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Alyssa Day’s Atlantis is flat-out amazing—her sexy and heroic characters make me want to beg for more! I love the complex world she’s created!”
—Alexis Morgan, national bestselling author
“Superb writing, fascinating characters, and edge-of-your-seat story bring the legend of Atlantis to life.”
—Colby Hodge, award-winning author
“Alyssa Day creates an amazing and astonishing world in
Atlantis Rising
you’ll want to visit again and again.
Atlantis Rising
is romantic, sexy, and utterly compelling. I loved it!”
—Christine Feehan,
New York Times
bestselling author
“The Poseidon Warriors are HOT!! Can I have one?”
—Kerrelyn Sparks,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Alyssa Day’s characters grab you and take you on a whirlwind adventure. I haven’t been so captivated by characters or story in a long time. Enjoy the ride!”
—Susan Squires,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Alyssa Day has penned a white-hot winner!”
—Gena Showalter,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Wow! Alyssa Day writes a marvelous paranormal romance set on earth.”
—Susan Kearney,
USA Today
bestselling author
“Inventive and electrifying. An exhilarating new series!”
—Romantic Times
“Alyssa Day roars onto the paranormal scene with this tense and magnetic read.”
—Romance Junkies
“Fascinating and intriguing . . . Fantastic reinvention of Atlantis.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“Breathtaking paranormal romance.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Wow! What a spectacular series opener . . . The love scenes are sizzling hot.”
—Once Upon A Romance
“The world-building is superb . . . The Warriors of Poseidon are a sexy, chivalrous, and dangerous team [who] create an atmosphere of testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife; the interaction between this brawny bunch is priceless.”
—ParaNormal Romance
“A cast of sexy but tormented alpha heroes.”
—The Romance Reader
Atlantis Rising
High Prince Conlan’s Story
Atlantis Awakening
Lord Vengeance’s Story
“Shifter’s Lady” from
Ethan’s Story
“Wild Hearts in Atlantis” from
Wild Thing
Bastien’s Story
Atlantis Unleashed
Lord Justice’s Story
Atlantis Unmasked
Alexios’s Story
Atlantis Redeemed
Brennan’s Story
Atlantis Betrayed
Christophe’s Story
Don’t miss
Vampires in Atlantis
, Daniel’s story,
Shifters in Atlantis
, Jack’s story,
coming soon from Berkley Sensation!
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / September 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Alesia Holliday.
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