Autumn and Summer (31 page)

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Authors: Danielle Allen

BOOK: Autumn and Summer
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Boris?” I breathed.

Something passed between us—an indescribable energy.  His sparkling brown eyes held a fierce intensity and I was captivated. 

He walked over to me and touched my face. “Can I speak with you in my office for a minute?”

I nodded, unable to speak.

He grabbed my hand and led me into his office. As soon as the door closed behind us, he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me.  Our faces were so close. I could just barely feel his lips on mine. His coffee-colored eyes dropped to my lips before meeting my eyes again. Waiting for him to finally kiss me was unbearably sexy.

We held that position for a full minute before he finally brought his lips to mine.
The kiss was sensual. He took his time drawing me in and then he pulled away slowly.

Oh hello,
I thought as he slid me down his body. When my shoes touched the floor, I swallowed hard and licked my lips I didn’t intend to kiss him, but I couldn’t deny it was a good kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that for weeks
,” he whispered, with a grin.

Smiling back, I said, “It’s good to finally meet you

Taking a deep breath, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked deep into my eyes. “I wasn’t cancelling our date,” he started to explain.

I shook my head.
Putting my hands on his cheeks, I interrupted, “You really don’t have explain anything to me. I just wanted to meet you and tell you goodbye in person.”

Running his hand across my hairline, he
brought his face close and looked directly into my eyes. “When I told you that you were the type of woman I could see myself with, I shouldn’t have said that. The truth is, you
the woman I can see myself with,” he said with conviction.  His eyes were full of emotion. “I just…you deserve more than I can give you right now. You deserve the best of everything.  More than that, you deserve to be taken care of and if I’m putting in sixty-hour work weeks, I can’t give you the time that you deserve. I don’t want to mess this up because you are the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. And I don’t—”

You’re right,” I interrupted with a tight smile. “I deserve to be with someone who wants what I want and who can give me what I need. Everything happens for a reason.”

“The project I’m working on with
James Ford is going to take a lot of my time initially, but once it gets going, I’m going to have a lot more time. I will come for you then.”

I shook my head
again at his presumptuousness. “It’s not your choice. It’s my choice,” I said softly, feeling empowered as the words left my mouth.  I cleared my throat, I spoke a little louder when I continued, “And I won’t be here waiting for you. That’s why I’m saying goodbye.”

Taking my hands in his, he kissed them,
letting out a pained sigh as he let them go. “I—don’t think…” He trailed off and stared into my eyes for a few moments longer. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be
.” I smiled at him. “Honestly, it’s okay.”

I do have feelings for you. It’s just…”

“I know,” I said softly.

And suddenly it hit me.
I don’t even know his real name,
I realized with a stifled giggle.
I’m breaking things off with a guy and I don’t even know his real name.

Smiling, he said, “What’s so funny?”

Unable to control the laughter, I let my head fall back and laughed even harder. “We’ve gotten to know each other so well and I don’t even…” I could barely get the sentence out because I was laughing so hard. “I don’t know your name!”

e chuckled as he watched me lose myself in a fit of giggles. I wiped the tear from the corner of my eye and returned his gaze.

“Hi! My name is Autumn
,” I playfully introduced myself to him. I reached out for a handshake.

Taking my hand, he
kissed it. “Hi, Autumn.  Instead of calling me Boris, you can just call me Ty.”

Ty… I can see that. It fits you. And it is very nice to finally meet you.” I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.  “Now that I know your real name, I feel like you’re a real person. I was starting to doubt you were real.”

“I’m real.
” He rubbed my back slowly, rocking back and forth.  “And I’ve loved getting to know you these last few weeks.”

Taking a deep breath, I released him from the hug. W
alking backwards to his office door, I said, “You’re an amazing man and I hope one day you put yourself before work. Because if you don’t, you’re going to miss out on your dream woman, Ty…and you deserve a great woman.”

Before he could respond, I opened the door and let myself out. 

I walked to the front entrance and spotted Summer and Xavier on the porch, wrapped in each other’s arms.
She wasn’t even looking for love, but she found it. I knew it would happen for her…even if she wasn’t open to it at first,
I thought, looking through the glass. I watched them smile adoringly at one another and it warmed my heart.
She has never looked happier and more content than she does right now.

over at me, Summer waved me over to them.

, I didn’t want to interrupt,” I said, grinning at the two of them as I walked onto the porch.

“No, you’re fine. Xavier was just telling me about the nightclub h
e and Ty are working on opening in DC.”

I looked at Xavie
r and responded, “Congratulations! Looks like there will be a new hot spot coming soon.”

“Yes, we could tell you both all about it over dinner, if you’re up to it,” Xavier offered, flashing a love-struck grin at my best friend.

“I would love to hear all about it, but I need to go home. I’m sorry,” I apologized.

Summer untangled her arms from around Xavier and pulled me a few feet away. “
So, I’m guessing your decision still stands?”

Absolutely. I just needed to see him face-to-face, you know?”

Good for you! And at least now you know that you weren’t being catfished,” Summer shrugged.

I smiled. “
Exactly.  And I also had to cut ties and walk away—officially.”

You guys were in the office for a good little bit. Did you hook up with him?” Summer asked in a hushed tone. “He’s crazy hot.”

I laughed. “No,
” I exclaimed. Dropping my voice to whisper, I continued, “I didn’t hook up with him. But he did kiss me and girl…” I shook my head and fanned myself.

Summer and I burst out laughing.

              Xavier cleared his throat and said, “You two do realize I can hear you, right?”

His comment
only made us laugh harder. Once our giggles subsided, I asked, “So are you two staying or leaving?”

I could almost see the fireworks that went off when they shared a look. Smiling at one another they said, in unison, “Leaving.”

I grinned at the two of them. “Do you two want to just ride together? I can drive your car back home, Summer.”

“I drove you up here, I can drive you back,” Summer insisted.

“No, it’s fine. I promise.”

Getting Summer’s keys and hugging her goodbye, I hopped in the driver’s seat of her car. I followed Xavier and Summer out of the city and onto the highway, heading south. Over the ninety minute drive, I called Jordan three times and he didn’t answer any of my calls.

I should’ve responded when he texted me earlier,
I thought while stuck in traffic.
What if I’m too late?

When I pulled up at home, I was tired and emotionally drained. D
ragging myself up the stairs, I took a long, hot shower and crawled in my bed. Staring at the ceiling of my darkened room, I tried to clear my head, but I kept thinking about Jordan.

Did I blow it? He told me the divorce was coming. He told me he had feelings for me. He told me he wanted to see where this could go. He told me to trust him. And I did everything I could to fight what I was feeling for him. But the day I plan to go on a date with Boris—well Ty
, Jordan’s wife signs the divorce papers. Of all the days to sign the papers, she signs them today,
I thought suddenly, sitting up in bed.
Everything happens for a reason.

Butterflies ran rampant
in my belly as the realization gripped me. Seeing that it was just after ten o’clock, I hopped out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans and black tank top.  Slipping on a pair of black stiletto pumps and quickly pinning my hair up, I was out of the house in twenty minutes.  Driving Summer’s car the short distance to Jordan’s place, I parked in front.

Okay, jus
t get out and talk to him,
I reasoned with myself as I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel. I watched people walk up and down the side walk as I tried to calm my nerves.
Okay, it’s time.

Opening the car door, I took my time walking to his doorstep.  Shaking my arms out beside me, I let out some of my nervous energy. I knocked twice and then waited. When I didn’t hear anything inside, I pushed the doorbell. With each second that ticked by, my breathing became
even more shallow.

Calm down,
I told myself as I backed away from his door. I looked up to see if any light could be seen from the windows upstairs, since the big, tinted windows downstairs gave no indication as to if he was home or not. Disappointment seized me as I realized there was no movement indoors.
He’s not home,
I concluded.

Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, I closed m
y eyes and took a deep breath. “Everything happens for a reason,” I said into the warm, summer night.

Opening my eyes, I turned on my heel to get
back in the car. I took one step and then I stopped dead in my tracks.

“I like to t
hink so,” Jordan responded from the curb, a few feet away.

I didn’t hear him walk up and t
he way my heart was pounding in my chest completely disarmed me. The air suddenly seemed thin and I felt lightheaded.  While everything else faded away, nothing and no one was left but us. For a full minute, neither of us moved. And with no warning at all, the tension and anxiety melted away.

“Hi,” I
greeted him breathily.

“Hi.” He walked a little closer, still leaving a foot of space between us.

“Hi,” I said again.

He chuckled softly. “You already said that.”

“Oh, sorry. I just came by…to see you.”  I shifted my weight from one foot to the other nervously as I looked everywhere, but at him.

Taking another step toward me, Jordan p
ositioned himself directly in front of me. “Finding you here is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t hear from you after I sent you that text message so I thought…” He trailed off.

I looked into his
eyes and smiled. He smiled back with his lopsided grin and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling me closer. I was flush against him and my stomach fluttered as I gazed up at him.

I licked my lips and s
aid, “So, I heard you were divorced.”

“You heard right.” He paused for a second before he continued, “I heard you weren’t interes
ted in dating me if the divorce wasn’t finalized.”

“You heard right. Maybe we can celebrate the end of that chapter with
a nightcap.”

“Or maybe we can celebrate the beginning of a new chapter with a nightcap,”
Jordan whispered, running his thumbs over my cheeks. Our faces moved toward one another and lingered, our noses just barely touching. He smelled like chocolate and it was intoxicating being so close to him.

“Sounds good,”
I breathed, aware of how close his mouth was to mine. I licked my lips and let out a shaky breath.

wing every single nerve ending in my body to beg for his touch, Jordan kept me waiting for the kiss my body craved. The anticipation of him kissing me was building to the point that I could only hear the blood rushing through my veins.

Kiss me,
I begged him silently as I stared into his piercing green eyes.

As if hearing my request, Jordan’s lips covered mine
slowly and sensually. The kiss was gentle at first—incredibly sweet and sexy.  But with each passing second, the kiss grew more intense. My skin exploded with pleasure when his tongue finally met mine. The kiss became desperate as our hands roamed over the other’s body. I could tell he was holding back and that just turned me on even more. As the throbbing between my legs intensified, I kissed him harder. Our mouths and tongues moved together in passionate kisses causing soft moans to escape me. We were needy and desperate as every feeling and emotion that had ever passed between us was released. My heart hammered in my chest as he pulled away slowly, causing me to whimper.

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