Read Autumn and Summer Online

Authors: Danielle Allen

Autumn and Summer (30 page)

BOOK: Autumn and Summer
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Chapter 22: Autumn


I hadn’t slept all night because I was so anxious.  I used makeup to cover up the bags under my eyes and I hadn’t been able to eat all day. Pacing my bedroom, I waited for Summer to get home. In typical Summer fashion, she stormed through the front door and treaded heavily up the stairs.

“Autumn! Today’s the big day!” she yelled loudly.

Summer stopped in her tracks when she saw me.

“What’s wrong?” Summer asked quickly.

“Jordan’s wife signed the papers,” I told Summer as I continued pacing the room. “He’s officially divorced.”

“What?!” Summer’s mouth dropped open.

“Yes. He’s divorced. He threatened her with another lawsuit and she decided it was more of a hassle to stay married than to divorce him.” I started pacing faster. I handed her my phone and showed her the text message.

“Jordan being officially divorced is a good thing, right?” She drew her eyebrows together.

I stopped, nodding slowly. “It’s a really good thing. But…” I let my head drop back in defeat.

“The wife thing was the only thing keeping you from Jordan,” Summer guessed.

“Exactly!” I lifted my head and stared at my best friend. “And I have this date with Boris tonight and I was excited about it. But ever since Jordan sent me this text message, I haven’t been able to stop comparing the two of them. And I realized…it’s Jordan. I want Jordan.” My body heated as I said the words aloud for the first time.

Summer walked into the room as I plopped down on the edge of my bed.
“Good for you! You made a decision. That’s the hard part.”

put my head in my hands as I continued, “I had Thursday circled on my mental calendar since Sunday and I was scared to get my hopes up. But since I hadn’t gotten a call or message saying that the date with Boris was off, I slowly started getting excited. And then Jordan texted me and I got all tingly at the news that he’s single. I realized in that moment that Jordan was the one for me.” I smiled, relishing in the feeling that came over me. I lifted my head up, looking at Summer, and continued, “But after giving Boris such a hard time about cancelling on me, I don’t want to just cancel, you know?”

“Here’s what I would do: go on a date with Boris so you can say you did it. That way, regardless of what happens, you’ll at least be able to look back and say that you met them both.  I love that dress, by the way.”

“Thank you,” I said, my knee bouncing rapidly. “I don’t want to go on a date with Boris...especially since I already know who I want.” My stomach twisted in knots as I said it out loud. “But I feel like I owe it to him to meet him and tell him to his face. Is it wrong for me to have him come all the way down here for me to break it off with him?”

“I don’t think so. Honestly, I think it’ll be really good for you. You’ll be able to see him and know that he’s real and then, you can say whatever you want to say to him face-to-face.”

As I opened my mouth to response, my phone vibrated. Summer and I looked at each other and then she handed me my cell phone.

My heart started pounding in
my chest and I took a deep breath. Seeing Boris’s name flash across the screen of my cell phone, my knee bounced faster.

“It’s him,” I announced, looking at her.

“He’s probably texting to tell you he’s on his way or he’s stuck in traffic.” Summer’s face looked pale and I knew she didn’t believe what she was saying either.

I’m going to be a little late….

I looked at Summer and shook my head no before reading the rest of the message. She immediately started chewing on her thumb.

…Even though my actions aren’t showing it, you’re so important to me. Having to disappoint you again is killing me. I plan on being there. I promise. My business partner called and said he was thirty minutes out, so once he gets here we have to review a few documents. After that’s done, I’ll be able to leave my office, get changed, and then get to you.

And the paperwork couldn’t wait until tomorrow,
I thought in frustration.
This is exactly what I was talking about.

I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I can change our reservations from 8pm tonight to 9:30pm. I feel so bad about this.

Autumn Jones:
I’ve been so understanding about your work schedule, but how many times are you going to cancel on me before we realize that this isn’t going to work?

I’m not cancelling. I’m just pushing the time back. This came as a surprise to me too.

Autumn Jones:
No, our date is cancelled and I get it. You have to do what you have to do.

I looked at my pointy-toed green shoes until they became blurry with tears of frustration. “Well, the date’s off.”

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Summer asked.

Yeah. I’m just frustrated.  And honestly, I feel like I’m being played.”

Summer jingled h
er keys and I looked up.

“Let’s go,” Summer demanded with her hand on her hip. “Don’t you dare mess up your gorgeous make up with tears.  Get your bag and let’s go. We’re riding out.”

“Where are we going?”

“Out,” Summer said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “And without tears.”

“I’m not upset about the cancelled date, so to speak. I’m upset that I now officially think Boris might be catfishing me like Olivia said. I just wanted to be able to look him in the eyes once. I’ve already made my choice. I know I want Jordan. I just don’t like the idea that I was a game for someone.”  Grabbing my green handbag, I followed behind her.

“I get it.” Summer opened the front door for me and I walked out. “Let’s go for a ride.”

We got into her car in silence. Once we maneuvered onto the highway, Summer said, “We are going to do what we should’ve done a long time ago.”

I didn’t respond so she turned the music on. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me. “You know what this means, right?” she asked as she pointed to the stereo. 

“No,” I answered
, closing my eyes and pressing my forehead against the cool glass.

“It means
that it’s meant to be,” she replied excitedly as she sang ‘Dream On’ loudly.

I zoned out for most of the trip, my mind consumed with the idea that I was the victim of a practical joke. I remembered Olivia’s thoughts about Boris not really bein
g who Summer gave my number to and I couldn’t shake that feeling that she was right.

Because why else would he not be able to meet me, time after time after time?
No one is that busy.  I am the most cautious person in the world. I have a general distrust of people. And the idea that this man could be someone other than who he says he is is eating me alive,
I agonized repeatedly.
How could I be charmed by something like that? Every single time we’ve tried to meet, he always has an excuse as to why it won’t work out. Why didn’t I see this coming?

While I worked through my disappointment in Boris and in myself,
Summer didn’t try to talk to me and I appreciated it. She was giving me space and simultaneously being there for me.

Rousing me from my thoughts, S
ummer bumped my arm. We had left the highway and were in an expensive-looking city. I looked around, confused. The sun was setting behind picturesque buildings and the people walking around were dressed like they were going to a movie premiere.

“Where are we
?” I asked as we pulled into a parking lot.

“We are here for dinner. My treat. Fix your eye makeup. Your right eye smeared.”

I touched up my makeup and smiled at my reflection.

“You look beautiful,” Summer complimented as she popped in a mint. She offered me one and I took it.

“Thank you. I can do yours too,” I offered jokingly.

“Okay,” she said, surprising me.

Even though I knew she only did it because I was sad, I smiled at her gesture.
I have the best best friend,
I thought as I lined her eyes, making them stand out.

The sound of Etta James greeted us as we got out of the car.

“This place looks fancy,” I pointed ou
as we walked up the stairs to the brick establishment. “What kind of food do they serve?”

“Soul food,” she said simply as we entered the large front doors that opened up to a waiting area.  A pretty Indian woman with long hair and a huge smile welcomed us.  She sat behind a large dark wood podium and asked if we had reservations. 

“No, we don’t,” Summer said in a business-like tone.

I looked around the restaurant taking in the art
on the walls. It was a beautiful place—the décor and the modern design had a familiarity that nagged at the back of my mind even though I knew I’d never been here before.

The hostess responded,
“That’s no problem; we have a few open tables.”

are doing a wonderful job. I’d like to speak to the owner and let them know how professional and welcoming you are.

hing, the woman picked up a phone and called someone.

“He’s in a meeting right now.
” She motioned to a doorway along the far wall. “He should be done in about fifteen more minutes if you’d like to wait or I could get you seated at your table and bring him over to you when he’s available. One of the managers is here if you’d like to speak with him.”

“We’ll wait
for the big boss. Thanks, though.” Summer turned on her heel and sat in one of the wingback chairs.

I smiled at the woman and thanked her. I took a seat next to
Summer and something hit me, causing my stomach to churn in dramatic fashion.

“Summer…” I started, my breath already starting to come out in erratic puffs.  Even thou
gh I knew the answer, I had to ask the question. “Does Boris work here?”

She looked at me calmly and said, “Yes.”

I put my hand to my chest. “Why would you blindside me like this?” I asked, feeling myself becoming flustered. “I just told him I was walking away and now I’m going to look like a crazy person!”

“He knows you don’t even know where he works. If anyone is the crazy person, it’s me.
I just want you to make your next move fully informed and you can’t be fully informed if you haven’t met Boris. And with all of your imposter talk, you have me worried that Boris isn’t really who he says he is. Because I actually know what he looks like, I can introduce you to the man that I photographed for the magazine. And if he isn’t the same man you’ve been talking to, we’re going to have a problem.” 

Feeling prematurely embarrassed for showing up unannounced,
I glared at her and shook my head.

“You’re going to be fine,” Summer reassured me. “You is smart. You is kinda important.”

I burst out laughing.
“Why must you always butcher that line? We’re renting the movie this weekend. Or better yet,” I gasped. “You could borrow my book!”

She rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the office door opened and two male voices could be heard before they even walked out.  I immediately recognized Boris’s voice.

The first man walked out and my jaw dropped. 

“Xavier?!” Summer screeched. We both jumped to our feet.

What are you two doing here?” Xavier asked, stopping in his tracks.

With her mouth open, Summer looked at me and then back at Xavier.
“No, seriously… What’s going on?” she asked incredulously. “I thought you were working late!”

His face shifted from shocked to completely smitten in no time.
“No, I told you I was going to meet with my business partner. This—”

Boris said, almost pushing Xavier over as he burst through the doorway.

“That’s him,” Summer said under her breath as my eyes grew to the size of saucers.

              My breath caught in my chest when our eyes locked. Summer said he was hot, but that didn’t quite do him justice.  His caramel-colored skin was flawless and his smile lit up his entire face. Wearing tailored slacks with a matching black vest, he looked polished and refined.  His white button-up shirt was crisp, fitting his upper body exquisitely. His outfit was accented with a black skinny tie, black belt, and black shoes.  The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and showcased the all-black Movado watch on his wrist. He literally took my breath away.

BOOK: Autumn and Summer
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