Atonement (Heart of Stone) (4 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Atonement (Heart of Stone)
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His crystal tumbler launched across the room, shattering
across the other cupboard and propelling our wedding photo across the floor and
under the sofa. I placed my face in my hands and fought the urge to tear this
man before me to pieces. “How long?” I asked him without removing my hands from
my face.

“It doesn’t matter, Ava!”

“Like fuck, Mason. It does fucking matter, it matters a
fucking lot. Now, how long?”


He turned his back to me, bounded the stairs and slammed
our bedroom door shut.

My legs finally gave way and I sank to the floor.
Dizziness enveloped me as I fought against each of my heavy inhalations and my
throat hurt as I refused to give access to the tears that were fighting with my


Just… Fuck!

Chapter 5


I palmed the mattress as I bent over the bed and clashed
with the fight my lungs were giving me. “Fuck!”

In, out, in, out, in, out.


Why the hell was I doing this again? It didn’t help, it
made everything fucking worse. Especially for Ava, she didn’t deserve this
again, and then there was Katie and George.


In, out, in, out, in, out.


      I managed to slip round and
plant my arse on the edge of the bed. My fingers slid along the softness of the
cover, the bed cover I had bought for Ava when I had left her after….

It was in memory of our France
trip, the soft blue orchids adorning it, a remembrance to the time we had made
love in the sand with the scent of the orchids over us as I asked her to marry

She refused to throw the damn thing away but the thought
brought a small smile.


A tap sounded on the door and I spun round to face the
window as she walked in. I didn’t need or want her to see my desolation and guilt.

Her soft but strong arms slid around my shoulders as she
kneeled behind me and I closed my eyes as her fingers entwined with mine.

She was silent, her presence being all the comfort I
needed, her soft wisps of breath keeping my soul alive but I hurt for the pain
I was constantly causing her.

“What’s happening to us, baby?” I asked her quietly.

It felt like we were constantly being pulled apart, an
invisible field pushing us in opposite directions and I was frightened we would
soon be living on different planets.


She nuzzled my neck, her mouth dampening small spots on
my skin as she planted tender kisses across the scarce flesh between the edge
of my hair and the collar of my shirt. “I don’t know, Mason but we’ll get
through it, I’m sure.”

Her fingers lifted to my shirt buttons and I inhaled lengthily
as my cock hardened when she slid a hand inside and stroked her fingers through
my chest hair. Her lips continued their idolisation on my neck and I clenched
my teeth together as I fought to breathe when hunger poured through my tight

I tilted my head to the side to give her more access to
my neck as her teeth joined her worship and a deep groan rumbled through my
chest as she opened more buttons and opened my shirt wide.



“We need to talk about this, baby.”

“Uh-huh, after…”

Another moan erupted when her hand slid down and her
fingernails stroked the edge of my erection through the thin material of my
trousers. “Fuck, Ava.”

“I want to feel you deep inside me, Mason, deep, deep



Her fingers now fiddled with my belt until she had it
open and my zip down. Her fingers slid inside and she palmed my throbbing cock.
“Jesus, Ava, stoke me hard.”

Her tiny gasp had my blood pumping vigorously. I needed
to sink into her and take her hard but she needed this, she needed to feel the
control at the moment and I bit my tongue and let her continue, for a short
while anyway.

I heard the zip on her dress lower as her fist worked me
harder and I rested my head back onto her shoulder as her mouth found mine and
she kissed me hard, “Hands and knees, Mason.”

I groaned in anticipation when I knew what was coming and
I turned around whilst continuing to kiss her. Her hands slid my shirt from my
back and I scrambled with my trousers, pushing them swiftly down my legs with
my boxers.

She grinned against my mouth when I took hold of her hand
again and placed it over my cock. “Hard, Ava” I growled at her.


Her tongue swept over my teeth the same as her hand swept
over my shaft until I held her still and shook my head faintly at her, my
climax swiftly approaching and denying her the chance to take me how she wanted

She nodded at me and I did as she asked, manoeuvring onto
all fours on the bed as she shuffled behind me. “How hard do you want me,

My teeth sank into my bottom lip as her husky voice
heightened my senses as well as my potent arousal. “Hard, Ava, but I won’t be

She nodded and I jolted as her tongue flicked at the
tight skin between my sac and my anus. “Fuck!”

As she pressed her tongue against my tight hole, her hand
cupped my balls before she raked her fingernails over the puckered skin.

“Ava…” My whole body was rigid with a blazing need and I
knew as soon as she started to work me, I would be fighting hard to hold back.

“Shush, Mason, soon.”


I was panting now in preparation at what was to come and
I gazed down at her as she twisted round until her tits were under my dick. I
smiled down at her when I realised she wanted to catch my cum in her cleavage.
“Baby, I need it now.”

The throb was so extensive I could feel the beat of my
heart through my ears and my cock was so hard I fought against the urge to bang
my wife until she passed out. “Ava…”

“Fuckkkkk….” I groaned as she slid first one, then two
fingers into my arse. My blood pounded harder, my knees buckled at the pressure
and the raw exquisite pain shot up my spine and exploded like lightening in my

The pure bliss hit me and whiteness erupted behind my
eyes when she rubbed her fingertip over the sensitive area inside me and I came
so forcefully I choked on the groan that was stuck in my throat.

My spunk spurted vehemently onto her glorious tits as she
came with me, my pleasure giving her pleasure and we both groaned


This woman, currently directly underneath me, catching a
part of me that was only for her, was my life, she knew me inside out and I was
in awe of how she loved this part of me as much as I loved feeling her inside
me; her being able to take me like I took her. The sensation of her inside me,
was too intense to put into words, the feeling and ecstasy
it powered into me was overwhelming and inexplicable.


She slipped her fingers out before she shuffled up the
bed until her face was directly below me and I took her mouth under me, kissing
her hard and passionately.

I straddled her body and swirled my spunk up and around
her neck with my palm. Ava loved it when I did this, and it made me feel as
though I was claiming her all over again, marking her with my scent, very
primitive but highly erotic.

“Fuck me, Mason.”


I kept my eyes trained on her as I brought my mouth down
and slowly licked a trail through my own sperm. Her jaw dropped as she panted
out a breath. “Holy fuck, that’s hot” she moaned as she squirmed beneath me,
trying to get some friction between her firm thighs.

It wasn’t the first time I had ever felt so possessive
over her. Yes, I’d had moments of jealousness and insecurity but the force of
my covetousness at that moment was over-whelming. She was mine and I needed her
to understand that.

I fisted her hair and pulled her face to mine, “You’re
mine baby, every fucking damn inch of you.”

She nodded and reached towards me to take my mouth but I
pulled back. “Say it.”

She frowned a little but I tightened my hold on her. “I’m
yours, Mason.”

I slammed my cock into her, deeply, harshly and greedily.
Her head whipped back as she whined loudly and her eyes flickered in her
pleasure as her teeth sank into her bottom lip. I pulled out to the tip, and
then treat her to another slam.

“Mine!” I practically shouted at her. “Another man ever
goes here,” I growled as I circled my hips and ground into her “and I’ll kill
you both.”

Her eyes shot open but I smirked at her as she came hard
and fast, her dripping pussy strangling my cock powerfully as her lower lip
trembled through her bliss. “Yes!” I shouted as I hit her with the force of my
own orgasm. My spunk flooded her, most of it leaking back onto the bed with the
quantity I filled her with as I sank my teeth into her neck. She yelped but
came almost immediately before her previous orgasm had even died down.


We both panted hard and loudly as we came down from the
high. Her fingers were drawing circles on my back and my eyes fluttered closed.

My whole body hummed in contentment as my brain still
held the pleasure from our love-making.

“Ssshhh” Ava whispered in my ear and I could feel myself
drifting. The worry and tension from the day flowing out through my pores with
my beautiful wife’s comfort.

God, I loved this woman with everything I was. I would
die for her, over and over. She was everything that kept my heart beating and
my body humming.

“I love you, baby.”

“And me, you.” She replied as sleep took me and I gave in
to the pull of my dreams.




 My eyes still felt heavy but I prised them open and turned to Ava… who
wasn’t there. I frowned and glanced at the clock before I shot upright, “Shit.”

It was gone 7; I hadn’t had an afternoon nap in years but
I smirked when images of the vigorous afternoon filtered into my head.


Finding my boxers on the chair where Ava must have placed
them, I pulled them on with some jeans and went in search of my wife.


My footing stuttered when I hit the bottom step and
Kerrie ran across the entranceway chasing a squealing George who slid along the
hardwood floor and crashed into the sofa. His small body flipped over the arm
and he crumpled into a heap on the soft cushions. His manic laughter brought
forward my grin as I jumped on him and began relentlessly tickling him.

“Daddyyyy….” He chuckled wildly as Katie jumped on my
back and I faked a loud groan and collapsed my weight on top of George.

“You’re so fat, daddy!” George huffed out and I widened
my eyes at him.

“You’re rather insolent, Master Fox!” He grinned just as
wide at me as Katie slid her arms around my shoulders and I stood up, treating
her to a piggy back around the room as she giggled with the same tone as her


She was an almost doppelganger for Ava, from her copper
curls, to her pert tiny freckled nose and her vibrant green eyes. I knew
exactly how she would look when she reached her twenties and I acknowledged
without a shadow of a doubt that I would have to shoot some motherfucking knob
of a scrote when she was older. They would come flocking.

George was the spit of me, his brown hair the same texture
and thickness as mine and his honey coloured eyes could burn you with their
intensity. He was a serious character, just like me, but his sense of fun was
awesome. His passionate guard of his sister made me proud and certain he would
always be her protector, as it should be, as I always had been with Kerrie.


“Where’s mommy?” I asked Katie as I dropped her beside
her brother on the sofa.

“At work. She has a cool new job, daddy. She pours pretty
coloured drinks for misters and ladies.” Katie told me proudly.

“But her uniform was rather…small” George added with a
scrunch of his nose.

Oh no. The crafty mare!


Kerrie handed both my children a glass of milk and a
biscuit, “Drink up, it’s bath and bed time.” She told them before she grabbed
my wrist and dragged me into the kitchen.

“I can tell by the look on that dismal face of yours what
you’re thinking. Well, change it, Mason. She needs to do this.”

I reared back and stared at my sister incredulously as I
let out a bitter laugh. “How can pouring drinks for perverts be good for her?”

Kerrie shook her head sadly, “Do you have any clue as to
what your wife is feeling right now?”

“What the hell are you on about, Kerrie?”

She stared at me, “You don’t, do you. She is your wife,
Mason. You are supposed to see when there’s something wrong; you’re supposed to
make it better as her husband. You are a selfish damn fool, who cares more
about fucking coke than he does his own family.”


“What the hell?” I barked at her but she was the only
female on the planet who didn’t even flutter an eye-lid when I snapped at her.

“She’s lost Mason; she’s lost, aching, and bloody

My eyes widened at her disclosure. “But… she can’t…”

She nodded and rolled her eyes, “Finally!”

Oh Christ! This hurt bad.


I slumped onto a kitchen stool and rested my head in my
hands. “Shit, Kerrie.”

She sighed and sat beside me as she laid a comforting
hand on my thigh. “I don’t think she even realises it, Mason. She’s just
feeling lost in life and usually when that happens to a woman of Ava’s age, she
has another baby, but in Ava’s case, she can’t so she doesn’t understand what’s
happening to her body.”

The image of her heartbroken cries in the car wormed
their way into my head and I sighed again. “Jesus.”

I was a shit husband,
a fucking shit husband
. My
wife was hurting and all I cared about was sticking shit up my nose when things
got tough and controlling her in the only way I knew how, dominantly.

“You okay with the kids?”

She smiled and nodded, “Go.”

I kissed her forehead and snatched up my keys after
kissing the twins and went in search of my wife… again!


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