Atlantis (7 page)

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Authors: Lisa Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Atlantis
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What! We have been friends for years, and only now you tell me you have psychic abilities,” I teased. “Tell me what’s going to happen next, oh great and powerful Oz.”

Very funny, Lil. You know what I mean. That’s how it always happens in the movies. Boy and girl are friends for years, then one day the boy realizes he likes the girl. Then they live happily ever after.”

I shook my head at her logic. “You watch too much television.”

And you could stand to watch some more. Maybe then you would be a bit more normal.”

I was getting mad.
I should just be quiet before I say something I might regret later.
I fumed silently, glaring at her.

Lil, don’t be mad. You know I love you. You’re just are a bit odd... most... of... the... time.”

All I could do was glare.

I know what will cheer you up. Let’s go get some candy. Some
candy.” Charlotte winked. “I still need to meet Elliott.” She smiled innocently at me.

I thought you said he didn’t exist.” My words flung at her like knives. I was still mad. How dare Charlotte think that she could placate me so easily.

I’m willing to try and pretend he exists a bit longer. Come on, let’s go say ‘hi’ so you can prove me wrong.” She was trying to appease me, and it was irritating.

Fine.” I got up and went to my mirror to evaluate how badly the day had damaged my groovy hair do.
Not too bad,
I thought. I combed it back into place with my fingers. If I really did see Elliott again-- and he didn’t go running from the room-- I wanted to look good. Charlotte smirked at the unusual act of me primping, but didn’t say a word. She wouldn’t dare tease me though, she was already in hot water.

Shall we use the door or the window?” Charlotte asked eyeing each as she said them aloud.

Let’s use the door. I should probably say ‘hi’ to the fam. I haven’t saw them since this morning.” We bounced down the stairs towards the door. No one seemed to be home. “Hey Harlet. Do you know what time it is?” I asked.


Mom? Sophie?” I called out. No one replied. I altered my current path towards the door for a quick detour to the kitchen.

Where are you going Lil?” Charlotte said eyeing the door.

Just seeing if they left me a note.” I checked the message board in the kitchen. There was a note there.

Lilly Bug,

Reminding you that we went to Grandma Black's house for the weekend.

There are leftovers in the fridge. We'll be back on Sunday.

Love, Mom

I had forgotten about that trip. My mom asked me last week if I wanted to go and I declined. I didn’t feel like being trapped in a car for three hours with my ten year old sister and overly-interested-in-my-life mother. No thank you.

Looks like I have the place to myself for the weekend Harlet.”

Cool. Too bad you aren’t more social. We could have a party.”

Yeah. Too bad.” I replied sarcastically as I cringed. Socializing wasn’t my strong suit. I didn’t enjoy all of the speaking formalities that came along with hanging out with large groups of people. I wasn’t a fan of talking period. I had a hard enough time feigning interest with people I liked. Plus, I couldn’t talk about nothing for hours like Charlotte. There had to be a purpose if I was to interrupt the silence that I loved.

Well, come on Lil, let’s go. I just had dinner at home and I want some dessert.” She winked.

I smiled and shook my head, but followed her anyway out my front door and towards Elliott’s house.

It was dusk outside. The sun was going down behind the mountains. The cool evening breeze swirling with the warm summer air pricked at my senses. This was my favorite time of day, the beginning of night. Darkness was peaceful. As the sun set I could feel my body react to the electricity that swam through the air.

Charlotte was practically bouncing as we made our way to his front door. I still wasn’t sure why she was so excited. Her desire to be with Nicholas was no secret, to me at least. Perhaps she had some crazy double-dating scheme cooking in her head as a way to help Nicholas in “seeing the light” -with the light” shining on her.

Would you like the honors?” I asked Charlotte sarcastically as I waved my hands dramatically at Elliott’s door.

Why thanks Lil,” she replied as she twirled in a circle ending with her fist knocking on the door.

You are too much.” I said under my breath as we waited for an answer.

We stood there silent for what felt like an eternity. For some reason I couldn’t stand still waiting to see Elliott again. I worried about why he had showed up in my room earlier just to freak out and leave. I worried about him telling me I was beautiful the night before. I worried about the powerful attraction I felt to be near him. And, I was still confused in regards to the exquisite ring that refused to leave my finger.

I fidgeted again, and Charlotte noticed. She started to open her mouth to tease me, but...

The door opened.

Standing before us was the same pleasant looking woman with honey colored hair I met before.

Hi Gwen,” I said. “It’s Lilly, from next door.” I reminded her.

Well, good evening Lilly. Did you tell your mom thanks for me? Her cookies were fabulous.”

I did.” I smiled and looked towards my accomplice. “This is Charlotte. She lives down the street.”

Nice to meet you Charlotte.”


The thought of seeing Elliott again made my body anxious. I had such a strong desire to be near him, but at the same time a contrasting instinct that told me I should stay very far away from him. I couldn’t decide what I wanted or what to do. As much as I desired to stall, I also wanted to know the answers to the thoughts that occupied my mind. “Is Elliott home?” I blurted out, already tired of the formalities.

Elliott?” Gwen said, but not quite loud enough to call him.

Charlotte and I exchanged a quick glance. The way Gwen spoke Elliott’s name was as though it was a foreign word to her lips.

I repeated my question. “Yeah. Is Elliott home? Charlotte wanted to meet him.”

Gwen eyed us both, confused. “Who’s Elliott?”

Your son.” I said cautiously. I didn’t know Gwen that well, but she didn’t appear to be emotionally unbalanced.

Charlotte and I exchanged a calculating glance, trying to read the others thoughts while we waited for Gwen to get it together, or for Elliott to appear. I was secretly hoping for the second option. It would be faster.

Lilly,” she proceeded slowly, “I don’t have a son.”

The cloud that descended upon the three of us standing in the doorway of Elliott’s house was tangible. You could see, feel, and even taste the pandemonium of emotions and thoughts that were flying through the air.

Yes you do.” How odd that I was explaining to someone the existence of their own child.

No... I don’t.” Gwen looked to Charlotte now, clearly trying to ask her, without words, if I was insane.

I couldn’t let it rest. “Yes you do. His name is Elliott...” Crap, I didn’t catch his last name. I started again. “He is tall, nineteen, and has dark brown hair and green eyes.”

They both looked at me as I frantically grabbed at straws.

Gwen spoke even slower than before. “I don’t have a son.”

Why was she lying about this? I racked my brain for an answer. I didn’t have one. I eyed the ground.

I think he speaks Italian...” I knew I was loosing the battle. I wasn’t convincing Gwen of her mystery child and I didn’t have any concrete facts to strengthen my argument. I let Charlotte pull me down the front steps and away from his house while Gwen watched me with a confused expression.

Charlotte waited until we were far enough away that Gwen wouldn’t be able to hear. “Lil, I was just teasing before. Did you really make him up?”

We sat on my front porch.

Ever since Elliott moved next door I felt a constant fog looming over my head. And it was only getting thicker.

Charlotte! Of course I didn’t make him up!”

Just asking, since his mom seems to think you did.” Her eyes rolled, and I could tell she looked worried.

What! You believe her over me?”


Well nothing. Gwen obviously has some mental issues. Come on. Who can’t remember they have a son?”

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