Atlantis (26 page)

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Authors: Lisa Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Atlantis
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Water started to gush from my eyes. I pulled back and gave him a look that could kill. I pushed away from him and the table. I ran upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom.

Knowing he was not getting in, Nicholas talked through the door. “I’m sorry Lil.”

No you’re not!”

Well, I’m sorry you’re upset. I really think this is for the best.”

I sat on my side of the door and sobbed.

Really honey. He shouldn’t play with your emotions like this. To lead you on and leave like that.”

He wasn’t leading me on,” I retorted. “He didn’t want to leave.”

Then why did he?”

I told you I don’t know!”

I had felt so well when I woke up this morning. I was recharged and reenergized from wherever I had been with Elliott. I smiled at the memory. Then, I realized who had drained all of that energy, and shook my head.

As if my reasons for trying to be with Elliott weren’t already strong enough. In that thought I erased any doubt. I was going to try to see Elliott again
. I was going to try to unlock my mind. And I was going to do these things as soon as possible.

Neither of us had said anything for a few minutes. “Nicholas, you still there?”

Yeah, I’m still here.” He tapped on the door with his finger.

You can go now,” I whispered the words through the grain.

Worry riddled his words. “What are you going to do?”

I’m going to find Elliott.”

Chapter 12. First Attempt

I sat with my back to the door, listening and thinking. Listening for Nicholas to leave, and thinking about the best way to go about trying Elliott’s astral projection. To be honest, I was still a little scared at the idea. But according to Elliott, I’d done it last night, projected. I had gotten back easy enough. A little too easily. I would at least like to get some control over
. Staying with Elliott was crucial.

I could hear the deep breathing of Nicholas on the other side of the door. Why he wouldn’t just go home, I didn’t know.

Sitting there, I tried to remember what Elliott had said I had to do. He mentioned I needed a safe, quiet place where I wouldn’t be disturbed. That wasn’t going to be easy.

have the house all to myself for a few more hours. If I could only get Nicholas out of it. And I would only have that if Charlotte didn’t come barging in again. I was usually alone enough in my meadow, but Nicholas was sure to try and stop me. He could get to me there. My meadow was out. Other than those two options, I couldn’t think of anywhere else that would qualify.

I sat there drumming my fingers on my knees, biting my lip and thinking. I had projected last night from my room. I smiled. I think that would be the best place to try from again. All I had to do was get Nicholas to leave. He would bother me for sure.


He didn’t answer.

I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing.”

What hoe?”

I think we’ve had a little too much quality time today. And you’re getting on my nerves. You should go home now.”

It was a minute before he answered me. “Are you still mad at me?”

A little,” I answered. “I could use some alone time before my mom and Sophie get home.”

He didn’t reply.

Nicholas, what’s the matter?”

I don’t think. . . I should leave you alone.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. How could I get him to leave? “I’m fine. Promise.” I tried to keep the urgency out of my words. “Will you go if I promise to hang out with you later?”

Like a date?”

Was he serious!

I’m certain that if I could see through doors, Nicholas would be smiling. “I’ll leave if you promise to go on a date with me,” he said.

I shook my head. “You’ll leave if a cop drags you out the door.”

Lilly. One little promise will get me out quicker.”

I weighed my options. A cop would probably make a scene, and I’m certain my mom would hear about it. But a date? I cringed at the thought. Maybe if I set up some limits for this date, it would be more like us just hanging out? Nicholas could call it what he wanted.

Fine.” I gave in. I was desperate to see Elliott as soon as possible. “But no restaurants. No flowers. No presents. Capisce?”

Capisce.” I heard him move to get up. I could all but see the spring in his step and the smile on his face through the door. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Fine.” I said through gritted teeth. I waited three more minutes to give him ample time to leave before cracking my door to be sure he’d left. I did one quick walk through the house, making sure Nicholas was gone while simultaneously locking doors before I ended up back in my room. I locked my door and made sure to lock the window, this time. Finally, I had met Elliott’s first requirement of a safe place where I wouldn’t be disturbed. I shuddered at the cost.

I lay on my bed as I tried to recall what I needed to do next. Every word Elliott ever uttered to me was in my vault of memories. I listened to him speak in my thoughts the instructions from last night.

Then you need to get comfortable Miele. You have to relax your body from your head to your toes. Every muscle, every stress, every worry; let them dissolve away.” Even the memory of his voice made me swoon.

I stretched myself out, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I wiggled my arms and my legs to get them on board with my plan. My heart raced with a mix of fear and anticipation. It didn’t help that my body felt tense at the idea of what I was going to do.

After I managed to get comfortable, I focused on relaxing. I started by wiggling the muscles in my face. When my head was relaxed I moved to my neck and shoulders, followed by my arms all the way down to my fingertips. Then I went back to my torso and systematically made my way down to my toes. I wiggled and relaxed each muscle individually.

When I had gone through all my muscles, I felt really good. But as I was going through my relaxation exercise the air conditioner had turned on and I also felt something else. Cold. I wouldn’t be able to hold still if I was shivering to death. I sighed as I got up and crawled under my blankets. Unfortunately, moving brought back all of the earlier anxiety and worries about what I was trying to do. I had to do the entire relaxation exercise again.

The second time took longer.

It was as if my mind was determined to showcase all of my worries to my subconscious. I’d bet money that the stupid little spider was behind it.

I tried to purposely focus on thoughts that made me happy as I tried to get my stresses and worries to dissolve away. I ended up replaying my memory of Elliott finding me on the other plane last night. How he had the biggest smile on his face as he ran up and scooped me in his arms. How he kissed me as we spun around in circles. I smiled. I had won the battle with my mind. I was happy, relaxed, and getting closer to being with Elliott.

I tried to clear my head of all thought and hold perfectly still. It’s harder than it sounds. I think I was on the verge of letting go when my nose started to tickle. One of Theory’s cat hairs was tickling my nose as I breathed. I tried to ignore it and focus on my goal, seeing Elliott again, but it was very difficult with that hair trying to thwart my plans. I was just about to give in and itch my nose when I heard a sound that shouldn’t be there. It was the sound of a door creaking downstairs.

I’d locked the doors!

I sat up quick as lightning as I glanced at my clock. It was barely noon, my mom and Soph usually didn’t get home from grandma trips till later in the day. But who else could it be?

A warm and familiar voice called from downstairs, “Lilly bug? You home?”

. It was just my mom. I lay back down. My heart was racing from the initial scare.
. So much for a first attempt. I wondered how long it should take me to project anyway? Was it something that could be done rather quickly or more of a long, time consuming process? I made a mental note to ask Elliott the first chance I got. Which was hopefully soon.

My door knob turned, but my door didn’t open. “Lilly, are you in there? Why is this door locked?”

Sorry mom. I was trying to relax and didn’t want to be disturbed.” I jumped off my bed, clicked the lock open, and twisted the handle.

My mom, Meredith, was on the other side of the door. She looked nothing like me. For starters, she was almost six feet tall and had pretty blond hair cut in an A-line. Along with my eye color, I inherited the short gene from my great grandmother.

My mom’s brown eyes looked me straight in the eye. “Who was going to disturb you? All the doors were locked.” She didn’t sound angry. But she didn’t sound like she was buying my story either.

I shrugged. “Just paranoid I guess.” I smiled and crossed my fingers behind my back.
Please drop it
, I thought. “How’s grandma?”

She gave me one more
what are you up too
look before starting on the details of their visit. “Grandma Black’s good. She was sad you didn’t want to come. I reminded her where you got your independence. Sophie had fun playing with Mrs. Clark as usual. I’m surprised at what that dog puts up with.” She sighed. “What did you do while we were gone?”

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