Atlantis (18 page)

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Authors: Lisa Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Atlantis
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Elliott’s hand moved from my hair to my chin as he angled my face up to his. “You’re being quieter than usual. What’s wrong?”


Am I scaring you?”


Are you sure? I know this is a lot to take in. But I’ve always had a hard time saying ‘No’ to you. Besides, it is one of my favorite memories.”

You say memories as though you mean it. I believe you, I think, but it is a bit surreal considering I don’t remember any of this.”

You will.”

You seem so sure.” The intensity of his hazel green eyes portrayed not a shred of doubt.


I rolled my eyes. “Well I hope you’re right.”

I am.”

Non so.” I stuck my tongue out, and rolled my eyes again. It would be nice if all these things he was telling me really happened. And if they were, it would be even better if I could remember them.

Elliott gently moved his hand from my face, down my neck and let his fingers trace imaginary pictures up and down my arm. Electricity pulsed from his fingers, spiking my senses. It felt good.

Is there really an underground lake in Naples?”

Yes. It is lovely, beautiful, and warm.”

Please tell me more.”

I had just climbed out of the tunnel and had barely gotten a chance to look around when I realized you had jumped in the water, dress and all.”

What are you doing?” I asked.

Swimming,” you giggled. “Come on in, the water’s nice.”

I’m sorry, but I forgot my swim clothes.”

Quit being so serious Elliott. Take off your boots and get in here. You can set the torch in that nook on the wall.” You gestured near the hole we had crawled through.

I did as you instructed. I jammed the torch in the nook, sat on a large rock and took off my boots. I realized that the cavern was a lot lighter than was possible from a single flame. I looked around again and saw ten or so torches around the lake, lighting the room. I took my time unlacing, as I tried to mentally figure out my situation and how you saw me. You personally amazed me, but I was worried. I wasn’t sure if you liked me back.

I fussed over these things in my head. When my boots were finally off I waded into the shallows, thinking. My heart wouldn’t stop racing. Probably a mix of excitement and worry.

I was letting my thoughts get the better of me. I didn’t even see you come over to me and grab my hand. I was so startled I fell down and got soaked.

Sorry Elliott. Are you okay?” You looked down at me, your wet dress clung to your body. Your hand covered your mouth. I’m certain you were trying not to laugh.

I sat there. “Yeah, I’m okay. Guess I’m getting wet now. I wasn’t completely sold on the idea before.”

Good,” you smiled and your laugh broke through your hands. I had to laugh too. Here I was in a secret cavern, with a beautiful girl, swimming. Things couldn’t be better. You grabbed both of my hands in yours as you led me into the water.

It was warm and clear blue. We held hands until it was too deep, then we treaded water and talked.

How do you know about this place?” I asked. “It’s amazing.”

You’d be surprised what is hidden beneath the city.”

How is the water warm? There is obviously no sun to warm it.”

It’s a thermal pool, warmed from the earth. There’s a volcano not far from here. I believe them to be connected.”

Is this safe?” I started to worry again. I told you Lil. I wasn’t the adventurous type, until I met you.

Perfectly.” But I am sure you realized I wasn’t buying it. Good thing too, because you brought it upon yourself to distract me.”

I looked up and Elliott winked at me. “What did I do?”

He puckered his lips. “Kissed me of course,” he winked.

I bit my lip and he continued.

Actually, you first had me swim with you to a ledge furthest from my boots. We pulled ourselves up onto the shore and let our legs dangle in the water. I can still hear the sound of our feet splashing, and the taste of the mineral water in my mouth. Like I said, it’s one of my favorite memories. I looked at you, looking at me, our wet clothes clung to our bodies. That’s when you slowly leaned in and kissed me.

It was a simple kiss. Short. And very, very sweet. I wanted more. I took your face in my hands and kissed you deeply. The torch light seemed to blur. Despite the obvious attraction I had for you, I made myself let you go. I’ve always had a very intense personality that often made people hesitant of me. I was worried I had let it get the better of me. You surprised me, however, and just looked at me and smiled. Then I remembered something you said.

What did you mean when you said we had a lot of catching up to do?”

Your blue eyes looked deep into mine. “Can’t you feel it?”

Feel what?”

The draw. You must be able to, considering you followed me all the way down into the catacombs that day.”

What do you mean?”

It’s as though I’ve known you for a really long time. Soul mates maybe. Or a past life perhaps. I don’t know, but there is definitely
about you Elliott.”

I sat there taking that in. I stopped to think about it and realized I had those same feelings. I just hadn’t let them materialize into a theory.”

Okay, Lillianna,” I said. “What’s with this stone?” I pulled the small stone from my pocket. It looked magnificent, glimmering wet in the firelight.

I’ve always felt a connection with opals.” You took my hand in yours. “It has allowed me a sort of connection with you, too.”

I sat there with my feet in the water, letting your words sink in. You squeezed my hand.

It is almost morning Elliott. I better let you go.”

When will I see you again?”

Soon. You still have the stone.” As you said that I placed it securely back into my pocket. “Let’s go.”

We then got back into the water and swam to where we had waded in. Soaked, you sat on the ground and watched me put my boots back on. You didn’t have shoes to bother with. I followed you, crawling back down the tunnel to the underground archways. We didn’t talk much. You held my hand as I followed you through the darkness. We didn’t have a torch with us this time.

I’m not sure how we got there, but we emerged from the underground up a flight of stone steps, and came out in another abandoned room. When we finally found sunlight we were in Piazza del Gesu Nuovo, not three blocks from the Piazza Bellini, were I worked.

You hugged me goodbye, kissed my cheek, and disappeared into the crowd. I stood there dripping for a moment before I could make myself move. Finally, I walked home with a spring in my step. I had seen you again.

Elliott hugged me close. There was a sadness to the intensity, something was wrong.

What’s the matter?” I said looking up, into his hazel green eyes.

I can’t keep coming here, like this.”

What?” My voice cracked. “No,” I pleaded. “Why not?”

It’s draining. I’m trying to figure out a solution, trust me. But I haven’t found one yet.” His eyes were so sad they couldn’t even look into mine.

When do you have to go?”

Soon.” He hugged me again.

I hugged him back fervently. I didn’t want to ever let him go. It made me sad for the way he was talking, I knew I would have to.

Is there anything I can do to help? So you can stay.”

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