Read At One's Pleasure Online

Authors: Kelly Lucille

At One's Pleasure (12 page)

BOOK: At One's Pleasure
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“I really
enjoyed talking with you Margaret.  I hope we can keep in touch even after we
leave tomorrow.”

raised her chin and smiled, it was shaky, but it was sincere.  “I’d very much
like that.”

“So would

“It was a
pleasure to meet you Rebecca.”  Alpha Hale’s voice was gruff and stilted when
he spoke, then he looked at Griffin.  “I will see you tomorrow morning before
the service?”

“We’ll be

nodded once to the rest of the table and turned to lead his mate away.  Margaret
cast one more longing look at Griffin and they were gone.

dropped back into her chair all the air abruptly leaving her body.

“Well.  I
don’t know about you guys, but I need a drink.”

Incidentally, the cheesecake was divine.

Chapter 12

They made it
back to their suite before Griffin lost his mind.

could feel the vibes coming off all the guys but it was still a surprise when
they walked through the main doors and Griffin grabbed the crystal lamp beside
the door and threw it across the room.  It shattered against the far wall
beside the French doors.  Not two seconds later Jacob was standing protectively
in front of Rebecca and Linc was closing the door behind them.  Logan was in
the room with them a second after that.  He took one look around and then
reading the situation, he was gone again.  Rebecca was tempted to do the same. 
Griffin in a rage was no small thing, even seeing it from behind Jacob’s broad

“God!”  He
roared, a sound of equal parts anger and pain.  Then he was on all fours and
growling still in human form.  From behind Jacob’s shoulder she could see his
muscles clench and his skin shift, but it was the anguish on his face that drew
her to him. 


“Not sure
that’s a good idea.”

“Maybe, but
move anyway.”

Jacob sighed
and then did as she asked, keeping close behind her just in case.  Becca moved
forward hesitantly. 

Linc said, following just as closely as Jacob.  It did not inspire confidence,
but she was 99.9% positive that Griffin wouldn’t hurt her no matter how upset
he was.  Still, she moved slowly.  Just in case.

She reached
Griffin with a hand out so she touched his hair first and immediately he turned
into her and wrapped his arms around her legs burying his face in her belly. 
It caused her to jostle and almost fall, and his grip was brutal, but she hung
on.  “Griffin?” she asked quietly, her hands sifting through his hair. 

He said
something, but it was mumbled against her shirt.  She looked up but Jacob just
shrugged, Linc’s eyes were stone and focused on Griffin.  No help there.


He shuddered
in her arms.  “I forgot,” he finally said so she could understand, and still
she didn’t have a clue.

“You forgot
what?”  Her hands brushed through his silky hair and then started over again at
his temple, she did this repeatedly.

“I forgot
how much I missed them.”  Then he growled and shoved her gently into Jacob’s
waiting arms.  He started prowling the room like a caged beast.  “And I want to
rip his fucking throat out I’m so pissed.”

Linc studied
his jerky movement for a minute and then turned kissing Becca on the forehead. 
He walked over and opened the balcony doors letting in the frigid air and snow
flurries.  “We run.”  He said, and then he was stripping down.

snapped and grumbled, then proceeded to rip off his clothes in strips.  He was
naked when he turned to Jacob, his voice barely human.  “You will watch her?”

nodded, pulling Becca closer and then, while she was still blinking at the turn
of events, they were shifting into obscenely large timber wolves and jumping
over the third story balcony.

“Okay,” she
said.  Her heart in her throat.  “Now I really need that drink.”

Jacob said with feeling.  He kissed the top of her head and hugged her back
against him before releasing her.  “This place has that effect on people.”

She turned
to face him.  “Do you need to run with them?”

He brushed
the hair back from her face.  “You think I’d leave you alone here?”

snorted.  “I’m hardly alone.  Logan is in the next room along with who knows
how many others, patrolling.”  At the mention of Logan, Jacob growled but she
just rolled her eyes and went on.  “If you need to run, go.  I’ll take a shower
and relax until you guys finish running around in the woods as wolves.”  She
smiled suddenly, shaking her head a little sheepishly.  “You do know how crazy
it sounds for me to say that, right?”

“Not nearly
as crazy as you thinking I’d just leave you here with strangers.”  He leaned
down until they were nose to nose.  “Not going to happen.”  He kissed her, just
a soft brush of lips, then he smiled and it was a carnal promise.  “The shower
has possibilities.”

“Jacob,” she
warned, catching the look and losing her smile.  She backed up a step before
she could think better of it.  “That is a fairly disturbing look you have in
your eyes.”

He watched
her back up his arctic eyes heating.  “You thinking about making a run for it

She raised
her chin.  “And if I am?”

His smile

wasn’t sure if she should be more concerned with the look in his eyes or the
fact that she was drenching her panties because of it. 

“Just to be
clear.”  She held up both hands warningly in front of her, even though he had
yet to move.  “You all seem like you have less than an ideal hold on your anger
tonight.  Maybe it would be better if we did something else until you felt a
little more in control of your ability to shift into a large furry rampaging
beast…  We could play cards.” 
Worth a shot.
  Already she was feeling
the prickle of energy beneath her skin.

His voice was low and gravelly.  His eyes intense ice blue.



ran for the door to the hall, but he was just suddenly standing in front of
it.  She veered and headed for the bathroom instead.  What she would do when
she go there she had no clue.  It was a large bathroom, but it wasn’t that
big.  Besides, at this point, she was ridiculously turned on and hoping he’d
catch her, and still she was compelled to run.
  I am such a freak.

She only
just made it to the bathroom, mostly because that was where he wanted her,
before he had his arm around her waist.  Lifting her up, he spun her around in
the air, making her gasp before she landed back in his arms with an “umph.” 
High up in his arms and face to face, she was breathing hard, and not from

“I have to
say you are the slowest prey I have ever run down.”

Rebecca smacked his shoulder.  “I don’t have four legs wolf boy, so suck it

He laughed,
twirling her around while she squealed.  When he stopped they were both

studied her face and gradually lost his smile.  “Do you have any idea how
beautiful you are?”

She blinked,
shaking her head, her smile turning self-depreciating.  Her hands went into his
hair on both sides of his face.  Studying him in turn.  “I’m not beautiful
Jacob.  All three of you outshine me quite drastically.”

talking out your ass.”

He surprised
a laugh out of her.  “No, don’t coddle me, you sweet talker you.  Tell me what
you really feel.”

He lifted
her higher in his arms so that they were nose to nose.  “I’m in Montana and I’m
happy.  Only you could do that.”


“Only you
Becca.  And fuck you’re beautiful.  Right down to your teeny tiny elf feet.”

She laughed
again trying to look affronted and failing miserably.  “My feet are not that

“Babe.”  He
had a tone she couldn’t mistake.

“Jacob,” she
said, rubbing her nose across his.  “Are you going to keep insulting my feet or
take me to bed?”

“I can
insult your itty bitty feet and take you to bed at the same time, but first… a
shower.”  He was moving even while he talked.  “I have fantasies of you all
soapy and wet while I fuck you against the shower wall.”


“One thing
at a time.  I wouldn’t want you getting intimidated and trying to run
again…’cause that was embarrassing.”

She was
laughing when she smacked his shoulder.  “You are such a boob.”

seriously have to work on your cursing too."

His lips
stopped her laugh, then his hands dug under her t-shirt and yanked it up and
off.  She gasped at the suddenness of the move, standing there in her jeans and

happened to poetry?" 

get there," he growled.  His arms went around her while he bent at the
waist, pulling her into an angle where he could run his lips over the top of
her breasts.  He bit down at the upper swell and she groaned, her head falling
back.  "Just now I have better things to do with my mouth."

  Then he
pulled her up and divested her of her jeans and shoes.  Leaving her in her
black satin boy shorts and matching bra. 

He whipped
his own clothes off, all the while staring with hot eyes at her revealed body. 
He was naked in seconds and he swept her up in his arms and into the shower,
turning on the water so that it first streamed cold water over them, making
Rebecca squeal, and finally steaming hot water warmed them even as he pressed
her back against the tile.  Her satin was slick and clinging when he went to
his knees before her and pulled one of her knees over his shoulder.

baby," he said.  Becca tried, but she didn't get a full breath before he
was laying his hot open mouth over the thin satin covering her pussy.  He
licked against that wet satin and her knees nearly buckled.  She held on to his
long hair, water cascading over them while the heat from his mouth and the
pressure of his tongue teased her. 

teasing me."  She thrust out her hips, pressing a silent demand against
his mouth.  "I need it."

With a growl
she felt to her core, he leaned back and ripped away the wet satin and then his
mouth was back, hotter, wetter and this time she could feel all of what he
could do with that amazing mouth.

What felt
like hours later she threw her head back and arched into her climax.  He licked
and sucked and nibbled until he had all her cream, then he trailed those wet
lips up her body, and pressed against her full length. 

She was still fighting for breath while he trailed hot kisses down her neck. 
Her right leg rose to wrap around his hard thighs, she arched her satin covered
breasts into his hard chest.  She found his ear and licked the lobe.  “I want
to be naked against you.

He growled
against her collarbone and then shifted her back to both feet and ripped the
bra off her in two sharp tugs.  It was so freakin’ sexy Rebecca was ready to
throw him down on the tile and impale herself.  But he was already lifting her
back up and plunging into her wet heat.  She closed her eyes at the feel of him
filling her up.  His mouth took hers and consumed her while the hot water
sleuthed over them.  The feel of every inch of him hot against every soft inch
of her was incredibly erotic.  

suddenly growled, his lips leaving her and his teeth finding her shoulder and
clamping down to hold her in place.  He pounded into her like he could come out
the other side and she bucked against the shower wall as the pressure built and
then spiraled out of her control.  She screamed her release, then Jacob
followed with pistoning hips and straining muscles.

He held her,
his head dipped into her shoulder while she came back to her humming body, shuddering
little aftershocks of pleasure.  She breathed in the wet heat of the shower and
thought foolishly about the hot water lasting a really long time in fancy

Jacob lifted his head, studying her with
arctic wolf eyes.  He kissed her softly on the lips, then both cheeks, then her
forehead.  In between kissing her he started to speak, reciting Emily Dickinson’s
“Wild Nights!”

He finished in that smooth
growl of his and then he took her mouth, his tongue slippery heat that
invaded.  He kissed her while she was still dazed by the poem and the feel of
his lips.  He kissed her and she just drifted away until she was nothing but
the feel of the water and the heat of his body.

He lifted
his mouth from hers and held her under the pulsing water, his hand was soothing
up and down her spine where he still held her pressed between him and the
wall.  “You with me again?”  From that she assumed he had noticed her zone out.

 “I’m with
you,” she breathed; her head still a heavy weight on her neck.

“Good.”  He
kissed her again.  Pulling out of her and stepping back, far enough to grab the
soap.  “Cause we’re just getting started.”

She snorted,
finally shaking off the Jacob haze he produced so effortlessly.  After the day
she’d had just, and the jet lag that was making itself known, cuddling in the
bed was sounding pretty good, now that she was all relaxed and warm.  “Now
who’s talking out their ass?”

“Ooh.  A
challenge.”  He started spreading the soap, his smile wicked, his eyes clear
and bright without a hint of the fatigue dragging her down.  “Very well I

She thumped her head back against the wall.  “It’s not funny to tease the
infirm.”  He snorted out a laugh. 

“Don’t worry
baby, I’ll bring you along.” 

absolutely not.”  She shook her head back and forth her head still against the
tile, her eyes shutting out all that was Jacob’s golden yumminess.  “Do not
bring me along, I am done for today.  You and Emily Dickinson have sucked the
last of the life from my limbs.  I need to cuddle on the bed and fall asleep,
not have more marathon sex with a wild man.”

Then she
felt heat and wetness surround her nipple and suck.  She hissed, her eyes
rolling back in her head, then they flashed open just as Jacob was moving to
the other wet nipple.  He gave it the same treatment.

“Dang it,
Jacob,” she grouched, even as her hands went into his slick hair to hold him
closer.  “You never play fair.”

He pulled
back slightly; his eyes going to hers a striking glow behind the arctic blue,
his voice went all growly and intense.  “Fuck playing fair where you’re
concerned.  I’d rather make you cum until you scream my name again.”

Something in
his voice was just a little too intense for fun.  She swallowed under his intense
gaze.  Her hands in his hair tightened as she tipped her head to study him. 
“What goes on behind those cold blue eyes?”  She whispered it, feeling
inexplicably nervous beneath that stare.

He stepped
closer, lifting her higher until they were eye to eye.  “You really want to

Did she? 
She wasn’t so sure.  She licked suddenly dry lips, and breathed deep.  “Yes.”

“It’s just

blinked.  “What?”

“You are all
I think about.  Where are you?  Are you safe?  When can I touch you again?” 
His voice deepened, his head dropping into her neck as his hold tightened. 
“When will you love me?”

She wrapped
her arms around his neck, her eyes closing again.  “Jacob.”

Then he
pulled her up dislodging her a bit, then he was pressing her back against the
tile and plunging into her again.  “Jacob!”

He pulled
nearly all the way out and plunged in again.  His eyes once again trapping
hers, the fire in his heating her from the inside out.  “I’m yours Rebecca.  No
fancy poems, no bullshit.  All the ways a man can be.  And I will do everything
I can to make you mine in the same ways.  So fuck fair.  I’ll break every law
and push every boundary to keep you in my arms.”

He took her
again the tile and then carried her to the bed and did it again.  He kept his
word and she enjoyed every minute of it.  When she was finally drifting off
wrapped in his tight arms she heard the howls in the distance.  First Griffin,
and then Linc.  Calling from a great distance.  They would be home soon.  How
did she know it was them, and where they were?  She could feel it deep in her
heart where they were all quickly digging their way in.

She had
thought it would be difficult to keep a small part of herself distant from
them, even as she helped them through this rough time.  Now she knew, it wasn’t
going to be hard; it was going to be impossible.


BOOK: At One's Pleasure
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