At Canaan's Edge (158 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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made notes on Rustin's misery: Ibid.; D'Emilio,
Lost Prophet,
pp. 431–39, 442–48.

idolized Rustin for years: Carmichael,
pp. 158–71, 252–58.

coined the word “neoconservative”: Kristol,
p. 33.

lending his name with Reinhold Niebuhr: NYT, May 29, 1967.

As he hopscotched between Cleveland and Chicago: MLK itinerary, June 1967, A/SC47f20; NYT, June 10, 1967, p. 19.

played it up”: Wiretap transcript of telephone conference call among MLK, Andrew Young, Stanley Levison, and Harry Wachtel, 11:47
, June 8, 1967, FLNY-9-1329.

“settles nothing”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, June 6, 1967, FLNY-9-1327a.

J. Edgar Hoover rushed to the White House: Marvin Watson to LBJ, with attached Hoover to Mildred Stegall, “BY LIAISON,” June 9, 1967, OFMS, LBJ.

Rabbi Heschel endured mounting criticism: Int. Balfour Brickner, Feb. 4, 1991; int. Harry Wachtel, May 17, 1990; “Orthodox Jews Back U.S. on War,” NYT, Nov. 25, 1966, p. 16.

“and now Israel faces the danger”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison (quoting MLK) and Harry Wachtel, 12:10
, June 11, 1967, FLNY-9-1332a.

several times they gathered secretly: Int. Harry Wachtel, May 17, 1990; int. John Bennett, Sept. 15, 1990; int. Balfour Brickner, Feb. 4, 1991; int. William Sloane Coffin, July 16, 1991; int. Barry Johnson, Jan. 4, 2005.

Heschel and the priest Daniel Berrigan: Friedland,
Lift Up,
pp. 186–87.

John Bennett sent Al Lowenstein: Bennett to Lowenstein, June 16, 1967, attaching Bennett to Heschel, June 15, 1967, f10f371, Collection 4340, UNC;
Christianity and Crisis,
June 26, 1967, pp. 141–42; “McGovern Backs Goals of Israel/ Contrasts Mideast Situation with That in Vietnam,” NYT, June 23, 1967, p. 2. Bennett's letter to Heschel acknowledged troublesome points: “Certainly it is one thing to support the government of Israel and another thing to support the Saigon government. I am reluctant to make this the main point. I do not think we should necessarily decide that a people threatened with catastrophe have to have a good government before we will help them. The situation in Vietnam, however, is such that the effort to help the nation to overcome its civil conflict turns out to be a self-defeating operation.”

separate treatment: “Rabbi Urges U.S. Bar Israeli Deal/ Asks Johnson Not to Link Vietnam to Mideast Pact,” NYT, June 20, 1967, p. 20.

“All men are created equal”: Heschel,
p. 9.

“When the Egyptians”: Ibid., p. 214 (citing Megillah 10b).

“It has given Johnson the little respite”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, June 6, 1967, FLNY-9-1327a.

“Before I came out here”: Harry McPherson to LBJ, 8:15
, June 13, 1967, Harry McPherson Papers, Box 29, LBJ.

“such person as has no trace whatever”:
Loving Et Ux. v. Virginia,
388 U.S. 1 (1967), atp. 5.

Mildred Loving's ancestry: “When Marriage Was Illegal,” WP, June 15, 1992;
June 29, 1967, pp. 18–20.

Virginia's appellate courts: “Va. High Court Backs Miscegenation Laws,” WP, March 8, 1966, p. 1. For a vivid sample of congressional passion against miscegenation, cf. Remarks of Florida Senator William H. Milton,
Congressional Record,
March 1, 1909, p. 3480ff: “Mixture of the two races will never create a new race, but the Caucasian will be lost, for one drop of negro blood makes a negro. No matter how white the skin or straight the hair, if either party or both parties to an intermarriage have any negro blood, the resulting offspring of such union may revert and be born a child of the jungle.”

“the corruption of blood”: Ibid., at p. 7.

Most Americans within a generation”: “Race, Sex and Forbidden Unions,” NYT, Dec. 14, 2003, p. IV-4; “Bans on Interracial Unions Offer Perspective on Gay Ones,” NYT, March 17, 2004, p. 16.

Walker v. City of Birmingham:
388 U.S. 307 (1967); “Dr. King Loses Plea; Faces 5 Days in Jail,” NYT, June 13, 1967, p. 1.

grew from the pivotal Good Friday decision: Ibid.; Westin,
Trial, passim,
esp. p. 243ff; Branch,
pp. 727–31.

Andrew Young noted: Wiretap transcript of telephone conference call among MLK, Andrew Young, Stanley Levison, and Harry Wachtel, 2:31
, June 12, 1967, FLNY-9-1333a.

“entirely superior in the meantime”: Westin,
p. 249.

“is profoundly embarrassing”: Ibid., p. 255; NYT, June 14, 1967, p. 46.

Prattville, Alabama jail: “Violence in Alabama,” NYT, June 12, 1967, p. 88; “For the People of Prattville,” SC, June 17–18, 1967, p. 1; Carson,
p. 254; int. (
Southern Courier
photographer) James Peppler, Jan. 24, 2005.

Rap Brown issued a press statement: Sellers,
p. 199; SNCC press release, June 13, 1967, A/SC45f14. 623 Alabama National Guardsmen: NYT, June 13, 1967, p. 39; int. James Peppler, Jan. 24, 2005.

“Fault is on both sides”: SC, Jan. 20–21, 1968, p. 1.

integrate the Supreme Court: NYT, June 14, 1967, pp. 1, 18, 32; Williams,
Thurgood Marshall,
pp. 330–31; Dallek,
pp. 438–42; Clifford Alexander oral history by Joe B. Frantz, Nov. 1, 1971, pp. 38–40, LBJ;
June 29, 1967, pp. 14–16.

“The whole world and all people”: Transcript,
Issues and Answers,
June 18, 1967, A/KS11.

“uncertain president”: NYT, April 16, 1967, p. 3.

“knowing his abhorrence”: Russell private notes, “White House Meeting, June 19, 1967,” Folder “Presidential (LBJ),” Series XVIIIB, RR, UGA.

three days at Glassboro, New Jersey: FRUS, Vol. 5, pp. 521–23, 547–52. 625 U.S. battle deaths: Karnow,
p. 525; Southern Methodist University,
The War in Vietnam 1965–68,

“running all over the country”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, 12:50
, June 24, 1967, FLNY-9-1345a.

published an excerpt: Martin Luther King, Jr., “Martin Luther King Defines ‘Black Power,'” NYT Magazine, June 11, 1967, p. 26ff.

“I am opposed to violence”: Transcript,
The Merv Griffin Show,
June 19, 1967, Tape 69, A/KS.

King argued from the book: Ibid.; King,
pp. 48–49, 64, 176–82.

Reviews of the book: Garrow,
pp. 567–68; David J. Garrow, “Where Martin Luther King Jr., Was Going:
Where Do We Go from Here
and the Traumas of the Post-Selma Movement,”
Georgia Historical Quarterly,
Vol. 75, No. 4, Winter 1991, p. 719ff.

“return to nonviolence”: NYT, July 12, 1967, p. 41.

“like a pre-historic relic”: WP Book Week, July 9, 1967, p. 1.

“standing up strongly now”: AC, June 27, 1967, p. 4.

“The Negro male, too”: NYT Book Review, Sept. 3, 1967, p. 3.

“It is as if he is misdefining”:
Nov. 17, 1967, pp. 215–16.

“He had simply, and disastrously”: “Soul Power,”
New York Review of Books,
Aug. 24, 1967, p. 3ff.

peaked at seventy million: Jones,
pp. 75, 213.

featured the Beatles from London: Martin,
With a Little Help,
pp. 159–60.

music festival from Monterey:
Rolling Stone Rock Almanac,
p. 131.

A jury convicted Richard Speck: Breo and Martin,
p. 439.

A court-martial sentenced Captain Howard Levy: NYT, June 4, 1967, p. 1.

“Brutality is a way of life”: NYT, May 31, 1967, p. 2.

Attorney Charles Morgan represented Levy: Morgan,
One Man,
pp. 114–48.

on June 20 received the maximum sentence: NYT, June 21, 1967, p. 1;
Sports Illustrated,
July 3, 1967, p. 19; Hauser,
p. 179.

official revelation of government surveillance: Morgan,
One Man,
pp. 166–82; Branch,
pp. 478–79.

magazine story: William Lambert, “The Help-Hoffa Campaign of the U.S. Senator from Missouri,”
May 26, 1967, p. 24ff.

“There is—or should be”: “The F.B.I.'s ‘Seal of Approval'”, NYT, June 2, 1967, p. 40.

charged with beating Grenada children: SC, June 10–11, 1967, p. 1.

Southern Baptists reserved judgment: NYT, June 2, 1967, p. 4; NYT, June 3, 1967, p. 31.

Southern Presbyterians voted: “Church Liberals Quell 2 Revolts,” NYT, June 11, 1967, p. 46.

Northern Presbyterians completed: John Wilkinson, “Edward A. Dowey, Jr. and the Making of the Confession of 1967,”
Journal of Presbyterian History,
Spring 2004, p. 5ff; Rogers,
Presbyterian Creeds,
pp. 212–19.

“The church, in its own life”: United Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), “The Confession of 1967,” Paragraph 9:45.

grip of chronic alcoholic depression: Powers,
I Shared,
pp. 176–77; Young,
p. 467; Abernathy,
p. 479; Lewis,
p. 15.

“I want to thank God for sleep”: “Ingratitude,” MLK sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church, June 18, 1967, A/KS.



“replenish their empty larders”: DeLoach to Tolson, July 10, 1967, FK-NR.

“I assume we have to do it”: Hoover's handwritten note on ibid.

“There is not a military stalemate”: Meeting notes, Cabinet Room, 1:05–2:38
, July 12, 1967, “Literally Eyes Only,” Tom Johnson meeting notes, Box 1, LBJ; “Joint Chiefs Back Troop Rise Asked by Westmoreland,” NYT, July 3, 1967, p. 1.

taxi driver John Smith: Kerner,
pp. 60–62.

“Racial Violence Erupts”: NYT, July 13, 1967, p. 1; Kerner,
pp. 56–59.

“a meeting of the minds”: “Generals Agree with President on Build-up Issue,” NYT, July 14, 1967, p. 1.

state forces could handle Newark: Califano,
pp. 209–10; “Newark's Mayor Calls in Guard as Riots Spread,” NYT, July 14, 1967, p. 1.

fires and generalized looting: NYT, July 15, 1967, p. 1; NYT, July 19, 1967, p. 1; Kerner,
pp. 66–69.

dozen spent bullets in a coffee can: “Victims' Kin Face a Lonely Future,” NYT, July 19, 1967, p. 23.

“America's obsession with integration”: NYT, July 20, 1967, p. 14.

Detroit police raided five “blind pigs”: Kerner,
pp. 84–94.

“the ultimate riot”: Comments of
reporter Wallace Terry, Ole Miss Media Conference, April 3–5, 1987, MDAH.

“I got that in Germany”: NYT, July 24, 1967, p. 15.

Ramsey Clark woke President Johnson: “The Detroit Riots Chronology,” Office of the President, Box 3, LBJ.

“There were dark days before”: Wiretap transcript of telephone conference call among MLK, Andrew Young, Stanley Levison, and Harry Wachtel, 1:20
, July 24, 1967, FLNY-9-1375a; also, conference call among the same parties, 11:50
, July 25, 1967, FLNY-9-1376a.

support federal intervention: “Dr. King Supports Troops in Detroit,” NYT, July 26, 1967, p. 19.

“Well, I guess it's just”: “Notes of the President's Activities During the Detroit Crisis, Crisis Period, 10
to 12:30
, July 24, 1967,” Tom Johnson meeting notes, Box 1, LBJ; Hoover to Tolson, DeLoach, and Sullivan, July 25, 1967, FCT-NR.

Democrats jockeyed with Republicans: “Army's Entry into Detroit; How Decision Was Made,” NYT, July 30, 1967, p. 1; “Romney Accuses Johnson on Riots,” NYT, Aug. 1, 1967, p. 1; Califano to LBJ, 7:30
, Aug. 2, 1967, Office of the President, Box 3, LBJ; Califano to LBJ, 7:55
, Sept. 11, 1967, with attached report of Vance to McNamara, Box 56, WHCF, LBJ; Dallek,
pp. 414–15; Califano,
pp. 213–20.

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