At Canaan's Edge (157 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“F.B.I. Is Watching ‘Antiwar' Effort”: NYT, April 16, 1967, p. 1.

“would cause extreme embarrassment”: Brennan to Sullivan, March 8, 1967, FK-2867.

reached even the prestige newspapers: Cf. “Dr. King and the War/ His Opposition to the U.S. Role in Vietnam Said to Hurt His Position As Rights Leader,” NYT, April 14, 1967, p. 21;
Richmond News-Leader
editorial, “Vietnam Day,” April 14, 1967; Memphis
editorial, “An Answer to Demonstrators,” April 16, 1967; Marquis W. Childs, “Course of U.S. History Hinges on Decision by the Rev. Dr. King,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
May 12, 1967, p. 1.

“The Struggle to Sway King”: WP, April 16, 1967, p. 1.

“is an instrument in the hands”: Hoover “BY LIAISON” to Mrs. Mildred Stegall (keeper of LBJ's most sensitive papers), April 19, 1967, FSC-NR; Garrow,
pp. 183–84.

“operated with far less discipline”: DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI,
p. 218. 602 to announce Vietnam Summer: “Dr. King Starts Peace Crusade,” NYT, April 24, 1967, p. 14; press release, Vietnam Summer Committee, April 23, 1967, “Join Harvard Students Ringing Doorbells,” Series C, Box 1, SCPC.

“I think the war in Vietnam”: Transcript, Vietnam Summer press conference by MLK, Gar Alperovitz, Chester Hartman, Carl Oglesby, Benjamin Spock, Greg Craig, and Robert Scheer, April 23, 1967, Series 5, Box 13, SCPC. The folder includes telegrams of support for Vietnam Summer from Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta, Robert McAfee Brown, Abraham Heschel, and Sam Brown of the National Student Association.

founding of Negotiation Now: “Dr. King and A.D.A. Aide Join New Group for Vietnam Peace,” NYT, April 25, 1967, p. 16.

reporters besieged King about news leaks: Ibid.; “Dr. King Declines Peace Candidacy,” NYT, April 26, 1967, p. 19; “Dr. King Considers Kennedy and Percy Best '68 Candidates,” NYT, April 27, 1967, p. 38; press statement by MLK, April 25, 1967, A/KS.

“I begin to see why Spock”: Wiretap transcript of telephone conversation between MLK and Stanley Levison, 12:53
, April 22, 1967, FLNY-9-1282a; Library of America Anthology,
Reporting Civil Rights,
p. 585. Related conversations in the same file run from serials 1279–1285. King's aides complained about the “aggressiveness” of William F. Pepper and other leaders of the National Conference for New Politics.

“No senator is suggesting”: “McGovern Leads a Senate Attack upon Escalation,” NYT, April 26, 1967, pp. 1, 8, 9.

“They believe in what they are doing”: “Westmoreland Tells Congress U.S. Will Prevail,” NYT, April 29, 1967, pp. 1, 10; “Westmoreland Before Congress,” T79:0321, MOB.

George Wallace declared that he would run: NYT, April 27, 1967, p. 36; Lesher,
George Wallace,
pp. 389–90.

“Lord, would two twenties”: David Halberstam, “The Second Coming of Martin Luther King,”
Aug. 1967, in Library of America Anthology,
Reporting Civil Rights,
p. 571.

“You're the most important man”: Ibid., pp. 586–87; Harris,
p. 183.

agreement with Jewel food stores: Garrow,
p. 559.

three-hour stopover in Greenville: Wiretap transcript of telephone conversation between Stanley Levison and Clarence Jones, 5:40
, April 27, 1967, FLNY-9-1287a; Columbia, South Carolina, LHM dated May 3, 1967, FK-2947.

“I really am a writer”: Powers,
I Shared,
p. 160.

hit by rocks during sporadic demonstrations: Garrow,
pp. 560–61; Fairclough,
p. 351; NYT, April 14, 1967, p. 21; April 27, 1967, p. 36.

stripped Muhammad Ali of his title: “Clay Refuses Army Oath; Stripped of Boxing Crown,” NYT, April 29, 1967, p. 1; Hauser,
pp. 168–72.

cover story in
Sports Illustrated:
April 10, 1967, p. 30ff; May 8, 1967, p. 19ff.

King ran into his neighbor: Int. Vincent Harding, Dec. 30., 2004.

He startled Carmichael: Int. Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Jan. 31, 1984; “Dr. King Accuses Johnson on War,” NYT, May 1, 1967, p. 1; Carmichael,
p. 515.

“They applauded us on the freedom rides”: MLK sermon, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam,” Ebenezer Baptist Church, April 30, 1967, A/KS21.



Cleveland Sellers intercepted King: Int. Cleveland Sellers, Dec. 14, 1983.

“Don't let them get to you”: Sellers,
p. 190.

“Rights Leader Refuses”: NYT, May 2, 1967, p. 7; “CR Workers Defy Draft in Jackson, Montgomery,” SC, May 13–14, 1967, p. 1.

organizational disintegration already far advanced: Carson,
p. 251.

One feud snapped over car keys: Minutes, SNCC central committee meeting, March 4, 1967, pp. 4–6, A/SN6.

“You have been fired”: Sellers,
pp. 185–87.

“most of the equipment has been stolen”: Stokely Carmichael to central committee, Jan. 19, 1967, A/SN6.

caught his live-in girlfriend: Sellers,
pp. 178–82.

staff member Hubert G. Brown: Carson,
p. 252.

“Lightning hit over here”: Michael S. Lottman, “Lowndes County Folks Get Plenty of Advice,” SC, April 1–2, 1967, p. 5.

vigilante mystery stirred: Ibid.; SC, March 18–19, 1967, p. 1; SC, March 25–26, 1967, p. 1; int. Scott B. Smith, April 11, 2003; int. Jennifer Lawson, Nov. 13, 2004.

“Yeah, lightning”: SP, May, 1967, p. 2.

“Black people are now serving notice”: SC, March 25–26, 1967, p. 1.

“We'll all worship in one church”: BAA, April 15, 1967, p. 1.

Some students at Miles College: NYT, April 5, 1967, p. 37; “Carmichael on Campus,” NYT, April 14, 1967, p. IV-3; SC, Oct. 15–16, 1966, p. 1; SC, April 1–2, 1967, p. 1; SC, April 8–9, 1967, pp. 1, 5.

“Why are you here?”: Carmichael,
Stokely Speaks,
p. 73.

three days of altercation: Carson,
pp. 245–48; “Rioting Nashville Negroes Fire on Cars, Stone Police,” NYT, April 10, 1967, p. 1; NYT, April, 11, 1967, p. 16;
April 27, 1967, p. 20ff.

“‘Black Power' in Nashville”: NYT, April 11, 1967, p. 46.

to appeal his far-fetched conviction: SC, April 29–30, 1967, p. 1.

Commotion riveted the California Assembly: “Armed Negroes Enter California Assembly in Gun Bill Protest,” NYT, May 3, 1967, p. 24; Gitlin,
pp. 348–49.

“colossal event”: Hilliard and Cole,
This Side,
p. 122.

“We don't give up our guns”: Ibid., pp. 122–23.

outside a crack cocaine house: Ibid., pp. 1–17, 432–38; Huey P. Newton biography,; Stanley Crouch, “Huey Newton, R.I.P.,”
New Republic,
Sept. 18 and 25, 1989, pp. 10–11.

“A Gun Is Power”: NYT, May 21, 1967, p. 66.

introduced the poster photograph: Sol Stern, “The Call of the Black Panthers,” NYT Magazine, Aug. 6, 1967, p. 10ff.

“The New Left Turns”: NYT, May 7, 1967, p. 1; Sale,
pp. 359–60.

Reagan soon would sign new firearm restrictions: NYT, July 29, 1967, p. 16.

“Rifle Club Sees Guns”: NYT, May 7, 1967, p. 1.

roiling his political base: Edwards,
pp. 200–201; Cannon,
President Reagan,
p. 130ff; Boyarsky,
pp. 188–92. Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act of 1967 on June 13, 1967.

“I had been led to believe”: Boyarsky,
p. 176.

“central casting anarchists”: Cannon,
President Reagan,
p. 150.

town forum televised from London: Transcript, CBS Town Meeting of the World, May 15, 1967, Box 368, WHCF-PR, LBJ; “Town Meeting,” T78:0450, MOB; Edwards,
pp. 221–22.

“stepping down”: Carson,
p. 251; Sellers,
pp. 184, 192; Carmichael,
pp. 564–65.

“The white woman's not queen”: SC, April 8–9, 1967, p. 5.

SNCC women in particular: Minutes, central committee meeting, May 1967, pp. 17–25, A/SN7f13; int. Jennifer Lawson, Nov. 13, 2004; int. Fay Bellamy, Oct. 29, 1991; int. Gloria Larry House, June 29, 2000; int. Bob Fletcher, Feb. 8, 2004.

Ruby Doris Smith: Fleming,
pp. 177–78, 183–89; Forman,
pp. 479–81.

H. Rap Brown: Carson,
p. 252; SP, June 1967, p. 1.

no prior FBI information: Atlanta FBI report dated June 12, 1967, FSN-1281, pp. 4–8.

“Hopefully not”: NYT, May 13, 1967, p. 20.

Rap Brown presided over a review: Sellers,
pp. 193–97; Lyon,
p. 140.

“It was difficult to get her”: Minutes, central committee meeting, May 1967, A/SN7f13, p. 3.

“I think I have gotten over the emotional stage”: Ibid., p. 31.

had beaten Zellner into jail with Bob Moses: Dittmer,
Local People,
pp. 110–13; Carson,
pp. 48–55; Branch,
pp. 512–14.

“I think it is a mistake”: Minutes, central committee meeting, May 1967, A/SN7f13, p. 52.

worst experience of her life: Int. Dorothy Zellner, Dec. 12, 1991.

A raw egg splattered: NYT, May 18, 1967, p. 5.

Spock kept vigil for three days: Zaroulis and Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?,
p. 116.

jammed against locked gates: Nathaniel Davis to National Security Adviser Walt Rostow, with attached petition to LBJ signed “Delegation from the April 15th Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam,” May 17, 1967, McPherson Papers, Box 28, LBJ.

“Bevel made numerous inflammatory remarks”: Thomas L. Johns to LBJ, May 12, 1967, McPherson Papers, Box 28, LBJ.

The Mobilization leaders scheduled: Powers,
p. 232; DeBenedetti,
p. 180.

“Dr. King may well have”: Fred Panzer to LBJ, May 19, 1967, MLK Name File, Box 144, LBJ.

Russell counseled that all such: Russell, “Notes on White House visit, May 12, 1967,” Folder “Presidential (LBJ),” RR.

volunteered to inspect the southern war zone: McPherson,
p. 404.

“an air strike in progress”: Harry McPherson to LBJ, 8:15
, June 13, 1967, McPherson Papers, Box 29, LBJ.

first raided within the city limits of Hanoi: NYT, May 20, 1967, p. 1.

antiaircraft ground fire so thick: Appy,
pp. 212–15.

“The war in Vietnam is acquiring”: McNamara to LBJ, “Future Actions in Vietnam,” May 19, 1967, in FRUS, p. 423ff; Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers,
Vol. 4, pp. 169–77; McNamara,
In Retrospect,
pp. 266–71; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 445.

The CIA supported him: Richard Helms to LBJ, “North Vietnam Bombing,” May 22, 1967, in FRUS, Vol. 5, p. 441; supplementary CIA reports cited in ibid., pp. 442–44; McNamara,
In Retrospect,
p. 238.

“increasingly hostage to the dead”: Powers,
p. 170.

Gamal Abdel-Nasser of Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran: NYT, May 23, 1967, p. 1; Oren,
Six Days,
pp. 82–89; Dallek,
pp. 425–27.

“the mood of the American Jewish community”: Hertzberg,
Being Jewish,
p. 210; Califano,
pp. 204–5.

offered his confidential military judgment: Oren,
Six Days,
p. 110; “Johnson Backing Cautious Tactics/ Goal Is Face-Saving Means to End Aqaba Blockade,” NYT, May 29, 1967, p. 2.

retreat at the Frogmore Center: Power,
I Will,
pp. 19–20; Garrow,
pp. 563–64; NYT, May 23, 1967, p. 38.

Jesse Jackson's office telephones: Jesse Jackson to MLK and Andrew Young, May 13, 1967, A/KP5f34.

“We control ourselves in public”: “Frogmore Evaluation Session, Wednesday,” A/SC49f13.

“I backed up a little when I came out”: MLK Frogmore speech, May 22, 1967, A/KS.

King flew to Geneva: Garrow,
p. 565;
June 15, 1967, pp. 26–28; NYT, May 26, 1967, p. 29; MLK statement,
Pacem in Terris
II convocation, A/KP19f8.

“prayer meeting”: NYT, May 30, 1967, p. 6.

“is suffering badly because half”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Adele Kanter, 3:32
, May 31, 1967, FLNY-9-1321a.

Harry McPherson gamely continued westward: McPherson,
pp. 413–17; Oren,
Six Days,
pp. 145, 186.

preemptive Israeli strikes: Oren,
Six Days,
p. 176.

“War has broken out!”: Ibid., p. 198.

jangled alive at 7:47
: Ibid., p. 196; McNamara,
In Retrospect,
pp. 278–79.

blow up both Muslim structures: Oren,
Six Days,
p. 246.

“The spirit of the army”: McPherson to LBJ, June 11, 1967, History of the Middle East Crisis, Box 18, NSF, LBJ, cited in ibid., p. 307.

retreated pell mell across the Nile: Oren,
Six Days,
pp. 178, 305.

offer of sanctuary in Hanoi: Fall,
pp. 85–86.

“doomed to ignominious defeat”: Oren,
Six Days,
p. 213.

ideological force of Pan-Arab nationalism: Ibid., p. 310.

For the Soviet Union: Ibid., pp. 8, 27.

“The whole world fell in love with us”: Shipler,
Arab and Jew,
p. 142.

“There is great astonishment”: Heschel,
p. 5.

“remote to the synagogue”: Hertzberg,
Being Jewish,
p. 219.

emergency tables: Kaufman,
Broken Alliance,
p. 201.

Hyman Bookbinder was struck: Int. Hyman Bookbinder, March 21, 1991.

“We grew so fast”: Shipler,
Arab and Jew,
p. 143.

“I'm going to decorate my office”: Kalman,
Abe Fortas,
p. 302.

plainly marked U.S.S
Six Days,
pp. 262–71.

shrouded in secrecy: “Israel, U.S. Blamed in '67 Spy Ship Incident,” WP, Jan. 13, 2004, p. 13; “NSA Tapes Offer Clues in '67 Attack on U.S. Spy Ship,”
Baltimore Sun,
July 16, 2003, p. 1.

“muscular Judaism”: Kaufman,
Broken Alliance,
pp. 200–202, 230–31.

“Both Israelis and Arabs”: I. F. Stone, “Holy War,”
New York Review of Books,
Aug. 3, 1967, pp. 6–14; Middleton,
I. F. Stone's Weekly Reader,
pp. 287–91.

“I was still afraid of Negroes”: Norman Podhoretz, “My Negro Problem—And Ours,”
Vol. 35, No. 2 (Feb. 1963), p. 93ff.

“Negroes Are Anti-Semitic”: NYT Magazine, April 9, 1967, p. 26ff.

“Negroes Are Anti-Semitic”: NYT Magazine, April 23, 1967, p. 28ff; “Anti-Semitic Role of Negro Is Noted,” NYT, May 21, 1967, p. 114.

Irving Kristol traced: Kristol,
Neoconservatism, passim.

extraordinary arc of Max Shachtman: Max Shachtman oral history by Stephen Chodes, Aug. 1, 1962, CU/OH; Drucker,
Max Shachtman, passim;
p. 35ff; Harrington,
pp. 71–77; Michael Massig, “Trotsky's Orphans,”
New Republic,
June 22, 1987, pp. 18–22; Branch,
p. 292.

“a brilliant red light”: Drucker,
Max Shachtman,
p. 25.

Shachtman stunned the regulars: Int. Michael Harrington, Aug. 31 and Oct. 27, 1983; int. Irving Howe, Jan. 28, 1983; Harrington,
pp. 200–206.

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