Read Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1)
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“Your dad coming home today?” I know he’s not from readin’ that note, but I want to see what her answer is.

“No,” she practically whispers.

“When’s he gettin’ back?” Not that it matters. Girl is eighteen she can do what she wants. I might just have her tight little ass moved into my fuckin’ house before her father rolls back into town.

“Tuesday, I think. He usually calls if he’s gonna be earlier or later.”

“Good. I’ll take you by your house and you can pack some shit. You’re staying with me this weekend.”

“I am?” She ain’t sayin’ it to be difficult. She seems genuinely surprised I want her company for another night. Fuck, I’m surprised myself, so I can hardly hold it against the girl.

Reaching out, I run my thumb over her soft cheek. “Yeah, I got some club business today and I need to be at the clubhouse tonight; but tomorrow, I’ll take you up to my house and we’ll spend the weekend there.”

Her cheeks flush and she can’t seem to get any words out. Hooking my finger in the waistband of her jeans, I tug her close so I can whisper in her ear. “The only thing I need you to say is ‘Yes, Dante.’”

“Yes, Dante,” she whispers.

Holy motherfuck, those tasty nipples of hers are rock hard and on display under her flimsy little T-shirt. The way we’re standing, I can look right down her shirt at the creamy swells of her breasts. It’s takin’ a lot of restraint not to bend her over my bike and fuck the living hell out of her here in broad daylight. “On second thought, we don’t need to go to your house. You ain’t gonna need any clothes this weekend.”

Her face blushes an even deeper red. The bell rings interrupting our little moment.

“Go on. I’ll be here at two-thirty.”

“Okay.” She leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek.

Sweetest motherfuckin’ kiss I’ve ever gotten.



As I hurry into school, my mind is swirling with confusion.

I wanted to sleep with Dante to make Logan jealous. I didn’t expect to wind up liking the guy so much.

Logan’s warning still echoes in my head. What exactly does Dante do for the club?

My best friend, Athena, greets me with a knowing grin. “You look awfully smug today.”

I don’t meet her intense stare because I know I’ll burst and we’re already late for class.

“You can’t hide shit from me girl. What were you up to?”

“I’ll tell you at lunch! Let’s get to class before Mr. Fitzsimmons has a stroke.”

I like all my classes, but English with Mr. Fitzsimmons—or “Fitzy” as Athena and I call him during our gossip sessions—is my favorite.

He’s fucking hot.

He’s also the youngest teacher in our school full of relics.

Yesterday, I would have given my left tit to go home with him. Not that he ever gives any of the students a second glance. Word has it he’s engaged to some stuck-up lawyer and is probably going to leave at the end of the year.

It’s a shame because, besides being hot, he’s a really good teacher. Something this shithole town desperately needs.

Today, I can’t stop thinking of Dante. My face flames as I think of all the things I let him do to me yesterday, last night, and this morning.

“Karina? Are you paying attention?”

“Yes, Mr. Fitzsimmons.”

Athena pokes me in the back and my hand automatically turns up for the note I know she’s going to pass me. Using our cell phones to text each other during class is a bad idea with Fitzy.

Michelle said she saw some biker drop you off. Was it Lucifer?

That’s our private nickname for Logan.

I give my head a subtle shake and get poked again.

“Athena, is there a problem?”

“No, Mr. Fitzsimmons.”

English is the only class Athena and I share. We’ll meet back up at lunchtime, where I know she’s going to grill me.

Sure enough, she’s waiting for me and yanks out a chair as I approach our regular table.

“Who’s the guy?” she asks before my ass even hits the chair.

Oh, my God. How do I even describe Dante?

“He’s in Logan’s MC. He’s their Sergeant-at-Arms. I don’t know what that is, but I got the impression it’s a big deal in the club.”

Her nose wrinkles. “How old is he?”

I hadn’t thought to ask. “I don’t know. He’s definitely older. He’s so hot, Athena. And the best thing is Logan totally walked in on us.”

“You screwed him?” she practically shouts. A bunch of people turn and look at us.

“Would you keep it down?”

“Sorry, sorry. I just worried that after Logan, you’d never…you know.”

“Jeez, don’t be so dramatic.”

An announcement comes over the loudspeaker and the entire lunchroom goes silent. Turns out due to a water main break, we’re being released two hours early. The cafeteria erupts in shouts and cheers.

I turn to Athena. “Think you can give me a ride?”

“Sure. Home?”

“Well, yeah, I want to pack a few things, but then drop me off at the clubhouse?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, Dante wanted me to spend the weekend with him.”

She nails me with one of her are-you-shitting-me stares. “Karina, your Dad will kill you.”

“He’s not going to know. He’s away until next week.”

“Any other hunky bikers I might like?”

Athena won’t be eighteen until after graduation. Somehow, I don’t think Dante would appreciate me bringing her into his clubhouse.

“Probably not, they’re all older.” I don’t know this for a fact because the only other member I saw was Logan, but the surest way to get Athena to do something is to tell her she can’t do it.

We go our separate ways, but meet up in the parking lot so she can drive me home.

At my house, I run in and toss some clothes into my backpack. I’ve got a few pieces of sexy underwear that I’d saved up for, and I add those in. Dashing into the bathroom, I take a quick shower, spending time shaving my legs ‘til they’re silky smooth. I don’t bother with makeup, but I brush my hair and run the straightening iron over it until it’s glossy and flowing down my back.

Then I throw on my shortest denim mini-skirt and a tight, red and blue plaid flannel shirt. I add short red cowgirl boots, snatch my backpack off the bed, and run out to Athena’s car.

She bursts out laughing when she sees me.

“Wow, you’ve got it bad for this guy.”

“Fuck off.”

“No, you’re hot.”

The gate to the clubhouse is wide open, so Athena drives me right up to the door. A few younger guys are in the yard and they eye the car, but don’t approach. The backs of their cuts read PROSPECT.

Athena takes my hand. “You’re sure about this?”

“Yeah, he was really nice to me.”

“What if he wants to watch the other guys fuck you one after the other?”

That sounds kind of hot, actually, but I don’t want my best friend to think I’m a slut. “That’s not going to happen.”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Athena, I already spent the night with him. If he really wanted to hurt me, he had his chance. He drove me to school this morning.”

Her mouth quirks up. “Hmm…a badass biker with a heart of gold. Nice story.”

“You’re nuts.”

“Yeah. I want details Monday.”

We kiss each other on the cheek and I get out. I run my hands down the sides of my skirt, and pull the backpack over one shoulder.

Entering the club alone feels odd, but I do it with my chin up and shoulders back.

I almost run outside after Athena’s car when I spot Dante at the bar. He’s talking to a busty blonde and from their posture it’s clear they’re familiar with each other.

So this was the business he had to take care of at the club today.





Dropping my bitch off. Not being able to smell her, touch her,
her, isn’t sittin’ well with me. And fuck if that’s not pissing me off. Once she’s out of my sight, I start rethinkin’ shit. Don’t need a bitch. Ain’t ever wanted one. Just met this one yesterday. She’s a hell of a fuck, but that’s it. Why am I makin’ more out of it?

The last fuckin’ person I want to see is waitin’ for me when I get back to the clubhouse. Fuckin’ Hemi. It didn’t escape my notice the way Karina went all weird talkin’ about him. I’m guessing they were more than next-door neighbors and the thought of it is making me a little fuckin’ nuts.

Hemi’s a bit on the prissy side for a biker. How he got voted in is beyond me, even though I was sittin’ at the table givin’ my
vote same as everyone else. He’s a hard worker. Loyal to the club. Took a lotta bitch work as a prospect and never complained once. Handles shit good now too. He makes a point outta stayin’ away from most of the club whores, which is why it shocked me a little that he was so willing to join in yesterday. Fuck, that’s burning my balls now.

“I need a word, Dante.”

“So spit it out. Ain’t got time for bullshit today, Hemi.”

“You done with Karina?”

Hell fuckin’ no, he did not just go there.

I stop and level him with a look that usually means someone is about to get dead or beaten.

“And you’re stickin’ your nose in my sex life, why?”

I’ll give the fucker credit, he doesn’t back down. So he’s either brave or real fuckin’ stupid. Haven’t determined which one yet.

“Look, I’ve known her since she was a kid. She’s not like the girls you’re used to. She’s not some club whore.”

“Let’s ignore the obvious—which is I picked her up outside a coffee shop and had my tongue in her pussy not half an hour later—but, who I fuck is none of your goddamn business.”

“If it was anyone else, trust me, I wouldn’t care. But she’s a smart girl. She’s got plans to get out of this shit town and she doesn’t belong hanging out here.”

“You mean, with me.”

“Fine. Yeah.”

fuckin’ her?”


“Before yesterday, when’s the last time you saw her?”

“Almost two years.”

“So, you might not know fuck about her anymore. Maybe her plans have changed. And maybe I don’t give a shit what her plans are. She wants to leave town she can leave. I ain’t stoppin’ her.” This might not actually be true, but it’s none of Hemi’s fuckin’ business.

Hemi isn’t going to be swayed off this conversation that easily. “She falls hard man. She’s real smart. Last I knew, she was planning on medical school.”

“What the fuck are you even talkin’ about? You think she’s gonna give something like that up for some one-night stand?”

“No. I’m thinking she’s not able to handle a one-night stand; and since I ain’t ever seen you with a woman for longer than a week, don’t fuckin’ break her heart. She should be concentrating on finals and college and shit like that.”

I’m fightin’ real hard not to punch the living fuck outta my “brother” right now.

“Are you her fuckin’ guidance counselor now, too?”

“No. I was her friend for a long time.”

“That all?”

He levels a fierce look at me. Kid’s got balls of steel; I’ll give him that. “No. I popped her cherry.”

He says it like it’s some sort of bombshell news, but I kind of already suspected this. “Thanks for breaking her in for me. She’s a hell of a fuck.”

BOOK: Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1)
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