Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) (10 page)

Read Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

BOOK: Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1)
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“Who’re you here for, sexy thing?” he asks while still running his horny gaze over me.

“She’s mine,” Dante growls from the doorway.

The prospect’s face twists into an
I just shit myself
expression and I have to slap my hand over my mouth so I don’t laugh.

“Hey, baby girl,” Dante calls to me, his warm rough voice slides over my skin, leaving goosebumps.

“Hi,” I answer shyly. I’m not sure why. He’s been away for the last two days, so I guess I’m unsure if we go right back to the way things were before he left.

Instead of calling me over to him, he steps outside. “Get lost,” he barks at the prospect, who takes off around the corner.

As he stalks toward me, he lifts his chin. “What’s wrong?”


When he reaches me, he settles his hands on my hips and looks me over. He hums an appreciative noise. One hand reaches up to toy with my braids. “You went all out for me, didn’t you?”

Overwhelmed by the butterflies he stirs up inside me, I can only whisper, “Yes, daddy.”

“Fuck, baby girl. I fuckin’ missed you.”

“Missed you, too.”

“You ain’t actin’ like it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry; give me a fuckin’ kiss.”

Laughter bubbles up out of me as I stretch up on my tiptoes to throw my arms around his neck. He picks me up, pressing me tight against his front. Our lips crash together. My mouth opens the second his tongue touches my lips and he strokes inside. Liquid fire flows straight to my core. We stay like that for a while, kissing, licking, groaning into each other’s mouths.

Behind us someone clears his throat. “Romeo’s lookin’ for you, bro.”

Dante releases me and I slowly slide down his body until my feet hit solid ground. He’s got a healthy erection straining the front of his jeans that I’d love to take care of for him.

“Thanks, Wolf. I’ll be right there.” His eyes never leave my face.

He waits until the door closes before saying anything. “Romeo’s our Prez. Keep quiet unless I tell you it’s okay and then keep it short and polite.”

I should be offended by that, shouldn’t I? I’m not though, because I’m terrified of meeting the rest of the Iron Bulls MC. Their reputation in this area is well known and downright frightening.

And I’m willingly walking into their clubhouse dressed like something out of porno.




I’m a sick motherfucker. Karina’s fear of entering the packed clubhouse is obvious, yet it’s turning me on something fierce.

As I reach out to wrap my fingers around the door handle, she squeezes my hand, tugging me backward.

“Dante, what should I call you?”

Interesting question.

Moving her away from the door, I cup her cheek as I consider my answer.


She nods and tries to pull away from me, but I stop her with a hand on her shoulder. “Hey.” I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Fucking love when we’re alone and you call me daddy, baby girl. But that’s our thing we share. Don’t like my brothers in my business. Not with you.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Now come on, Prez don’t like to be kept waitin’.” I curl my arm over her shoulders and guide her inside.

Inside is something out of a bad seventies porn—maybe three cocks away from a full-blown orgy. Next to me, Karina presses herself into my body so tight she’s practically up inside me.

Romeo’s at the bar, so I point us in that direction. I take the stool next to him and have Karina perch her hot little ass on my lap. Takes me a minute to realize she has her backpack with her, as she slips it off and sets it on the floor.

Romeo shakes his head at me. “You bringing school girls into my club now?” Since I’ve known him for fuckin’ ever, I can tell he’s joking. Karina doesn’t know, so she clings to me even tighter.

Romeo leers at her and gives her a wolfish grin. “How old are you, sugar?” Karina’s big, blue eyes blink up at me and I nod.

“Eighteen,” she answers.


He thrusts his chin at me. “You check her I.D.?”

“She’s fuckin’ legal. Stop being a dick. She’s living up at the cabin with me.”

Romeo raises an eyebrow, as the significance of that sinks in. He knows damn well I never bring bitches to my home.

“Gonna show her the chapel?”

Am I gonna claim her as my ol’ lady? Lay her out on the big, oak table with our Iron Bulls MC logo carved in the middle, and fuck her in front of every one of my brothers?

“Fuck no,” I answer. From behind the bar, Luck hands me a beer and I take a deep swallow. “Well, not tonight anyway,” I amend. Sometime in the future, yeah I’ll probably do a proper claiming and slap a property patch on her back. Missed my little bitch the entire time I was away from her.

That earns me another raised eyebrow from Romeo.

“What’d you need to talk to me about?” I ask, letting my fingers graze the bare skin of my girl’s thigh. She shivers against me and I struggle not to bend her over the bar, flip her skirt up, and fuck her in front of everyone.

“Hemi. He did fuckin’ good.”

Too bad, I was hopin’ he’d get himself into some trouble. “That’s good.”

Karina hasn’t moved a muscle. Didn’t even twitch when Hemi’s name was mentioned. She’s focused on the open space in front of her. Brothers takin’ bitches every which way. Right out in the open.

“Baby girl, you want somethin’ to drink?”

She blinks and smiles up at me. “Yes, please.” Aw fuck. That little please makes my dick twitch.

“Luck, you got a root beer back there?”

Romeo snorts, but I don’t give a fuck, because Karina’s smiling at me for remembering what she likes.

Luck hands me a bottle and I pass it to her. Romeo watches her take a pull from the bottle and set it down. He shakes his head.

“You got any reports for me?”

I glance at Karina. She don’t need to hear any of this shit.

“Baby girl, why don’t you go put your backpack in my room.” It’s not really a question or a suggestion and I pull out my room key as I’m sayin’ it.

She bends over and then seems to remember she’s wearing that little skirt in a club full of bikers, and squats down the rest of the way to snatch her bag off the floor. I press the key into her hand and look her in the eye. “Anyone bothers you, tell ‘em you’re Dante’s girl. Anyone touches you—” I tap my chest right over my Sergeant-at-Arms patch, “memorize what their patch says and come tell me.”

“Yes, Dante,” she answers all sweet and docile.

The second she turns the corner and Romeo bursts out laughing. “You motherfucker. How the fuck you pull a piece of ass like that.”

“Watch it,” I growl.

Luck leans his thick arms on the bar. Fucker’s built like a tree and almost as big as me. I ever get taken out of commission, he’s the one I’d pick to fill my job.

“She’s submissive,” he says low enough that only I hear him.

“No shit.”

“No, I mean she’s a natural submissive.”

Romeo misses nothing, as usual. “Yeah, I bet you could order her to get on her knees and suck all our cocks in the middle of the room and she’d do it without hesitatin’.”

Nothing about that idea appeals to me. “No. I ain’t doin’ that to her.”

“Why the fuck not? She’s a hot little bitch. Don’t be greedy.”

Luck slants a bordering-on-disrespectful look at our president. “Naw man,” he jerks his head in the direction where Karina disappeared. “Submission like that is a gift. You don’t fuckin’ abuse it.” He glances at me and points at my patch. “Bet she doesn’t even know what that means.”

My head tilts to the side in agreement.

He waves his hand at the rest of the room. “She ain’t one of these club whores lookin’ to hook up with an officer in the club. She ain’t gonna ride every cock in here hopin’ someone takes her as an ol’ lady. She’s with you ‘cause she likes you.”

Maybe that’s not exactly how we started out, what with her childish revenge plot against Hemi, but he’s right. Karina and I fit together like two pieces of some fucked up puzzle and I ain’t offerin’ her up to any of my brothers again. I’m still fuckin’ livid with myself for lettin’ Hemi near her.

“She ain’t up for grabs, Prez. I’m serious.”

He holds his hands up. “All right, all right. Fuck, never seen you so gone over a bitch before.”

I shrug. “First time for everything.”




Dante’s room is easy enough to find.

So is trouble.

Trouble comes in the form of two barely dressed women who spot me leaving Dante’s room and follow me.

Dante assumed I’d be harassed by one of the guys. Guess it never occurred to him it would be one of his club girls who hassled me.

“Where the fuck did you come from?” The tall blonde one sneers at me.

“I’m with Dante,” I answer as nicely as possible.

“Yeah, we figured that, you comin’ outta his room and all. But who the fuck are you?”

As they’re talking to me, they’re also sort of pressing me up against the wall. I’m trying to be as polite as possible, hoping it diffuses the situation, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

“Fuck off,” Logan shouts at them from the end of the hallway.

Both of them jump and pale when they see how furious he is.

“Shit! Where did you come from?” the short, chubby redhead squeaks.

His boots thunder down the hallway as he approaches.

“Get the fuck away from her.”

“What are you doing here, sprite?” he asks after they scurry away.

Is he kidding me? He hasn’t called me that since we were kids and I decided that was the only thing I would drink for an entire summer. Even after I grew out of that phase, the name stuck. Until—

“Karina? What are you doing here?”

Shaking my memories from the past away, I lift my gaze to his face. He seems concerned. Happy to see me almost.

“I’m here with Dante.”

His face hardens. What? Did he think I was here looking for him?

“You can’t be serious.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck, that’s why he sent me off on that run, isn’t it?” he mumbles. I don’t think he’s looking for an answer from me, so I don’t give him one.

“I need to get back. Thank you for rescuing me.” Before he has a chance to say anything, I pivot and make my way back to Dante.

He’s sliding off his stool when I enter the room. The serious expression on his face changes when he sees me.

“I was just gonna come lookin’ for you.”

“Um, two of your girls were bothering me. Logan…Hemi, chased them away for me.”

His face contorts into anger and I step back. Lightning quick, his hand reaches out, curling around my bicep, pulling me to him.

“You okay?” he asks.

The tension inside me releases when I realize he’s not angry with me. My head bobs up and down.


“I don’t know their names. A short, chubby redhead and a tall, skinny blonde.”

He nods once and scans the room. I follow his gaze, but don’t see either of them. He grunts. “I’ll deal with them later. You tell ‘em you were with me?”

“Yeah, they didn’t seem to care.”

His jaw ticks. “Okay. Hemi say anything to you?”

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