Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) (11 page)

Read Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1) Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

BOOK: Asunder (Iron Bulls MC #1)
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My gaze drops to the floor. “Just asked me what I was doing here. I told him I was with you.”

Rough fingers tickle under my chin, lifting my head up. “What did he say?”

“He seemed surprised.”

That seems to satisfy Dante and he leads me back to the bar. Planting himself on the same barstool, this time he pulls me between his legs, with my back to the bar. Between his body and the lip of the bar, I’m sort of protected from view. That turns out to be a good thing, because Dante’s fingers trail up my bare legs, under my skirt. His big hands grasp my thighs, and then skim to my ass.

He leans forward and whispers against my ear, “You’re wearing panties?” His hot breath fanning over my neck sends a shiver straight to my nipples. Placing my lips against his ear, I whisper back, “Yes, daddy.”

He groans. His thumbs hook into the string at my hips and tug downward. His dark eyes pin me in their lustful hold. “Take them off,” he orders.

Even though I’m nervous about all the people in the room, I don’t look away. I shimmy my hips a little and he guides the material down my legs. When he reaches my knees, I bend and take them off the rest of the way. He snatches them out of my hand, stuffing them in his back pocket.


His gaze sweeps over me, heating my skin. With the bar at my back and his strong legs squeezing my hips, I’m caged in place. One corner of his mouth lifts in a devious smile and I wonder what I’m in for.

“Give me that pussy, baby girl,” he orders in a low, rumbling voice.

As if my body belongs to Dante, my hips tilt forward and my thighs spread. He works his hand between my legs, sliding over my bare pussy. “Mmmm…someone was busy while I was gone.”

A soft moan leaves my lips and my head drops forward. “Yes.”

“You let someone touch my pussy?” he asks.

He’s still stroking over my outer lips. Teasing and exciting me. “No…no. I shaved it myself.”

He makes a low growly noise of approval, and my pussy throbs in response. “You do that for me?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Tell me,” he demands.

Confused, my eyebrows draw down and my eyes search his face for answers. Taking mercy on me, he leans in. “Say ‘yes, daddy, I shaved my pussy for you.”

A groan tears out of me as one thick finger prods my entrance. “Yes, daddy, I shaved my pussy just for you,” I repeat back in a rush.

As soon as the words are out, he slides his middle finger inside me. The palm of his hand grinds over my clit and I gasp.

“Yeah, that’s my good girl. Your hot, tight little cunt is dripping.” Slowly he pumps his finger in and out of me.

“You want another finger?” he asks.

I can’t form any words, so I just shake my head.

“Yeah, you do.” He pulls out and pushes two fingers into my slick channel.

I gasp; my hands fly to his shoulders, digging in so I don’t collapse on the floor.

“Open your eyes, baby girl. Otherwise everyone’s gonna know I’m finger-fucking you.”

It’s not easy, but I manage to open my eyes. Dante’s serious face is almost enough to make me come on the spot. My body relaxes when I glance around the room and realize no one is paying any attention to us. My juices are flowing freely; my thighs are damp and slick.

“You’re so fucking hot. I couldn’t even look at another woman while I was away. Can’t stand bein’ near any female that ain’t you.” His voice is raw as he admits this and his words push me closer to the edge. Knowing the effect I have on this older, experienced, and extremely sexy man goes straight to my head.

I wiggle my hips. “That’s right. Ride my fuckin’ fingers. Come on my hand.”

“I…I…can’t,” I gasp.

His thumb flicks over my clit and my hips jerk forward. “Yeah, you can. Do what you’re told.”

My hips rock in time to his thrusting fingers. Letting out a deep, shuddering moan as I come, I fall against his chest. He wraps his arm around me. His other hand slides out from between my legs and reaches around to cup my ass cheek. Lightly, his fingers trace the seam of my ass.

“I want this ass, baby girl,” he murmurs against my ear.

The idea of him taking me there scares me and I whimper. His hand slides down my back to cup my other ass cheek. I nuzzle into him harder while he squeezes and plays with my ass.

“That was fucking hot,” a voice says behind me.

Harsh laughter rumbles through Dante’s chest, jostling me away from him. My eyes open and I find him genuinely laughing. “Fucker,” he mutters. The guy throws him a towel, which Dante uses to wipe his hand, and my cheeks heat up. “Got sweet girl cum all over me,” he says with a laugh, making me blush harder.

Dante turns me, but I can’t meet the eyes of the guy behind the bar. “Don’t worry, sugar. I couldn’t see a thing,” he says gently. His words unlock me and I’m able to glance up. He’s a hard, scary man. Almost as big as Dante. He smiles at me and it turns him into a handsome man. I can’t help smiling back.

“This is Luck. Luck, this is my girl, Karina.”

“Hi,” I mumble, which makes the other guy laugh.

“She’s a shy one.”

Dante chuckles. “Yeah.”

“Brother, can I have a word with you?” Shame washes over me. I don’t need to look to know who it is, but I do anyway.





The way my little bitch catches fire for me is something else. Even though I know she’s nervous in a room full of people, the second I slid my finger in her tight snatch, everyone else in the room disappeared for her.

And fuck me; but knowing sometime while I was away, she shaved that sweet little pussy while thinking about me? Makes all the club ass I turned down on my run worth it.

I’m so fuckin’ hard I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk to my room. If I don’t get my dick inside her tight heat very soon, I’ll lose my motherfuckin’ mind.

Just as I have Karina ‘bout to come on my hand, Luck strolled up behind her. He’s on the other side of the bar, so I don’t really care if he watches. Can’t see much anyway. He raises an eyebrow at me and I lift my chin. She’s a lot louder than I think she realizes and Luck smothers a smile.

The way she gets all embarrassed when she realizes what he overheard, even turns me on. Fuck, she’s cute.

My good mood is interrupted by the last motherfucker I feel like talking to right now.

“Brother, can I have a word with you?” Hemi asks from my side. He’s standing way too close to my girl for my taste. I glare at him, but he stays rooted to his spot. Kid has fuckin’ balls; I’ll give him that.

“What?” I snap.

He glances at Karina, who seems to be trying to ignore Hemi by keeping her eyes on me. I like that a whole fuckin’ lot.

My arm tightens around her waist, and my hand smoothes down her backside, making sure she’s covered. I don’t want this little prick seeing any more of her than he needs to.

“Alone?” he asks.

“Club business?”

Again, his gaze darts to my girl. No, this ain’t about club business, that’s clear. He’s gonna try stickin’ his nose in
business, again.

This shit is gonna end now.

He meets my eyes with a challenging stare. “No.”

“Then you can say it in front of
my girl

To the best of my knowledge, the kid ain’t dumb. He knows damn well what that means.

He straightens up and looks at me. “Why is she here again?”

Behind the bar, Luck whistles low. Karina twitches against me and I hug her tighter.

Luck snaps his fingers in front of Hemi’s face. “You might want to rethink this, brother.”

Hemi acts like he didn’t hear or see a thing. Karina’s arm snakes around my waist, holding on to me tight. As if I’d kick her out on Hemi’s say-so.

“I already know about your past relationship. That’s it—past. You don’t want to start this war with me.”

Hemi’s eyes widen in shock. “Since when are you with a bitch for more than a fuckin’ day?”

Karina flinches. Now, maybe in
head I think of her affectionately as my little bitch. But Hemi callin’ her that?

No. Hell fucking no.

Nudging Karina upright, I lift my chin at Luck. “Will you watch her?”

He glances at Hemi and shakes his head. “Yeah, no problem.”

“Let’s step outside, brother.” I say to Hemi.

doesn’t have the sense to back the fuck down. It makes me wonder if I’m losing my edge or if the kid has lost his fuckin’ mind.

Clamping my hand down on the back of his neck, I lead him out the door.

It’s almost dark, but there’s still enough daylight for what I need to do. Two prospects milling around outside glance over and I jerk my head toward the clubhouse. “Go inside.”

I’ll give Hemi credit he stands and faces me like a man. No begging or pleading.

“You know I’m within my rights to beat the shit out of you, right?”

He doesn’t give an inch. “She shouldn’t be here, man.”

My fist flies, hitting him square in the jaw. I don’t put my full force behind the blow, but he still rocks back on his feet. “She’s with me,” I growl.

He staggers back, rubbing his hand over his jaw. “Her dad know she’s hanging with you?”

“Ain’t none of your fuckin’ business, you little shit, but she’s all moved in with me. Don’t give a fuck what her father thinks. She’s eight-fucking-teen and can make up her own damn mind.”

Hemi sucks in a breath, his nostrils flare, and his fists flex at his sides. “That why you sent me on the Mexi-run?”

“No. It’s about fuckin’ time you start pullin’ your weight ‘round here.”

He grinds his teeth. “I almost didn’t make it back over the border.”

“Well, then I guess you’ll have to be more careful next time.”

One of the front doors swings open and Romeo steps out. “Everything good, brother?” he asks me.

“I don’t know. Are we done havin’ this conversation?” I ask Hemi.

“Yeah, whatever. If she wants to ruin her life, I don’t give a fuck anymore.”

A savage growl rips out of me and I lunge at him. Romeo lets me get in a few good punches before he pulls me off the kid.

“What the fuck, Hemi?” he shouts down at the kid, who is now on the ground. “You disrespectin’ a brother over some piece of ass?”

“Watch it, Prez.”

Romeo glances at me and smirks.

Hemi glares up at us and goes to stand. I step to him, fists raised. “Stay the fuck down, asshole.”

“She ain’t some piece of ass, Prez,” Hemi mutters.

“She with you?” Romeo asks.

Hemi’s chin drops to his chest and he shakes his head from side to side. “She was.”

I snarl at him. “Ancient history, you little fuck.”

Romeo holds a hand up. “Way I see it, Hemi, she wants to be with Dante. She’s legal. No one forced her in here. You need to drop this or we’re gonna have problems.”

All the defiance seems to drain out of Hemi. He nods once. “Yeah, okay. Message received.”

He pulls himself off the ground and extends his hand to me. “Sorry, brother.”

The last fuckin’ thing I want to do is shake his hand. But with Prez watching over us, I do it.

Romeo nods his approval. “Good.” He claps Hemi on the back. “Come on you should be celebrating. Did good this week, kid. Plenty of unattached bitches inside.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Something about the way Hemi says it makes me think he’s not okay with any of this.




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