Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1)
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After answering her questions, Ryder suggested they go out to dinner. “You have to remember, it’s different with us though. We go nowhere without security. Let me arrange for dinner. Can you be ready in a couple of hours?”

“Sure. You all are going, right? I feel like I have a new family here.” They laughed easily and all agreed to join.

“Most of this bunch of assholes don’t do the party thing too much anymore. Hell, everyone but me has been married at least once, and most still are. The wives and kids come and go during the tour.” Chandler was surprised to hear this.

“Can they bring everyone then? We would love to meet the people who know you the best.”

“I think that can be arranged, especially if I’m buying.”

“Hell yeah,” was the general consensus from Ryder’s bandmates on their way out the door.

Renting out an entire restaurant in downtown Austin on such short notice was no small feat, but Ryder pulled it off. They all had fun laughing and dancing and Chandler thought it felt for the first time in her life this is how family-time was supposed to feel. There were several wives, children and babies with the group, and they were all so pleased to meet Ryder’s only child.

Chandler was thrilled to see Kate and Allen show up, too. They came in with Betsy, her boyfriend, and James with his two little ones.

“I didn’t know y’all would be here! I’m so excited you came.” Chandler hugged them all.

“We didn’t know either until Brax finally got his head out of his ass and called the family this afternoon. Good thing we love him enough to drop everything and come running.” It was obviously that Betsy loved giving Ryder hell, but their love for one another was evident between all the teasing jibes and jokes at each other’s expense.

Looking at his family, Ryder said, “Yeah, I haven’t been the kind of son or brother they deserve for a lot of fucking years, but when I got you Chandler, I realized just how damn important they truly are to making me a whole person again,” he hugged his mom and dad, who were both beaming.

When they rolled back into the suite after midnight, they were all exhausted, having slept very little the night before. Chandler and KeeMac said their goodnights and headed to their room where she flopped down face-first on the mattress.

Flipping her on her back, KeeMac looked down at her. “Babe, I’m so happy this has worked out. You deserve all this happiness.”

“Everything has changed so fast in my life. Thanks for being here with me.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” He lightly kissed her lips and moved over her pushing her thighs apart. “I think we need to celebrate.”

“Hmm. Anything specific you had in mind?” Knowing what his answer would be, she wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him in so she could grind against his growing erection.

“I’m sure we can come up with something. Oh wait,” he ground his hard-on into her. “We already have,” he smirked briefly, before pulling her tank over her head. “Mmmm, that’s better already.”

He took his time kissing and licking a path down to her nipples making her writhe under him. She flicked his nipple rings with her thumbs and he sucked in a breath. “You know what that does to me. I think you should get these pert nipples done. It would be so hot to wrap my tongue around some bars and twist a little.” He gave her nipple a little bite and lightly twisted driving her crazy.

“Hell, no. You’ll just have to make me understand with your teeth and tongue, like you’re doing now. I’m not into that kind of pain.” He played a little more then took his hot kisses further down her body, circling in and around her belly button. The excitement he created licking and biting her skin was just what she needed.

By the time he reached her almost bare lips between her thighs, she could hardly take anymore torture but he was just getting started. When he made his way to her clit, he nipped and manipulated the bud, raising her need for him to a frantic level. He sucked the swollen button into his mouth flicking it relentlessly with his tongue as he pushed two fingers inside curling them upward toward where he knew it would push her over the edge. Rubbing over it the second time he sucked in her clit, sent a rush flowing over his fingers as her convulsing inner muscles assaulted them.

“Chan, I fucking love it when those muscles tighten up on me like that.”

“I need to feel you NOW, Keeton, please.”

“Not to worry, babe,” he said rolling her over and lifting up her hips. He ran his finger through her juices while spreading her legs apart with his knees. He leaned into her and put the smooth head of his hard cock at her opening mixing both of their juices while bathing himself in her sweetness. Sliding up and down her crease, he briefly stopped at her anal opening causing her to flinch.

“Keeton, no!” Her words were laced with tension.

“Not now babe, but one day,” and then he plunged into the spot that seemed to pull him in and hold him. “You know how much I love the first time I slide inside this warm pussy, babe? It’s
good but the first plunge just fucking makes me want to come so hard.”

He began moving in and out of her slowly hoping to make it last as long as possible. When she clamped down on him with her inner muscles, it was like she could hold him prisoner.

“Chan, I love you so much, babe.” Sitting back on his heels, he pulled her body up to him, her legs straddling his thighs. He wrapped his arms around her middle holding her back close to his chest as he rolled his hips under her thrusting in and out. When he captured her nipple with the fingers of one hand and found her clit with the other, she cried out his name over and over thinking she might pass out. The position they were in was intense and overwhelming to her senses as he was able to drive so deeply into her and hold her tightly so that she couldn’t escape when her orgasm made her too sensitive. Laying her back down, he pulled on her hips as he continued to pump through her orgasm finding his own release. After several minutes, he kissed down her spine, and pulled out of her and rolled her over to look at him.

“I swear the things you do to me, Chan. I love you, babe.”

“I love you so much, too, KeeMac. So much.”

She kissed him on the cheeks, wrapped an arm around his waist, and fell asleep as he pulled the covers over them.

Waking to the sun shining in their room, Chandler made her way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She couldn’t fathom the idea that she had so much family now and people who she could love and who loved her back. The entire idea of having family and the two bands and their family was almost more than she could wrap her mind around. Dressing quietly, she left KeeMac sleeping and went into the sitting area of the suite.

Ryder came from his room and saw her sitting with coffee at the dining room table. “Did you leave me some of that?”

“Sure. Want me to fix you a cup?” he nodded.

“KeeMac still asleep in there?”

“Yeah, he will probably sleep all day if we leave him alone and he’s so hard to wake up.”

“Don’t think I don’t know how it is. I haven’t had enough sleep for twenty damn years.” They both laughed at this.

With the Keurig brewing another cup of coffee, KeeMac came through the doorway, naked. “Are you making that for me, babe?”


“Dude, as much as I know my BABY GIRL loves you, I DO NOT want to see what she loves.”

Fully waking at their yelling, KeeMac looked down, “Oh. Uh. Shit. Sorry.” He stepped back and shut the door quickly.

“I’m so embarrassed. I cannot believe he did that!” Her face matched the red mug she was holding.

“You did say he was hard to wake. Hope he doesn’t do too much sleepwalking like that!” Ryder laughed, and when Chandler was finally able to shake off her mortification enough to find the humor in the situation, she laughed too. “I’ve lived this life a long time, Chan. I understand it. And I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit.”

Returning this time fully clothed, KeeMac apologized to them both for his earlier entrance. Ryder joked with him it would be a story to tell when KeeMac was old and gray like him, then proceeded to tell them a few of stories of all his years on the road that had all three of them in fits of laughter until their sides ached. It was the kind of laugh that felt good, cathartic, like it was healing something, making something whole again.

“Hey, I’ve been thinking about something that I wanted to run by y’all. We would have to get it cleared with everyone, of course. But what do you think Assured Distraction would say about coming out on tour with us? We leave in a week, and it will last four months. Y’all would be our opening act, and it would involve some international stops. I believe it would be a great opportunity for AD, and Chandler and I would get a lot more time together. I’ve just found her and I’m not ready to leave her yet.”

The look on their faces was all he needed for an answer.

“Well then, call up your band and manager, and let’s get the fucking wheels rolling on this AD/Steel tour.”



o I really have to deal with all of this right now?” Chandler gave her parents’ lawyer an annoyed look, once again.

“No, honestly, you don’t have to do this yet but the sooner you get it all over with the faster you can move on with your life, Chandler.”

“OK, I want you to look at all of my parents’ charities and let’s make a nice donation to each one. Then I want to set up two scholarships, for male and female aspiring musicians, at my mom’s high school. That’s two decisions I’ve already made. I will think about the rest but get started on the whole legal part of the Will.” With that she got up and left the attorney’s office.

Meeting KeeMac back at his house, Chandler started thinking about what she wanted to take with her on the European leg of the tour with Steel. She was still in awe with the idea that not only was the band going to benefit from this tour but she was going to get to spend more time with her dad. Everything in her life had changed quickly, and most of it was for the better.

“Chandler, babe, what are you doing?” He wrapped his arms around her as she stood at the foot of the bed sorting clothes for her suitcase.

“I was thinking about how great the tour was going to be with my two favorite men on it.” She giggled and turned in his arms to hold on to him. “This is going to be the best time of my life.”

“I do believe I am going to fucking love having you to myself again on a bus for several weeks.” He pulled her in and kissed her until her head was spinning.

“OK, well, that has to stop or I’m not going to finish packing,” she said as she unlaced her fingers from his hair.

“Yeah, I see how’s it’s going to be,” he teased. “I didn’t think the honeymoon phase would end so quickly.”

“Honeymoon? We haven’t even dated yet.” With her back to him, she continued rolling clothes and carefully arranging them in the suitcase.

“Sure we have. We’ve dated all over the western half of the U.S.” He couldn’t see her face to judge how she was receiving this info so he moved around and lay across the bed to watch her.

“No, we haven’t. We’ve
had sex
all over the western half of the U.S.” Her tone was light, and KeeMac couldn’t decide where she was going with this.

“Wait, Chan.” He sat up, grabbed her hands and pulled her around the corner of the bed toward him. “Are we OK? I mean, with everything that’s gone on, I just want to know that we are good. You know I love you and I know it happened fast but I’m all-in on this. You still feel the same, right?”

“Of course I do, Keeton. I love you with all my heart. I’m just excited about spending time with my dad, is all. I want to really get to know him, and I’m glad you will be there to get to know him, too. We’ve only been together a short time, though, and we need to get to know each other better, too.” She kissed him lightly and pulled him in for a hug, trying to reassure him that everything was great between them.

“Whoo, you had me scared there for a moment. I guess I need to up my game with you while we are on the road. Dates, huh? I think I can handle that. Just think, not many couples can say their first dates in different countries all over Europe during the first year of their lives together.” He kissed the top of her head and held her close. He knew things between them were still new but he was head-over-heels, and he had never felt anything like this. He knew she was the one for him, but didn’t want to push her, she’d had a lot to deal with in the past few months.

Chandler stood and went back to packing. “So, what kind of shit do you think is going to be problems this time around with the band? I would like to be a little more prepared for band problems this time.”

“You know exactly what’s going to be a problem: Krissy. I think she must have spent the entire time she was home, nursing Janae back to health or something, getting her head filled with all sorts of propaganda about keeping her man in town and that there’s more to life than music. She wants Ryan to step off this crazy train and stay with her. I hate to tell her this, but her bitching and nagging isn’t going to get him to change his mind.” KeeMac picked up a red, lacy lingerie Chandler had folded on the bed and rubbed it down his cheek. “Babe, you know I have a thing for red, right?”

She snatched the tiny piece of lace away from him. “Keeton, I have this all matched together. I’ll be sure and tell you ahead of time when I’m going to wear it on stage.” There wasn’t much folding to a g-string but she wanted all of the bras and panties matched together in the suitcase so she refolded them and put them in the designated section.

“So you think she would cause problems for him to try to persuade him to stay home? I mean I know she can be bitchy but she knew what she was getting into from the beginning, right?”

“Yeah. That’s what’s so fucked up about it. She knew we were going to be touring and that’s been the goal from day one. She needs to back the hell up and let this happen for him and for the band.” KeeMac stood and walked in his closet returning with his own suitcase.

“You mean you’re actually going to pack early this time?” Chandler laughed a little.

BOOK: Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1)
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