Assignment to Hell (83 page)

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Authors: Timothy M. Gay

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Fowle, Farnsworth, 230–32

Fragmentary bombs, 170


Îles d’Hyères islands, 334, 337–39, 442

Normandy, 8–16, 270–80, 285–308, 311–35, 448

Paris, 21, 29–30, 44–47, 50, 345–49, 352, 353, 357, 359–77, 398–99

Frankish, Brian, 427

Frankish, John, 400–401, 413, 426–27

Fredendall, Lloyd R., 92, 103, 104

Free French, 105, 108, 215, 345, 363, 367

French Resistance, 260, 273, 277–79, 295, 320, 322–24, 326, 338, 339–42, 356–57, 363, 372, 374, 424

French Second Armored Division, 357, 360, 361, 363, 364

French War Crimes Commission, 424

Friendly, Fred, 457, 458

Friendly-fire episodes, 197–98, 315–17, 330

Fuller, George, 267

Gable, Clark, 160–62

Gafsa, Tunisia, 112, 113

Gallagher, Wes, 26, 38, 229, 263, 280, 288, 293, 391, 451–52

Gallico, Paul, 367

Gallipoli campaign, 224

Garigliano River, 214

Gates, Colonel, 145

Gates, Stan, 200

Gavin, James, 429

Geem, William F., 411–12

Gela, Sicily, 190, 192, 194–98

Gellhorn, Martha, 26, 422

Geneva Conventions, 3, 252, 295

George VI, King of England, 76, 117–18

Gerbini airfield, Sicily, 192

Gerhardt, Charles, 304–5, 311

German forces

Third Parachute Division, 296, 304

Fifth Panzer Division, 331

Seventh Army, 311

Seventh Panzer Division, 331

Tenth Panzer Division, 113

Fifteenth Panzer Grenadier Division, 177, 187, 213, 215, 336

29th Panzers, 222, 223

709th Division, 271

Army Group C, 18, 236

Army Group C, 217

Blowtorch Battalion, 410–12

Hermann Göring
Division, 196, 335

Panzer Lehr
, 313, 316

units, 433

Gerow, Leonard T., 366

Gervasi, Frank, 294

Gill, Brendan, 30

Gillett, Charles, 430

Giraud, Henri, 102

Goebbels, Joseph, 45, 82, 213, 237, 281–82, 400

Golden, Melvin, 199

Gone With the Wind
(movie), 160

Göring, Hermann, 155, 161–63, 242, 243, 319, 335, 397, 445–46

Gorrell, Hank, 26, 292, 293

Gothic Line, 336

Göttingen, Germany, 163

Graham, Frederick, 433

Grandcamp, France, 285, 313, 317, 350

Grant, Bruce, 358

Grant, Cary, 162

Grant, Ulysses S., 102, 156, 218

Great White Fleet, 79

Greece, 141, 193

Greeley, Horace, 450

Green, Paul, 19

Greenock naval base, England, 61

Grending, Carl N., 252

Grenoble, France, 342

Guadalcanal, 81, 272

Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, London, 283–84, 459

Gulf of St.-Malo, France, 288

Gustav Line, 218, 235

Hagenbuch, Glenn, 144

Halberstam, David, 453, 455

Hales, Sam, 398

Halifax bombers, 173, 315

Hall, Bernard “Benny,” 140

Hamburg, Germany, 242

Hamel, James, 458–59

Hamel, Mme., 291–96, 307, 308, 309, 311, 314, 460

Hamill, Pete, 460–61

Hamilton, Jim, 145

Hamm, Germany, 143

Hanover, Germany, 174

Hansen, Chet, 298, 310, 311, 329, 363

Harper’s Magazine
, 404, 406

Harris, Arthur, 125, 126, 173

Harris, Harry, 358

Harris, Louis, 222

Hart, Mrs. Cary, 452

Hautteville, France, 326

Hawker Hurricane fighters, 140–41

Hawker Typhoon fighter-bombers, 330, 331

Help, Help! Another Day!
(Boyle), 212

Hemingway, Ernest, 26, 96, 189, 190, 357–58, 362, 364, 374, 422

Henning, John, 216–17

Henreid, Paul, 277

Henry, John, 80, 88–89

Hepburn, Katharine, 162

Hewitt, Don, 67

Hewitt, Kent, 78–79, 82, 191–92, 195, 221

Hicks, George, 426

Higgins, Gerald J., 385–86

Higgins, Marguerite, 453

Higgins assault boats, 194

Hill 122, France, 302, 304

Hill 192, France, 302

Hill 609, Tunisia, 104

Hill, Gladwin, 22, 133, 134, 136, 142, 143, 147, 154, 158, 251, 269

Himmler, Heinrich, 400, 419

Hiroshima, 442

Hitler, Adolf, 44, 45, 48, 52, 53, 76, 92, 101, 102, 120, 125, 126, 154, 155, 162, 217, 219–20, 243, 281, 287, 311, 329, 343, 365, 400, 403, 410, 417, 419, 429, 434, 435, 438, 446, 458

Hitler Youth, 433, 435

, 338

Hodges, Courtney, 288, 310, 333, 410, 429, 435

Hoffman, Marcus, 431

Hogan, Alex, 139–40

Holland, 281, 354, 378–94, 396–98

Hope, Bob, 161

Höss, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand, 445

Hottelet, Richard C., 362

Houston Press
, 41–42

Hovey, Graham, 119

Howie, Thomas D., 304–7

Hoyt, Otis A., 145

Huebner, Clarence, 11, 259

Hürtgen Forest, Belgium, 402, 408

Huston, John, 65, 230, 234–35

Hutchison “Hutch,” 200, 201

Hutton, Bud, 68, 69, 133, 250, 375, 447

Île de Port-Cros, 337–38

Île du Levant, 337–39

Îles d’Hyères islands, 334, 337–39, 442

Imbody, Percy L., 427

Ingersoll, Ralph, 100

Ingram, Jonas H., 404–5

International News Service (INS), 2, 8, 80, 88, 119, 130, 133, 160, 201, 266, 293, 425

Irvin, Bede, 285, 317

Irvin, Kath, 317

Isigny-sur-Mer, France, 285, 291

Italian campaign, 17–19, 191, 193, 212–40, 258, 262, 296, 334–36, 339, 344, 418, 442, 453–55

Iwo Jima, 442

Jackson, Robert, 445–46

James, Joan, 111–12

Jensen, Richard, 113

Joan of Arc, 277

Jodl, Albert, 438

Johnny Reb
(B-17), 140

Johnson, Lyndon B., 456

Jolson, Al, 95

Junkers (Ju) 88s, 124, 151

Kallman, Art, 321

Kane, Bud, 370

Kansas City Star
, 263, 368, 411, 428, 438–39

Kaplan, David, 212–14, 217

Kassel, Germany, 163

Kasserine Pass, 103–5, 111, 112, 265, 416

Kauffman, Michael S., 115

Keddab Ridge, Tunisia, 113

Keegan, John, 126

Kelly, Albert G., 332

Kelly, Edwin, 355

Kelly, Monroe, 82–84, 86, 88–89

Kennedy, Edward, 437–38

Kennedy, John F., 455–56

Kenyon, Alvin O., 396

Kessel, John, 388

Kesselring, Albert, 18, 19, 217–18, 220–24, 227, 236, 237, 336, 442

Keyes, Geoff, 218

Kiel submarine base, Germany, 157, 165, 167

Kiley, Charles, 14, 133, 437

Kilpatrick, James J., 448

Kinnick, Nile, 424

Kluge, Günther von, 329, 330, 345

Kluger, Richard, 34, 35

Knickerbocker, H. R., 255

Koch, Ilse, 432

Koenig, Dick, 129

Kolb, Bob, 395–96

Korean War, 449, 452, 453

Koske, Keith J., 174, 175

Kuhns, James, 300

La Haye du Puits, France, 289–91

La Guardia, Fiorello, 5, 443–44

Laidlaw, Bill, 141–42

Lait, George, 266

Lake Nemi, Italy, 334

Lancashire bombers, 173

Lancaster bombers, 315

Landry, Bob, 266

Lang, Bill, 91

Lardner, David, 424–25

Lardner, James, 424

Lardner, John, 425

Lardner, Ring, 30, 424

Laval, France, 344–45

Lavontiev, Julius, 438

Layzell, Alastair, 457

Lazio, Frank, 110

LCI(L)-88, 9–14, 20–21, 374

Le Forêt Gouffern, France, 331

Le Mans, France, 330, 355

Leaves from a War Correspondent’s Notebook (Boyle), 17, 50, 111, 241, 261, 409

Leaves of Grass
(Whitman), 111

Leclerc, Jacques-Philippe, 357, 360, 361, 363–66, 370–71

Lee, Clark, 275, 293

Leigh-Mallory, Sir Trafford, 173, 313–15, 382

Leipzig, Germany, 242

LeMay, Curtis, 173

LeSueur, Larry, 362, 369

Leyshon, Hal, 7–8, 22, 133–35, 138, 142, 145, 146, 149

Libya, 101, 103

Licata, Sicily, 12, 190, 195, 198

Liebling, A. J. (Joseph), 1, 142, 167, 192, 247, 399, 401, 447, 455

alcohol use and, 275, 276, 290, 294

birth of, 32

Boyle and, 76, 110–11, 117, 120

on Bradley, 309, 312, 460

Bradley briefings and, 311–14, 345–46

brush with death, 100–1

childhood of, 32–33

combat missions flown by, 124, 125, 169–72, 260

D-Day and, 9–14, 20–21, 24, 259, 277, 444

death of, 461

eyesight of, 32, 276

in France, 21, 29–30, 44–47, 50, 275–79, 284, 288–97, 301, 303, 304, 307, 311–15, 317–18, 323–28, 332–35, 344–49, 357, 359, 365–67, 371, 374, 376–77, 424

as Francophile, 30, 33, 45–46, 294, 327

on French Resistance, 277–79, 424

health of, 32, 91, 259

on Kesselring, 217

Lardner’s death and, 424, 425

in London, 245, 258–59

marriages of, 43–44, 167, 461

on memories, 28

Mollie and Other War Pieces
by, vii, 460, 461

on Montdidier B-26 raid, 169–72

New Yorker
New Yorker, The

newspaper career of, 31–32

in North African campaign, 46, 76, 98–101, 109, 113, 114

in Paris, 21, 29–30, 44–47, 50, 424

Patton and, 112

personality of, 30–31, 276

physical appearance of, 9, 10, 29, 32, 169, 259, 277

postwar reunions and, 450

postwar visits to Europe by, 311, 314, 460

on Pyle, 95

“Quest for Mollie,” 114–17, 167, 425

The Republic of Silence
by, 260, 424

return to New York, 47–48

The Road Back to Paris
by, 52, 98, 150, 167, 309

Rooney and, 14, 250, 276, 447

Typographical Error
raid and, 168

uniform of, 56, 277

Wayward Press columns by, 425, 461

writing technique of, 51–52

Liebling, Ann Beatrice McGinn, 43–44, 167, 461

Liebling, Anna Slone, 32, 45–46

Liebling, Joseph, 32, 33

Liebling: World War II Writings
, 460

, 26, 91, 266

Limburg concentration camp, 432

Liri Valley, Italy, 215, 236

Lisagor, Peter, 67

Little Blitz, 241–43, 396

Livorno, Italy, 335, 336

Llewellyn, Ensley M., 306

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 186

Lombard, Carole, 160

London Calling
(radio show), 147

London Daily Herald
, 244

London Daily Mail
, 209

London Daily Sketch
, 244

London Daily Telegraph
, 421

London News
, 421

London News Chronicle
, 244

Longest Day, The
, 271

Longjumeau, France, 360

Longstreet, James, 217

Lorient, France, 401

Los Angeles Times
, 26, 62, 177, 260, 264, 266, 358

Los Baños, Philippines, 442

Lovelady, William B., 395

Lucas, John, 236, 237

Luce, Henry, 373, 374

Luciano, Lucky, 375–76

Ludendorff Bridge, Germany, 428–31

Luftwaffe, 5, 21, 61, 62, 125, 129, 143, 149, 155, 156, 161, 242, 243, 295–96, 319, 325, 371, 386, 426, 430

Lund, Harry W., 215–16

(liner), 53

Luxembourg, 413–15, 421, 444

Lyle, Lewis “Hoss,” 21–22, 144

Lyon, Ben, 147

Lyon, France, 343–44

Maas River, 382, 384

Maastricht, Holland, 397

MacGowan, Gault, 91

MacVane, John, 326

Maginot Line, 44, 340

Maher, Joe, 135

(B-24 Liberator), 142, 145

Malmédy, Belgium, 409–12

Manning, Paul, 133, 142, 269, 362

Maquis, 273, 277–78, 323–24, 340–42, 356, 363, 424

Marchant, Hilde, 147, 148

Marchiennes, France, 392

Mareth Line, 104

Marinelli, Giuseppe, 226

Mark IV tanks, 184, 202

Marseille, France, 340, 342

Marshall, George C., 48, 62, 75, 102, 173, 191, 219, 312, 334, 339, 421

Marshall, Howard, 362

Mathis, Jack, 150–54, 459

Mathis, Mark, 150, 153–54

Mauldin, Bill, 67, 219

Mauret, Émile, 340

Maxey, Edwin, 318, 319

Mayer, Louis B., 160, 162

Maynes, Seaghan John, 362

McAuliffe, Anthony Clement, 378, 379, 421

magazine, 48

McCarthy, J. J., 389

McClure, Robert, 109

McCormick, Robert R., 48

McCown, Hal D., 419–20

McCrary, John “Tex,” 135

McGlincy, Jim, 5, 7, 16, 131, 148, 242–43, 256–57, 281, 362–63, 412–13

McHugh, Frank, 141

McKay, Donald, 319–22, 328

McKelway, St. Clair, 29–30

McManus, John, 333

McNair, Lesley J., 265, 316–17

Memphis Belle, The
(movie), 139, 162

Meredith, Burgess, 260, 264–66

Messerschmitts, 98, 101, 105, 121, 122, 145, 151, 166, 237, 325

Messina, Sicily, 178, 186, 190, 206, 210–11

Metz, France, 402, 406, 408

Meuse River, 378, 379, 381, 385, 390, 417, 425

MI6, 193

Middleton, Troy, 195, 328

Miliciens (Milice), 343, 361, 363

Minarik, Else Holmelund, 454, 455

Mitchell, Joe, 1, 169, 259

Mitchell bombers, 223

Mitchum, Robert, 264, 265

Molesworth air base, England, 1, 2, 6, 8, 22, 133, 145, 147, 156, 248, 459

Mollie, Private, 114–17, 167

Mollie and Other War Pieces
(Liebling), vii, 460, 461

Montdidier airfield, France, 169–73, 260

Monte Cassino, Italy, 215, 236, 237, 238, 239, 264, 265, 335, 359

Monte Cipolla, Sicily, 177–78, 181–84, 187, 189, 190, 236, 260, 337, 359, 442

Monte Rotondo, Italy, 234

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