Assignment to Hell (82 page)

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Authors: Timothy M. Gay

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in Vietnam, 453–54

writing technique of, 51

Bingham, Barry, 11

Bissell, Clayton, 404

Bitter Battle, The
(J. Eisenhower), 422

Blakeney, Charles, 310

Blanchard, Mrs., 360–61, 363

Blinkoff, Jack, 395

Blitz of 1940–41, 62, 137, 241, 243

Blue Network, 266, 426

Blue Streak, The
(B-24 Liberator), 260–61

(hedgerows), 297–99, 303, 318

Boni, Bill, 351–53

Boston bombers, 167

Bourke-White, Margaret, 26

Boyer, Dick, 48

Boyle, Ed, 24, 263

Boyle, Harold V. “Hal,” 10, 24, 28, 52, 148, 191, 206, 256, 353, 361, 385, 447

accident of, 373

amphibious landings by, 17

at AP New York operation, 49–50

Atlantic crossing of, 53, 54, 59

in Belgium, 406–11, 416–20, 425–27, 439

Bradley briefing and, 312–14

childhood of, 38–39

at college, 39

combat missions flown by, 124, 125

concentration camps and, 432, 433

D-Day and, 16, 23, 280

Darlan assassination and, 93–94, 96

death of, 451

final column by, 451, 452

in France, 275, 280, 286–94, 298–303, 305–6, 312–14, 318–19, 321–24, 326–28, 332–35, 344–46, 354–57, 359, 360, 363, 367–68, 370–73, 439

on French Resistance, 356–57

German prisoners and, 392–93, 400, 434, 436

in Germany, 428, 431–37, 442

Help, Help! Another Day!
by, 212

hitchhiking in Tunisia by, 111–12

on Hitler Youth, 433–34

on Hitler’s suicide, 438

in Holland, 391, 393–94

insecurity of, 51

Italian campaign and, 212–16, 218, 221–23, 225–30, 235, 236, 262, 439

in Korea, 449

Leaves from a War Correspondent’s Notebook by, 17, 50, 111, 241, 261, 409

Liebling and, 76, 110–11, 117, 120

in London, 244, 268–69

Malmédy Massacre and, 410–12

marriage of, 40

in North African campaign, 72–76, 78, 79, 83, 86–87, 93–97, 105–14, 118–20, 190, 193, 410, 439

in Pacific Theater, 438–40, 442

Patton and, 112–13, 196, 209

personality of, 16, 17, 38

physical appearance of, 17, 72

postwar reunions and, 450

postwar visit to Normandy by, 307

publicity tour by, 260–62

Pulitzer Prize awarded to, 27, 218, 439, 449

Pyle and, 96, 261

return to U.S., 260–63, 402

Rooney and, 250

in Sicilian campaign, 11, 187–88, 194–96, 198–202, 210, 217

Story of G.I. Joe
, 260, 264–66

Veterans of Foreign Wars medal awarded to, 449

in Vietnam, 450, 453

wartime mementoes of, 368, 437

women, fascination with, 229–30

writing technique of, 50–51

Boyle, John, 263

Boyle, Margaret, 263

Boyle, Mary Frances Young, 16, 40, 106, 113, 261, 263, 264, 267, 280, 286, 289, 291, 353, 434, 449–51

Boyle, Monica Murphy, 24, 263

Boyle, Neil, 263

Boyle, Tracy, 113, 437

Bradley, Omar, 23, 49–51, 75, 99, 102–4, 113, 173, 178–79, 187, 188, 192, 209–10, 257–58, 267, 272–75, 288, 296, 298, 299, 301, 303, 309–16, 318, 326, 328–30, 332, 344–45, 357, 363, 381, 382, 391, 396, 401, 414–17, 429–30, 434, 449–50, 460

Bragaw, Henry C., 234

Brandt, Bert, 255, 292

Braun, Joe, 28

Braun, Wernher von, 436

Braunschweig, Germany, 242

Bremen, Germany, 143, 144, 150, 166, 167

Brest, France, 328

Brightman, Sam, 267

Bristol, England, 14–15

British forces

First Airborne, 384

First Army, 104

Second Army, 272, 330, 399

Third Infantry Division, 389

Sixth Airborne Division, 243, 258

Eighth Army, 101, 104, 178, 192, 210, 220, 224, 336

Eleventh Armored Division, 389

Twenty-first Army Group, 288, 330, 391, 429

46th Division, 215

52nd (Lowland) Division, 352–53

XXX Corps, 381, 386

British Intelligence, 103

British Ministry of War Information, 62, 65

Brix, France, 272

Brodie, Steve, 85–86

Brodniak, Anthony, 335

Brokaw, Tom, 448

Brolo, Sicily, 177–79, 181–90, 213, 230, 236

Brooke, Sir Alan, 75, 76

Brown, John Mason, 11

Browne, Malcolm, 453

Brunelle, Bob, 268, 288

Brush-off Club, 229–30

Brussels, Belgium, 387, 390, 398, 399, 401

Bryant, Carleton F., 58–61

Bryson, Rob, 253

Buchenwald concentration camp, 36, 432–33

Bulge, Battle of the, 112, 332, 412, 414–22, 427, 448

Bures-sur-Yvette, France, 360

Butterfly bombs, 386

Buzz bombs, 272, 281–84, 286, 403, 436

Byrne, William, 106

C-47 Dakotas, 15, 252

Caen, France, 8, 21, 22, 272, 330

Caesar, Julius, 297

Cagney, James, 136, 141

Calhoun, Bill, 153–54

Caltanissetta, Sicily, 201

Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial, 459

Canadian Devil’s Brigade, 337

Canadian First Army, 330

Caniff, Milton, 99

Canisy, France, 333

Cannes, France, 338, 340

Cannon, Jimmy, 375–76

Cap de la Hague, France, 286

Capa, Robert, 374

Cape Orlando, Sicily, 179, 184

Capo Raisigelbi, Sicily, 203

Capra, Frank, 65

Carentan, France, 271, 285, 288

Carroceto, Italy, 237, 238

Carrouges, France, 332

Carusi, Eugene, 12, 13, 444

Casablanca, Morocco, 17, 74, 88

Casablanca conference, 101–2, 126, 191

(movie), 277

Casey, Bill, 122–24

Casey, Robert, 26, 289–91, 293, 303, 304

Cass, Don, 356

Cassibile, Sicily, 190

Castel di Tusa, Sicily, 204–5, 210

Castelvetrano, Sicily, 200–1

Caucasus, 76

Caumont, France, 288, 302

CBS News, 173, 247–48, 448, 456–58

CBS Radio, 19, 26, 64, 65, 90, 119, 133, 146, 231, 246, 247, 362, 369, 439

Cefalö, Sicily, 202–3

Celles, Belgium, 425

Censorship, 26, 62, 65–66, 86, 146, 155, 164, 206–8, 218, 248, 252, 322, 405

Chamberlain, Neville, 434

Chambois, France, 331

Chartres, France, 331, 332

Chaudfontaine, Belgium, 426

Cherbourg, France, 270–77, 284, 285, 287

Cherbourg–St.-Pierre-Église road, France, 273

Chica, Princess Alexandra, 342

Chicago Daily News
, 26, 67, 255, 289, 292, 303

Chicago Daily Tribune
, 26, 110, 292, 370, 431, 449

Chicago Sun
, 255, 358

Choltitz, Dietrich von, 365, 366, 376

Christian Science Monitor
, 292

Churchill, Pamela Digby, 135

Churchill, Winston, 48, 54, 62, 75–79, 93, 101–2, 104, 125, 126, 135, 173, 191, 192, 219, 235–37, 284, 334

Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, 237, 238

Civilian Pilot Training Program, 4

Clark, Mark W., 18, 19, 75, 84, 93, 215, 218, 220–21, 224, 225, 236, 237, 239, 258, 335, 339, 345

Clark, Norman, 421

Cleghorn, Rufus J., 234

Clevedon, England, 267

Clews, Mrs. Henry, 342

Cochran, Philip, 99

Coe, Don, 119

Colella, James W., 420

, 26, 422

Collingwood, Charles, 26, 247, 362

Collins, J. Lawton “Lightning Joe,” 272, 274–75, 286–87, 311, 316, 318

Cologne, Germany, 125, 428

Combat America
(movie), 160, 162

Comblanchien, France, 424

Concentration camps, 36, 432–33, 445

Considine, Bob, 118

Corsica, 337

Cota, Norman, 296–97, 301, 307

Cotentin Peninsula, 270–72, 274–76, 280, 284–89, 297, 323, 324

Coutances, France, 324

Coventry, England, 155

Cowan, Howard, 428–30

Cowan, Lester, 264, 265

Cozine, Irene M., 230

Cronkite, Betsy Maxwell, 3, 4, 7, 22, 42, 43, 57–58, 80, 90, 130–32, 135, 139–42, 146–48, 161, 241–44, 254–55, 269, 282–85, 350–54, 378, 380, 385, 398, 413, 423, 445, 446, 458

Cronkite, Mrs. Walter Leland, Sr., 40–41

Cronkite, Walter Leland, Jr., 52, 127, 135, 136, 154, 155, 191, 206, 354, 361, 402, 447, 448

aborted parachute jump in Operation Transfigure and, 350–54, 370, 380

on Americans in Britain, 245

article on
The Duchess
mission by, 151–53

“assignment to hell” phrase by, 27–28, 146

Atlantic crossings of, 55–62, 81–82, 130

in Belgian-Luxembourg sector, 408, 412–15, 421–23

Bigart and, 117, 133–34, 146, 207, 455

in Brussels, 399, 401

at CBS News, 247–48, 456–58

celebrity status of, 148

censorship and, 62, 65–66, 146

childhood of, 40–41

at college, 41

combat missions flown by, 3–6, 8, 21–22, 25, 27, 123, 124, 143–49, 243–44, 251, 443

combat training and, 138, 140, 141

D-Day and, 9, 21–22, 269, 279

in Dover, 131–32

driving of, 4

exhaustion of, 253–54

first broadcasting by, 42

in France, 279–80, 285–86, 398–99

Gable and, 160–61

glider flight into Holland and, 378–80, 382–83

in Holland, 380–81, 383–91, 398

insecurity of, 51

interviews with Ike, 173, 457–58

Kennedy assassination and, 456

Little Blitz and, 241–43

in London, 6–7, 61–63, 130–32, 134, 146–48, 241–44, 249, 253–54, 269, 401

marriage of, 42

McGlincy and, 256, 281, 363, 412–13

memorial service for, 459

Murrow and, 245–47, 456

nickname of, 4

in North African campaign, 75, 76, 78–90, 95

at Nuremberg trials, 444–46

in Paris, 398–99

Patton and, 112

personality of, 2, 4, 8

physical appearance of, 3, 354

postwar reunions and, 450

postwar visits to Europe by, 457–59

A Reporter’s Life
by, 422

Rooney and, 28, 129–30, 248, 250, 456, 459–60

Stockton story and, 156–58

twenty-sixth birthday of, 83

uniform of, 56–57

at UP New York operation, 49

V-1 rocket attack and, 282–84

fire and, 63–64, 79

wartime diaries and letters of, 57

Wilhelmshaven raid and, 143–49, 256, 351

Woodward and, 383–84

working habits of, 2–3

World War II legacy projects and, 457–58

writing technique of, 50

Cronkite, Walter Leland, Sr., 40, 42

Crusade in Europe
(Eisenhower), 298

Culin, Curtis “Bud,” 298–99

Cunningham, Chris, 26, 260, 265

D-Day, 9–16, 20–25, 173, 277, 279, 280, 312, 398, 444, 457–58

D-Day Plus 20 Years
(documentary), 457–58

Dally, Bob, 88–89

Daly, John Charles, 119, 146

Daniell, Raymond, 138, 149

Darlan, Jean Louis, 92–93, 367

Darlan Deal, 92–93

Darnand, Joseph, 343

Davis, Elmer, 64–65

Davis, Richard Harding, 39

De Gaulle, Charles, 93, 102, 361, 363, 366, 367, 370–71

De Marco, Private First Class, 115

Dedeaux, Rod, 427

Dempsey, Miles C., 381, 382

Denny, Harold, 26, 367, 426

DeWald, Ernest T., 335

Dewey, Thomas, 375

Dickinson, Bill, 147

Dickson, Monk, 298, 310, 311, 314, 357, 363

Dieppe raid, 62

Dixon, Ken, 26

Dodge, Howard K., 233–34

Dönitz, Karl, 53, 150, 438

Doolittle, Jimmy, 53, 118, 173

Dorothea Dix
(hospital ship), 20

Downs, Bill, 26, 246, 386–87

Dreux, France, 331, 353, 354

Driscoll, Joseph, 421

Duff, Robin, 362

Dugan, Jimmy, 133, 135

DUKW assault boats, 177, 180, 181

Dutch Partisans, 388

The Duchess
(B-17 Flying Fortress), 150–53

Eaker, Ira C., 127, 154

Egypt, 82

Eichmann, Adolf, 454

Eindhoven, Holland, 381, 384–88, 390

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 4, 15, 49–51, 68, 75, 82, 84, 92, 93, 101, 103, 104, 113, 125, 135, 156, 173, 190–92, 196–98, 209,
210, 219–21, 250–52, 257–58, 272–74, 277, 288, 296, 309, 310, 312, 328, 345, 352, 353, 381, 382, 391, 396, 416, 429, 437, 457–58

Eisenhower, John, 422

Eisenhower, Mamie, 458

El Alamein, Battle of, 82, 103

El Guettar, Tunisia, 112, 113

Elbe River, 434

Elliott, Jesse, 150–52

Elliott, John “Tex,” 47

Elliott, Wilson, 122

Emden, Germany, 143

Enigma code, 103

Ernée, France, 345, 346, 357

Esch, Luxembourg, 415

Face the Nation
(CBS News), 451

Faïd Pass, Tunisia, 103

Falaise, France, 330–32

Falcone, Sicily, 208

Falkenburg, Jinx, 135, 136

FDR: The Man Who Changed America
(Rooney), 448

(B-17 Flying Fortress), 153

Fedala, Morocco, 83

Fessenden, Bruce, 267

Forces françaises de l’intérieur)

Fighting 69th
(movie), 136, 141

First American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer, 23–25, 458

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 137, 293

Flak farms (rest-and-relaxation homes), 164–66

Flanner, Janet, 29

Fleischman, Arnold, 212–13

Fleming, Ian, 193

Florence, Italy, 336

Flying Typewriters, 136

Focke-Wulf fighters, 143–46, 151, 163, 166, 174, 185, 318–19

Foisie, Jack, 202, 203, 260, 266

Forces françaises de l’intérieur (FFI), 275, 277–79, 320, 322–23, 340, 342, 358, 360, 362, 364, 365, 367, 368, 371, 372, 374, 401

Forêt de Rambouillet, France, 352–54

Forêt de St. Sever, France, 333

Fort du Roule, Cherbourg, France, 273–75, 286, 428

Fortunes of War, The
(Rooney), 270, 441, 447, 448

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