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Authors: R. S. Smith

Assassin Affairs (26 page)

BOOK: Assassin Affairs
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at all, baby, but we'll need to be quiet. My folks are probably

be as quiet as a mouse, sweetheart,” she whispered as she slid
her body up against his.

Jake led
her down into the basement where his dad kept a well-stocked bar. He
set the stereo volume on low, mixed a few cocktails and snuggled in
next to Karlee on the sofa. He was replaying the scenario he had
earlier in the evening with Kristie. “I like doing sisters,”
he said with a slur as they began undressing each other.

do? Do you want me to invite mine to come over and join us, lover?”
she asked, kissing her way down his stomach.

Jake was
getting so excited that he could only moan. His moans got more
intense as she teased him with tender kisses on his thighs. He
grabbed onto her hair. “Come on, baby, stop holding back!”
he demanded, as he forced himself into her mouth. It would be the
last time he made such a mistake.

Karlee bit
down and bit down hard. Her teeth left her brand on his manhood as he
screamed out in agony.


dripped from her lips as she lifted her head, stared into his eyes
and said, “Was it as good for you as it was for me, baby?”


She slapped
him hard. “You're lucky I didn't bite it off, asshole! Oh what
the heck, I could use a souvenir. Whaddya say I take the little guy
home with me?” She moved her head lower to finish the job and
he abruptly pulled away.

the hell away from me you damn skank!”

if I ever hear of you abusing someone like this again, I'll be back
to finish the job.” She thrust her knee into his groin for an
added bonus, nonchalantly gathered up her things, retrieved her
sister's panties, and left. Jake was never heard from again.

As the
ensuing years passed by, Karlee continued in her role as protective
big sister; Kristie maintained her role of relative goodness. College
graduation with honors for both came and passed. Kristie was pursuing
a modeling career in Chicago, mostly advertising underwear for a
lingerie catalog. Karlee labored in a nearby law practice. They were
now in their mid-to-late twenties.

I got an offer from one of my clients to do an audition for a new TV

that's great, Kris. You're becoming rich and famous, while I'm just
helping to get rich people off for their dirty deeds and sending the
poor ones to prison.”

so good at what you do, sis, and I'm so very proud of you!”

yeah; so tell me about this audition, hon.”

going to be a new sitcom about family life,” Kristie beamed.

are you trying for the part to be the daughter or the mom?”

don't know the details yet. Maybe it'll be about sisters! If the
local agent likes me, I go to New York to meet the final decision

beware the casting couch, Kris.”

that stuff is just a myth, silly.”

celebrate your budding acting career with a shopping spree at the

Their first
stop was Victoria's Secret where they purchased matching ensembles of
sexy underwear. Karlee opted to get hers in pink; Kristie got hers in
lavender this time, with a matching slip.

I tell you I'm starting a new class in kickboxing, Kris?”

should complement your other fighting skills, sis.”

stop into that gun store,” Karlee requested.


need to enhance my self-image; martial arts and shooting seem to go

As they
perused the weaponry, Karlee was drawn to the Glocks. One of them was
called the 'assassin model'. She asked to see it. It felt so good in
her hand, that a wry grin spread across her face.

sis, you should get it. It's so you!” Kristie insisted.

She filled
out the paperwork, found out where to get some shooting lessons, and
they called it a day.

The next
afternoon, Kris arrived at the agency to discover over a dozen other
applicants, both male and female. No one spoke; there was an eerie
silence as they nervously waited and reviewed the scripts they would
be reading. Those who finished were sent out a back door. Soon she
and a young man named Dan were summoned by the middle-aged couple
doing the interviewing. Although a bit of an oaf, his body was
well-toned and his build almost husky. They halfheartedly exchanged
anxious smiles as they entered the room.

I'd like to thank you both for being so patient. We're trying to be
thorough, as well as encouraging, to those auditioning when we can.
You'll notice a large TV screen mounted on the wall. This is so that
we all can get a sense of how you look on the big screen. Your entire
session today is being recorded and will be provided to our contacts
in New York for their review. Are you ready to proceed?”

They both
nodded yes and spent the next fifteen minutes doing dialog, while
watching themselves on the large flat-screen. The older couple, a man
and a woman, seemed less than satisfied.

one of you is putting yourself into the role in the way we want. This
show is about sexuality, not simply sex. New York needs to see more
flesh. We'll need you both to strip down to your underwear for this
next segment. Just think of it as being in your swimsuits at the
beach, no more.”

Kris was
used to modeling underwear for the catalog, so had lost some of her
inhibitions, but was still feeling reluctant as she looked up at
herself on the big screen. Both did as requested, read through
several more scenes, and were then surprised by the next request.

is one more thing, and it's strictly optional, but will certainly
help to improve your chances of being selected.”

that?” they asked.

the big stars have at one time or another done a nude scene. It's all
a part of the business,” said the woman. “We're not
asking that you do so, but it would help your chances of successfully
marketing yourselves for future opportunities with upcoming film
productions if you want to volunteer. Remember, sex sells!”

promptly removed his shorts and threw them off to the side.

squirmed as she considered volunteering, then looked up again at her
image on the big screen. She looked good in her new Victoria's Secret
underwear, she thought. It boosted her confidence. Then she watched
as her arms seemed to involuntarily reach behind her and undo her
bra. She saw herself displayed topless in large, living color and
felt aghast.

the underpants,” the man said admiringly.

It felt as
if time had stopped. There she stood in front of God and everybody
and being filmed possibly for the world to see, wearing just her new
lavender panties. Her eyes kept returning to the big screen on the
wall as she imaged herself becoming one of those famous celebrities.
She took the plunge, quickly slipped off her panties before she could
change her mind, and tossed them over on top of Dan's shorts.

good,” said the pleased couple. “Now both smile, stand
together and look into the camera. You're marketing yourselves, kids.
Look sexy!”

felt a new sense of freedom; she was naked yet still felt wholesome.
Her eyes sparkled as she reached around behind Dan and mischievously
pinched him on his butt as the camera recorded the end of their most
memorable audition.

back at Karlee's office, she was working diligently on her latest
legal case when her mentor Carlton approached her. He was several
years older, tall and had wavy hair. He'd been educated in Europe and
had acquired the hint of an accent during that time. She found it
rather sexy.

where do we stand on that Higgin's suit?”

can win it, but this CEO is a schmuck. He's clearly guilty of
backdating his stock options to the most favorable time period, and
the company is not even expensing them on their financial statements!
The shareholders have a legitimate beef.”

the shareholders, hon. Just make sure we've got all our ducks in a
row on this one. The firm needs that big billing in for this month.
By the way, plan on joining me for dinner tonight. We're meeting with
some potential new clients and I want you to get acquainted.”

motivation for the dinner gathering was more social than business. He
wanted to get to know Karlee on a more personal level, but was
reluctant to ask her out on an actual date. The client portion of the
dinner ended early, leaving the two of them to discuss things over
after-dinner drinks.

seemed to like you, Karlee. You do a fine job of representing the

Carlton, but something just seems to be missing.”

their lawsuit material?”

in my life. I'm tired of helping out the assholes of this world. I
need to find something more fulfilling. Don't get me wrong; the money
has been good. I can spend with abandon, I have all the material
things I want, but I go home feeling empty at night.”

you just need a good man in your life, Karlee. What does anything
count for if you have no one with whom to share it? You've followed
my guidance at the firm; follow it outside the firm, too. You need to
take time to allow romance to enter your life, then you will find
that fulfillment,” he said, trying to set her up for a more
intimate involvement with him. He came from a wealthy, but very
conservative family. Karlee's background was just the opposite.

Carlton was
able to persuade her to join him for an excursion on the family
sailing yacht, and later on some business trips that turned out to be
more focused on bringing them closer together than on work. Soon she
was invited to dinner at the palatial family estate to meet the
parents, Reginald and Beatrice. They presented themselves as
something akin to European royalty and had the snobbery to go along
with it. She learned later they were considered 'old money' people
and that their great, great grandpa had made a fortune as a
rum-runner smuggling in illegal goods. They had had the Midas touch
with their investments over the years and had parlayed those initial
funds well into the millions.

As the next
few years slipped by, opposites attracted and the two of them became
engaged. Carlton treated her like a princess and she loved that. He
bought her expensive jewelry and a sleek, all-black convertible
sports car. She spent more time with her car than her fiancé.
He was clueless as to her sideline activities, the advanced fighting
and the shooting, seeing her only as a potential trophy wife. Her
sister Kris had gotten the sought-after part on the TV show and was
doing quite well. One time, the two of them appeared together in an
episode called 'The Sinclair Affair' as long lost twins.

One of the
law firm’s clients had recently been acquitted on an
embezzlement charge. Karlee knew he was guilty, but because of the
attorney-client relationship was unable to say anything. Using the
legal system gave her a gratifying sense of power, but it wasn’t
providing the results she craved. She wanted more control of her
environment; instead, it was controlling her. One time in a
class-action suit, their billings had been so high that the
plaintiffs got almost nothing after fees. The firm was more
interested in its reputation for their high percentage of wins than
in serving justice, and her work had been a major factor in that
outcome. Karlee thought it ridiculous and so morally wrong and
worried it could bring her bad karma unless she did something about

She had
been enjoying the time with her fiancé. The sex was good, but
not passionate. She longed for prolonged orgasms like the ones she
read about in her romance novels. Frustrated in her job and
frustrated in her relationship, she yearned for a change. The chance
came her way when Carlton once again approached her in the office.

we've been asked to settle the estate for our recently-deceased
Secretary of State. I need you to go to his home and go through his
belongings, cataloging everything for the heirs. He lived alone, so
there shouldn't be too much difficulty. Just itemize and photograph
the valuable items, and then we'll have the movers pack everything.”

The two
sisters had already made plans to spend some quality time together
that evening, so she stopped and picked up Kris on the way, figuring
it wouldn't take too long, and that they could do dinner-out
afterward. Karlee read off the items; Kris wrote them into the

we done yet, sis? I'm getting hungry.” Kris said.

almost, let's do the closet stuff and then we're done.” She
rummaged through a few expensive Rolex watches and other jewelry
items, then came to a large, nondescript shoebox. Kris looked on as
Karlee pulled off the lid.

my God!” they gasped in unison.

never seen so much money before!” Kris said, trying to catch
her breath. “Should we count it?”

When they
finally finished, they turned and looked at one another. The total
had come to eight hundred thousand dollars. Neither spoke for quite
some time; each just silently stared, waiting for the other to say
something. Finally Kris broke the silence.

never realized so much money could fit into a shoebox. Who wudda ever
thunk it? Do you think he got it illegally, sis?”

I bet he skimmed the state finances and kept it as a slush fund for
payoffs and retirement.”

know, if we turn this in, it could impugn your client's reputation.
It would be like speaking ill of the dead. We could be doing him a
favor if we just kept it our secret.”

suggesting we simply keep it? That's
not you, Kristie!
Besides, maybe it's mob money. We could get ourselves into some deep

BOOK: Assassin Affairs
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