Assassin Affairs

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Authors: R. S. Smith

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Willful Women Assassins Series

A novel by

R. S. Smith

Copyright © 2013 All Rights

This novel is a work of adult fiction intended for those age eighteen
and older, and is a product of the author’s imagination.
Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is
entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or
in part in any form.


lover is tortured
to death, she seeks revenge. As an experienced New York City
hit-woman, she has an advantage.
her journey, she not only gets retribution, but also finds new
with a
handsome detective.
uses her femme fatale nature to not merely lure in men, but women as
hooks-up with an assortment of other willful young ladies, a
collection of great characters, women who are not always what they
seem, developing the group into a team of female
assassin-mercenaries. They may be demure and innocent-looking, but in
reality, feisty and lethal.

twenty-year-old family mysteries/secrets get revealed and resolved as
the reader follows the group on their missions and through their
unusual personal relationships over a multi-year period, with an
engaging combination of political and sexual intrigue. Intended for
the adult reader, some parts are of a bisexual or lesbian nature,
with elements of domination and submission.

– A young woman
seeks revenge and finds romance along the way. Page 5

Colorado Cabin
- A high school senior is abducted by a man with a history of sexual
deviancy. A team of three mercenaries is on their way to rescue her,
two women and a man, with some deviant ideas of their own. Page 57

Awkward Accommodations
– A
middle-aged mom with an inactive sex-life becomes obligated to seduce
a younger mercenary-assassin couple. Before the night is over, things
become even more awkward for her. There is also a hit contract put
out for an entire family. Page 96

Tasting Testing
- The reader gets introduced to a new sex-party theme. A hit contract
gets executed. Page 136

Thailand Terror
- The girls go to Asia, where their adventures continue, with a
surprise ending. Page 172

Lethal Liaisons
- Two look-alike sisters grow up in the country's heartland.
Starting out with normal careers, they evolve into assassins destined
to meet Renée. Page 206

Lethal Ladies
– The Colorado cabin is revisited, another victim is rescued,
and a second tasting testing is instigated. Page 270

A senior female special agent ascends to CIA Director, and later
maneuvers her way into the VP slot. Page 323

– Page 369

Cast of Main Characters

Renée –
assassin, alpha-female, femme fatale, NYC mob

Danny – small
city detective, ex-Special Forces, assassin

Laura –
Leading west coast assassin

Joanna Jennings –
major movie star

Jessica Jennings –
Joanna's daughter, kidnap victim, assassin

Ashley –

Julie –
prisoner, assassin

Karlee –

Kristie –
assassin, Karlee's sister

Kacey –
assassin, Karlee and Kristie's youngest sister.

Briana –
willing sex slave

Pepper Preston –
CIA agent, CIA Director, Vice President, assassin

Sanford McGillicuddy
– Renée's dad

Samantha and Dex Douglas – Married, CIA agents

Chapter One



state-of-the-art surveillance system had gotten a clear image of the
young woman, even though the narrow passageway had been dimly lit. As
she had passed by a window, the glow from the city lights had
revealed her short, reddish-brown hair and petite frame, and had also
reflected off the long, silver barrel of her pistol. She appeared to
be in her mid-twenties, and her steely eyes showed a determined

The man who
had lived at the end of the hallway had been found dead, and although
this woman had become the prime suspect for obvious reasons, he had
been known to have a notorious background with numerous enemies, many
from the New York area.

Danvers was single and one of the city's younger detectives. He had
been working the case for over a year. In fact, it had been his first
one since being promoted to the position. He worked in a small
Arizona border city and his department had a small budget. His
training had been minimal and his follow-through on procedures was
often laughable. He had bagged-and-tagged a beer bottle left at the
scene, but neglected to ever turn it in to his boss. A smudge of
lipstick adorned its top. He wondered if the young woman had stayed
to celebrate her kill.

His boss,
Captain Jennifer Mahoney, had been on his case for more years than
he'd been on the murder case. Having worked together in one capacity
or another for more than five years, their relationship had become
more like brother-sister than boss-subordinate, and there was a bit
of sibling rivalry. She was a willful woman who had clawed her way to
the top of the department and took no grief from anyone. Raised by
her single mother, she had never seen the need for men in her life,
but wanted to have a baby. Age forty had come and passed her by much
more quickly than she had ever expected, and she felt that the time
for such a blessing in her life was running short.

Danny had
come to feel a peculiar attraction to the mysterious young woman in
the video image. She had become a person-of-interest in a subsequent
half-dozen unsolved murder cases in other areas, but this particular
still-shot taken from the video was the only one of her face that the
cameras had ever captured. He felt mesmerized by the photo and looked
at it almost daily. He

was in the
process of having an enlargement made to put on his bedroom wall.

stop staring at that photo and start solving these cases!”
shouted his boss.

yeah, you know I'm working on them. I just can't help but wonder
what's behind those cold eyes. I'm willing to bet there was a lot of
warmth there at one time.”

get your hand out of your pants and go do some investigating. That's
what you're being paid to do.”

me? You can't talk to me like that; it's sexual harassment,” he

don't want to start a pissing contest with me, detective. I've got
enough on you to get you fired anytime I so please. Now give me the
updates on these other cases.”

Two Years Earlier

looked down into the eyes of her long-time significant other, Chris,
kneeling on one knee in front of her, diamond ring in hand. They had
been serious throughout their school years and had had the usual
trials and tribulations that most couples do. Each time there had
been a problem, it had only served to bring them closer.

She was an
aspiring writer; Chris was involved with smuggling guns across the
Mexican border. Renée had been struggling to get her work
noticed. She knew she was good, but only half the agents she had
approached even responded. The other half could not be bothered to
even read her material. Chris feigned encouragement, but claimed to
prefer living the real action rather than to see the fictional stuff
and had never even read one of her stories.

Chris dealt
with gun cartels coordinated by a Mexican crime lord, bringing in
weaponry with a group across that boundary and into the greater New
York area. An increasing number of the nefarious characters they
encountered spoke with Arabic accents, and it was becoming
increasingly clear there was possible involvement with terrorist

The couple
was now seated in a crowded restaurant and everyone was looking at
them, waiting with bated breath to hear her response. The room grew
so still that even the waitstaff had stopped in their tracks. This
was the moment Renée had been waiting so long for, but now she
hesitated. Across the room, someone attempted to resume a
conversation and was immediately hushed by all the others.

Her past
life began passing before her just as she'd heard happens to people
having a near-death experience. Then questions raced through her
mind. What other encounters had she missed out on due to this
relationship? What new experiences and adventures might a marriage
prevent? Might there be a better soulmate out there somewhere? Was
she mature enough to settle down? Was Chris? Would she end up
spending her days doing laundry, cleaning and cooking? As she focused
more on the negative possibilities for the first time, she began to
feel both horrified and panicked. She couldn't say 'no', but she
wasn't ready to say 'yes'. She was not one to run away from
something, so she did the next best thing a woman can do. She began
to cry.

Present Day

Danny's boss
was in one of her many foul moods as she came in and threw her keys
down on the desk. “Danvers, give me some good news.”

sun came up this morning, God is in his heaven, and all is well.”

be cute. Why don't you show a little initiative once in a while? You
need to spend more time in the field.”

would if you could afford to hire someone to stay here and answer the
phones. How about letting me run up to Phoenix and play with their
up-to-date resources?”

that would get the mayor off my back,” she said. “Okay,
go see what you can come up with. Take your girlfriend's photo with

A few hours
later he sat with one of the older, more seasoned Phoenix detectives.

you ever try facial-recognition software?” he asked Danvers.

I thought that stuff was just science fiction.”

small-town boys gotta get more in the loop, junior.” He scanned
the photo into his computer. “Didn't you ever mention this
photo to the detectives handling cases in the other cities?”


never survive as a detective here, son. Can you say 'incompetent'?
You mentioned New York connections. Let's check their DMV and see
what happens.”

Before they
could finish their coffee, a little bell rang and an image of a
driver's license filled the large computer screen. It was the only
hit that the system got, but the photos weren't an exact match. Her
name was listed as Renée. The address was in Manhattan.

my gosh!” blurted Danny. “I can't believe it!”

sending this file to our boys in New York who will bring this young
lady in for questioning. You'll probably get credit for this collar,
kid,” said the annoyed, older man.

didn't often have a chance to enjoy the benefits of big city life, so
chose to celebrate his victory by stopping at one of the Phoenix
strip bars. It was morning by the time he returned home and had a
chance to break the good news to his boss.

already heard, Danny. I spoke with the Phoenix office last night.
They seem to think we're a bunch of ignorant fools here. Thanks a

you could have suggested I try that. I'm not taking all the blame,”
he said.

just write it off to your PTSD. The bad news is that your girlfriend
Renée slipped away. She was mysteriously alerted to her
impending apprehension and escaped just as the officers arrived. From
what I hear, there was quite an exciting chase. She must have friends
in high places, Danny.”

do you mean, boss lady?”

told her they were coming. It had to come from someone connected with
the NYPD. I bet by now she has all the same info as they do.”


images weren't a close enough match to mean anything in court
according to the NYPD. She's been on their radar as a
person-of-interest for months, but there's never been enough to nail
her. If it is her, she's gotten more professional with each hit. Her
only mistakes may have been with the case we have. They suspect she
may come here to make sure there are no more loose ends.”

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