Asking For Trouble (3 page)

Read Asking For Trouble Online

Authors: Becky McGraw

Tags: #romance, #western romance, #cowboy romance, #contemporary western romance, #texas romance

BOOK: Asking For Trouble
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Her brain was saturated with his feel, his
smell and the storm brewing between them, as they pulled up to a
dock on a tiny island with a white sand beach lit by tiki torches.
He helped her out, then she looked around and saw a table set up in
the distance with two chairs. On the other side of an open air
grass-thatched hut, she saw a canopied beach bed with gauzy white
drapes hanging from each wooden post. She swallowed down the
instant lust that shot through her imagining Beau making love to
her on that bed.


Manu stepped out of the boat and followed
them across the sand to the table, and he set up food he'd brought
for them, then he uncorked a bottle of wine, and filled the crystal
glasses on the table. He set the bottle in the middle of the table,
nodded at Beau, then walked back across the beach to the boat, then
cranked it up and left them all alone on the island.


"If this isn't a scene for seduction, I
don't know what is," Jazzie told him with a forced grin, as nerves
balled up in her stomach.


His smile faded a little and a frown pinched
between his brows. "That's not what I intended, Jazzie...I just
wanted to be alone with you for a little while so we could get to
know each other better."


She squeezed his hand then dropped it and
went to sit down at the table. Beau was faster and pulled her chair
out for her. No man had ever done that for her before, so it
touched her heart and impressed her. "Thanks," she said shyly and
sat down smiling up at him.


He knelt down by her chair and took her hand
in his, "Tell me you don't think I did all this just to have sex
with you?"


"If you did, I'd be pretty impressed," she
said honestly and smiled at him.


He huffed out a breath and said, "Please
don't say stuff like that, because I'm on the edge here, and I
really want to get to know you, Jazzie. I like you."


"It's always good that you at least like the
person you're trying to seduce," she teased and ran a finger along
his jaw teasingly.


"You're not making this easy, darlin'," he
growled then turned his head to nip her finger.


"Do, I look easy to you, sugar?" she asked
him leaning forward a little. Jazzie wanted him to kiss her again.
They were alone and this setting
perfect for seduction,
even if she was the one doing the seducing.


His face turned red and he huffed out a
breath, "Hell no, you are a class act, darlin'...I don't want you
to feel that way. Maybe I should have just taken you to a
tamaaraa, the native
or something...I'm sorry."


Jazzie shook her head and leaned even closer
to him and breathed over his lips, "This is perfect, Beau...thank
you for going to this trouble," then she rubbed her lips over his
and nipped his lower lip, and kissed the corner of his mouth.


Beau's tongue flicked over the seam of her
lips and she groaned, then put her hand behind his head and covered
his mouth, opening for him, teasing his tongue into an erotic
dance. Every hair on her body stood at attention as electric
current zinged through her. Jazzie's heart bounced around in her
chest and heat spiraled from her chest throughout her body. A
strange throbbing started between her legs, and she felt moisture
pooling there as the carnal sensuality of the kiss increased.
Jazzie was just about to push him back on the sand and have her way
with him, when her stomach rumbled breaking the sensual haze.


Beau pulled back out of her arms and stood,
then looked down at her with desire darkening his eyes. "Let's eat, worked today and missed lunch," he said gruffly and
took the seat across the small table from her. He lifted his
wineglass and almost downed the contents, before replacing it on
the table.


Beau lifted the covers from the foil dishes
that Manu had placed in the center of the table, and delicious
aromas wafted around them. She closed her eyes and inhaled the
wonderful smells of fish, lime and coconut then moaned. "That
smells delicious," she said then opened her eyes and saw that Beau
had stopped mid-motion and his jaw clenched. A gentle breeze wafted
around them, tousling the dark hair on his forehead, and his
gorgeous green eyes had darkened to an emerald shade.


He huffed a breath, and dragged his gaze
from hers, then laid the lids on the sand beside the table and
reached across the table for her plate. After heaping it full, he
filled his own, avoiding her eyes, as if he'd lose control if he
looked at her.


The fish was delicate and pink and looked to
be marinated in coconut milk. Light and fluffy croissants were in a
basket beside the dishes, and she grabbed one and pinched off a
corner and popped it into her mouth, then put it in her bread
plate. Picking up her fork, she flaked off a piece of the fish and
tasted it. The combination of flavors, lime, coconut and fresh fish
danced over her tongue. The tastes were light and delicate and
incited her taste buds into a frenzy.


"My god, this is fantastic," she said and
took another bite and savored it. Taking a fresh shrimp from her
plate, she pinched the tail and bit off the flesh, then licked her
fingers. Beau hadn't said a word, and she wondered if he didn't
like the meal or something, so she looked up at him and saw him
staring at her intently. His fork clenched tightly in his hand, but
he wasn't eating.


"You okay?" she asked with a smile and
popped another shrimp into her mouth and chewed.


His face flushed, and he dropped his gaze to
his plate, then shoved his fork into the fish and took a bite,
before downing his second glass of wine, then refilling his


"I didn't know you drank like a fish," she
said with a wink, and emptied her own glass of the light and fruity
white wine, then held her glass out to him for a refill, "I need to
catch up."


His shoulders relaxed a little, and he
laughed. "I don't...watching you eating calls for some libations to
cool me off, or I might just melt into a puddle under the


Jazzie felt blood rush to her face, and she
fiddled with the napkin in her lap. She didn't eat out often, so
she hadn't had to worry about table manners in a long time...maybe
she was embarrassing him, she thought appalled. "I'm sorry Beau, I
don't eat out often..."


He shook his head, "What the hell are you
apologizing for, sugar?"


"My poor table manners," she said


Beau started chuckling, then it turned into
a laugh, then he wound up bent over in his chair belly laughing. He
was laughing so hard he had to wipe his eyes with his napkin.
Jazzie felt her face get redder, and she threw her napkin on her
plate and went to stand up, but he held up his hand.


Between gasping breaths he told her, "Baby,
there is nothing wrong with your table manners, in fact watching
you eat is about the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time."


She tore off another corner of a light and
flaky croissant and popped it in her mouth, then followed it with a
sip of wine. "Sexy, huh?" her anger moved down a few notches and
she managed a grin.


"Sexy as hell...I want to lick that coconut
juice off the corner of your mouth," he told her and his eyes


She stuck her tongue out and licked it off,
and Beau's eyes followed the motion then his jaw clenched. Picking
up another shrimp from her plate, Jazzie sucked the sauce off of
it, then pinched the tail and popped it into her mouth, before
laying down the shell and licking each finger slowly, all the while
holding his eyes.


Beau growled and Jazzie jumped, then he shot
up from his chair and came around the table to lift her up into his
arms. He strode across the sand and walked into the crystal blue
water, until he was waist deep and the warm water lapped at her
behind. She gasped as he sat her on her feet in the water and it
covered her up to the tops of her breasts.


"You need to cool off sugar, or you're gonna
get yourself, and
, in trouble," he told her gruffly, his
breath a hot whisper over her lips, then he pulled her hips to his
and she gasped as she felt his long, hard length brush against


Jazzie dipped her hand in the water and
trailed her wet hand up his chest, then wrapped her arms around his
neck and asked quietly, "What if that's exactly where I want to


Pulling herself up his body in the water,
she wrapped her legs around his waist and licked his neck from
collarbone to ear lobe, then sucked it between her lips. He did
taste as good as he smelled, she thought, and licked a spot behind
his ear that dragged a loud groan from him. Jazzie didn't know much
about sex, but she sure had the foreplay down pat, she thought, and
sucked his neck in an open mouth kiss. She wanted this, wanted him,
and this time she wouldn't be denied by overprotective brothers, or


It was time, and Beau Bowman was the man for
the job.


Jazzie gasped as Beau moved his hands from
her hips to her butt and his fingers dug into her flesh to pull her
tightly against his hardness. He rocked his hips against hers and
sucked in a sharp breath then closed his eyes. She could feel his
heart pounding against her breasts, where they pressed against his
wet chest. He shifted a little, and positioned himself at the apex
of her thighs, and darts of pleasure skirted from her core to her


"Oh, god that feels so good," she moaned and
threw her head back to savor the sensations. Beau's lips found her
neck and delicious shivers coursed through her as he placed open
mouth kisses up to her ear then latched onto a special spot. Desire
rocked her, and Jazzie whimpered then thrust her hips against


Beau growled, then asked in a hoarse
whisper, "Are you sure about this, sugar?"


She nodded, because her voice wouldn't work
when she tried it. Beau moved one hand up to the clasp on the back
of her bikini and unfastened it, then pulled the top over her head
and tossed it to the beach. He lifted her higher up in his arms,
then kissed his way across her collarbone, over the top of her
breast, then his warm mouth closed over her nipple and he rolled it
with his tongue. Jazzie gasped and arched toward him, as intense
pleasure sliced through her then settled between her legs in an
insistent ache.


"Oh, god Beau, I need..." Jazzie said
brokenly. She didn't know exactly what she needed, but her inner
muscles were vibrating and she needed for him to do something about
the throbbing between her thighs. The feeling was so powerful, she
almost couldn't stand it.


He released her breast, then said fiercely,
"You have beautiful breasts, damned sweet," then he
latched on to the other one and treated it to the same teasing as
he'd given its mate. By the time he finally released her, she was
panting and frantic to find some kind of relief from the storm
building inside of her.


"I have a condom in my the
duffle," he told her in a frantic voice, then waded out of the
water with her in his arms, striding toward the table. He held her
firmly against him as he walked, and she tightened her arms around
his neck then snuggled there placing tiny kisses along his throat.
He groaned and walked faster.


Easing her down his body to stand, Beau
reached for the bag with a trembling hand and unzipped it hastily.
He was either as nervous, or as turned on as she was, hopefully
both. He pulled his wallet out of his jeans and threw them on top
of the bag, then pulled out a small foil packet. Scooping her up in
his arms again, he headed toward the beach bed, then stopped there
and put his mouth over hers hungrily, before he lowered her onto
the soft mattress, then knelt above her.


Jazzie opened her eyes and looked around,
taking in the gauzy drapes swaying in the gentle breeze, the soft
golden glow cast over the bed from the tiki torches surrounding it,
and finally the beautiful man on his knees above her, his gorgeous
green eyes glittering with desire. In the middle of this bed, on
this deserted island, bathed in the illumination of the torches,
Jazzie felt like some pagan sacrifice.


Beau put his fingers under the chains at her
hips, which held up her bikini bottom and slowly slid it down her
legs, then tossed it over the side of the bed. He eased down beside
her propping himself on his elbow and his heated eyes raked her


"So beautiful," he said in a reverent
whisper, then traced a finger down the valley between her breasts,
down her abdomen, then he circled her navel.


Jazzie committed this special moment to
memory, the romantic setting, the water gently lapping at the
shoreline, the soft tropical breeze that carried earthy smells on
the air, and the perfect specimen of a man about to make love to
her for the first time. This was a memory she'd keep for all time,
she thought.


Beau slid down the mattress to her feet,
then very slowly kissed his way up her calves to her thighs, across
her stomach and up to her breasts, where he sucked her nipple into
his mouth with a firm tug. Her back arced off the mattress toward
him and she moaned, as incredible pleasure shot through her.


She wanted to feel his skin against her, so
she moved her hands to the hem of his wet tank top and slid them
underneath. His muscles quivered beneath her fingers and he sucked
in a breath. Sliding her hands up farther, she bunched up the tank
top underneath his arms then said, "Up, I want to feel you," she
commanded and he raised his arms, and she sat up then pushed the
tank over his head and tossed it beside the bed.

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