Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4) (14 page)

BOOK: Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)
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“So, you have any comment?” His smile faded. “Come on sugar, don’t leave me standing here with my heart in my hand.”

“I love you, Jayce. I’ve been in love with you since that day you showed up to take me and Lily on a picnic at the park. You’re the man I dreamed of my whole life but never dreamed I would meet. You’re strong and smart, you’re hotter than any man I’ve ever laid eyes on and you’ve got such a beautiful heart. You’re kind and generous and you make me want to be a better person. I don’t just love you, I idolize you and there is nothing I’d want more than for Lily to grow up with you to look up to.”

He was stunned. “Callie, you make me sound way better than I am.”

“No, I don’t. Look I get it. You’re a rounder – at least that’s what your dad said you were. You attract women without trying and I guess you must really like them. If you give them anything like what you gave me last night, then I certainly understand why they come back for more. But I get it. Your wife walked out and you, like your whole family, believed that curse. You believed that you’d never find lasting happiness so you didn’t try. But I’m not afraid of curses. There are way too many things we can see and touch and feel that are out to hurt us, and I’m willing to face all of them for the people I love. So a curse? Please. I’ve been to hell. A curse is nothing.”

Jayce leaned down and kissed her, a long lingering kiss that would have gone on longer had it not been for the hands of a two-year old, patting their faces as Lily tried to insinuate herself into the kiss.

“Come here, Lily Belle.” Jayce gave her a noisy kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go let you have a look at your new home.”

“New home?” Callie asked.

“If I’m lucky, and dang if I’m not feeling lucky today.”

“Only if Carson agrees,” she said with a serious tone. “I mean it. It’s not negotiable. I won’t screw up his life, Jayce.”

“Fine. Then let’s go find Carson.”

They all got back into the truck and headed for the house with Lily standing between Jayce’s legs, helping him steer.

Jayce parked in front of his house and tooted the horn, praying that when he presented the plan to Carson that he didn’t get shot down.

Chapter Eleven


“I don’t mind driving you,” Jayce argued as Callie took Lily out of his truck and set her down so she could unfasten the car seat.

“I appreciate it but you have a business to run and I can drive to work. Besides, I have to come back here after work and get our things gathered up.” She carried the car seat to her car, strapped it in the backseat, then turned, nearly colliding with Jayce, who had Lily in one arm.

“I still can’t believe this is happening, she said.


“Us moving in with you. Carson being in favor of it. Do you – are we moving too fast, Jayce? Making a mistake?”

“I’m not.”

“I know we don’t think we are, but what if something happens and it doesn’t work out? What will that do to Lily? And what about Carson? What if—”

“What if we live happily ever after?”

She smiled up at him. “You think that will happen?”

“I do. If we want it and I want it. I want it bad.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, wrapping his free arm around her and lowering his lips to hers.

Turning down a kiss from Jayce was like saying no to your favorite thing in the world. Callie accepted the kiss and returned it eagerly. “You sure make it hard on a girl,” she said when he released her.

“You don’t know the half of it.”

She laughed and took Lily from him. “Okay, tell Jayce bye, Lily. Time to go to school.”

“My go school now. Bye bye Ace. My wubs you.”

“Have fun at school Lily Belle. I love you.” Jayce gave her a kiss and put her into her car seat. “And you.” He took Callie in his arms when he finished securing Lily’s seat. “Call me later. Maybe we can have lunch.”

“I will. Have a good morning and be safe.”

“My middle name. Love you,” he said and gave her a soft kiss.

“I love you.”

Callie watched as he got into his truck and pulled away. She got in her car and started it up. “Okey dokey, ready for school, Lily?”

“My ready, Mommy. Go school.”

“Then here we go.”

Callie’s mind was lost in thoughts of Jayce, of telling Cody that she was moving in with Jayce and wondering what the Assistant District Attorney wanted. Because of that, the drive passed quickly.

After dropping Lily off at daycare, Callie went straight to the bar. As had become habit, she went around back and let herself in through the back.

“Anyone here?” she called.

“Just us chickens.” Hannah walked out of the office with a coffee cup in her hand. “I put on a fresh pot so it should be about ready.”

“Oh good.” Callie put her purse in the office, then headed for the kitchen where Hannah was pouring two cups of coffee.

Callie accepted the cup Hannah offered, doctored it with cream and then took a sip. “Ahhh, okay, you said we need to get the quarterly tax payment done today, so let’s get on it.”

“Everything’s in a folder on the desk.”

“Then I’m on it.”

“Hold on,” Hannah said as Callie turned to leave. “Shouldn’t you call that woman with the District Attorney’s office?”

“I doubt anyone is in yet. Government, remember? I’ll call her after nine.”


Callie went into the office and made herself busy. She didn’t check the time until she’d finished the quarterly reports, printed out the form for the tax payment and updated the prior week’s budget and weekly expense report.

While everything was printing, she fixed herself another cup of coffee, then returned to the office. She looked at the phone number on the post-it note, pulled out her cell phone and dialed

“ADA Garretson.”

“Hello, this is Callie Williams. I’m returning—”

“Miss Williams, thank you so much for returning my call. There have been some developments in Deke Ramsey’s case and I was instructed to inform you.”

“What do you mean developments? He was sentenced nearly two years ago.”

“Yes, well, you see, his attorney petitioned to have the case reopened and when we looked into it, we ran into a few surprises. A lot of the evidence from the case is missing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just that. The murder weapon used to kill your mother and shoot you is not in evidence, nor are the bullets removed from her body and from yours. Without those key pieces of evidence the case is circumstantial at best and—”

“Circumstantial? I saw him shoot my mother and I know he shot me. And then he set fire to my mother’s house, almost killing me and our child. There’s nothing circumstantial about that. Besides, he was sentenced and—”

“Miss Williams, his case has been reopened and there will be a hearing this Thursday to determine if he will remain in prison or be released. I was instructed to inform you and that is what I’ve done. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the District Attorney’s office.”

“Wait!” Callie heard the click and held her phone out, looking at it in shock. Why had the woman hung up on her? And how could this be happening? What was she supposed to do?

Call Jayce. That was the first thing that came to mind. She called and started talking the moment he answered. He didn’t interrupt; he just waited until she finished.

“Okay, listen to me. First, take a breath. Calm down. The DA’s office might know where you are, but he doesn’t, so even if they cut him loose it’s not likely he could find you.”

“But what if he does? What if—”

“I’ll protect you, Callie. You and Lily. I swear to you I’ll protect you. Do you hear me?”


“Do you believe me?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Good, then put this out of your head. We’ll talk tonight and if need be, we’ll get up with the DA in Nashville and see if we can get more information. But for now, just let it go, okay? He’s still in prison, baby. He can’t hurt you.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right. Okay. Okay, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I love you. How about I swing by and pick you up for lunch?”

“That would be good.”

“Great. One o’clock work for you?”

“Yes. That’s fine.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then. I love you, Callie.”

“I love you.”

Just as she ended the call, she saw movement at the door. “Hannah?”

Hannah stepped into the room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I – Callie? What’s wrong?”

Callie quickly told her about the phone call. Hannah listened, then nodded. “I think we should call Cooper and see what he thinks. This doesn’t sound right to me. Not right at all.”

“You think he can help?”

“Well, he’s an attorney, and comes from a very powerful family. Who knows where he has contacts? It doesn’t hurt to ask.”

“But I don’t even know him.”

“But I do.”

“Hannah, I can’t ask—”

“You’re not. I’m offering.”

“Thank you.” Callie sat hard in the desk chair and buried her face in her hands. This was a nightmare.

She was so caught up in worrying about Deke possibly getting out of prison that she didn’t hear a word Hannah was saying on the phone. It wasn’t until Hannah called her name loudly that she looked up.

“Cooper said he’d look into it and he has an investigator he’s going to have do some digging.”

“Oh god, I can’t afford that. Call him back and—”

“Cody and I will help pay.”

“I can’t let you—”

“Yes. You can. Listen to me. You’re our employee and more importantly, our friend. Friends help friends.”

“I’ve got some saved up and I’ll work off whatever I can’t pay. I promise I’ll pay you back.”

“I’m not worried about the money, Cal. People are more important.”

“Oh god, you’re so—” Callie couldn’t hold it back any longer. Tears sprang free and she sobbed into her hands. “You’re so kind and generous and—”

Hannah hurried to her, pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in a hug. Callie clung to her, realizing just how blessed she was to have broken down in Cotton Creek, and how terrified she was that she would have to leave.

Because if Deke got out of prison, he would come for her. He’d find her somehow and he’d come. And no one who cared about her would be safe from his wrath. No one.



“Are you sure Jason doesn’t mind watching Lily?” Callie looked at Jayce.

“I told you, he volunteered. Well, him and Liz. JD and his crew are busy with branding so Liz has some free time. She said she’d hang out with Jason and Lily since they’ll be cooking for the hands anyway.”

“And Lily won’t be in the way?”

“No. JD’s boys and Bronson’s will be there helping out and Carson said he’d stay with Jason and Liz to help with Lily. You know he kind of has a proprietary thing for her, don’t you?”

“God, he’s so sweet. And so good to her. She adores him.”

“So she’ll be fine. Now let me take her to the ranch and I’ll be back around nine and will stay until you’re done and take you home.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” She leaned closer to the window of his truck to get a kiss.

Jayce smiled when the kiss ended and looked at Lily, strapped into her seat beside him. “Tell Mommy bye bye. We’re gonna go see Carson and Pops.”

“My see Cars!” Lily crowed. “My Cars.”

“Have fun, sunshine. Mommy loves you.”

“My wubs you.” Lily waved.

“See you in a bit,” Jayce said and pulled away.

Lily watched him drive off, then headed into the bar. Cody was busy stocking liquor.

“Need a hand?” Callie asked.

“Two if you’ve got ’em.”

“I do. What do you want?”

“All the boxes lined up at the back door. Need to get all the beer in the coolers, the keg switched out and restock the mixers.”

“On it.”

For the next hour, there was little talk but a whole lot of action. Cody, Hannah and Callie had developed a rhythm and got the work of five done in an hour’s time.

Just as they were finishing, Cooper Quinlan entered the bar with a stunning woman Callie had seen around town but had never met. Cooper and the woman walked over to where Cody and Callie were stocking the remainder of the liquor.

“What’s up, Coop?” Cody asked over her shoulder. “And Lily. Surprised to see you two here.”

“It’s about Deke Ramsey.”

Cooper’s words had Callie freezing in mid-motion. She set down the bottle she’d been holding and turned to look at him. Hannah emerged from the kitchen just as Cooper was speaking, but didn’t comment. She just walked behind the bar and stood beside Callie.

“What about him?” Callie asked.

“Callie this is Lily Matthews.  She works with me and is one of the best lawyers I know. I asked Lily to help me on this and she was able to uncover some interesting information.”

“Nice to meet you.” Callie extended her hand to Lily.

“It’s a pleasure.” Lily shook her hand. “And I discovered that the woman you spoke with, Janice Garretson, has only been with the DA’s office for six months. Before that, she worked with the Public Defender’s Department. She was working there when Ramsey was arrested and she worked as an assistant to the PD who defended him.”

“She may have,” Callie said. “But I don’t remember ever meeting her.”

“That’s not unusual,” Lily replied. “However, what
unusual is that she has been a regular visitor at the prison since Ramsey was incarcerated. It was not until she began working for the DA that Ramsey hired an attorney and started trying to get his conviction overturned or thrown out.”

“So what do you think that means?” Callie asked.

Lily and Cooper looked at one another. He nodded so Lily turned her attention back to Callie. “I’m not sure, but our investigator is looking into it. What I suspect is that Ramsey charmed this Garretson woman, she fell for him and he convinced her to apply to the DA’s office. Once she was there, I believe she may have found a way to get into the evidence locker and steal evidence.”

“But why?”

“Because if Ramsey can get a retrial and there’s no physical evidence, he may get off.”

“But there is evidence. The police searched his house and found the gun he used to shoot me and my mother.”

“Yes, but if that evidence is missing—”

“I’ll testify against him.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Lily suggested. “Let’s give the investigator time. Right now, even if Ramsey were lucky enough to get on the docket to go before a judge, it would be months down the road. We have time. And he can’t hurt you from prison. You’re safe. You and your daughter. I hear her name is Lily, too.”


“I’d like to meet her sometime.”

“I’d like that too. Thank you.” Callie looked from Lily to Cooper. “Both of you. I can’t thank you enough and I promise I will pay for all your time and the investigator. It might take me a bit of time but I promise I—”

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