Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)

BOOK: Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)
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Ciana Stone

Ask Me to Stay

Book Four in the Honky Tonk Angels Series


Copyright 2016, Ciana Stone









This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 Ciana Stone

Cover by Syneca Featherstone

All rights reserved.

Ask Me to Stay



Ask Me to Stay Copyright © 2016  Ciana Stone

Cover art by Syneca

Edited by Holly Atkinson

Electronic book publication May 2016

Print book publication May 2016


This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Syneca Featherstone


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.







For my honeyman – you are still the one.


And for Shirley Long, a special woman in my life, a friend who

helped me come up with the title for this book.

Thanks Shirley, you’re the best!




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Chapter One


The car sputtered, jerked and sputtered again just before the engine died. Callie steered the car to the side of the road and coasted to a stop. Damn. This was a fine mess. Thanks to the broken fuel gage, she had not realized she was so close to being out of gas.

Now what?

She cut a look over her shoulder to her daughter, Lily, sleeping in the back seat. Her hair was plastered to her head and her little cheeks were rosy from the heat. Callie got out and circled the car to open the back passenger side door and roll down the window. There was a bit of a breeze but the air was hot. She checked the water in Lily’s sippy cup. It was half full, but even the plastic felt warm.

Tears threatened. She needed to get somewhere Lily could cool off, have something to drink and a meal. However, with no cell phone service and seemingly in the middle of Nowhere, Texas, she didn’t have a clue how far it was to the next town. She should have stopped in Rock Ridge when she’d seen the sign , but had thought she could get a few more miles down the road. Her goal was to reach San Angelo where a friend had moved last year. Her friend, Debbie, had agreed to give her and Lily a place to stay until she could find work. Had she been smart, she would have tried to line up work before she left Nashville, but hindsight was always clearer and she was too far down the road to turn back now.

Callie got back into the car and consulted the map. She wasn’t sure how far out of Rock Ridge she was. It had been around two when she’d passed the sign on the two-lane highway, indicating the turn to Rock Ridge, and it was now half past two. She tried to do the calculations based on the scale provided on the map. Maybe she wasn’t that far from the next town. But how far was not far? Close enough to walk, carrying Lily?

With panic starting to well, she folded the map and leaned forward to rest her head on the steering wheel. If ever there was a time she needed a guardian angel, it was now.

She snorted at the idea. Even if something like that existed, it was not intended for her.

At the sound of a vehicle, she looked up. A pickup truck was headed toward her. The driver crossed the lane and pulled onto the side of the road, facing her. A middle-aged, heavy-set man with a cane climbed out.

“Afternoon, ma’am. Having car trouble?”

Callie got out of the car and met the man at the front of her car. The man had a kind face and didn’t appear to be threatening, but with Lily asleep in the car, Callie couldn’t be too careful. “I – we’ll be fine, but thank you.”

The man gave her a look that reminded her of her dad when he didn’t believe a word coming out of her mouth.

“I ran out of gas,” she said, and then, embarrassed to have admitted it, quickly added, “Stupid, I know. The gas gage is broken and I thought I could make it to the next town.”

“Well you came purty close. Cotton Creek is five miles.” He looked past Callie and into the car. “Little one looks like she could use a break from the heat.” The man reached behind him and pulled a billfold from the back pocket of his pants. He opened it and showed her, then put it back in his pocket and extended his hand to Callie. “Billy Sweet, ma’am. Me and the family live in Cotton Creek. How ’bout I give you a ride to get some gas?”

“You would do that?” Callie was stunned at his kindness and his astuteness. He’d realized her discomfort and mistrust. “And I’m Callie Williams. That’s my daughter, Lily.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Williams. And course I’ll give you a ride. Why don’t you get the little one and I’ll put her car-seat in the truck? We can be there and back lickety-split and get you on your way.”

“Thank you so much, Mr. Sweet.”

“Call me Billy. Everyone does. Now let’s get that baby moved and get her cooled down a bit.”

Callie hurried to roll up the windows in the car, grabbed her keys and purse and picked Lily up from her car seat. She shoved Lily’s sippy cup into her purse. Lily made a small noise of protest, then snuggled up in Callie’s arms as Billy moved the car seat to his truck.

Cool air wafted over Callie like a blessing when they were all situated and Billy cranked up the truck. “Oh god, that feels good. Thank you again, Billy.”

“Make no mention of it, Mrs. Williams.”

“Callie, please, and it’s Miss.”

“Well all righty then, Callie.” He turned the truck around and headed back in the direction he’d come. “So you from around these parts, or just passing through?”

“Passing through, I guess. I was thinking of moving to San Angelo. I have a friend who lives there.”

“Not a bad place. Bit bigger and busier than I like, but then I’m partial to small towns.”

“Is Cotton Creek a big town?”

“Not particularly, but it is a nice one.”

“Are there jobs there?”

Billy glanced over at her. “Depends on what you’re looking for. Big oil strike is in the works right now around here so a lot more folks are coming into this county and two others south of us. The town is learning to accommodate. I don’t know what you might be interested in, in terms of work.”

“Anything. I worked as a teller for a while, and was a store manager for a yogurt shop for a couple of years and I’d had my fair share of waitress jobs. And I do bookkeeping and that sort of thing. I’m not picky. I just want honest work that pays enough to provide for my daughter.”

“Well, if you’re not picky, I might be able to help. My daughters own the Honky Tonk Angels Bar and Grill and I know they’re looking for help.”


“Yes, ma’am. In fact, my daughter, Cody, was just complaining the other day that if they didn’t get some help soon she was gonna have to throw up a cot in the office.”

“Well, I’d be happy to do anything, but are there places to stay? I can live about anywhere, but I have to find a place that’s safe for Lily. And I’d need to find childcare that’s dependable and safe.”

“Don’t you fret about none of that. Tell you what, let’s take a run over to the Honky Tonk before we get the gas and let you talk to my girls. If they give you a job, I’ll help you find a place, even if it’s just temporary and my wife can introduce you to the lady who runs the daycare at the church.”

“Are you serious?”

“Well, ’course I am.”

“Wow, thank you so much.” Callie was overwhelmed and had to fight back tears.

Just then, Lily woke. She looked around and when her gaze landed on Callie, a smile came on her face. The smile faded and she stuck out her bottom lip. “My belly hurt.”

Callie smiled and at Billy’s look of concern explained, “That’s her way of saying ‘I’m hungry’, or ‘thirsty’. We’re still working on getting the specifics ironed out.”

“She sure is a cute little thing. How old is she?”

“Just turned two.”

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lily,” Billy said to Lily.

“Hey.” Lily smiled up at him. “Truck. Me like truck.”

Billy laughed. “Me too, honey.”

He looked over at Callie and she smiled. “Thank you, Billy. I think you’re the kindest person I’ve ever met.”

“Well then, you ain’t never been to Cotton Creek. There’s a whole lotta good people there, Callie. People willing to lend a hand to a friend when it’s needed.”

“But I’m not a friend.”

“You are now.”

This time she couldn’t stop the tears. They poured down her face.

Lily reached over to pat Callie’s arm. “Belly hurt, mommy?”

Callie brushed away the tears and kissed Lily’s cheek. “No, mommy’s fine honey, and we’ll get you something to eat and drink real soon.”

“Indeed we will.” Billy pulled out his phone and placed a call. “Cody, how ’bout fixing me up a couple of plates? I’m headed over and bringing two new friends who could use something to eat. One of them is two, so fix me up one of those child plates you put on the menu. And…” He looked at Callie. “What does Lily drink? Milk, juice?”

“Juice or water is fine, thank you.”

He nodded and spoke back into the phone. “And some juice for the little one. Thanks, sugar. I’ll see you in about ten minutes.”

Billy ended the call and glanced down at Lily. “What say we go get us something to eat, Miss Lily?”

“Eat eat time?” she asked and beamed at him.

“Yes indeed,” he said and laughed. “Eat eat time.”

Once more, Callie had to fight the tears. Maybe she’d been wrong. Maybe guardian angels did exist.


Jayce tested the dumbwaiter one more time, then stepped back. “I think you’re in business, ladies.”

Cody and Hannah Sweet had hired Weather’s Construction for some additions to the Honky Tonk Angels. When they’d first rebuilt, they’d added a second story but had not finished it. It was a loft, closed on three sides with the inner wall left open and railed to overlook the seating area, dancefloor and stage below.

They’d decided to go ahead and finish it now that there were so many more people coming in, thanks to work starting up with the newly formed Cotton Creek Energy Corporation. Jayce and his crew had finished the upper floor just yesterday. Today, they had installed a dumbwaiter that allowed the kitchen staff to send orders upstairs, rather than having servers run up and down the back stairs.

It was a good plan, at least in his opinion. The upper floor had a wet bar for drinks, and Hannah said on busy nights they’d keep at least one wait staff stationed upstairs to keep anyone from having to use the stairs so much.

Hannah gave the dumbwaiter a try and grinned at Jayce. “Perfect. Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure.”

“How about a glass of tea or some lunch? It’s close to noon and I know you’re bound to be getting hungry. It’s on the house.”

“I won’t turn that down.”

“Well good. Have a seat and I’ll get you fixed right up.”

Just then, Cody emerged from the back door. She stopped and tested the dumbwaiter. “Great job, Jayce.”

“Thank you.”

Together, they walked out into the bar and looked up at the newly finished upstairs.

“The place is great,” Jayce commented. “And again, I think the upstairs is a good idea.”

“Fingers crossed.” Cody looked at Hannah who joined them. “Dad’ll be here any minute. He asked for some plates. He’s bringing new friends.”


“He didn’t say, but one of them is two and he wants a kid’s plate and two adult.”

“Oh, okay.” Hannah looked at Jayce. “I’ll bring your tea right now and get started on your lunch.”

“Thanks, Hannah.” He turned his attention to Cody. “So, how’re you holding up there, firecracker? Running this place and the ranch?”

She shrugged. “Just doin’ what needs doin’. You know how it goes.”

“Yeah, just like I know about all work and no play thing making for a dull life, girl.”

“Hey, I’m not opposed to play, but until we get some more help, we’re just gonna have to keep at it.”

“I heard that Milly Tilden’s daughter was looking for part-time and summer work. Teaching isn’t exactly the highest paying job.”

“Well, if you see Milly, tell her to have her daughter drop by. Maggie, isn’t it? Maggie Thompson?”

“Yep. She’s married to that fella from over in Rock Ridge, Stan. He just signed on with the new oil company so now he doesn’t have to commute every week. Milly says he and Maggie are mighty tired of that. Especially him. Living in a little third wheel trailer all week gets old.”

“Amen to that. So, what’s up with you, Jayce? Any play happening in your life?”

“I wish. Business is booming and you know me, I can’t turn it down, but dang if these twelve hour days aren’t getting old.
With Carson’s sports schedule, I’m doing good to have time to shit, shower and shave, if you get my drift.”

“And shaving sometimes gets the boot?” she teased.

Jayce laughed and rubbed at the two-day old growth on his face. “Sometimes.”

“Well, I guess we’re in the same boat, my friend.”

“Yeah, a boat that needs to head for good time waters.”

“Amen to that.”

Just then, Billy Sweet walked in. “There’s my girl,” he boomed, drawing Jayce’s and Cody’s attention.

The first thing Jayce noticed was the woman following Billy. She wasn’t a big gal, or tall, but dang if she wasn’t pretty. Her hair was a blend of light brown with blond highlights and her eyes the color of summer hay before it turned golden, that curious green gold that made you think of spring.

In her arms was one of the cutest kids Jayce had ever seen. From the pink shirt and matching skirt, he guessed the child was a girl. Hair the same color her mother’s, it cascaded in curls around her face and her big green eyes looked around with open curiosity.

“Hey, Daddy.” Cody came out from behind the bar. “Well, who’ve we got here?” She smiled at the little girl.

“This here is Callie Williams and her daughter, Lily.” Billy made the introduction. “Callie, this is my daughter Cody, co-owner of the place.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Cody gave Callie a smile. “Come on in and take a load off. I’ll bring your lunch right out.”

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