Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male (4 page)

BOOK: Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male
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Police sirens wailed in the front yard, and flashing lights strobed through the curtains. I held Aki's hand, and with Taro's assistance helped him to stand. A sudden gunshot rang out, and I felt a sharp pain in my side. I dropped to my knees as I heard Aki shout, and turned back to see Himiko holding Theon back with a garrote wire. She hissed something in his ear, and he turned pale, dropping his gun. She nudged him toward us with a kick, and he limped forward pathetically.


Aki was the one holding me up now. He was shouting, but all I could hear was a ringing in my ears. My right side stung horribly as if I'd been bitten by something. I blinked a few times, staring at Aki's lips as I tried to comprehend what he was saying, but darkness was beckoning to me at the edges of my vision, and I fell into it.

Chapter Five


I woke in a familiar setting. My eyes first opened to see a white canopy above my head, decorated with little lavender ribbons. Shifting a little, I discovered it didn't hurt to move much, and I slowly sat up.


"Kat!" Aki's relieved voice drew my gaze to the side of the bed. Seeing his face soothed me, but the bandages reminded me of what had happened.


"Ritchie and Theon?"


He shook his head with a smile, touching the side of the bed reassuringly. "They're gone, Kat. All of the gang members are in jail right now. I ordered my men to use rubber bullets on all of them. Effective, but not lethal."


My shoulders slumped in relief. It was over. "What happened?" I touched his hand gently, and he smiled and held it.


"After you fell unconscious the police rushed in and arrested every gang member still standing. You had a nasty gash in your side, but I thank God that the bullet only grazed you." So the sting had been me getting shot. He continued. "The paramedics stitched you up, but I insisted that you remain here. They allowed it so long as we kept you on IV fluids and some medication to stop any infection." He nodded to a bag hanging up above my head, which I followed down to a needle in my arm. "Himiko has been keeping a close eye on you, but I let her take a break.  You've been asleep for almost twenty four hours."


I groaned. "You're going to think all I do is sleep."


Chuckling, he shook his head. "No, I believe you needed it. We can take your IV out now that you are conscious, if you'd like."


"Never been a huge fan of needles," I joked. "Is Mr. Taro okay?"


He nodded. "Yes. Though we had some injuries, there were no casualties on our side, I'm happy to report."


"So um... Himiko. Who exactly is she?"


His laugh filled the room. "I told you I had the best of the best."


I sank back into the cushy pillows with a small grin, finally relaxing. "So now it's all over."


"Well... not quite." his expression was pained.


I tensed up again. "What's wrong, Aki?"


He sighed. "I'm afraid there are still members out there, and they will come after you if you leave this premises."


Part of me regretted the news, but the little hopeful part of me jumped for joy. I wouldn't have to leave Aki's side yet! Trying to keep my expression neutral I asked, "So...what should I do now? I mean, I can't really go home. And they'll need me to testify at the trial."


"I suppose you'll have to stay here." Though he tried to sound regretful, I caught a gleam of happiness in his eyes. I couldn't help grinning in response, and then he was on top of me, kissing me deeply. I brushed one hand through his hair, but made a sudden sound of discomfort as I was reminded that there was a needle poking into me. He backed away, looking irritated. "This thing..." Tying off the tube, he slipped the needle out of my arm and taped a piece of gauze to it that had been sitting on the nightstand. Once he finished he returned to making me dizzy with kisses. As our lips and tongues met over and over again, I reflected on how much of a miracle it was that I'd found Aki. He'd saved my life in more than one way.


He was so tender with me as he slipped my thin nightshirt over my head, sitting back to stare at me for a moment before glancing into my eyes and smiling. "I am so glad that you are better, Kat. I was so worried for you." One of his fingers flicked across my nipples, and I jumped a little. The sensation went straight to my feminine center, and I felt myself begin to get wet.
What is it about near-death encounters that make people so horny?


Aki cupped both of my breasts in his hands as he knelt over me, kneading them gently. I groaned in bliss at the soothing sensation, once again relaxing into my pillows. I watched as he leaned down to trail his tongue along the center of my breasts, and I shivered slightly. Pinching my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, he began tugging gently on them in a way that had me gasping. Of their own accord my hips started gyrating against his. For a moment he released me to strip off his own shirt and toss it to the side. As he leaned over me, I felt my lips being irresistibly drawn to his warm, pale skin.


He sighed in pleasure as I kissed along his abdomen, his fingers tenderly stroking through my hair. I nuzzled his chest, unable to get over the feeling of him being close to me. For a moment we simply held each other in this haven of soft ruffles and lace, and then his lips met mine again, and I felt like I was fire. I had to have him now. Our tongues tangled greedily together as if we were trying to devour each other. I dug my nails into his shoulder as he yanked my silky pajama bottoms off. Yanking off his own, he kicked them aside with an impatient noise.


I reached between us to feel the velvety skin of his proud masculinity. I squeezed up from his base toward the engorged head and watched his face contort into an expression of bliss. Leaning down, he kissed me again as I grew bolder, massaging him with long, slow strokes. His breath quickened as I touched him, and I enjoyed the feeling of having him pant for me. Scooting down a little, I licked at the tip of his proudly curved cock. He gasped sharply, then moaned as I took his head into my mouth and began sucking gently. Though I'd hated getting my mouth anywhere near a man's genitals in the past, I relished this sensation. Aki was musky and sweet on my tongue, and I idly wondered what his semen would taste like. Bobbing my head up and down on him, I gripped his hips, determined to drive him crazy.


All too soon, though, he pulled out of my grip. "Not just yet, sweet Kat. I want this to be pleasurable for both of us." His face was a set mask of determination.


Before I could ask what he meant he lifted my legs gently up, lying down between them. I gasped as I felt his lips close over my clit. He sucked on me gently, and all I could do was writhe beneath him. No one had ever done this to me before. I whimpered in ecstasy, unable to stop myself. My breath grew heavier as I became the one who panted for him. His tongue delved teasingly in and out of my inner folds, always returning to tease my clit unmercifully with long, slow, sinful strokes. My hands fisted in his hair, and I brought my hips up to grind against his face, unable to help my reaction to his sweet attentions. He didn't seem to mind in the least, and when I felt his tongue delve into my center, I whimpered as my entire body shook with waves of pleasure.


Finally he had some mercy and pulled back. Although I missed the sensation of his tongue, I felt his shaft at my entrance. Somehow while he'd been driving me out of my mind he's slipped on a condom, and it was with little effort that he slid up deeply inside me. My head tossed back as I groaned, relishing the way he filled me completely. He pressed a light kiss to my lips, smiling. "You feel so tight around me, Kat."


I couldn't form a coherent response as he pulled back a little, his lips locking with mine as he thrust back inside, grunting a little with the effort. Soon he found a rhythm in his lovemaking, and I matched him thrust for thrust. Our soft moans of pleasure filled the space of the bed, hidden behind the canopy. For a time all I could focus on was the sensation of him filling me to a point that was almost unbearable, but once I relaxed a little there was nothing but wave after wave of rapture.


My hands wandered all over his body, and he suckled gently on a sensitive area behind my ear. I felt a building sensation in my lower abdomen. "Aki, I think I'm gonna..."


Abruptly he stilled his movements, and I let out a pathetic whine. "Aki, that's not fair!"


His smile warmed me, even though I felt irritated with him. "Bliss comes to those who have patience, sweet Kat." Sitting back, he lifted one of my ankles to his lips, nibbling at it lightly. Though I was slightly ticklish, this was a pleasant sensation, and I felt myself relax again. "Why don't you turn onto your front?"


I wasn't a huge fan of what he was proposing, since all of my exes seemed to only know the doggy-style position, but I rolled over anyway. My side twinged for a moment, but nothing too alarming, so I hugged a pillow against my chest and hoped that he'd finish soon. However, instead of immediately thrusting back into me I felt his warm hands on my shoulders, rubbing slowly in little circles. Groaning, I slumped against the bed and closed my eyes in bliss. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had a shoulder massage.


His hands worked their magic on my shoulders, then moved to my upper back. He found a few knots, and I twitched for a moment as there was a brief moment of pain, but he leaned down to kiss my skin, and it was soothed away as he patiently worked at the knots. I stared at the wall in dazed bliss, thoroughly enjoying his hands. Gradually I felt my eyes closing in spite of my desire to stay awake. Just as I was about to drift off Aki leaned over and whispered in my ear. "No sleeping, now."


His thick shaft prodding into my entrance woke me right up, but he slipped in without any painful resistance. Unlike the past when I'd been forced into this position, I felt little jolts of pleasure. It was different from earlier when we'd both been on our sides, but in this position he also was able to penetrate me to an almost impossible depth. My back arched sharply as I tossed my head, crying his name out to the ceiling. My words turned incoherent, however, when he picked up his pace and began thrusting into me with impossible speed. Warm on my hips, his hands held me in place. I listened to the sound of us both gasping and tasted the sweat on my lips. His balls slapped against my inner thighs, only heightening the sensation.


Tension was building as it never had before, and I only had time to scream once before my orgasm crashed over me, sending me into deep throes of elation. However, Aki wasn't finished with me. Gently nudging me back onto my back, he gripped my ankles and raised them up to rest on his shoulders. I watched dazedly as he slipped inside me again, remembering that he hadn't come yet.
This guy has a will of steel.
His face was set and determined as he plunged in, stroking me in different ways. Though I never would have thought it possible, I found myself climbing the peak again.


"Oh Aki, you're such a beast!" Each word I uttered was punctuated by a thrust of his. He laughed, his eyes sparkling. "I can't help it around you, Kat. When I see your beauty all I want to do is claim you for myself."


My inner core thrilled at his words, and once again I was sent over the edge. This time I felt him slam into me with one final grunt, orgasming as well. He sank on top of me, though he kept his arms propped up so as not to crush me beneath him. Our lips met in a soft tender kiss, and his fingertips caressed the now-sensitive skin of my face. Rolling off of me and to one side, he opened his arm, silently inviting me to rest my head on his chest. I did so, inhaling his masculine scent as we both basked in the afterglow of incredible lovemaking.


Despite having slept for so long I dozed a little, feeling him tug up a blanket over the both of us. Sleepily I lifted my head for a kiss from him, and was rewarded with a smile and a quick peck. Sighing in contentment I rested my head back down. I had no idea what was going to happen to either of us now, but I knew that I wanted to face whatever it was by Aki's side. I couldn't imagine being without him. Some would say that that sort of mindset is insanity, but I beg to differ. It's trust. And I trusted Aki completely.


He glanced down at me, and I looked up at him. His expression was thoughtful. "Kat..." he began, but then paused, as if he couldn't quite find the words he needed.


"Hmm?" I felt like a satisfied feline, stretched against her mate.


"Would you... that is, after the trial is over and everything...would you consider dating me?"


The question was so absurd that I burst out laughing. He looked puzzled, but waited for me to finish before I responded. "You are so far out of my league, Aki. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love to date you, but we just come from two different social circles."


"So?" He seemed genuinely puzzled at my statement. "What does that have to do with anything? Does it bother you that I'm rich?"


"No, it's not that at all. It's just..."


He sighed. "I knew it. I'm horrible at lovemaking."


"No, no!" I started laughing again. "Not at all!"


Of all the things he blushed slightly, looking pleased. "Then... it was good for you?"


"Good? Aki, you've given me the best sex I've had in years. Trust me, it's not the sex."

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