Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male (3 page)

BOOK: Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male
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He set the tray on the desk and took my hands in his, looking earnest. "Kat, I promise you they'll be all right."


I felt thrilled from the contact, butterflies rising in my stomach yet again. Staring into his dark eyes, I allowed myself to fantasize for a few moments before responding. "I'm sorry. I'm just such a worrywart, and I just wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to them. I've already caused so many problems for all of you and I feel horrible for it. I can't--"


Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine, one hand gently supporting the back of my neck. Shock shut me up, and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. Whether reflex or something else, I didn't care. When he didn't immediately pull away I wrapped my arms even more securely around his shoulders and pressed myself close.


When he finally broke the kiss and pulled back, he looked slightly dazed. "...Apologies, Kat. That was far too forward--"


I didn't care. I dove for his lips again, clinging to him. He made a slight sound of surprise, but then wrapped his arms around my waist and bent me backward slightly. His lips were warm and soft, and I loved the way his chest felt against my curves. His bangs brushed against my face, feeling like silk. For a little while we were wrapped in our own world, but all too soon he pulled away again, panting. "Kat, I..."


I blinked, feeling slightly dazed. "Yes?"


He straightened back up, still holding me. "I would never want to take advantage of you like this. It isn't fair to your emotions."


To hell with that!
I wanted him to kiss me again, but he stepped away. I bit back a whimper and tried to bring my raging hormones under control.  "Akihiko, please. I... I need this." I started to shake and the tears that were always so close to the surface threatened to spring up again. "I'm so scared."


His look was agonized, and then he was by my side again, holding me tenderly against his chest. "There is no need to fear, Kat. I simply meant that perhaps we shouldn't... form this sort of emotional bond. I would not want either of us to have any regrets."


What a laugh. "Regrets? You mean like me dating a gang member for a year and a half and not suspecting anything like a complete moron?"


He jumped on my sarcasm. "Yes! We hardly know each other."


My hormones had formed a cloud of desire so thick I couldn't think straight anymore. "Akihiko, I know that. But I..." My voice cracked. "I need comfort, please."


His breath quickened, and then his lips found mine again and there was no separating us this time. Picking me up, he sat me back on the edge of the bed, remaining standing between my knees. His hands caressed my face tenderly as our lips danced. My hands brushed through his gorgeous hair, loving the feeling of it. His tongue teased along my lower lip, and I responded in kind, tangling our tongues together as I sank back on the bed.


He knelt over me on the mattress, and I could feel the excited bulge between his legs. Knowing that he wanted me only fueled me further. I yanked at his shirt, urging him to take it off. He did so with an impatient noise, breaking the kiss to pull it off and toss it aside, then he proceeded to help me out of my blouse. Goose bumps crawled along my skin as I abruptly remembered I hadn't put on a bra when I woke up, and my nipples quickly jumped to attention in the pleasantly cool air of his room. His eyes lit in surprised pleasure when he saw this, and his hands quickly cupped my breasts, bringing one nipple up to his mouth. I gasped in excitement at the sensation, my hips rubbing urgently at his through our restricting clothing.


He pulled back for moment, and our eyes met. "Oh are so beautiful."


Though I'd heard this sentiment before, Akihiko seemed to really mean it. I smiled weakly and felt my eyes tear up again. He bent his head down to kiss me deeply again, just as I heard the jingle of a cell phone.


Damn it all!
Mentally I cursed whoever called as Akihiko stilled, kneeling back and holding up a finger as he tugged out his phone. "
he answered. He rattled off a bit in Japanese and then hung the phone up. "Taro and Himiko have successfully mislead the gang into believing that you've left the city for good, but I do not trust them to be completely fooled." He frowned thoughtfully, and I wanted to smooth the worry lines off his forehead. "We will not be able to bring you outside for a while, I'm afraid."


I touched his chest. "Aki, I wish you wouldn't worry so much."


He glanced down with an amused smile. "My sister calls me Aki. I haven't heard it in a while.”


I felt a little unsure, but smiled. "I hope it's okay. It just seemed normal to call you that.”


Shaking his head, he helped me into a sitting position. "It's quite all right, Kat. I like it when you say it."


I loved hearing him call me by name. Nuzzling his chest, I relished the feeling of his warm, taut skin next to mine. "They won't be back for a little while, right?"


He seemed surprised. "Well, no, I don't believe so. It took them quite a while to get to the edge of town, and they'll have to take an alternate route to get back here."


I kissed along his chest. "Then we'll have a little time?"


His eyes were warm. "Well, I suppose there is a little bit of time left. But how should we spend it?"


I grinned, slipping a hand between his thighs to rub a palm against his swiftly growing erection. "Well, I could think of a couple ways..."


He groaned in arousal, his dark eyes heating with lust. Without another word he nudged me backward, tugging at my dress pants. I lifted my hips up to assist him in easing them off of me, then tugged at his so he could join me. He sank onto the bed with me, our lips locked in the most passionate kiss I'd ever had in my life. I moaned as his tongue tangled with mine, relishing the feeling. I cling to him, digging my nails into his back as he yanked at my underwear, pulling it off and sending it in the same direction as my pants had gone.


Though I felt vulnerable, it all flew out of my head when his fingers began teasing my inner lips. There was already quite a bit of moisture between my legs from his attention, and I watched him bring away his fingers and show them to me, glistening. My cheeks flushed as I watched him brush his fingers under his nose and inhale deeply, taking in my scent. His fingers delved back into me, and I arched back with a surprised gasp. He teased my entrance before slipping a few digits completely up inside me, finding my g-spot almost immediately. I felt my juices gush as he did this, and my eyes rolled in gratification. I rode his hand, my nails digging into the comforter around me as I sought purchase on something to hold me down in this swiftly tilting world.


He slowed his pace just slightly, then as I relaxed around his hand he picked it up again, startling me. My eyes were massive as I watched his palm, then followed his arm up to one shoulder, then up until our eyes met again. He had a small smile on his face as he eyed me closely, then leaned in to gave me a sweet, quick peck on my lips. My whole body shuddered as I felt an orgasm building, but thankfully he slowed his pace before pulling back, revealing his upper hand to be completely glistening with my juices.


Feeling slightly daring, I took his fingers and swiped my tongue along the tips, tasting myself on him. His inhale was sharp as he tugged off his own underwear, then stepped back for a moment to reach into his nightstand drawer and pull out a condom. As he knelt over me I was able to take in the full glory of his large shaft. Most people say that the Japanese have small packages as a joke, but this was not the case with Akihiko. He was intimidating due to his largeness, even more so than Ritchie had been, whom I'd sworn no one could ever come close to.


His shaft curved proudly away from his body, arcing back to point toward his stomach. Suddenly I knew all I wanted was him inside me to wash away all the horrible things I'd seen. "Aki, please, I need you inside me. I want to stop thinking about things for just a little while. I'm so tired of feeling vulnerable. It's not like me."


Our lips met again as he tore the package open, sliding the condom on himself with practiced hands. For a moment I wondered how many other women had graced this bed, but I found myself not caring as I felt his member’s head prod gently at my damp opening. Spreading my legs a little wider, I allowed him access to my most secret place. For a moment my mind screamed at me, demanding to know what was going on, but I shut it up. I didn't care, and I didn't want to think.


"Are you sure you want this, Kat?" His tone was sweet and concerned.


I only nodded in response, clutching at his hips and urging him closer to me. I wanted to be filled by him. Finally he stopped the teasing and slipped inside. I moaned loudly, my back arching again as I felt him fill me in a way I'd never experienced. Though I'd known him for barely twenty-four hours, there was a deep connection that was difficult to explain. He slid in all the way to his base, and I twitched a little, unused to being filled so deeply. He kissed me again, then nipped playfully along my neck as his hips began a fluid back and forth motion that drove me absolutely insane. I wanted him to take me hard and fast, but he seemed content to take his time.


I almost growled in frustration but whimpered instead when he hit my g-spot. As soon as he saw my reaction he angled himself to pierce me in the same manner, hitting my most sensitive place over and over. I cried out his name as I thrashed on the bed, almost unable to handle how much he filled me. I felt his lips close over one of my nipples, and I looked down to see him suckling me gently, his hand teasing my other breast.


Wave after wave of pleasure washed through me, and I was afraid that I would orgasm too soon, but he seemed to have no intention of letting me do so.  Slipping out, he nudged me onto my side, propping a pillow under my head before embracing me from behind and slipping in again from a different angle. Gasping, I could only cling to the comforter in front of me as he thrust in and out. This new position allowed for even deeper penetration, and soon I was floating on a cloud of ecstasy, ready to hit my peak and come crashing back down. He dragged out the moment for as long as he was able, then picked up the pace to an inhuman level, slamming into me over and over. My whole body tensed up, my head tipping back as I screamed his name several more times. The orgasm hit me with such force that for a moment my vision went dark. I was floating on a blanket of stars and didn't want to come back down.


Aki thrust into me a few more times before hitting his own peak. His body relaxed next to mine, and for a little while we held onto each other in the dimming light of his room. I inhaled his scent, a little bit of cologne and a woodsy smell that was difficult to describe. Though he'd expressed guilt at taking advantage of me, all I saw in his eyes now was a tender caring. I could trust him.


Even if he'd slept around a lot, I knew I could trust this man with everything. I told myself I didn't even care if he ended up being a member of the Japanese mafia with all this wealth, I just wanted to be near him. To hear his soft voice in the dark, and feel him against me. The rational part of me told me I was acting like a nut job, and I told it to shut up. I enjoyed this blissful feeling, and even if it wasn't going to last, I'd be damned if I wasn't going to enjoy it.


After a while he opened his eyes, smiling at me. "That was enjoyable."


"Just enjoyable?" I asked teasingly.


His smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Amazing, then."


"That's a little better." I nuzzled up against his chest, kissing along his sternum. He pulled me closer, stroking one hand through my hair, which had become mussed by our tumble. "How is your head feeling?"


I took a moment to assess myself. "It's actually feeling a lot better. It doesn't start pounding with every movement." Although I did feel a tad exhausted from our recent exertions, I didn't want him to think I was a weakling. He wrapped me up in a blanket, placing a few more pillows under my head. "You should rest for now, Kat. I need to see if Taro and Himiko have made it back yet."


Though I wanted to protest, my body was telling me it wanted sleep first, and my eyes drifted closed before I could open my mouth.

Chapter Four


When I woke up, the room was completely dark save for a dim lamp lit on the night table. There was a tray of food next to it, and I saw Akihiko resting in a chair by the bed, an open book spread out on his chest. For a moment I felt disoriented as to why there was an attractive man sleeping in the chair next to the bed, but then reality came crashing down around my ears. Ritchie. I was witness to a murder, and this man was the only thing that stood between me and what would probably be a brutal execution.


I sat up slowly, but my head didn't seem to protest as much as it had earlier. Dinner consisted of some sort of cooked fish paired with white rice and some delicious stir fried vegetables. Picking up the chopsticks, I was suddenly glad I knew how to use them. I ate quietly, not wanting to wake Akihiko. I studied his handsome face a little, glad for the opportunity. His expression was so peaceful in the lamplight, free of the worry I'd seen lining his forehead earlier. Softly I brushed a strand of hair out of his face that was threatening to get in his mouth.


His eyes opened slowly, and he set the book aside with a groan as he stretched. "You're awake."


"Yeah. I feel like the laziest woman ever. All I've done lately is sleep."


He shook his head. "Your body and mind needed the healing that only rest could bring."


"How are Taro and Himiko?" I remembered him leaving to check on them before I'd passed out.


"They're both well and returned without injury. My security tells me that the men that were loitering around the front gates have left, but everyone is still keeping a sharp eye out."


"Aki..." I was hesitant to call him by that name, but he'd told me he didn't mind.




"I'm... well, I want to thank you for earlier. It helped take my mind off things that have been nagging at me ever since I woke up."


He smiled sweetly. "You are a woman of passion, Kat. I see that now. I am also thankful for the opportunity you gave me."


I was about to reply when a loud siren interrupted me. Aki shot upright in his chair, his face holding a look of intense alarm. "They've breached the security wall? How?"


"They?" I felt the color drain from my face. "The cell phone trick didn't fool them."


He rose, looking furious. "Apparently not. Kat, please stay here." Without another word he strode out. I was too terrified to argue and the sounds of shouting and gunfire were heard outside his window. Rushing over, I looked outside. Uniformed men were lined up neatly all around the house, guns trained into the edges of the grounds where the floodlights didn't quite reach. A few men I assumed were gang members were already lying still on the lawn, having been gunned down before they could set foot near the house. Though I felt appalled, I told myself that they'd be doing the same if given the opportunity.


I watched Akihiko walk out the front doors wearing a bulletproof vest. He gestured and barked orders, though I couldn't hear him from where I was standing. Abruptly I heard a massive crash, and an armored car burst through the gates, smashing them to bits. Men shouted and dove out of the way as the van drove straight up the driveway and smashed through the front doors. For a moment I was terrified that Aki had been run over, but I saw him off to the side with Taro.


My relief was short-lived, however, as I heard the doors to the car slamming shut and saw a massive blaze of gunfire from the front door where some of the gang members were.
I've gotta do something!
But what? I was next to useless in a real fight, and I didn't have a gun with me. Not that I was comfortable using one anyway. Yet I hated the idea of cowering in a dark corner waiting to be found. Voices were calling from the first floor, and I heard footsteps pounding up to the second floor. Glancing around, I noticed the open door to Aki's bathroom and dashed inside, pulling the door shut just as I heard his bedroom door slam open.


Looking around, there wasn't much that was immediately useful. Except... I yanked the towels off the towel rod and pulled the heavy bar from the wall, trying to be quiet.


"She's gotta be somewhere! Little bitch can't hide forever!" I recognized the voice of one of Ritchie's goons. I slipped behind the bathroom door just as it was kicked open, narrowly missing the handle slamming into my gut. The second I saw a mop of blonde hair I brought the bar down as hard as I could with a yell, cracking whoever it was over the head. The shock of the blow dropped the man down to a complete faint on the bathroom floor.


The blonde turned out to be the muscular guy with the tribal tattoo on the back of his neck, and I grinned viciously. "Payback."


"Aaron, what the hell...?" I heard the other guy rushing over, and readied my grip on the towel bar again. This man was smarter though, and dodged my first swing. "I found her!" He edged away from me and pulled out a gun, training it on my forehead. "You've been a real pain the ass, you know that?"


There was nothing else I could do. I heaved the towel rod at him as hard as I could. The move took him by surprise, and the rod flipped end over end before bashing him squarely between his eyes. He crumpled to the floor, still looking slightly confused. If this had been the time or place I would have started laughing hysterically at my dumb luck, but I was suddenly yanked back by my braid and dragged back into Aki's room.


"Kat, Kat, Kat..." Ritchie's hated voice pierced through the sudden sharp pain in my head. He
. "What am I going to do with you, you vicious little vixen? You've been such a huge pain. I mean, if only you'd stayed home like you were supposed to." He threw me roughly on the bed, and I froze as I heard the click of a gun’s hammer. "We wouldn't be here, and I could be fucking you right now instead of having to put a bullet in your head."


"As if I'd ever let you touch me again, you slime!" I was beyond furious, despite staring down the barrel of his gun. "You're the lowest of the low!"


Another man walked into the room. I recognized him as the leader of the gang, Theon. "So this is the girl?" His voice was cool and collected. Ritchie nodded grimly. "Yeah. Guess she wasn't as dumb as she looks."


Theon walked up to me, his gait smooth and even. Staring down Ritchie's gun didn't frighten me much, but this man did. There was something absolutely freezing about his demeanor that sent every hair on the nape of my neck prickling. "Where are Aaron and Rick?"


Ritchie jerked his head at the bathroom. "Somehow she got 'em both in there."


"With a towel rod," I added vindictively. "Your little gang members didn't even see it coming."


"You little--!" but Ritchie was cut off as Theon laughed. "A towel rod? I've got to hand it to your little slut, Ritchie. She's feisty."


I gave him my most venomous look. "I'd do the same to you, you creep."


He waltzed up to me, cupping my chin in one hand. I wanted to jerk away, but his grip was painfully strong, so I stared him down instead. His blue eyes held no feeling behind them, and for a moment I was afraid I'd be swallowed up by the hollowness I saw. "I'm sure you would, little kitten. Unfortunately you have no towel rod at your disposal at the moment, do you?" He straightened, but still held my jaw in a painful, viselike clamp. "I could use a woman like you. Someone spicy and unafraid."


Oh dear God...
I would have rolled my eyes if Ritchie didn't have a gun pointed at my head. "As if I'd ever work for a sleazeball like you."


He looked smug. "Oh, I didn't expect you to do it willingly, my dear." Looking behind him, he snapped his fingers. "But you see, I never make an offer unless I'm sure I have the upper hand."


Aki was dragged into view by several men. His face was a bloodied mess, and I could see bruising on his face. I wanted to cry. "You bastard! I swear if you--!"


"If I what? Order him to be executed? What would you do, little tigress?"


Aki was forced to his knees, and one man held a cruel grip in his hair. Our eyes met, and my hands were shaking. "Don't. Don't hurt him."


Theon let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Don't hurt him?" He mocked me. "Did you hear that, Ritchie? She cares more about this foreigner than she does you!"


Ritchie muttered something under his breath, but I refused to focus on him. All my attention was on Aki. His eyes were glazed with pain, and he had a few nasty cuts on his forehead. I wanted to run to him and comfort him, but Theon's painful grip on me was causing stars to spark at the edge of my vision. Then, of all the things, Aki's eyes focused on me, and he winked. I felt myself relax suddenly, and didn't feel any fear anymore. Whatever was going on, I needed to keep these men distracted.


I slumped in a posture of mock defeat. "Please don't hurt him. I'll do anything."


Ritchie looked absolutely furious with my statement, but Theon only held that smug expression that I wanted to punch right off his face. "There's a good girl. I'm glad we've come to an understanding. Now first you're going to come willingly with us. Ritchie's told us all what a little firecracker you are in bed, and I think I'd love to try some of that sweet action myself." I tried not to vomit as he leered at me. "You're gonna suck cock until that cute little mouth is sore, then you're gonna take it from as many guys as I see fit. We can't let you out of our sight for a minute, you see, or you might run blabbing to the cops. I should just kill you, but I'm willing to make an exception. So you're gonna come quietly, and if you don't, your little boyfriend here loses his head. Got it?"


I felt utterly filthy just listening to him speak, and had to fight an urge to run for the shower. Digging my nails into my palms, I tried to stuff my pride back as I nodded submissively. Theon grinned lecherously. "Good girl. Now--"


There was a loud clanging and a sudden
and then Ritchie was on the floor unconscious. However, Theon wasn't as stupid as his underlings. Yanking me off the bed, he whipped a gun out from a shoulder holster and pressed it against my temple. I pulled at his arm, trying to loose his suffocating hold, but he only squeezed tighter and I had to release my grip or be strangled. "Now now, we'll have none of that when I'm so close to walking out of here with a prize like Miss Saunders here. Show yourself."


Taro walked into view, his suit mussed and one bad cut on his arm, but other than that he seemed fine. He was coiling a length of chain around one arm, the device he’d obviously struck Ritchie with, and he looked wary. "The police are already on their way, sir. I suggest you lay down your arms and leave peacefully. Perhaps the courts will offer you mercy."


Theon snorted with laughter. "Mercy? Please. We all know none of you have the heart to risk her life, so drop your weapon and go stand by the wall like a good butler."


Taro had no choice but to drop his weapon. He gave me a sorrowful look as one of the gangsters left Aki's side to pin him up against the wall roughly. I couldn't be the damsel in distress anymore, and I hated myself for letting things happen like this. Gathering up my strength, I subtly lifted up one leg and kicked Theon's knee with all the force I could muster, breaking out of his arms. He dropped me with a howl of pain, swearing loudly. The members in the room started shooting, but I ducked under Aki's bed just in time.


There was a whistling sound in the air, and suddenly I heard loud thuds and watched several gang members slump to the ground, unconscious from something. For a moment all was silent, and then I watched incredulously as Himiko's shiny black patent leather shoes came into view. "Miss Saunders?"


"I'm here." My voice was muffled by the mattress, but I scooted back out from under the bed, feeling dazed. Every gang member was on the floor, and Taro was checking over Aki's injuries. "What happened?"


"Oh, I was downstairs cooking a pastry for a late night dessert when the attack started. Imagine my frustration when these rude men burst in and tried to assault me! So I taught them a lesson." Though her face was sweet and smiling, suddenly I was glad Himiko was on my side of things. I didn't even
to know what she'd done to those men. I hurried to Aki's side, touching his face.


"Aki, did they--"


He shook his head, kissing my fingertips. "No, sweet Kat. They didn't do any lasting damage."

BOOK: Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male
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