Ashes To Ashes (Wolf Guard Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Ashes To Ashes (Wolf Guard Book 2)
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I lowered myself to the ground and smiled at him."Close your eyes, it'll all be better soon."


He let out a breath in happiness and leaned against the cold brick wall. Eyes shut tightly against the horrors he saw whenever those lids tried to close. I opened the trapdoor that housed the beast, let the fingers free that caught the solid gold line straight to Harry's soul. A few pulls and several minutes later and he was fast asleep in a world with no dreams of what battles he's fought, no nightmares of death and mutilation. So deep a sleep I checked a few times just to make sure I hadn't lost control with the old veteran.


I stood on shaky legs, giving my system a moment to settle the flood of energy that pounded around and sank luxuriously into veins bloated with radiant essence. I turned to walk back to the point that Ty had dropped me off at and froze at the man standing in my path. He looked from me to Harry, slumped on the floor and sleeping so soundly it was as if he were barely breathing. I winced and clenched my teeth.


"He's fine, just sleeping."


Lane slowly drew his gaze back to mine, solid grey that had denied the wolf. "I don't"


I turned my hands to fists."We had this conversation, I don't hurt anyone. He's just sleeping, he'll wake perfectly fine in the morning."


"No...I don't like you feeding...from him." His own hands were fisted, so tightly, bloodless white had replaced the normal tan.


"What do you expect me to do?"


His jaw worked, clicked and crunched as the bone tightened. He pointed to the mark my feeder had made on his thigh. "I can feel's too intimate."


I wasn't aware that was possible, but then again it's not like I had a handbook for the mixture of creatures that made me. I sighed in exasperation."So I should find a female?"


If possible his jaw clenched even tighter. "No!"


He roared into the echoing alleyway, the sound rebounding in the dusky pitch of evening's faded light. His fist bunched into a solid flattened rock, drawn up to his chest to contract the muscles bulging at his bicep. He released that fist in another roar of animal rage and broke the wall to his right in a smattering of clay coloured dust.


"You'll feed...from me!"








Chapter 22








We returned to the house an hour later. A long, rather silent walk that had me constantly glancing at the blond at my side. He seemed lost in thought, a pensive expression on his face that I wholeheartedly agreed with - I doubt either of us had been ready for those words to come out of his mouth. The sky had sunk into full dusk, tiny stars flickering in their constellations, a thousand fire flies that lit the vision-less, onyx vault from within. Lending eyes to the higher kingdom like watchers in the shadows.


Ty would be driving back, I'd managed a small impression that thrummed across our weak bond to let him know I was returning, a thick and heavy push of thought like throwing a ball through tumultuous water. Lights from the house burned softly against the stone face of the outer facade, the craftsmanship of the brick work showing the architectural interest that gave it it's listed status. The house had been standing for nigh on six hundred years in one state or another and still contained enough of the original stone to be considered historical. It was a rather astounding mix of old and new - the aged outside that was protected against construction and the newer design to the inside. I could imagine living here - if it wasn't for the pack that also called this place home.


I caught sight of Conall through the living room window, large glass of something dark amber in colour raised in an obvious toast of celebration. His loud and booming accent reached clearly through the solid stone and heavy pane windows. He began an old Irish song, his voice surprisingly melodious for the big, ancient wolf. Tessa's blonde hair fell over her shoulder as she laughed lightly at the lyrics, words I failed to catch. Her seat near the slow burning fire sending small glints of burnt orange and tan over her usual pale, golden mane. The back of Arya's head and shoulders were visible, seated on the sofa that backed against the window, her posture slightly more stiff than usual with a frozen quality that made me want to poke her to judge her movements. Charlie stood smiling down at the floor, an especially beautiful sight I tried very hard not to react to. I smiled at the tranquil scene, wanting nothing more than to integrate into this group - people that seemed comfortable with each other, even happy. It was a feeling that grew in insistence. I guess a reminder that perhaps one day, I'd like to be on the inside looking out.


"We should...go in."


His voice pulled me out of my musings, stood still on the graveled driveway watching a scene I wasn't a part of. His face was curious as I turned to look at him, studying every movement my own expression made. I sighed and took a sudden step forward. "Yes, we should." I left him staring after me, letting him come to his own conclusions.


The warmth hit me as soon as I entered, a blanket that wrapped tightly around my body and refused to let go. Laughter fell brightly through the house, echoing in the large arched hallway and resounding from high ceilings that threw the cadence from wall to thick wooden beam. The door to the living room was shut tight and I halted my step for a moment, allowing Lane to catch up until his breath raised the hair on my neck. I pushed the heavy oak door and the jovial sounds from the living room swallowed my body whole until I drowned in the weighty atmosphere. Conall's laugh was a burst of freshness, loud and clear that outshone the various small conversations between each wolf. A beast had buried its head in Arya's lap, a giant of a man that must have outweighed the pixie-like woman by over a few hundred pounds, yet he was bent on his knees before her, head seemingly permanently attached to her stomach as she awkwardly patted his thick black hair. His muscled back, covered in a tight, black t-shirt, heaved in breaths that increased his mass to phenomenal levels with each inhale. Her eyes snapped to mine at our entrance and the fear that pounded from within the green was a worrying sight from the woman that housed such a terrifying animal.


Lane started straight for Conall, a question on his lips that remained unspoken. The Irishman quickly shook his head and took a large sip of his drink. "Didn't find him, took him on a wild goose chase around the forest. He's a good tracker dat red wolf." He turned to me as Lane cracked the knuckles of his fists and lent over the bar to take a glass of his own. "Ach, join the party, little pirate." Conall exclaimed rather boisterously and I figured it was not his first glass of the evening.


"What are we...celebrating?" Lane stood at the bar, leaning against the solid wood and studying the room as if he was attempting to work out an especially confusing puzzle.


A rumble covered all other voices, a deep wolf's growl that stilled all movement like prey beneath a predator's gaze. The beast with his head stuck firmly in Arya's lap rumbled once more before taking an even deeper breath than previously and speaking with a voice husky in rising wolf. "Baby. Can smell him."


Arya huffed and murmured quietly enough to make it hard to catch, "or her."


It seemed a automatic response, one that she'd already made several times. She was more interested in something far away, her gaze fixed on a point that held nothing but blank wall. Her body was quickly picked up from the sofa and she was rearranged until she sat snugly on the beast's lap, his arms wound around her stomach in a grip that was surprisingly gentle. I assumed this was her Captain, he was certainly large enough to hold the black wolf that had overwhelmed the creatures Duncan had brought to the gate.


"Baby?" Lane's gruff voice startled when I heard it right behind my ear.


The Captain nodded, his eyes closed and nose running the length of the redhead's small shoulders. He seemed rather attached to the tiny woman at the moment and I doubt much short of an invasion would prompt him to move. As quickly as the thought entered my head, the phone interrupted the quiet peace that fell as each wolf contemplated new beginnings, emerging life that eclipsed each battle and brought such wondrous possibilities. Even I could appreciate the tiny glow of some shooting star at night, a new life to a species with exceptionally low reproduction for their immortal couples.


I flicked a quick glance to the blond at my back, a rather twisted smile flashed and was an unnerving, entirely too wolfish grin that would make most of the people in the room a little uncomfortable - I hoped he refrained from smiling at the baby in such a way.


“Congratulations, you have excellent...sperm.”


I froze in position. Silence hung heavy over the room.


“Er, Lane?” Conall coughed out a laugh.


The Alpha sighed, a shrug lifted his large shoulders. “What? They’ve been season, she caught early.”


A smile twitched my lips, he was actually perfectly correct and I found it rather endearing.


Conall left to answer the shrilling phone and returned only minutes later, it was the first time since I'd been in this house that I'd heard the piercing ring. "Dat was Kendrick. Had a call from a man proclaimin' himself a King. Heard similar from other packs in the area, looks tae be tryin' tae drum up a little support."


Lane grunted, "no Kings left."


Conall sighed and shook his head, "depends on who yer ask."


The Captain grumbled from behind his mate, a frustrated sound that showed he was less than impressed at being interrupted. "Call him back, I'll talk to him."


Arya snapped out of her stupor to frown at the beast that held her, "another one of yours, Carver? why am I not surprised."


He grinned sheepishly and placed a reverent kiss to her forehead before placing her gently on the sofa and standing to his full height. I was momentarily awed at the man that seemed to block out even the moon's full face. Lane moved quietly to stare at me, a few blinks of his eyes and he swept forward to press a similar kiss to my cheek before rushing out of the room followed by Conall's loud chuckles. I stood a little confused for quite some time, wondering at the man that seemed to emulate those around him, a copy of what he deemed correct behaviour. It was slightly worrying to wonder what else he would replicate.


Arya was a silent figure on the large, overly stuffed sofa. Lost in thoughts I couldn't help but be curious about.


"So, baby huh?"


She nodded and blew out a heavy breath, "yeah, I guess so."


I edged my way to sit beside her. "You seem...happy?"


She laughed and finally turned to look at me. "I don't know what to do with a baby."


I shrugged and internally, absolutely agreed with that statement. "You figured out what to do with that giant you mated right? A baby can't be much harder."


She grinned a little, "no. I suppose not."


"You have a while to get used to the idea, spend a little time thinking of names - you might find it easier to think of this baby as real if you name her."


She shook her head and huffed, "it's probably a boy, the way my luck runs I'll no doubt be outnumbered by overgrown males."


I smiled in response and took the glass that Tessa quietly offered, a wince towards Arya as she realised she wasn't getting one.


"Oh God, I can't have whiskey." She actually looked rather put out by the fact.


"I'll just have two in silent protest."


She frowned at me and narrowed her eyes, "you're not that funny you know." She looked down at the still flat stomach her hand rested on, running her palm lightly over the surface with a dawning look of wonder finally descending. "Sam."




A full grin, the largest I'd ever seen from her spread across her face. "His name is Sam."


Two large canines bounded into the room, drooling slightly from jowls hanging low on their muzzles. I kept my fingers away from the sharp teeth that glinted in the fire's light and shifted a little to allow them room to brush heavily against Arya's legs. "That was quick."


She shrugged a little and smiled widely once more while patting strong heads that nudged their way ever closer. "Don't think it was ever really a question."


I sipped at the glass in my hand, rum that Conall had probably remembered to pour. It was a thrilling moment when I discovered how much I had already unknowingly fallen into this new life. I'd found a piece of warmth in this place, oddly the same place I'd never before wished to end up in. The man that was supposed to be mine and all his troubling ways, the Irishman that plied me with alcohol and was somewhat insane, the new friends I'd suddenly found myself surrounded by. It seems without my consent I'd already found my place on the inside.


Conall rushed back into the room, his hands reaching for the glass he'd left on the bar. "It's surely a puzzle we've found ourselves in."


I raised my brows to him and he took a large swig of harsh smelling alcohol.


"Seems a King has risen, callin' on wolves tae support the title. Funny, the Alpha dat called said his accent was a touch Scottish."


I balked at Conall's words, "he's a King?"


His face turned a little bit devilish. "Dat he is, little pirate. At least in name anyway."


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