Ashes To Ashes (Wolf Guard Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Ashes To Ashes (Wolf Guard Book 2)
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Chapter 9













I'll give him witch.










We ran back to our cave and retrieved the items we'd left. I'd briefly considered staying and lying in wait for the Alpha, a little hideout right in the middle of his territory. And then I remembered his disturbing little smile and thought better of it, he'd probably sniff me out within hours and find a revolutionary punishment for my trespassing. I wasn't overly confident that he was playing with an entirely full deck.


Ten minutes after passing the border, Ty finally opened his mouth. I'd felt tiny glances on me the entire stint of walking away from the pack and I'd known my time was limited.


"So, got something with the Alpha, Sash?"


I snorted and shook my head, "not if I can help it."


"He seemed...friendly."


I squinted back at Ty, blue eyes glinting their amusement and a twitch to his lips that showed he was about to be an arsehole. "I wouldn't go that far."


"He's pretty."


I glared at the him and grunted rather roughly, "are you going somewhere with this?"


He shrugged and that smile widened, "oh, nothing. You just let me know when I need to start bowing."


I punched him in the arm, "don't be a prick, Ty."


"No seriously, I wouldn't want to disrespect my betters, oh mighty leader."


"Ty! shut up!"


He near enough giggled like a school girl and I felt my temper about to get the better of me. " I'll stab the crap out of you in a minute."


He feigned a flash of hurt on his face, "that's not very nice, and after I saved you from the big bad Alpha too."


I rolled my eyes, "yes, you were very helpful distracting him with your throat while I went for the kill. Excellent work, I'm so lucky to have you around."


He grinned, purposefully ignoring my sarcasm. "Right? I had him right where I wanted him."


I huffed and shoved him to the side, knocking him off balance until he struggled to avoid falling. He laughed breathlessly and pumped his fist in a win as he succeeded in avoiding the tumble. I couldn't help but smile back and we ended up walking in contemplative silence for several minutes before he spoke up again.


"How does it feel to have a mate, Sash?"


I grimaced and took a moment to think about his slightly more serious question. I should have known he'd pick up on that right away, impossible to hide your deepest secrets from the one person who knew every little tell you had. How did it feel? It felt like I was about to kill something that would be irreplaceable and change my fate forever, stick two fingers up to the force that would probably destroy me for wasting what she had so generously bestowed. Then again..she had given me a nutter, it's not like she could expect me to be grateful. "Like nothing. I think we have to kill him."


Ty stared at me, "Bit extreme, you can always just say no."


I shook my head, "his smell, It was at Michael and Sarahs - he's the one."


Ty's face quickly fell into the same conflicting mess of swelling anger and churning regret that I knew he could see on mine. "Shit."


I echoed his sentiment. We had both always assumed we'd find our mate at some point and although it wasn't ranked the highest on our scale of things to do, it had been that distant dream of somewhere to belong, to be the most important piece of someone's life. A big fuzzy romanticized view maybe, but something glittering in a life lived colourless.


Ty blew out a heavy breath, "that's a lot of shit to deal with right now and I'm still a little hungover, how about we grab a bottle of anything alcoholic and fix both problems?"


I chuckled at him with lightness I didn’t feel. "Sure, sounds good."


Ty took the bag I carried and added it to the one he had, "seems you've got enough to carry, I'll take your load."


I squinted at him, "that was horrifically sweet."


He grunted and scowled, "shut up." His eyes brightened for a moment, "hey..does this mean we can kill the Irishman too?"


I huffed, "no, Ty. We cannot kill the Irishman."


He looked way too upset about that.





It took around forty minutes to reach the town from the border, we were walking at a steady pace and in no hurry once clear of pack territory. I was fooling myself if I thought it would be easy to lose that Alpha if he followed, my scent was now some bright white trail for him to walk and he seemed rather wonderfully built for stalking prey. I refused to rely on Ty's scent blocking, with my run of piss poor luck it was doubtful to work between mates. Or on creepy Alphas.


The same store we'd bought supplies at on our way to pack land beckoned as we entered the town, the afternoon sun was beginning it's dip on the horizon and a copper sky turned the early shadows glistening grey in creation's resplendent design. I was a little too eager to find a quiet place to sit and drink my problems away, perhaps needing that one night before my wolf would turn melancholic for years to come, sink into a deep blue sea of sorrow for what she'd soon lose before she'd even had a single taste.


It took me some time to feel the eyes on me, more time than I could forgive myself for. Glaringly obvious once I felt them so heavy a gaze and furiously thick an aura. I glanced to my left and came up empty, the liquor bottles in front kept my bodies attention while my eyes flicked from side to side trying to catch a glimpse of the person that watched. That atmosphere ebbed and swayed, peaking the wolf's curiosity and the feeder's interest. This could only mean the watcher was full of intent, dark and complex emotions that called to the empath and exhilarated it's feeding frenzy. I felt a rush of displaced air as a body swept up behind me and I turned to see a wolf I wasn't particularly happy about.


"Afternoon, lass."


Auburn hair fell heavily across his forehead as if he'd been too busy since the last time I'd seen him to bother with a cut. A sickening smile spread wide on a roughened face and he dwarfed my size with his. A discreet splatter of blood stained the side of his combat boots and I had a thought back to the blood that had covered Lane. The empath inside loved his presence and that made me seriously uncomfortable.


I played at ignorance, I may have seen him that day in the previous Alpha's office but there was no way he'd noticed me before. "Can I help you?"


His smile grew in amusement, "ah yes, you most certainly can."


I frowned at him, if Lane was creepy this guy was seriously disturbed. "How's that exactly?"


"It seems we have a mutual acquaintance, the new Alpha ta be specific."


I raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't call him an acquaintance."


The red head flashed even, white teeth my way, "what would you call him then? Mate perhaps?"


I couldn't imagine Lane would be bragging about his half empath mate so soon. "Depends on whose asking now doesn't it?"


"Duncan, lass. You be sure ta tell him that won't you?"


My wolf stared through my own amber eyes, taking the males worth and finding him lacking. She was not an animal to take lightly and she had a fluid relationship with the feeder that hid beneath her bulky frame. She warned him with a rumble and received one in return. This could very quickly turn to disaster in a human owned store.


Tapping steps echoed on the tiled flooring and for once, I smiled at Ty's noisy entrance. We both turned to the footsteps and I saw him casually walking down the aisle, a bag of cheese balls in his hand and stuffing handfuls into his mouth until bright orange crumbs littered his mouth and fell to dust over his shirt. He chewed noisily and took extra care to open his mouth wide with each bite. I shivered in disgust and by the look on Duncan's face, he had the same reaction. Ty stopped at my side and stared at the red head while sucking the fake cheese flavor off his fingers. He held out a saliva covered hand to Duncan.




Duncan stared and looked a little ill, the hand went ignored. "Why are you here, boy?"


Ty smiled in return and shrugged, "I'm with her," he cocked a thumb my way and for a moment I debated denying any knowledge of him, "right sis?"


I snorted and hummed in response while Duncan rolled his eyes and dismissed him in one scathing look."I'm going on a visit now actually, see my old friend. Maybe you'd like ta accompany me?" His smile was an invite to deny him and face the consequences. I rather enjoyed consequences.


"No, thanks all the same. We're a bit busy right now."


He rumbled deep in his chest and a wolf flashed anger in eyes that viewed us both as beneath him. "I donae think ya understood me"


Ty smiled at my side, his snack forgotten, "oh we understand just fine. Shoo, Scot." He waved his hand towards the door to emphasize his point and I felt the anger rise from Duncan until it poured unfiltered from his skin. He took a step toward me and Ty's eyes flashed that icy blue that always made me freeze in place for a second.




The word was whispered low but I heard it clearly from the man I'd grown up with, a word I'd heard from him many a time before.


Duncan's breathing stopped and his chest expanded, an automatic reaction to the body cut off from essential air. Choking gasps leaked from his throat and the first signs of panic came from a wolf so confident in his own strength. The skin of his neck and cheeks turned a bright red as pressure built within his throat and chest.


Unfortunately, It wouldn't kill him and would eventually wear off. It was the feeling of choking not an actual constriction of the airways. Still, the panic was an unavoidable reaction and this time, I liked seeing that effect more than usual.


The Scotsman started clawing at his throat and Ty's smile became decidedly evil. "Oh don't worry, buddy. It'll wear off eventually. In the meantime, it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again soon. Come on, Sash. Let's get going."


I turned amused eyes his way and dutifully followed him out of the store, leaving Duncan slowly sliding to his knees. "Well, that was interesting."


Ty grinned, "see, told you I was helpful."









Chapter 10







She had gold eyes.




Like little stars that shone a glorious fire.


As Vega burns to be Lyra's brightest star, so she burned for me.





I like shiny things.





But she was a feeder. Wolf didn't like feeders, they made him feel sick, like tar slicked across skin and oil that slid in sticky residue along veins that shut down from clogging.


Perhaps she'd agree to not be a feeder. Cease that vile fading that consumes a body til it withers.


But...can they can stop? Do they die if they don't feed?


The wolf didn't like that idea either.


We could keep her here, lock the feeder in a room built to hold that seeping oil. Perhaps visit, just when the tar becomes water in its weakness.


But they don't like being locked up...women. They need air and space and things that you buy them.


Don't they?


Perhaps I should ask Arya, she'd know if that was okay, to keep her locked away.


I wouldn't mind her being here, she wasn't as bad as the others, not so coated in such black grease. Her brother though; I could feel that from a mile away. Wolf cringed under his thickened aura.


I could kill him. I wonder if she'd mind...perhaps she would understand.


But then, she'd come between us as I'd held him by his throat, tried to stop the choking I'd been so intent on.


Her claws had come out, pretty talons that scoured my skin as they tapped against it, sank deep to spill crimson blood. A sharpened, gratifying touch. We appreciated her vengeful nature, it was a draw for both the man and the already enamored wolf.


Conall cleared his throat beside me as I paced back and fore on the hardened soil, cracked from icy frost melting in the afternoon sun. "Lane?"


I snapped my eyes to his. Perhaps I'd ask him, he could be helpful sometimes...mostly drunk, but sometimes useful. "Yes?" He indicated behind me and I turned to see the pack of females, a few men within their closed ranks, staring at me. "What do they want?"


Conall huffed a laugh, "I'd imagine they're waitin' on yer."


I frowned a little, "why?"


"Well, you're their new Alpha, they're most likely waitin' on instruction."


I frowned again, I didn't have time for them right now. I looked a few in the eye and scowled as they instantly dropped their eyes. "Go...away." They scattered like rabbits, giving Wolf need to chase and rag them around like tiny prey.


She'd run as well. But I found I wanted to chase for another reason, something like a game to play, hunt her down and run around the icy forest with her wolf. I hadn't played a game in years.


"Do yer want a change of clothes?"


I looked down at myself, red covered and stained, blood that had been absorbed by material until it hung heavy on my skin. I liked this colour - I should get some more. Carver had always given me black clothes but this was different, vibrant. "Later." I swung my gaze to Conall, he seemed amused about something. He had spent some time with the female, perhaps he knew things about her. "The girl...little witch."


His lips twitched, "she's yours, yes?"


I pondered the question. Was she mine? It seemed like ownership to say that and if I claimed ownership then I would be expected to take care of her. I'd need to feed her, take her outside sometimes, keep her alive. It sounded hard but I could try. "Yes...mine."


Conall sighed, "dat's a shame, she's real pretty."


Wolf growled, sent the Irishman a warning. She was mine now and that meant no touching, not even this wolf who I'd share most things with.


He laughed out loud, deeply amused at something I'd done. I smiled back at him - it seemed the correct expression to use.


Conall lost his laugh and frowned at my face - perhaps a bit too much teeth. I huffed as silence fell between us, tiny birds fluttered above, emerging spring from winter’s glacial death. I opened my mouth to ask him the question and quickly shut it once more. I should know these answers, it bothered me that I didn't. I wanted to know and yet at the same time I didn't, as if once it was clear in my head then I'd have no choice but to move forward and take the empath as mine.


Conall grinned again, "Everythin' okay?"


I huffed once more, annoyed with my own lack of understanding. "What do with her?"


That laugh burst from his lips and this time, I decided not to smile. "Ah, Lane, You're a funny lad. Yer talk tae her, find out what she likes and get it fer her."


That didn't sound too bad - I already knew she liked to stab me. "What if she...feeds?" Conall understood my aversion, Ireland was full of those damned feeders and he enjoyed the hunt just as much as I did. Stalked the filth covered beings with the same pleasure and fulfillment, sank his claws into their chests and carved out hearts until we'd both cut through the countries swarm.


He sighed a little, "tell her, Lane. She seems different, not like the others."


I resumed pacing, the wolf wanted to chase her, so badly he pushed at my skin and I had trouble pulling him back, ravishing those chains until they became weakened and worn. She was wrecking my previously unparalleled control and that would work out disastrous for all in the immediate vicinity. It was confusing, he didn't like empaths, wanted to burn their houses to the ground, turn their bones to ash and their organs to splattered remains and yet, this one he wanted.


Quiet steps fluttered across the barren ground, I turned towards the invading feet and bared my teeth at the intruder. A shivering female appeared before me, fear and horror struggling for position on her pale face, not all of it directed at me. I was not yet used to this title, I had more than one female to keep alive now, I had responsibilities - it was mildly annoying.




The beast growled out at her. I strained for those chains, camouflaged the disturbing creature in some insubstantial, disposable shroud. I gritted my teeth and answered the already shaking girl, "yes?"


"A-At the border...Sally. He killed her."


I frowned and the wolf held his tongue for a moment. "Who?"


She swallowed thickly, "a big wolf, red hair."


I grinned at her, all teeth and wide eyes. He'd come to continue the fight, excellent. Although, apparently he'd also killed a female from this pack, my pack. That just won’t do. "Keep everyone away...from the border. Conall?"


"I'm wit' yer, lad."


I turned away from the pale, blonde female, towards the woods that beckoned the beast to turn and hunt down the man that threatened his new territory. I'd keep my form for now though, I should probably not tempt the wolf to run after pretty, shiny eyed females. I bent my head back and howled to the rising moon, sun and crescent warring for position in the darkening sky. Conall joined my call, a warning and invitation to the beast that waited on the border, a single chance to flee and rethink his recent choices. I'd kill him regardless, take the head of the man who'd betrayed, ended the life of one remarkable old man. I didn't like many people, that one though had managed to batter his way passed the onerous wolf inside. This was simply a choice between death and dismemberment.


The forest swallowed us in its reaching fingers, creaking branches that pointed the way. I turned at a bush near the pack house, just beyond a break in the surrounding wall. A stale scent permeated the air, sweet but mixed with the spice of male. Peaches.


I grinned - looked like little witch had been spying on my land. I took the longest breath, ripened fruit that split its skin bursting with sun drenched flavor. She was resourceful, I liked that very much.


I turned back to the smell of blood that trailed between ghostly trees. I picked up the pace a little, sprinting through the close knit branches and dodging narrow ditches and hidden pitfalls. The wolf flashed sharp canines and panted heavily in excitement, both at the wind in our face and the blood creeping ever closer. I flicked a quick look around and found Conall right behind me. Tricky wolf - always right on my tail.


I found Duncan easily, he stood in the last light of day, the only spot at the edge of the border that allowed that light to filter through. I stopped ten feet before him and looked questioningly at the blonde female on the floor at his feet, chest caved slightly, collapsing into the hole where her heart had once been.


"You brought company, Lane. I'm disappointed."


I cocked my head to the side, "you killed a female...I'm more than disappointed." Duncan chuckled his rough, husky brogue. I didn't find him so amusing any more. "You could have just...called."


He nodded in acceptance. "Aye, I could of. Got a little bored waiting on you, brathair."


"Not your brother...any more."


He frowned, "you'll be joining me, Lane. Was always meant ta be that way."


I shook my head at him. "Not this time."


He flashed his teeth in anger, "is it the girl, that why you donae want ta leave here? I'll take care of her, get her out the way."


The wolf bled rage. Pure, icy rage. "Don't. Touch. My.Witch."


Duncan's wolf rose to answer mine. He was big, a strong wolf that had years of experience on me. He was still less than I was. "You should be with me, you know you're stronger than Carver. We both are."


I laughed at his ego, he thought a little too much of himself. "No."


His anger grew, a little disturbing by how easily it emerged. "You could, you just haven't tried."


"Don't want to...maybe I could, maybe not. He's still a better leader...not so quick to kill everything. Deserves his title."


His face changed colour, red to match his hair. "What's happened ta ya? Mating some half breed feeder and not killing their sickness? You hate feeders!"


I shrugged, "I like this one...she has pretty eyes, shiny."


He growled at me and took several steps back, "it's the girl then? Fine, I'll get rid of her." He grinned wickedly and kicked the dead female’s body with his foot, flipping the husk left behind and sending it soaring through the air towards me. "Catch."


I sighed as the figure flew with the force of his kick - he really needed to stop throwing bodies at me. I caught it out of the air and gripped the girl as she leaked more blood onto my shirt. Duncan had left, sprinted away into dusk, hunting my witch no doubt. I looked to Conall as he raised an eyebrow my way.

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