Asher (8 page)

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Authors: Effy Vaughn

BOOK: Asher
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Pulling onto the dirt road that connected our driveway with Dixie’s, I noticed Bray’s truck parked out in the field. Slowing down I checked to see if he was okay and didn’t need anything. Then I saw a red head and a pair of what I was sure were tits. Grinning, I shook my head and headed to Dixie’s. That sorry bastard had a girl out there in the middle of the day and he was fucking her. Dude was crazy.

Dixie and I hadn’t had sex and since we’d been in a relationship for nine months, I had now gone through my longest stint of celibacy since I was fifteen and Brenda Vickers showed me her eighteen-year-old tits. Then Brenda had shown me just how good it felt to slide my dick into a hot wet pussy. Sex had become as important as oxygen. After that, I’d fallen in love with Dixie and waiting on her had become more important. Turning down willing women wasn’t easy sometimes. But Dixie was worth it. She was better than one night with some easy lay.

Seeing Bray getting some in the middle of the day did make me a little jealous. I was getting tired of pumping it out in the shower. But what he was getting was something that would be cheap and over soon. I had something more. Something worth sacrificing for.

Dixie’s Jeep was outside and I breathed a sigh of relief as I made my way to her front door. I hadn’t wanted to wait any longer. It had been two days. Dixie hadn’t called or texted me. And I hadn’t been able to tell her what we had found out from Momma because I had been so damn sure Asher would come over here and take her. I believed Dixie loved me. She’d told me she loved me. But I wasn’t sure she loved me as much as she’d loved Asher.

He wasn’t planning on coming to her though. He was letting me keep her without a fight.

The front door opened and Dixie stepped outside wearing a pair of cut off jeans and a plaid shirt tied in a knot at her stomach. She was barefoot and she looked like every southern boy’s fantasy. “Hey,” she said with a small smile.

She didn’t look like she was hurting. None of the pain I had seen in her eyes two days ago was there now. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I didn’t want her hurting, but I also wanted her to want me. To still love me.

“How are you?” I asked wanting her to give me some hope.

She shrugged. “Good. Better. I talked to my daddy.”

The way she said “my daddy” with a touch of security and relief in her voice told me her father had cleared up the lies we’d all believed.

“So you know the truth then,” I said.

A small frown touched her eyebrows and she nodded. “Yeah, but it isn’t what Asher thinks.”

I nodded. “We know. Momma cleared it up for us.”

Dixie’s eyes went wide and she glanced down toward our house. “Oh. When?”

“Two mornings ago. I would’ve been here sooner but we all kinda needed time to deal. You know.”

She slowly turned her eyes back to me and the sadness there made me want to kick myself. Why did I tell her I had known for two days and hadn’t come to her? How stupid was that?

“I’m sorry,” I added.

She forced a smile and shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I knew too and I didn’t come there. I just…” she paused and swallowed nervously. “Never mind. I’m not making sense. It’s been a crazy few days, I guess.”

“Yeah, it has,” I agreed and then reached out to take her hand in mine. “But I never stopped loving you. I loved you even when I thought it was wrong. I couldn’t cut that off.”

She stayed tense and her gaze flicked back toward my house again.

This was about Asher. She was waiting on him. I should have expected this. I should have known this would happen. He was the one she’d lost and never gotten over.

“I waited on him,” I told her. “He’s the reason I didn’t come until now. I was giving him a chance to come to you. But he came to me this morning and told me to come see you. Not to make you wait. That I loved you more than he ever could and you deserved that.”

The pain in her eyes was back and I wanted to roar at the unfairness. Why did she have to do this to me? I had waited on her. I had been faithful because I loved her. Why did she have to want him more? He had sent me. He had let her go.

I was here.

“Oh,” she said unable to look up at me. She studied our hands instead.

Not “I love you too” or “I missed you”. Just a fucking “oh”.

“Dixie, do you want this still? Us?” I asked willing her to look at me. To give me something.

Finally, she raised her gaze and looked up at me. “Do you?” she asked.

Did she even have to ask? “More than anything, Dixie.”

She didn’t respond right away. Instead, she waited a few minutes before she let out a soft sigh. “Okay. Yes, I want this too.”

Relief washed over me and I wanted to pound my chest. I had won. She was mine. Dixie Monroe was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever laid eyes on and she chose me.

“I’ll make you happy, Dixie. I swear, baby.”

She nodded then she took a step toward me and laid her head on my chest. This was what I had needed. What I wanted more than anything else. I could do without sex until she was ready. Just knowing it would be my bed Dixie was in one day made it all okay.




              The next week I saw Steel every
day. But not one time did I see Asher. His truck was parked outside by the pump house, but when I was there he never came around. I didn’t ask and Steel didn’t bring it up. I felt like Steel was waiting on me to ask and if I did ask, I would have failed some test of his.

              Scarlet said I had to find a way to let go of the past. I didn’t know how to do that. Asher was more than just my past. He was a part of me. A piece of my heart and possibly the biggest piece was his. You couldn’t just let go of that. Even when he didn’t want me enough to fight for me.

The moment he crooked his finger, I feared I would drop everything and go running to him. He had that much power over me. But it was as if he were gone again. Scarlet said she had seen him two days ago working in the barn with Bray. They had been doing some renovations. He had laughed and he seemed less burdened than he had been in the past.

I was glad he wasn’t living with the darkness that had eaten at him for the past three years. But I missed him. I wanted to see him like this. I wanted to see the old Asher again.

“Damn, he’s at it again,” Steel muttered drawing me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at where he was frowning. I saw the back of Brent’s head and the familiar red curls of Scarlet’s in the back of Bray’s truck. Smiling, I shook my head. Did they think parking out there was an actual hiding place?

“I swear Bray can’t get a full day of work in without getting him some,” Steel said.

Frowning, I turned to tell him it wasn’t Bray, that it was Brent, but I stopped and looked back out over the field and squinted. The sun and distance made it hard to see. That was definitely my best friend’s red hair. It was a unique red. I would have known it anywhere. And that was Brent… wasn’t it? I mean, it had to be Brent if that was Scarlet. She was attracted to Bray but she wouldn’t actually sleep with him.

“You want burgers for lunch or seafood? I’m good with either. I just need something, I’m starved,” Steel said snapping my gaze off Bray’s truck and I looked straight ahead. He didn’t seem to notice that was Scarlet and until I knew what was going on, I wasn’t going to point it out.

“Uh… seafood is good,” I replied.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Scarlet at text.

“Please tell me that was Brent.” Was all I sent. She’d know what I meant.








“Did you fuck him?” Bray growled in my ear as he jerked my panties off and threw them on the floorboard of his truck. “Did you?” he asked again angrier this time.

I shook my head no. Finding words was hard when Bray was like this. It excited me and I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t seem to stay away from him. I craved this. I craved him.              

“Open these sweet thighs,” he ordered shoving my legs open and baring me to his full view. “Fuck, it never gets old. I swear you’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

I panted with anticipation as Bray ran a finger up my slit, then back down slowly. I wanted to buck my hips and cry out but if I did, he’d get mad. He liked control. It was part of what I loved about him. About this. He was in control.

Lifting his finger, he slipped it between his lips and sucked before pulling it out of his mouth with a loud pop. “Always taste so damn good,” he murmured in a soft voice. It was a deceiving voice. He would drop that soon when he was done tasting me and touching me.

“You like this, don’t you, Scar? You like me touching your greedy little pussy. I shouldn’t be touching it,” he whispered and this time barely brushed my clit with the tip of his finger. “It’s not mine to touch.”

I whimpered.

His eyes flashed with that look I knew meant he was close to snapping. He was about to give in and take what he wanted. He couldn’t be nice for long. Sex made him crazy. “I don’t want him touching your pussy, Scar. I want this hot cunt. Just me,” he said and shoved a third finger inside me hard causing me to cry out. “Yeah, that’s it. There’s my naughty girl who can’t keep her mouth shut. She opens these pretty thighs for me and she shouldn’t. She should keep them closed. But she lets me inside them and I fucking love these thighs.”

I shivered. “Please,” I finally begged. I couldn’t take it anymore. Keeping quiet was too hard.

He sat back and rested his hand on the back of the seat as he looked over at me through his hooded lashes. “You want my mouth on that pussy?” he asked me in a husky tone. The things he could do with his mouth were beyond wonderful. I nodded and scampered to move. I knew what he wanted from me.

“Then suck,” he said grabbing my head and shoving me down toward his crotch.

This was the part that should turn me off. This was the part that a normal girl would run from. Would be disgusted by. Unless the guy ordering you to suck had a body you wanted to beg to lick. And Bray Sutton had that kind of body. Those blue eyes of his were almost covered up by thick black lashes as he gazed down at me as if I were the most fascinating thing in the world.

That kind of power was intoxicating. To make a man like Bray look at you like that. His bottom lip was wet and swollen from where he’d bitten it earlier as he touched me. Now his mouth was slightly open as he waited for me to finish unsnapping his jeans and pulling them down.

His hard length pressed against the black boxer briefs he was wearing and I was like a kid in a candy store trying to get it out of its packaging. Once I had the smooth hot skin under my hands, I squeezed and Bray hissed lifting his hips. “Mouth, now,” he growled.

I would do anything for him. I filled my mouth with him until the head of his cock slid down the back of my throat. His hand fisted in my hair and he shoved me down further. He would keep on until I gagged, then he would hold me there for a second. When he pulled me back, he would tilt my head back and look at me with awe on his beautiful face.

His thumb brushed my bottom lip as he wiped up my saliva, then he lowered my head back over him again. I licked at him several times. “It aint’ a fucking lollipop,” he snarled and pushed my head down.

Smiling I opened up and let him gag me again but not before I sucked the length of it on my way down causing him to groan and praise me.

“Magic fucking mouth, baby,” he moaned as he pulled me up again. “Best mouth I’ve ever had. Ain’t fair you got such a delicious pussy and your mouth feels like nirvana.”

My body tingled under his praise. I ached for more. I wanted him to gag me some more, then when he was ready, I wanted it rough. I loved watching him as he took me hard and with abandon. I always got off just by the look on his face when he slammed into me the first time.

“Can’t keep fucking this mouth,” he panted. “All I can think about. I see your mouth and all I can think about is this. Those big eyes looking up at me as I bury myself in those full lips. Gotta stop this, Scar. We gotta stop it.”

No. I didn’t want to stop. For the first time in my life the void in me was filled. The part of me I thought was broken was fixed. I didn’t cringe when I thought of sex, I didn’t believe I was broken for not having orgasms because I was getting several every time I was with Bray.

He pulled my head up and slung me backwards against the seat.  His eyes went to my breasts. “Love them tits,” he said reaching out to gently touch one, then he slapped it instead. The gentle rub that came after was a way to soothe it. “Fucking love it when they jiggle and are red from my hand,” he said in a low rumble, then slapped the other one and watched it do exactly as he said.

“Turn over, Scar and stick that ass up in the air,” he said shoving his jeans down. I hurried to do as he said and the slap was instant on my right butt cheek. Then my left one. Then he repeated it. He kept spanking me until it stung so badly I cried out.

“Fuck, it’s red,” he said running his hand over my tender skin gently. “It’s got my hand print all over it. Makes me crazy, baby.”

I grabbed the back of the seat and the edge of it to hold myself.
              “You’ve been so bad, Scar. Letting me touch you and sucking my cock until I saw stars. This is wrong,” he said and slapped my sore bottom again. “But you make me need you. Walking around shaking this ass so I can see it in those little shorts. I know how pretty it bounces when I fuck you. Makes me hard. You make me hard.”

His hands grabbed my waist and he pulled me back. I barely had a moment to take a deep breath before he slammed into me. I screamed out in pleasure mixed with pain and whimpered his name.

“That’s right. Say my name, Scar. Who’s fucking this girl? Hmmm? Who makes her pussy cream? Say it baby,” he was lost now to the sensation. I loved it when he was like this.

Then he was out of me and before I could complain, the wet heat of his tongue slid over my folds making my legs tremble. He licked me from my clit all the way back to the tiny tight hole he loved to lick and tease. He kept telling me he was taking it one day too. I was ready for whatever he wanted. I trusted him with my body completely. He teased me by flicking his tongue over my swollen bud, then ran his nose inside me and inhaled. “Love this,” he said, then pressed a simple kiss to my pleasure pulse.

Bray’s mouth was gone and he was inside me again with one move.

I cried out his name over and over as he fucked me hard. Every time I said his name a growl of satisfaction tore from his chest. This hadn’t happened overnight. We didn’t just one day decide to start fucking. It had been a gradual thing… but once we both got a taste and realized we understood what the other needed most, we couldn’t stop. Even when I started dating Brent, I hadn’t been able to stop.

I had been trying to get Bray to commit to something more than just sex with me. But I had found myself falling for Brent in a different way. Bray owned my body though. I was afraid he always would.


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