Ash and Silver

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Authors: Carol Berg

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“Carol Berg is an absolutely gorgeous writer. . . . She does incredible, intricate world building that moves along like a deep, powerful river: It looks, on the surface, as though it's carrying along at a reasonable rate, with occasional dips and swirls into eddies, but beneath that is an absolutely tremendous current pulling you along toward inexorable rapids, and you barely know it's happened until you're already over your head. And then, just in case that's not enough, she does exactly the same thing with the character development, resulting in works of stunning scope that are also enormously internal journeys of discovery for not just the characters, but the reader.”

—C. E. Murphy, author of the Walker Papers series

“Among my favorite fantasies EVER! Carol Berg develops her characters, story, and world with a well-rounded brilliance seldom seen in fantasy, and a beauty that leaves a reader breathless.”

—Janny Wurts, author of
Wars of Light and Shadow
Flesh and Spirit
Breath and Bone

“Carol Berg's writing is some of the most lyrical and flowing I have run across. Her books all have some innate grace that serves as a marker against which I measure almost every other book I read. Berg's books aren't just books; they are art, and she's a master of the wordsmithing craft. Her writing style gives all of her books a dreamlike quality that I love. Her stories are more real than real, and her characters are so vibrant, you live those moments as you read, and you learn so much about yourself as you do it.”

—Bookworm Blues

Dust and Light

“[A] captivating and satisfying fantasy epic. . . . With an impressive command of language, sure-handed plotting, and perceptive characterizations, Berg traces the arc of Lucian's arduous quest to solve the murders of several illegitimate royals.”

Publishers Weekly

“Carol Berg has spun a tale of magic and politics, of intrigue and betrayal. Set in a rich world, told through the eyes of a compelling and sympathetic hero, her story twists and turns, building to a conclusion that satisfies while hinting at more adventures to come. I eagerly await the next Sanctuary novel.”

—D. B. Jackson, author of the Thieftaker Chronicles

Breath and Bone

“The narrative crackles with intensity against a vivid backdrop of real depth and conviction, with characters to match. Altogether superior.”

Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)

“Berg's lush, evocative storytelling and fully developed characters add up to a first-rate purchase for most fantasy collections.”

Library Journal

“Replete with magic-powered machinations, secret societies, and doomsday divinations, the emotionally intense second volume of Berg's intrigue-laden Lighthouse Duet concludes the story of Valen. . . . Fans of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon sequence and Sharon Shinn will be rewarded.”

Publishers Weekly

“Berg combines druid and Christian influences against a backdrop of sorcerers, priestesses, priests, deep evil, and a dying land to create an engrossing tale to get lost in . . . enjoyable.”

—Monsters and Critics

“An excellent read . . . a satisfying sequel.”

—Fresh Fiction

Flesh and Spirit

“In Carol Berg's engrossing
Flesh and Spirit
, an engaging rogue stumbles upon the dangerous crossroads of religion, politics, war, and destiny. Berg perfectly portrays the people who shape his increasingly more chaotic journey: cheerful monks, cruel siblings, ambitious warlords, and a whole cast of fanatics. But it's the vividly rendered details that give this book such power.
Berg brings to life every stone in a peaceful monastery and every nuance in a stratified society, describing the difficult dirty work of ordinary life as beautifully as she conveys the heart-stopping mysticism of holiness just beyond human perception.”

—Sharon Shinn, national bestselling author of
Royal Airs

“Carol Berg has done a masterful job of creating characters, places, religions, and political trials that grab and hold your attention. . . . Don't miss one of 2007's best fantasy books!”

—Romance Reviews Today

“It's challenging to create a main character who's not exactly a good guy and yet still elicits reader sympathy. Carol Berg's newest novel,
Flesh and Spirit
, features a man who has committed quite a few misdeeds and yet remains likable. . . . Berg also excels at creating worlds. . . . It's like we're exploring this world alongside its characters, and this technique works remarkably well. . . . I'm eagerly awaiting the duology's concluding volume,
Breath and Bone
. This first installment is an engrossing and lively tale with enough action to keep you hungry for more.”

The Davis Enterprise

The Daemon Prism

“[Berg's] insight into the nature of human good and evil, the constantly ebbing and flowing relationships among lovers and friends . . . consistently raises this novel above sword-and-sorcery routine.”

Publishers Weekly

“An amazingly complex and rewarding story.
The Daemon Prism
is certain to reward the devoted students of the Collegia Magica trilogy.”


“One of the best fantasies I have encountered in years. . . . Berg takes chances with her characters . . . that leave them imprinted indelibly in your memory and heart . . . wonderful.”

—Science Fiction and Other ODDysseys

“Enthralling and not to be missed.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Filled with action and feeling as if it occurs in a Berg version of the Age of Reason; fans will appreciate this stupendous story.”

—Alternative Worlds



Dust and Light

Ash and Silver


The Spirt Lens

The Soul Mirror

The Daemon Prism


Flesh and Spirit

Breath and Bone


Son of Avonar

Guardians of the Keep

The Soul Weaver

Daughter of Ancients

Song of the Beast





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This book is an original publication of New American Library.

Copyright © Carol Berg, 2015

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Berg, Carol.

Ash and silver: a sanctuary novel / Carol Berg.

pages cm.

ISBN 978-1-101-60311-6

I. Title.

PS3602.E7523A9 2015

813'.6—dc23 2015019866


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




hanks to my extra eyes—Susan, Curt, Courtney, Brian, and Saytchyn. And to Brenda, ever-inspiring and ever-generous with home and heart. To the Writers of the Hand for companionship on the journey and for energy, fun, food, wine, and focus, focus, focus. To Mike, Stella, Richard, Twila, and all the crew at the Hand for providing a refuge when life got too hectic at low altitude. To Marcus the Fighter Guy for combat advice. To my editor, Anne Sowards, for her gifts of commentary, trust, and understanding of life's knotty seasons. To my faithful readers for support and unending encouragement. And most especially to Linda the Muse for twenty-seven years of friendship, mentoring, incisive questioning, plot-twisting, and lunch. Looking forward to many, many more.

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