
Read Ascension Online

Authors: S.E. Lund

BOOK: Ascension
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S. E. Lund



Copyright © 2012 S. E. Lund

All rights reserved.







Dedicated to Suzanne, my first editor and the first other writer to consider my writing seriously and offer an honest constructive critique. Without your critical eye and supportive words, I would never have seen both the potential in my work and where it needed improvement. You gave me the courage to continue writing despite difficulties in the early years. You will be missed.

R. I. P.






Thanks to my family and friends who supported me during the long hours when I would lock myself into my office with my computer jammed in my face, writing. Without your tolerance, my books would never have been written or finished, but my house would have been a lot cleaner!






You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you . . . Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth.


Ezekiel 28


And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards
to be born?













“Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.”

Alfred Tennyson
In Memoriam



"Sweet," a male voice says
. "Michel's little pet. He's not being very careful with you."

I blink, my eyes focusing slowly, pain throbbing in my head. I sit in a chair with my arms bound behind my back. A man in his twenties with reddish blond hair to his shoulders stands directly in front of me.

I glance around, trying to get my bearings. We're in an office in what looks like a warehouse filled with rows and rows of furniture stacked high.

"I'm not his pet."

"Oh, yeah? Then what's up with the bite on your neck? Moles?"

"What bite mark?"

He smiles at me as if I'm a child.

"That one," he says and points.

"It's not a bite," I say but I can't be sure. My hands are tied. Then I remember my dream from last night.

"Sure, sweetheart, and this," he says and points to a wound on his neck, "is just a birthmark. It just so happens to be in the shape of a vampire bite. You know, one of those freaks of nature like Elvis on an English muffin?"

I sit helpless, all my so-called vampire hunter fight skills worthless.

"What are you going to do with me?"

He comes closer and bends down, lifting up a piece of my hair with a dagger.

"I'm not going to do anything with you, but I think my boss has a few ideas and will want to come and have a little visit. If Michel doesn't show up soon, he's going to claim tribute and keep you for himself."

There's nothing I can do or say. I feel helpless at that moment and close to panic. Finally, the man leaves me alone with another bulky guy in leather who smokes a cigarette, flicking the ashes towards me in disdain.

Time passes – I have no idea how long but soon I start to really worry that Michel won't come.

Finally, the first man returns and stands in front of me.

"Time's up, Eve. I guess Michel needs a bit more convincing because he hasn't arrived."

I want to say he's out of town, but don't know if I should so I keep silent. He holds out the dagger and lowers it to my sweater, cutting the buttons so that it opens to reveal my bra.

"Stop," I say, trying to move away but I'm trapped.

He cuts the strap between the cups and my breasts spill out and there's nothing I can do about it. The two men stand and gawk at me and soon, my cheeks are hot and I avert my eyes. Then, the man slides the blade across my left breast above the nipple, drawing blood and I gasp with the pain of the knife blade. He holds a tiny glass vial up to catch some of the blood as it drips off my breast. He puts the stopper on the vial and stands admiring me as I sit there, helpless.

"I should take a picture. Post it on the 'net at one of those vampire fetish websites. Lotta guys would pay good money to watch. Like a piece of art. Hey, Jim, doesn't she look like a piece of art with that line of blood dripping down her tit, her nipples all puckered?"

Another man enters the room and the blond jumps out of the way, and stands to the side, his head down. The strange man is taller than the other two and lean, with long dark hair. I blink away tears and see that he's a vampire from his pale skin.

"Enough fun," he says and holds his hand out. The guard passes him the small vial of my blood. Then, the vampire kneels down in front of me, his gaze fixed on the bleeding cut on my breast, his eyes momentarily reddening. "Boys, didn't I tell you not to play with the pets? You should have taken the blood from her arm, not her breast. Now, Michel will be angry. Leave us."

The two men leave the room and I'm alone with the vampire. He looks really young – early twenties. Maybe even as young as me.

"So you're Michel's new pet," he says, his voice soft, his eyes flicking to my face momentarily before moving back to my wound. "You're pretty, but you've got a lot to learn about what a vampire likes. Your clothes," he says and waves a gloved hand at my sweater and jeans. "Not very flattering. You've got to wear something a bit more revealing. Put your hair up, expose your neck. Show some leg. You look like a college student."

"I am, and I'm not trying to attract a vampire," I say.

"Uh, uh, uh," he says and holds his gloved finger to my lips. "Don't speak until I ask for your opinion. You'll find things are different in my coven. We hold to the old ways."

Of course, I have no idea what 'the old ways' are – I haven't got that far in my reading of vampire history and lore. He stands.


A blonde woman dressed in a bustier and leather pants comes in
to the room on heels that look
dangerously high.

"Yes, my Lord?"

"Since that idiot destroyed Eve's sweater and bra, find something appropriate for her to wear. I expect Michel will be by soon to get her back. I want to show him how to keep his possessions safe – and properly dressed."

"I'm not his possession," I say. The woman – Elaine – visibly flinches when I speak.

The vampire leans down, his face level with mine. "And I heard you were so bright. What is it about 'don't speak until I ask for your opinion' didn't you understand?"

I press my lips together and look away. He takes my chin in his hand and turns my face back to his. I keep my eyes shut, not wanting to have to face him.

"Female slaves will keep their eyes on their Master at all times," he says and gives my head a gentle shake until I open my eyes. "You have to anticipate my every need."

"I'm not your slave and I'm not Michel's pet," I say. Then I realize I've spoken without permission and close my eyes, grimacing, waiting for something to happen.

After a pause, the vampire speaks.

"Then what about that bite mark on your neck? Why does he have an operative watching over you like you were a prized possession?"

I don't reply.

"Now, you see, you can't seem to get the hang of this slavery thing," he says. "I asked for your opinion. You're supposed to answer."

I open my eyes and he's back on his haunches, looking directly at me, his arms resting on his knees.

"I don't know anything about operatives."

"You don't know much, do you? Michel just can't commit."

I say nothing and wait.

"Tell me about Eve," he says, standing up and pulling a chair over. "I know you're an Adept. You work for the SCU." He sits on the chair across from me. "I think Michel's in love." He looks me over. "He really has kept you in the dark. Must be guilt." He leans in and runs a gloved finger over my cheek. "Tell you what," he says. "You're not happy with him? You feel unsafe? You just have to call my name and I'll be glad to add you to the harem."


"Oh, sorry," he says and smiles again. "I forget the politically correct times we're in. I should have said my 'staff'. I suppose I could have called them my 'feedstock', or maybe my 'collection' or maybe my 'donors'. I really just like to call them my slaves."

I look away from him, disgusted with his obvious delight in his power over mortals. He immediately takes hold of my chin and turns my face back so that I have to look at him.

"You're not very quick are you?" he says. "Or are you just impetuous? I like impetuous. One thing I've learned in all my long years of existence is that the hunt and the chase are almost as much fun as the kill. I can see it's going to be a lot of fun to get you broken in if Michel doesn't claim you."

Then, a guard enters the room. "My Lord, he's here."

The vampire stands and faces the door. Several men dressed in dark coats enter the room, all of them with weapons of silver drawn – guns, knives. One even carries a crossbow. They stand in a circle around the vampire as if to protect him.

And then, Michel walks in and my heart jumps – except it's not Michel. It's Julien. He's wearing black leather and black jeans. He glances in my direction quickly and when I'm just about to say something, he gives a quick shake of his head. Then, he stands in front of the other vampire. He had no body armor that I can see or weapons.

"Finally," the vampire says and extends a hand to Julien. They clasp forearms. "I'm surprised Michel sent you. Aren't you two still quarrelling?"

"Luke," Julien says. "Thanks for picking her up when her security detail was taken out."

"Glad to hear Michel was able to get you out of trouble."

Julien nods.

The vampire – Luke – turns to me.

"I thought I was going to have to train her myself. She's a cheeky one, despite the tears. Michel must like them saucy."

"You can leave the training to me," Julien says.

"Oh, that's too bad. You know how I like to break a new slave in, but I have a feeling this one will only top from the bottom," he says, smiling. He pulls up another chair and gestures to it. "Where's Michel?"

"Soren's making Michel stay in
. I'm taking over his territory."

At that, my heart skips a beat. Soren's making Michel stay in

"Julien," I say, unable to
stop myself. "What do you mean
Michel's staying in
?" Tears brim once more in my eyes.

Julien comes to me and stands in front of me.

"Hush," he says and runs the back of his fingers over my cheek, sending some kind of calm chemical through me. "We'll talk later."

"But, Michel…" I start to say but he shakes his head again, and holds his fingers up to my lips.


He returns to his chair and the two vampires sit facing each other, eyeing each other intently.

"How's he taking it? That must be upsetting for him, considering

"He's resigned to it," Julien says. "It was him or her, and there's no way he'd want Soren to have her."

"I figured Michel would
pay some price to get you back."

"So are you going to tell me what happened with Eve?"

Luke raises his hands.

"When Jim saw Eve wandering around and Michel's man wasn't in sight, he stepped in and took her off the street. You can't be too careful with the females, I always say. Too valuable. Tell Michel he really must hire better help."

"Point taken."

"And here she is," Luke says, pointing to me. "Only a little worse for wear. Jim was a bit exuberant in retrieving her. She got a bit of a bruise on her forehead when she fell and of course, there's that," he says and points to my breast. "He was a bit too enthusiastic in bringing me a sample of her blood as proof of life but better overkill than underkill."

"Of course," Julien says. "Now, if you don't mind, I think it's time to get back home. I have a long night ahead of me."

Luke smiles. "I'll bet you do. Be my guest," he
and motions to me. "Jim, cut her loose."

Jim goes behind me and removes the ropes binding my hands and I clutch at my breasts, trying to cover up. Julien stands and holds his hand out to Luke, palm up. "If you don't mind?"

"Of course
." Luke
reaches into a pocket and withdraws the vial of blood, handing it over to Julien. "It was just insurance, you understand. In case one of you didn't show and needed convincing."

." Julien puts the vial into a pocket in his jacket.

Elaine comes in the room with some clothes on hangars.

"My Lord, you asked for these?" She holds them up, one after the other. One is a short black leather dress with a low cut back and the other is a sleeveless black velvet cocktail dress, with a scoop neck, corset bodice and a lace up back.

Luke stands in front of the two dresses and studies each one, a finger at his lips. "I think the velvet is more her style, don't you think Julien?"

Julien nods. "Definitely."

"Good," he says. "Consider this my gift for your new pet." He motions to Elaine. "Take her and help her change."

Elaine tilts her head to me and I look at Julien for some direction. He nods without meeting my eyes and so I follow Elaine into the other room.

"Here, sweetie," she says, her voice soft. "You put this on. I'll see what I can do about your hair."

I undress quickly, not wanting to argue with either Julien or Luke. The dress is a bit loose, but it fits as well as can be expected. Elaine pulls the laces in the back of the dress tightly and it fits more snugly
. T
he bustier pushes my breasts up and the thin cut is still lined with dried blood, but it's no longer bleeding. Then she pulls my hair back, securing it with a series of clips, tendrils falling in long curls around my face. She turns me around.

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