Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (62 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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She could barely breathe, but she couldn't get her best friend's
advice if she didn't get herself under control. “I'm picking my
next client, help me.”

me.” Angel fell down to his bed and held his phone out. “Do
that video shit.” Morgan giggled again. She'd never tried out
her phone's video capabilities, but it was a good time to test it.
Morgan pulled her phone from her ear and turned it on speaker, then
turned on the video and faced it toward her computer.

you see them?” He told her to pull it back a few inches and
then said it was perfect.

page. None of those men will do for you, baby girl.”

I thought the third one was cute...”

if it was 1872, after a nuclear disaster. Next page.” Morgan
clicked to the next page, and unanimously, they decided.


Edwards, the gorgeous dark haired American that lived in Germany,
would be Morgan's next client. There would be more to Robbie than
Morgan would realize at that point, but his looks, and Angel's
approval, were more than enough to be chosen.


woke the following morning to the sound of her room door opening.
She had given Vaughn a key after she asked where he would be taking
her, and he said that he had no plans of taking her anywhere. Her
room would suffice, and that made her even more happy that she
wouldn't have to go anywhere else that week. The only downside was
that he could show up at any time, like right then.

sat up to greet him, but he was already standing at the foot of the
bed, removing his clothes, before she could get her eyes to focus
completely. His naked body, seconds later, helped with clearing her
mind. He was stunning. His body was lean and every muscle seemed to
announce itself with bravado, especially the muscle between his legs.
He looked like he belonged in a fitness magazine. If she thought he'd
answer, she would have asked. Although he hadn't let her touch his
body, she still enjoyed staring at it.

them off.” His head moved down slightly, and his eyes scanned
her long legs that were barely hidden under her pink shorts. “All
of it.” She started to put her legs off the side of the bed to
stand, but his wrist came down hard around her ankle. “Take
them off. Right there.” She started to protest, but the
stirring that his simple command made within her made her smile as
she quickly pulled her night clothes from her body.

now?” She propped herself up on her elbows and continued to
smile at his deliciously serious face.

you forgotten the rules so soon?” He was on top of her
instantly, and pushed her hard against the bed, making her arms shoot
down and to her sides. “You're going to want fucked. I'm the
only one here to give you that. Be a good girl.” She could
feel his heart pounding hard against her own chest, and his arousal
could be felt hard against her stomach. All she could do was nod,
and that was enough to earn his next move.

lips moved to her neck, then slowly down as his tongue swirled lazily
against her skin. “You taste so fucking good.” She put
her head back as his words warmed her skin, just as much as his
mouth. “Open your legs.” Her knees fell apart even
more, and he slid down her body until his head was where it needed to

your knees.” Morgan hesitated before lifting her knees, and as
her hands slowly moved to her legs, he reached to the sides and
quickly put her hands where he wanted them. “Stay there.”
Her fingers dug into her own flesh as she bared herself to him
completely. He bent down and flicked his tongue quickly against her,
and looked up to remind her that the moan that almost escaped would
not be tolerated. His mouth moved again, over the same place that
usually made her squirm, and she managed to keep herself still. He
would give her more, much more, if she did as she was told.

tongue moved down, and slid easily deep inside of her. Once again,
Morgan closed her eyes tightly and kept herself still as his mouth
began to move slowly, in and out of her. Soon, his slow torment was
too much for her to bear. Morgan's legs began to shake in her grasp
and it was becoming harder to keep quiet with each delightful
movement of his tongue. He ran it up her center and that's when she
was no longer able to listen to his rules. Her legs fell from her
grip and she gasped as he lifted his head and gave her a look she was
unsure of.

I say to stay there?” He pushed his body up and moved over her
once more. Morgan nodded slowly as she stared into his eyes, full of
sexual intensity. “Lift your head.” Morgan did and he
pulled the long pillow from underneath, then shook it until he only
had the pillowcase in his hand. “I didn't say to put your head
down.” She almost sighed, but then did as she was told. The
black pillowcase was then folded into a long rectangle and wrapped
around her eyes like a blindfold and tied firmly behind her head.

could hear her own heart beat in her head and her body tensed with
not knowing what was coming next. He told her she could lower her
head and the next thing she heard was more shuffling of a pillow
being removed from its case. “Roll over.”

Morgan wanted to protest, but when she felt Vaughn lift his body to
allow her to move, she rolled to her side, then to her stomach. Her
hands were then brought together and tied with a pillowcase, then
tied to the headboard. She could not move her hands and all she could
see was blackness. A few moments passed, where she felt nothing, then
suddenly, she felt Vaughn's warm tongue down her back. She squirmed
and his hands came down on either side of her to make her stop. “Get
on your knees.” Again, he moved to allow her to rise. “I'm
going to fuck you like you've never been fucked, Morgan. You won't
make any sounds and you won't speak unless spoken to.”

large hands ran down her sides and landed on her hips where his
fingers curled into her flesh. Morgan moaned quietly and he gripped
her even tighter. “No noises.” His hands moved lower,
down her ass. He cupped each side for a moment, then Morgan felt only
one of his hands on her body. She clenched her fists together and
closed her eyes tightly, even under the blind fold, then dropped her
head, knowing where his other hand had gone.
Don't make any
she told herself.

“Close your legs.” She brought her knees together and
her ass raised even more. “Not. One. Sound.” His large
cock teased her opening as he tested her resolve, and Morgan was
perfectly still as she prepared herself. In one hard push, he was
inside of her, as deep as he could go. She took a deep breath and
gripped the sheet even harder, as she pulled it to the sides of her
face. “Don't fucking move!” She held the material
against her cheeks, and stopped moving, except for a tiny raise in
her back to bring him to her. He pulled out of her, and moved back
slightly, jarring the bed with each inch that he slid away.

simple rules, Morgan.” His deep voice brought instant chills
to her entire body. Chills that met with heat, and that combination
was almost too much to bear. She tensed when the slightest touch
returned, one finger ran slowly down her back, and between her ass
cheeks, then through her swollen center. He easily found her clit,
and held his finger against her as he waited. “That's good.”
Slowly, he circled the little swollen bud in tight motions that
would have made her come within seconds. “I see your body
tensing. Is this what you want?” Morgan nodded slightly, and
his motions continued.

stopped only to dip his long finger inside of her, where he moaned at
the feel of her body tightening around him, then back up to drive her
mad with each torturous glide across her skin. Morgan's mind
screamed to watch, to move, to force him inside of her. The darkness
of her world added an intensity to his touch that she had never
known, and her body began to shake.

smile spread as he felt her knees shake, and his touch became so
light that she could barely feel him, yet hard enough that she wanted
to unleash everything that she felt. She didn't. Morgan stayed
still, burning with a need that was quickly growing out of control.
“We'll try again. Mind the rules, Morgan.” She didn't
nod, she didn't take any chances in denying herself what she wanted.

finger moved away, and was replaced with something much larger, and
much more appreciated. He held his cock and moved it slowly across
her clit, then down through her pink skin. Vaughn dug his fingers
hard into her hips, and pushed deep inside of her. Morgan's lips
were sucked into her mouth, as her eyes squeezed tightly together.
He fucked her hard, as promised, and her body jerked forward and back
as he slammed inside of her from behind. He moved fast. He wanted
to come. Morgan's body squeezed his cock with each deep thrust, and
their bodies moved quickly together at his lead. His head fell back
at the first feel of his release, and he reached around Morgan's
waist to give her the one simple touch that she needed.

Morgan's head came off of the bed, and to the side, as she pushed
hard against him. Their bodies pulsed with each beat of their
hearts, in unison, until both were relieved of the torment that
Vaughn had put them through.

Soon after the tremors subsided, her client was off the bed and
pulling his pants back on. Morgan sat up and brought her legs to the
side, then yawned loudly as she spoke, “are ya leavin'

turned his head and smiled at Morgan, but did not answer her.
“Okay...” she mumbled at his lack of reply, then got to
her feet, wrapping the blanket around her midsection as she did so.
“You do what ya gotta do. I have got to pee!” Vaughn
laughed quietly and shook his head, then sat down on the bed to put
his shoes back on.

you for sharing,” he told her as the bathroom door closed.
Morgan was still giggling as she brushed her teeth, but when she
heard the hotel door open, then shut, she no longer laughed.

you big butthead. Can't even stay for breakfast.” Morgan found
a pair of pink sweats in her zebra bag and slid them over her legs,
then walked back out into the main room. Yes, he was gone. “Typical
male,” Morgan laughed again. She made a steaming cup of coffee
for herself and nearly spilled it all over her front side when her
door opened wide again. “Oh my god, you could knock!”


you staying for the day?” The hope in her voice made him smile,
but he shook his head back and forth, then held out a white paper

are from a shop across the street,” Vaughn told her as she
unfolded the top. She wanted to stare at the gorgeous man, and get
lost in his pale blue eyes all over again, but the offering in his
hand was too sweet to resist.

sweet scent hit her first, then she saw what was inside. “Tiny
muffins! Are you serious?” They weren't blueberry, but they
smelled amazing and were half the size of golf balls. With no
hesitation, Morgan grabbed one and popped the whole thing in her
mouth, then turned away from Vaughn to chew without an audience.
“These bastards are good.” She turned around quickly,
then pointed at the bag. “Oh, did you want one?”

he told her. “I have them nearly every day. I've got to go in a
bit. Can't have...,” he looked at Morgan's chest and pointed,
“crumbs all over me.” He actually laughed.

you stay for just a minute?” Morgan pushed her lip out and
cocked her head to the side. He nodded.

Vaughn commanded.

still doing that?” He nodded again. Morgan put another muffin
in her mouth and walked over to the bed slowly, then sat down. He was
still standing in the middle of the room. “Can you sit? You're
making me nervous, just standing there.” He laughed again and
nodded before finding his place next to her. “So, where do you

large smile crossed his face and he shrugged his shoulders. “A

Your control thing. You can't tell me?”

like that. Don't ask questions.”

scoffed. “Then what am I supposed to do?” She looked into
his eyes, surrounded by thick lashes, to his long and perfectly
straight nose, down to his full pink lips that hid a wide smile she'd
been lucky enough to see a couple of times, then to his chin that
held a dimple that she longed to touch.
You're fucking gorgeous.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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