Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (6 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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Get in the tub, bitch.” He held his arm out for her to hold
onto and she slowly stepped into the hot water and immediately moaned
with pleasure.

think I may have never had another bubble bath,” Morgan tried
to make light of the situation, something she wouldn't have done if
she wasn't under the influence of pain pills. Angel didn't find it
humorous, and he told her.

shit isn't funny.” He lowered his body as she lowered hers,
until only her head poked out from the froth of bubbles.

can leave now,” Morgan forced a smile. Privacy. It was
something she hadn't had in a while. She shooed him away and Angel
started to protest, but he understood.

but if a bitch needs anything, you call a bitch and I'll be here.”
Angel placed her robe near the tub and kissed her forehead, then left
her to her own thoughts.

was amazing how one small thing could make a person feel so good. Her
friends made her happy, but at that moment, the bath was the best
thing to make her forget. Nobody could see her, nobody had to make
her feel guilty for taking care of her, and she didn't have to think.
She got to sit in the oversized bathtub and not worry about anything
for as long as she could.


She opened her eyes slowly at the sound of Finlay's voice. “I
must have fallen asl..” Her eyes adjusted, and she saw the man
standing next to the tub, naked as the day he was born. “Oh...I...I'm
almost done.” She sat up a bit, getting a better look at him.
He took a step closer, and Morgan knew he wasn't waiting for her to
get out. She inched her body forward, and allowed Finlay to climb in
the tub behind her. The pills must have worked, because she felt no
pain as she moved, nor as she allowed her head to rest on his large
chest. “This is nice.”

arms wrapped around her waist, and he held her gently against his
body. He pushed the hair from her face with his chin, and set it on
the sweet spot of her shoulder. “Aye, Love. It is verra nice.”

it again,” Morgan closed her eyes as his hands moved to her
hips, then slowly back to her breasts.

moved his lips to her ear, “aye, Love.” She turned in his
arms and kissed him hard.

love your voice.”

know, Love.” His hands moved down her body again and to the
inside of her thighs. Her body tensed and she brought her legs up

can't...” She grabbed his wrist to stop him, waiting for the
pain to shoot through her body. It didn't.

Slowly, one finger slid between her legs, then inside of her. Morgan
moaned loudly, and grabbed his wrist again; this time for
encouragement. He slid another finger inside her, and found the spot
that could push her over the edge. Finlay continued thrusting his
fingers inside, as his other hand massaged her.The combination of
pleasure nearly brought her to ecstacy. She arched her back, allowing
him to enter more deeply.

like that, Morgan?” His voice whispered in her ear.


Morgan!” Finlay's voice was the one to wake her up, and Morgan
jerked at being startled, nearly headbutting the handsome Scot.
“Fuck, ye scared me!”

fine,” Morgan answered, trying to catch her breath. “Fuck!”
She wasn't sure if she was more embarrassed, or upset that she had
been so close. Her water was cold, the bubbles were gone and the
realization made her shiver violently. “How long was I asleep?”
Finlay grabbed her hand and held it up in front of her, and they both
stared at the raisined skin on her fingers. “That long, huh?”

didn't respond as he reached around her back and under her legs. He
also wasn't going to question why she was out of breath. “Some
friend ye got there.” Finlay picked her up and brought her wet
body against him. The friend he spoke of was Angel who had obviously
forgotten to check back on Morgan as he promised he would. What he
didn't know was that Angel had ran out to find something special for
his Sticky Buns, and had spent the last thirty minutes trying to find
his way back to the hotel.

shook her head, knowing that some dramatic event had probably
consumed her Angel. “It's okay. I had a nice nap.” She
tried to smile up at Finlay as he covered her in a large towel, but
all she managed to do was cause pain to her face and wince. Finlay's
eyes moved away quickly, which made Morgan's heart hurt even worse.
Her pills had officially wore off.


think I remembered everything.” Julianne walked across Morgan's
room as she did a visual inventory of all that she had. Morgan held
her breath as she situated herself higher on the bed, then gave
Julianne as much of a smile as she could when her boss looked in her
direction. The pain was horrendous, and the moment Julianne looked
away, Morgan wiped tears from her swollen cheeks. Finlay had already
left the room with Felix, and the women finally had a moment

was the first time since arriving that Morgan had actually looked
around at her old room. It was exactly as she'd remembered it, except
for the obvious love that Julianne had for her. “This is too
much.” Morgan was shocked to see it all. “I thought you
said for me to stay away from those,” she pointed to the four
large bags of sour cream and onion potato chips that Morgan loved.

after meeting, Morgan had tried to buy a small bag of chips when they
were shopping. Julianne had said that they're unhealthy, and that
they would make Morgan's breath smell as if she'd been sucking on an
onion. Morgan, of course, argued that they were just fine, but
Julianne still wouldn't allow them. Yet, there they were, stacked
against one another on a small stand beside the bed. She was in no
mood for the chips, and in too much pain to be hungry, but the
thought was sweet. “ hate these.” A dozen brand
new horror movies were on the other side of the bed. Julianne had no
idea what Morgan had already seen, so she bought all of the newer
releases in the genre. Julianne didn't reply, she simply made her way
through the room again to straighten the four pair of jeans that were
draped over the bench seat close to the window.
She bought me
It was another thing that Julianne frowned upon, as a lady
should always dress professionally. “Thank you. So much.”
Julianne kept her back to Morgan and nodded in reply. She refused to
show her pain again so quickly, and left the room without speaking
another word.

could be heard in the next room, who had obviously just walked in.
“Hey, Julie Annie!” No reply came from her boss, which
made Morgan shake her head and finally smile. “I have beer!”
Angel turned the corner to Morgan's room, and Julianne was right
behind him.

take that. You know good and well that she's on pain meds, so no
beer!” Juliane took the bag from Angel's arm and stormed off
with his gift for Morgan. He walked over to the bed smiling, which
was confusing. Morgan's brow came up in question, and Angel put a
finger to his lips. Seconds later, Julianne came back into the room
to scold Angel once again. “I swear, I can't figure out how
your mind works.” She stood on the other side of Morgan's bed,
hand on her hip, waiting for Angel to clarify how he thinks. He just
smiled and sat down gracefully in the chair. Julianne shook her head,
and looked at Morgan. Pulling a bottle from her pocket, she made it
clear that it was time for her medication again. “Open.”
Julianne placed the pill on Morgan's tongue, then handed her some
water. “Get some rest, Morgan.” Julianne grabbed Morgan's
hand and gave her a little squeeze. Morgan swallowed the pill and

will, and....thank you.” Another squeeze to Morgan's hand, and
Julianne left the room again. Morgan was tired of sleeping.
that even possible?
But it was the one thing that helped the
most, and she knew it. “Obviously, you went to the store.”
Morgan's faint smile tore at Angel's heart. His carefree, always
smiling and laughing best friend was gone. At least, for the time
being, and he hated seeing her like that. It was the reason he went
for a walk, and the reason he picked up a six pack. He had to do
something to trigger her old self, and all he could think of at the
time was sharing a drink with her. However, when he was walking back
to the hotel, he turned on the wrong street and it took him thirty
minutes to figure that out. It was also the reason he didn't get back
in time to get Morgan from her bath.

did.” Angel looked towards the door to her room, then back to
Morgan. “Sorry I'm late, Stick. But a bitch got lost. Three
mothafuckin' streets, and I forgot where my ass was supposed to go.”
He looked again at the door, then reached inside his jacket. “But
I did get this.” He pulled out a bottle of Moscato and smiled.
“That shit,” he motioned in front of him as if he were
shooing a fly, “was just a decoy to get Broomhilda the hell out
of here.” The beer which had been confiscated was part of his
master plan. “But we need to drink this shit old school.”
He tucked the bottle under Morgan's blanket at her side and left,
then came back with a bottle opener. Twenty seconds later, he handed
Morgan the bottle to take the first drink.

like old times.” She didn't smile, but he could tell that her
mind was back in Brazil when they'd shared a bottle of Moscato in the
same fashion as they took a long walk one night. At least, he
thought, he had taken her mind off of Carlos. She took a long sip,
and handed it back to Angel.

main room held Finlay, Julianne, and Felix. It was there that
Julianne finally had a talk with Finlay about Carlos. “Is he
alive?” He knew exactly who she was referring to, and he looked
to Felix, then back to Julianne.

Felix looked down at the answer, and shook his head.

he be alive for long?” The question shocked both of the men,
but Finlay answered as best as he could.

That was enough information, and Julianne stood to straighten her
desk chair before leaving the room. Felix walked to Finlay's side,
and put one hand on his shoulder before leaving the room as well.
Finlay wanted only to return to Morgan.

is that?” Finlay returned just as Angel wrapped his fingers
around the bottle.

of your damn business, Boo Boo. You take your tight ass and just turn
it back around,” Angel tucked the bottle under his jacket
quickly and focused his narrowed eyes on the big Scot. “Go on,”
he flicked his wrist toward the door, indicating where Finlay needed
to go.

it te me,” Finlay spoke and crossed the room in three large
steps. “Now.” He held his big hand out, but Angel didn't
budge. “Morgan,” he changed his eyes toward her and shook
his head. “Ye know ye can't have it.”

was busted. Finlay knew he had the bottle, and there was no way
around it. He pulled the bottle out of his jacket slowly, and firmly
placed it in Finlay's hand, causing a little to splash on his arm.

be mad at him, he's just trying to...” Morgan spoke up, but
Finlay did the unexpected.

more. Make it good.” He handed the bottle to Morgan, offering
her one more good swig. She smiled as she took it from his hands, and
Angel huffed with his own shock as Morgan brought the bottle to her

like a party in here,” another voice announced, and Finlay
quickly took the bottle back from Morgan before she could taste the
sweet wine. “I'm not going to tell, lad. It's the least she
deserves. I'd offer some of this,” Felix held up a small flask,
and took a quick sip. The face he made, said it was hard liquor. “But
I think that's pushing it.”

Morgan smiled as best she could, and tried to adjust her body to sit
up a little more. She hadn't had the chance to speak much to the man
since she'd arrived, but she was glad he was there. Julianne needed
someone to help her through it all, just as Morgan needed her
friends. “I'm so glad to see you again.”

take some of that,” Angel interrupted their moment and stole
the flask from Felix's fingers and quickly took a drink before the
man could protest. Everyone laughed at the face that followed, then
by the loud cursing.

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