Arizona Skies: The Muse (22 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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“Be careful, buttercup,” he said, grabbing me by my hips and pulling me under the water with him. I laughed, loving the endearing names he called me—this was much more fun than showering alone.

“Let the shower sex begin.” He grinned at me as he ran his fingers down my body and dipped into my folds. “Ah, baby, you’re already wet,” he said, swirling his finger around inside me. I gasped, finding it hard to hold still as he rotated his hand and rubbed my clit. It was very erotic, standing there with the water dripping off of both of us, cascading down our bodies, as he worked his magic on me.

“Lean against the wall, baby,” he instructed. I backed up, holding on to the waterspout that protruded from the wall for support. His body draped over me as he pulled out his finger and grabbed my hips, spreading my legs with his knee. “Hang on,” he said, plunging into me in one swift move. He held my hips at just the right angle and pulled my leg around his waist, which pushed him deeper inside me. I held on as he did all the work. I watched the water drip off his head, then trail down his muscular chest and melt into our entwined bodies. He looked so sexy as he concentrated on holding me up while he plunged deep inside me. I was mesmerized watching him.

He was also watching me as he moved faster and faster. My head bowed back and hit the wall as my release tightened my body, and I came with a loud moan. He held me, riding out my climax with slow thrusts. When I opened my eyes, he pulled me into his chest as he came with a low groan, holding my hips so tight I was afraid I’d bruise. We stood there under the water catching our breath, holding
each other as my leg slid down his body to steady me. He kissed me tenderly. “Lesson number one,” he said, smiling as he stepped back from me to grab the soap, quickly washing us both up.

“Wow, I can’t wait for lesson number two,” I said, breathless.

“Out, you little minx,” he said, swatting my ass.

“That was fun.” I was unable to wipe the smile off my face. I didn’t even care if Shelly and Scott heard us this time.

“You’re a very good student, Miss Harris,” he said, wrapping a towel around me and hugging me tight. “Let’s get dressed; it’s only a couple hours until dinner, and I’d like to do a little shopping. I need to get some things for my family to take home with me. So far only you girls have gone shopping; it’s my turn,” he said, putting his shorts back on. “I’ll go and change, meet you back here, OK?” he asked.

“I’ll be ready,” I said, taking my towel off so that the last thing he saw when he walked out my door was me standing there naked.

He stopped to look me up and down with a very satisfied smile. Then with a wink, he blew me a kiss, and out my door he went. I took the time to hang up my green dress from last night, remembering our frenzy to get it off. I slathered lotion all over my water-soaked body, deciding to wear my long, royal-blue sundress. It was fitted on the top, with a long, flowing skirt with white flowers all over it. I liked the white lace ties in the back, very feminine.

That familiar knock was at my door. I opened it, and in bounded Shelly, all wound up and chattering a mile a minute. She, of course, was already dressed, parading around in her little black sundress.

“Well, don’t you look like the cat that swallowed the canary,” she said. “I’m guessing you and Jesse weren’t just napping over here, were you?”

“Ummm…no…we weren’t,” I said, putting on my beaded sandals with a smirk.

“Jesse mentioned to Scott that you were coming out to visit him in February. Scott wants me to come with you. It’s during winter break, so we can go together,” she said, watching me get dressed.

“Shelly, I’d love to have you come with me to Arizona; flying alone is no fun. We can celebrate my birthday and see the guys making their first CD,” I said, giving her a big hug.

“I gave Scott his necklace after we got back from the gym. He made sweet love to me, so I surprised him with his gift. He said he loved it and put it right on. You should see how it matches his eyes,” she gushed.

“I’m glad he liked it,” I said.

“We’re going to take a swim; you want to come?” she asked.

“No, Jesse and I are going to do some shopping; he wants to buy some things for his family. We’ll see you at dinner,” I said.

“Are we still on for the casino tonight?” she asked.

“Yes, I’d like to try my luck at the machines again,” I said, ready to go.

“You look pretty,” she said, checking out my dress. “Those white ties really show off your tan.”

I heard a knock on my door and opened it for Jesse.

“Honey, you look scrumptious,” he said, scooping me up in his arms and twirling me around. He noticed Shelly sitting on the bed watching us as he put me down. “Ahhh, hi, Shelly,” he said, taking my hand in his. “We’re going to do a little shopping; see you later.”

She chuckled, “Yeah, see you guys later,” and out my door she went, slamming the door behind her. Jesse and I stood there looking at the blond windstorm that just blew past us.

“Does she ever enter or exit a room without drama?” Jesse asked.

I laughed, “No, I’m afraid not.”

“Damn woman, she’s one tiny little tornado,” he chuckled.


decided I needed to work out, trying to keep myself in shape after all those amazing meals. I wanted to challenge
Bailey—also, I wanted to see her sexy body working out in the gym; just thinking about it turned me on. But first I needed food; our night of marathon sex had me starving. I made her wash up quickly; having a hard time keeping her hands off my cock. She wanted more, but I was about to pass out from hunger. I loved how eager and receptive to my touch she was, reaching for me every chance she got. I teased her and played, but I kept our time in the shower strictly business. She pouted as I wrapped her in a towel, so tempting.

“Woman, I need food,” I said, drying off quickly. I told her I wanted to go to the gym after breakfast, and to my surprise, she appeared to be up for the challenge. “Put on those pants you had on last night,” I said, with alternating raised eyebrows for effect. She giggled but put them on, and then she pulled on this sports bra that matched. I walked over, putting my hand on her bare midriff. “Umm…honey, you have to cover up more; how am I going to enjoy breakfast with a hard-on and every man in the dining room drooling over you? I can’t fight with this in my way,” I said, looking down at my erect cock.

“Oh…” she chuckled, reaching over to touch my erection.

“No, nooo…you don’t, put something on over this, please,” I begged, my hand skimming her bare midriff.

“OK,” she said, giggling at my predicament. She thought I was being ridiculous, but she humored me.

Shelly made a comment to Bailey about hearing us last night, which embarrassed Bailey. I chuckled, knowing how loud Scott could be. I glanced over at my friend, who shrugged and drank his coffee. Nothing rattled him, and apparently nothing much bothered Shelly either. Bailey was right; she didn’t have a filter on her mouth; she just blurted it right out there at the breakfast table. I looked around the table; everyone had a smirk on their face as they drank their coffee. I glared at Shelly for embarrassing Bailey. She shrugged like Scott and settled back into his arms.
I’m going to get even with that little blond spitfire before this cruise is over, one way or another

All four of us hit the gym. I was prepared to explain every machine to the girls and help them with the weights. They just smiled at each
other, looking completely confident as we began to stretch out. I didn’t even have to show them how to do that.
Something’s going on here!

Bailey pulled off her T-shirt, and the challenge was on. I looked around the room as the men stared at her body.
Shit, is this what I’ll have to endure every time we go somewhere? Fuuuck!

I challenged Bailey to a run and discovered that my little kumquat was a track star in high school.
Double fuck
. That little tidbit of information piqued my curiosity as we started to run, leaving Scott and Shelly in our dust. She was a machine, not intimidated by me at all, keeping up with me stride for stride. I picked up the pace, running full out, and she ran right past me, smiling. She amazed me time after time. I deliberately stayed back, looking at her tight ass as she ran. What a sight she was; I couldn’t imagine why any boys in school didn’t want to run their hands all over that body. I slowed down to a walk, and she followed, checking up on her friend, who was bent over and out of breath. Now would’ve been a good time to pick on her, because she didn’t have enough breath to fight back, but I restrained myself and let Scott take care of her.

I smirked as Bailey walked beside me, holding her side and gasping for breath.

“You’re full of surprises there, sweet cheeks,” I smiled at her.

“Can’t let all of my secrets out at once,” she responded.

“Well, I’ll take that as a challenge. I can’t wait to see what other secrets you’re hiding from me,” I said, taking her chin to plant a kiss on her lips.

“I’m sure you have a bunch of secrets in there too, dimples,” she said, pinching my ass as she walked away from me.

“Consider the challenge on,” I said, pointing my finger at her. She pointed her finger right back at me.

“So, smartass, let’s see how good you are with the machines,” I said, gesturing around the room with a triumphant grin. There was still a lot I didn’t know about this beautiful creature in front of me,
but I was dying to learn more about her. My girl had secrets, and I loved a challenge. Especially when I could reap the rewards.

Scott and I headed over to the weight benches as the girls picked up the hand weights. I watched them carefully as I spotted Scott. Once again, they knew what they were doing, lifting eight-pound weights over their heads and supporting their arms like pros. They did all the arm exercises I would have recommended if they had asked for my help.

They moved around the machines, knowing exactly how each one worked. The other men in the gym were watching them. I nudged Scott and nodded for him to see that they were being talked about. Men were flexing their muscles and smiling at them. Scott and I glared at them as we followed them from machine to machine. We stayed close, making sure nobody approached them.

They finished before us, and I watched them walk up to the smoothie bar and sit on the stools. The muscle-bound hulk behind the bar was smiling and flirting with them. I was fuming as he touched Bailey’s nose when he handed her the smoothie. I nodded, and Scott and I went to make it perfectly clear that they were our women, and he’d better keep his hands off. I slid up behind her, wrapping my sweaty hands around her and kissing her neck. She leaned back into my chest and smiled up at me.

“You’re mine,” I whispered in her ear, looking up as the hulk asked me what I’d like to drink. I kissed her neck before answering him.

“Here, have some of mine,” Bailey said, handing me her cup.

“Thanks, sweetheart,” I said loudly. He stood there watching us, and, getting the hint, he nodded and walked away. I noticed Scott had scooped up Shelly and was heading for the door. She was giggling as she always did when he had her in his arms.

“Ready to go?” I asked as Bailey took her towel and wiped my face.

“Yeah,” she said, ducking under my arms with a chuckle and running for the door. It seemed that the challenge was still on as I chased
her out of the gym, watching her long legs taking those stairs two at a time. I decided that since she had me so worked up, it was time for a very special shower. I started peeling my clothes off as soon as we walked into her room. Mine were loose and came off easily. I had to laugh as she hopped after me into the bathroom, trying to free her foot from those tight pants.

I helped her peel off those sexy pants, kissing her skin as I went. She was salty with sweat but tasted amazing as I stripped her body. I was hard as a rock when I stood back up; looking down at what she had done to me. She followed my gaze with a smirk. I knew she liked what she saw when she reached for me, licking those luscious lips in anticipation.

“I want one of those special showers you promised me,” she said, stroking my cock.

Ummm…shower sex. I was ready.

“Oh, no, you don’t; we shower first.” I chuckled, turning on the water. She pouted but complied as I laid my hot hands all over her, watching her sigh and submit to my ministrations. I handed her the shampoo to keep her hands off me before I totally lost it.

She returned the favor, washing every inch of my body as I stood there. I was in heaven, until a swift slap on my ass woke me from my bliss. “Time to pay up, big boy.”

“OK, smartass, you asked for it,” I said, positioning her against the wall. My cock was throbbing as I widened her stance and reached for her core. She moaned music to my ears as I pulled her close and dove right into her heat. This wasn’t going to be slow; I was too powered up. Holding her tight ass up against my pelvic bone, I pulled her leg up around me to tilt her pelvis to just the right angle. My mind was gone; I needed to fuck her hard. I told her to hold on as I dominated her body. She felt so damn good clinging to me, moaning in my ear. I was like a man possessed; I couldn’t get deep enough inside her.

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