Arizona Skies: The Muse (19 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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“Is this what I’m going to have to deal with?” she asked with hurt written all over her face.

“No honey; I can’t help how some women act, but I promise you it’s only you I care about. Please trust me,” I said, kissing her cheek. My heart was pounding so hard inside my chest, panic was rising, and I had to perform in a few minutes.

“It’s true, Bailey; I’ve never seen him like this before,” John said, coming to my rescue. “You’re good for him; give him a chance.” I nodded my unspoken thank-you to him. He nodded back and sat back to see how the scene was going to play out.

“I do trust you, Jesse. You told me you weren’t an angel before, and I see how the women fall all over you. I guess I’ll have to get used to that, as long as I know you’re mine,” she said with a forced smile.

“Oh, honey, I’m definitely yours,” I said, kissing her lips.

“OK, crisis averted, let’s get on stage and get ready,” John said, slapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention. We all got up and followed him onstage just as the curtain came down.

“You OK, Bails?” Shelly asked.

“I think so; just that waitress was all over Jesse,” Bailey told her.

“I know; I saw it. What a bitch,” Shelly said.

“I can’t believe she just did that,” Bailey said out loud.
Oh honey you wouldn’t believe what women will do to get their hands on a rock star
, I thought to myself. I’ve been groped in more places on my body by women trying to get my attention. I used to laugh and dodge their greedy hands as I tried to drink my beer and hang with the guys. I listened to see what Bailey was going to say next. I was worried that she couldn’t handle all the attention that I got, this would only get worse and I hoped that she could cope.

“Listen, Scott said Jesse’s a changed man. I don’t think he’ll be going back to that lifestyle again, honey. You have nothing to worry
about. It’s only you he cares about,” Shelly said to her. I could still hear them talking from the stage as I paced back and forth.
Thank you, Shelly
, I thought, liking that girl more and more every day. John gave me the thumbs-up; he must have heard them too. I nodded and took a deep breath.

I was looking forward to performing in the Green Room again; the crowd was very appreciative, and the acoustics were great. Tonight we were going to add a couple more up-to-date songs we’d rehearsed. Of course, I was going to sing a few oldies too; a lot of the younger crowd had never heard some of them. They were classics that John and I had grown up with. They were much more interesting to sing than some of the newer songs that drove me crazy with the one liner sung throughout the song to a heavy beat. Boring!

The noise was escalating as my confidence kicked in. I couldn’t hear the girls talking anymore and stood with my band mates to wait for our cue to start our set. I love the adrenaline rush just before we start to perform, everyone remained calm and cool looking at me for confirmation that my head was ready. I loved it out there; I don’t ever remember getting nervous in front of a crowd. The more people the better I performed.

John nodded it was time. I took a deep breath and nodded to each guy as I held my hand in the air and waited for the curtain to open.

“Let’s rock,” I said to the band as I turned and walked toward the front of the stage.



e watched the band do their final sound checks. John went over the night’s list of songs, and then they sat at our table with us for the remaining fifteen minutes to drink a beer. Jesse gave us the programs with their pictures and a write-up on each member. I got Jesse and the guys to sign mine and put it away for safekeeping. I pulled the box with the leather bracelet out of my purse and handed it to Jesse.

“I bought you something,” I said, handing Jesse the box. I was nervous as he looked at me and took the box out of my hand.

“Bailey, what did you do?” he asked, looking at me. He opened it and took out the leather band, holding it up to check out the artwork on the stone. “Sweetheart, it’s fabulous; I love it,” he said, snapping it on his wrist. “It’ll remind me of you; it’s perfect. Every time I look at it, I’ll remember our time together.” He leaned over to give me a sweet kiss with such tenderness in his eyes.

“I’m so glad you like it. I was hoping that it would remind you of this cruise,” I said, relieved. He snapped it on his wrist and held it up for the guys to look at. He smiled at me and gave me a sweet kiss just as the lights flickered and it was time for them to take the stage. Jesse gave me another kiss and got up.

“Let’s go; it’s time,” John said, swirling his hand in the air to give the signal to the guys. They hopped up on the stage just as the curtain came down. The Green Room was filling up, ten minutes until
show-time. The waitresses were running from table to table taking drink orders. We already had our drinks, so I settled in my chair. Just before eight o’clock, the noise level had escalated as I looked around to see women everywhere. The place was mobbed; all the tables were full. Employees were trying to squeeze in extra tables wherever they could to accommodate everyone. Word must have been out about the band, because 90 percent of the people there were women talking and looking at their programs as they waited for the band to begin.

“Is this what we’re going to have to put up with?” I asked Shelly, watching that waitress as she rushed around.

“Looks like it; they’ve become very popular on this cruise,” she said.

“I’m not sure I like it,” I said giving in to my insecurities.

“Get used to it, girlfriend; your boyfriend is one hot number, and the ladies like him,” she smiled.

“No kidding, what have I gotten myself into?” I said, cradling my head in my hands. Then the chanting started. “Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse,” they yelled and clapped their hands until I couldn’t hear myself think.

The announcer came out with his hands up. “OK, ladies, calm down,” he said, smiling at the crowd. “I guess this band doesn’t need any further introduction,” he chuckled. “Ladies, put your hands together for Arizona Skies.” He walked off the stage. The crowd erupted into screams as the curtain went up.

The guys were standing there waiting for their cue. Jesse was tapping his foot with his hand in the air. He started counting with his fingers. “One, two, three, four,” he yelled, turning around to strut to the front of the stage. Tonight they started with newer songs—Rixton’s “Me and My Broken Heart” and Bruno Mars’s “Locked out of Heaven.” Every time Jesse sang the word
, all the women screamed. Jesse looked up and smiled with those dimples as he continued to sing the words to the song. Shelly and I were laughing at
them as my body relaxed, and I started to enjoy the show. My sexy, hot rocker boyfriend had the crowd in the palm of his hand.

Then the band switched to older songs by the Stones, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” and “Get Off of My Cloud,” which had everyone on their feet dancing.

The end of the first set was Foreigner’s “Cold as Ice” and then right into “Hot Blooded.” The floor was shaking with everyone dancing around. Jesse’s voice sounded amazing, raspy, and sexy as he pranced back and forth. The last song before their break, Jesse pulled a stool out from the wings. He sat down strumming his guitar and talking into the microphone.

“This song is for a very special girl in the audience tonight,” he said, looking right at me with a smile. He strummed his guitar and then started singing, “Waiting for a Girl like You,” by Foreigner. My hand shot to my mouth as I tried to control my feelings while he sang that song. He sang with such heartfelt emotion, closing his eyes as his raspy, soulful voice clearly told how he’d waited for a girl like me. Every word felt like it was coming from his heart as the tears started streaming down my face. I reached into my purse for a tissue; I was prepared tonight. It was a beautiful moment; it felt like he meant every word. When he opened his eyes, he looked only at me while he played his guitar as the song ended. So beautiful, so moving, and so loving!

When they took a break, and walked toward our table, they were mobbed by screaming women. I lost Jesse in the sea of heads that surrounded him. I knew in my heart right then that this band was going to be a big hit. I let all the earlier shit go; he was mine, and I guessed if I had to fight for him, then I would. I waited patiently for him to make his way through the women to find me. Finally he appeared, grinning at me as I launched myself into his arms.

“That was beautiful,” I said. “You were amazing!”

“That song was for you, honey,” he said, holding me tight. He was wet with sweat, but I didn’t care. I just needed the closeness,
our connection. The waitress brought them beer, which he chugged down while holding me tight to him, like I was going to run away. We were being watched as we stood there, with women talking and pointing in our direction. Shelly was clicking away, capturing the moment on her digital camera. The lights flickered, signaling it was time for the band to return to the stage. Jesse kissed me and walked away.

I had to pee, so I ran to the bathroom quickly, trying to rush so I wouldn’t miss anything. When I came out of the stall, a couple women approached me.

“You’re the girl he was talking about, the one he sang to, aren’t you?” one woman asked, looking me up and down.

“Yes,” I said, not knowing how to handle the situation.

“You’re so lucky. Your boyfriend’s so damn hot, and that sexy voice of his,” she said, her hand over her heart as she gushed about Jesse.

“Thank you,” I said, backing out the door. I returned to the table just as Jesse announced they were going to sing some of their original songs. He watched me cross the floor and sit in my chair; then he winked at me as he started singing “Crazy Love.” Shelly, Liza, and I were up on our feet dancing as Jesse sang and danced to the beat.

I was having fun as we danced around each other. Jesse smiled at us as he pulled out the stool and started to sing that sad song, “Broken,” again; everyone in the room quieted down to listen to him. I noticed he had that leather band around his wrist as he gripped the microphone in both hands, pouring his heart out on that stage. His sounded so heartbroken, like he was reliving a very painful moment in his mind. I tried not to cry as I hung on every word. When his eyes focused again, he smiled, and the lights went out. He said good night from the darkened stage as the curtain went down.

When they emerged from the hallway, they were mobbed, swallowed up in a sea of women. I waited and watched as Jessie signed the programs, smiling and talking with everyone. Even that flirty
waitress waited her turn to get her program signed. Jesse looked at me when he signed per program; I smiled to let him know I was all right. I guessed she got the message when she glanced back to see who he was looking at. She grabbed her program and stomped off.
Serves you right bitch
, I thought to myself. It was a while before they made it to our table. Shelly, Liza, and I drank, watching them soaking up the attention. I had to admit, I was feeling jealous.

“Partaaaaay,” Scott said, full of enthusiasm as he made his way back to us. The waitress brought them more beer, her eyes on Jesse the whole time. I asked her for some water, because I’d had enough wine. She gave me a fake smile, nodded, and walked away.
Eat your heart out; he’s mine!

“Hey, baby,” Jesse said, scooping me into his arms. “I want to ravish you right now.” He licked his lips.

I laughed and handed him his beer. “Cool your jets, Greene; we’re not going anywhere,” I said, finishing my wine.

“Ohoooo…little bit feisty, are we?” he said with an evil grin. “Keep it up, and I’ll drag you to my cave, wench,” he winked. I loved it when he was playful, and after he performed, he was on top of the world.

“Don’t make me hurt you, Greene,” I threatened, feeling brave with two glasses of wine under my belt.

I gave him the I-dare-you look.

“Ouch, trouble in paradise,” Keith said, pointing his beer at us.

I grinned at Jesse and planted a big, fat kiss on his lips.

“No trouble here, man; she wants me,” Jesse chuckled as he gave a big, dimpled grin.

“Go get him, Bailey,” Scott said, egging me on.

“Oh, I will; don’t you worry about that,” I said with one eyebrow up.

“Somebody’s getting lucky tonight,” Scott said with a smug grin.

“Is that true, baby; am I getting lucky tonight?” Jesse asked, puckering up his lips. I put my hand on his lips and pushed him backward.

“I guess you’ll have to wait and see,” I said with a wink, strutting back to my seat. I sat to drink my water.

“Oh, baby, I can’t wait; let’s go now,” he said, trying to pull me up.

“Patience is a virtue, grasshopper,” I said with raised eyebrows. Everyone at the table was laughing at our playful teasing.

“I think Jesse has met his match,” John laughed.

“I have no patience when it comes to you,” Jesse said, kissing my cheek.

“Maybe you’d better for what I have planned for you,” I said with a suggestive look in my face.

“Oh, baby, you’re killing me,” Jesse said, sitting down with a big smile as he drank his beer. He played with my feet under the table and slid his hand up my thigh, coming very close to my panties. I caught his hand and held it still, letting him suffer a little while longer.

“Baby, please hurry; I gotta get you naked,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and took his hand in mine as I got up.

“Let’s go,” I said grabbing ahold of his shirt as he chuckled and said good night to everybody. I pulled him out the door, glancing over at that waitress that was watching him laugh at my aggressiveness. I gave her a smile and walked out the door.
Eat your heart out he’s mine
, I thought.

“Baby, I’m all yours,” Jesse chuckled as we walked out the door.

While we walked to my room, our hands were all over each other. I opened the door and pulled Jesse into my arms. I wasn’t usually aggressive, but wine seemed to give me courage to act on my feelings. I kicked the door closed and attacked him, letting him know how desperately I wanted him. He didn’t need any encouragement as he backed me up against the wall, kissing me like he hadn’t seen me in a year. I gave as good as I got, pulling his T-shirt over his head and unzipping his jeans. Our arms were a tangled mess as we stripped each other as fast as we could. Clothes were flying all over in our frenzy to get each other naked.

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