Apache Dawn: Book I of the Wildfire Saga (48 page)

BOOK: Apache Dawn: Book I of the Wildfire Saga
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“We surely will.
Thank you, sir,” said Captain Alston, reaching for the key.

“One question, sonny,” said Dixon, pulling the key back.
“What do you mean by the real President bein’ in L.A.?
He’s in Washington.”

“President Denton got the flu in L.A. and my sister is one of the doctors treating him.”

Denton’s dead, Jack.
I heard it on the news.
Or that
announcement thing they keep making.”
He shook his shaggy, gray head.
“They done sworn in Vice President Barron in some secret ceremony.
Anyhow, he’s the
I heard his little ‘stay calm’ speech.
Martial law across the land.
Suspendin’ the cotton-picking Constitution in them big cities back east.”
Mr. Dixon spat emphatically at the ground.
“Wants all the military boys around the country to report in for new orders.
Even callin’ up us old vets.
What a load of BS.
Like I’m gonna drag my tired ass into a recruiting station -”

“Are you

“Hell yes, that new President is a slick-looking shyster if I ever seen one.
I don’t like him a lick.
Look here, didn’t like Denton much, neither.
Bunch a lilly-livered liberals.”
The old man spat again.
“But they said Denton’s been dead for what, four, five days now?
Got the super-flu or some damn thing.
Guess I can’t blame Barron for takin’ over.
But damn if I’ll be happy he nominated that crazy bitch Hillsen to be his VP.
Washington done gone insane, Jack.”
He blew a raspberry and shook his head.
“Whole damn world gone crazy.”

“That’s impossible.
I got a phone call from my sister less than 36 hours ago.
Denton was alive.
They said he’s been dead for four or five days?”

The old man rubbed his scruffy chin whiskers.
He cocked an eye at Chad, then at the Captain.
Dead as a doornail.
But if what you’re sayin’s true, Jack, we got a problem.
Two Presidents.
One’s a liar.”

“Hell, they’re politicians—they’re both liars,” muttered Chad.

The old man laughed.
Then he shook his head and grew serious.
“Boys, somethin’ around here sure stinks like catfish bait, but we ain’t fishin’.”

refueling the Apaches when the first missile fell on the far end of the airfield.
The shockwave knocked over most of the soldiers.
Chad gasped after being rocked by the tremendous explosion nearby.
He quickly found himself on his back looking up at the blue sky.
Something hard was pressed painful into the small of his back.
He shifted to remove the offending rock, as his lungs clenched tight from the blast of air that accompanied the blast.
He coughed until his eyes watered, but shortly he was able to breathe normally again.

Cap, we got unknown rotors in-bound!
” called out Garza’s voice from atop the control tower.

Just crested the horizon.
We don’t have much time

“They found us
?” moaned Chad in a hoarse voice.

“Stow it, civvie, this is your fault anyway,” growled one of the Apache pilots as he dusted off his flightsuit.
“Captain Alston, we’re not done refueling−”

“Forget it!
We gotta get in the air,” said the Black Hawk pilot.
“We’re sitting ducks, man.”

As the pilots rushed to their helicopters and the first turbines spun up to speed, the Rangers streamed back from their positions around the air field toward the Black Hawk.
Chad spotted all of them except Garza, who had to climb down from the control tower.

“Get in, sir,” said Captain Alston over his shoulder at Chad, eying the sky to the northwest.

“This is all my fault,” muttered Chad, as he raised himself off the ground on an elbow.
He sat there watching the black mushroom cloud expand over what used to be one of the storage hangers.

“How the hell did they find us again?” asked Deuce as he rushed past, hauling a bag of supplies.

They can’t track what they can’t see…
” said Garza’s voice.

It don’t make any sense

“Oh my God,” said Chad in horror.
He quickly got to his feet and stared at Captain Alston.
“The medical implant they gave me…”

What implant?” said Captain Alston, glaring at Chad.

“They told me it was just to monitor my health…after…The Pandemic…”

Garza trotted up.
“I’m last man,” he announced.
He looked at Chad.
“Why the long face?
Was it something I said?”

“You mean to tell me they’ve been tracking your ass with an implant?” asked Deuce.
“That’s just fucking

“That would explain a lot…”
The Captain looked back toward the northwest, toward Spokane.
He sighed deeply.
“They knew we were coming here.”

Did all those people in Spokane die because the Koreans knew that’s where I was headed?
Oh my God
…thought Chad.
The chip.

Garza pulled a wicked looking knife from his combat vest. “Where is it?” he asked, pointing the tip of the knife at Chad.
“I’ll be quick, man, I promise.”

“Oh my God,” said Chad, staring right through the short Ranger, instinctively taking a step back from the large blade. He stopped abruptly when he bumped into Deuce. Large hands wrapped around his arms in a vice-like grip.

The engines on the Black Hawk began to spool up, whining to life. Over their heads, the big rotors started to move lethargically.
Captain Alston turned around to face Chad.
There was a grim resolve on his face that the civilian did not like.

“Where is it, sir?”
When Chad only shook his head, the Captain spoke again, firm, but not unkind: “Mr. Huntley. Chad.
I have already lost a good man because of that chip.
Our lives are in danger at this very moment.
I will ask you one last time,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over the helicopter.

Garza smiled.
“We do it here,
, or we do it in there,” he said pointing toward the open door to the Black Hawk.
“Trust me, when it’s buckin’ and rockin’, this here knife could get real shaky.
Might cut off something you want to keep.

Chad slumped and sighed.
“My right shoulder, there’s a little scar.”
He winced as he felt his jacket and shirt hastily ripped from his body by the big Ranger behind him.

Captain Alston pulled out a piece of leather from a pouch on his vest. “Here, bite down.
It helps.”

Chad opened his mouth and bit down hard on the rolled up leather.
The taste was salty and sour, but he concentrated on grinding his teeth through the tough material.
Behind him, he heard Garza whistle.

“They did a pretty good job covering up the scar, my man.
But I can see it.
Right there.
Shouldn’t be too bad!” he hollered.
The wind from the spinning rotors was starting to make Chad a little wobbly, despite being held by two Rangers.

On three, ready?” said Garza.


Chad felt a searing pain in his shoulder and tensed, screaming into the leather in his mouth.
It felt like Garza had speared him with the knife.
The pain intensified—he could feel the tip of the knife probing into the meat just below his deltoid muscle, seeking the little HD-GPS beacon that was causing them all so much grief.
Red hot pokers seemed to be stabbing the insides of his eyes.

Chad spit the leather out with a groan.
“Just get it out of me!
Dammit!” he screamed.

Suddenly the pain was gone and there was a cold, empty feeling where the hot sensation had just been.
He could feel Garza slap a field dressing on the wound and pull his shirt back down.

“Let’s get on board!” he yelled into the wind.

Captain Alston pumped his fist at the pilot who nodded, then they all climbed into the helicopter.
Chad could feel the queer sensation of rapid, vertical acceleration even before he found his jump-seat.
His shoulder ached like something out of a nightmare.

He leaned over toward Garza.
“Did you get it?
Tell me you got it!” he yelled.

The swarthy Ranger flashed a white smile and held up a bloody hand, cradling a Lima bean-sized piece of plastic and metal covered in gore.

“Got it.”
He handed it to Captain Alston, who promptly threw it out the open door into the forest below.
Chad saw there was a swift moving little creek down there in the trees—he hoped that’s where the damn thing landed.

“Sir!” hollered the gunner.
He tapped his helmet and yelled.
“Pilot says the Apaches didn’t get fully fueled.
We won’t get very far.
NKors are right on our on asses, sir!”

Captain Alston nodded and looked at the map that he held in his hands.
Chad watched him trace his fingers over the mountains and roads of the local area of Idaho, looking for a refuge and fuel.
He stopped, finger pointing at a small dot on the map.
Chad couldn’t be sure, but it looked a little south of where they were.
Fairly close.

He showed the gunner the map.
“Looks like there’s a Park Ranger heli-pad here.
They may have fuel.
And if not, at least it’s a safe place to land!”

“Where is it?” asked the gunner.
He tapped his helmet again, indicating it was the pilot asking the question.

“Salmon Falls!” yelled Captain Alston.


El Segundo, California.

Los Angeles Air Force Base.

, man…” said Charlie as their charter bus slowly roamed through the obliterated Air Force Base.
“This place is deserted.
It’s spooky.”
He adjusted the grip on his rifle and cleared his throat.

“You scared of ghosts, now?” grunted Cooper. He kept his eyes moving.
The buildings that weren’t outright piles of smoldering rubble
He had to admit to himself that the small base had a certain creepiness about it, lit only as it was by the buildings on fire.
“I thought you were a
, not one of those Delta weenies.”

“Fuck you, old man.”
They both laughed weakly.
It felt good to hear Charlie laugh—it went a long way toward alleviating Cooper’s concerns over Charlie being able to focus again.

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