Angela Verdenius (8 page)

Read Angela Verdenius Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #loyalty, #soldiers, #prisoner, #fighting, #law, #sexual desire, #romance, #rogue, #space travel, #lovers and intensity, #space opera, #sci-fi romance, #muscular men, #handsome hero, #laughter, #mystery, #love, #alien, #sex, #space sci-fi romance, #betrayal, #sexual intimacy and lovers

BOOK: Angela Verdenius
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“What the-” she began heatedly.

He came down atop her, his big body covering hers, strong legs entwining with her softer, rounder limbs, holding her flat, his stomach against those sweet, plump buttocks, his chest against her back, one hand twining gently but firmly into her hair to hold her head up as he placed his cheek beside hers and growled, “I am in control, Molly.  I will pleasure you, I will make you scream and come as you’ve never done before, and you will know it’s I who brings you to that peak.”

“Alsandair…”  There was a slight note of panic in her voice, an uncertainty that appealed to his beast, a slight fear that pricked at his humanity.

“Shhh, little Molly,” he soothed, pressing a kiss to her throat.  “Trust me not to hurt you, but bring you such pleasure.  Trust me to bring you to Eros.  Trust me to give you what you need, and what I need me.  Trust me, Molly.”  He slid one long leg between hers, spreading her thighs, rising above her, still bowed over her as he kissed her cheek gently.  “Trust me.”  His shaft dragged over the crease between her buttocks, following down to the hidden treasures below, scalding his skin with the wet heat of desire.  “Trust me.”  He thrust in hard, sheathing himself once more to the hilt until he could go no further.  “Trust me.”

His appetite for her was voracious.  He craved her under him, around him.  Craved her taste.

Pounding into her, his hips pumping, her moans of rising ardour fuelling him onward.  He could feel the seed start to leak from the tip of his shaft, feel the mingling of their life fluids deep inside her.  He loved the tight grasp of her sheath, like that of a slick fist around him, dragging at him, trying to pull him deeper even as he sought to draw back.

Arching up under him, she pushed up onto her elbows, and he bowed down over her, fastening his lips to her throat, sucking hard, marking her outwardly as his as surely as his seed marked her inwardly as his.  As his shaft pounding into her put his mark on her.  Their scents were combined, their life fluids combined.

She was his.

Molly was all his. 


His thrusts came shorter, harder as his sac tightened, drawing up, burning heat filling his shaft, pushing upward, swelling him to an almost unbelievable thickness, and he felt himself lengthening even more as the pressure built and built.

The roaring of his blood filled his ears, the sound of her passionate cries and whimpering need piercing him directly to the heart. 

Hands braced each side of her, he pumped even harder, shorter than ever, until he was barely moving out of her but rocking her forward almost savagely as he sought to go even deeper and deeper inside her.  So deep she’d never get the sensation of him out of her.

She tightened around him, crying out, and he felt the carnal fire, felt it surge up, soar out, and with one last savage, hard thrust, he burst deep inside her, feeling her clenching vaginal walls spasming as she broke that surface with him, soared with him through that shattering crystal water, arcing upward even as his seed spurted deep inside her.

Physically he couldn’t stop thrusting, pushing and shoving into her, straining against her as he arched back, shuddering as his seed left him again and again, filling her. 

Spiritually, emotionally, he was soaring that nerve-shattering orgasmic ride with Molly.  Higher and higher, splintering sensations everywhere, pleasure crashing and rolling, spilling up and out, drowning him totally.

Wrapping his arms around Molly, he bowed over her, holding her fiercely so he didn’t lose her as he soared, taking her with him.




Chapter Five


When he came back down he rolled to the side, taking her with him and tucking her head beneath his chin, feeling her racing heartbeat under his protective arm.  Content, his inner beast sated, Alsandair closed his eyes.

After several minutes Molly stirred, and he pressed a kiss to her temple.



In one move she sat up, leaving his arms empty.  Curiously he looked at her smooth back, watched as she tucked her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees.  Reaching out, he trailed his finger down her back to the crease of her buttocks.

She flinched away.  “Don’t.”

“Molly?”  He sat up.

“Don’t touch me.”

Concern spiked through him.  “Did I hurt you?”  He reached for her again, but stopped when she turned to face him on her knees, the cover clutched in her hands.  When she dragged it over her breasts and lap, he raised one eyebrow.

“Don’t touch me…yet.”  Her words had a catch in them.

Now he saw the uncertainty in her eyes, the sadness, and it clutched at him.  “Molly?  What’s wrong?”

“You.  You’re what’s wrong.”

“Molly,” he said softly.  “Don’t be afraid.”

“Afraid?” She shook her head.  “I’m not afraid of you, Amirov.”

“Then tell me what’s wrong.  You look so sad.”  Sliding his hand through her hair, he tucked an errant curl behind one small ear.  “Don’t be sad.  Was it something I did?”  He studied her face.  “I thought…  Forgive me if I’m mistaken, but you enjoyed our encounter as much as I did.”

“I did.”  Pink flushed her cheeks. 

“Then tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m afraid of what you’ll do to me.”

“Do to you?”  Framing her cheek with his hand, he gently brushed his thumb across her bottom lip.

“You don’t like me, Amirov.  You’d let them wipe my memories.  You held me down.”  Unexpectedly, tears sparkled in her eyes.  “Why are you here?  Is this another experiment?”

Her words cut him to the bone.  “You honestly think I don’t like you?”

“Why are you here?” she repeated.

His ardour had cooled enough to allow him to think clearly.  He debated what to say, not familiar enough with his feelings even though the sudden heat and passion now seemed so…normal.  Looking at her, he could say only the truth.  “Molly, I’ve never felt anything like the feelings you stir in me.  You bring out desires that I don’t recognize.”

“You’ve been with a woman before.”

“For equal satisfaction, but Molly, you make me burn.”  Just the words had the fire stoking inside him, and he started to lower his head again.

Her fingertips came between their mouths.  “Amirov-”

“Alsandair.  When we’re alone, it’s Alsandair.”

She repeated softly, “You don’t like me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.  I do like you.  Maybe I don’t show it the way you think I should, but I admire your spirit even if at times I don’t understand what drives you.”  He flicked the tip of his tongue against her fingers, watched her pupils dilate, heard her breath catch.

“Is this another experiment?” She asked breathlessly. 

“No.  Never.”

“This isn’t like you, Amirov – Alsandair.”  Her expression was uncertain.

“Since you’ve come into my life, Molly, I find I’m thinking and feeling a lot of things that aren’t like me.”  His gaze flicked down her naked body and back up to meet her eyes.  “I would never come to a woman this way.  I would never seek to seduce her.”

“So why now?”

“You doubt me?”

For the first time since he’d known her, she looked lost.  “I don’t know you any other way.  One minute you act like you don’t like me, the next you seem so nice, then you betray me, and now…now…  I don’t know exactly what you’re up to, Am – Alsandair.”

Several seconds passed as he gazed into her eyes.  In the blue depths he saw loneliness, sadness, confusion and yes, a little flare of desire.

How could he explain what he himself didn’t really understand?  Should he even try?

With a sigh, she turned and slid out of the bed.


“When you figure out what you are, who you are, and what you expect from me, then come and see me, Alsandair.  Until then…”  She turned in the bathroom doorway to look sadly at him.  “Until then, I don’t know what to think or who to trust.” The door slid closed behind her.

That last statement cut him to the bone.  She didn’t know if she could trust him?  He was about to go after her when commonsense prevailed.  He didn’t have all the answers and until he did, he couldn’t tell her what was happening to him and his see-sawing emotions.

All he knew was that Molly was his and no one else’s.

Standing up, he dressed quickly and went in search of the one person who might be able to give him answers.


Narc Section Five

Deep Space

Repulsaen Space Ship


Regor looked at Rainus.  “You are ssssure thisss isss the only way?”

“If we can’t get in, then yesss.”

“It isss sssomething that will draw attention to usss.”

“Better attention than death.”  Rainus’s eyes glittered. 

“We could die while trying to get her.”

“Then more will try in our place.  Failure isss not acceptable.”

Regor looked at the galaxy map. The Narc Military Research Space Station was looming closer.  Another hour or two and they would be too close to turn back.  What was to be set in motion would be set.

But failure was not acceptable.

Straightening his shoulders, Regor gave the command.


Narc Military Research Space Station

Narc Section Five

Deep Space


Cujo just couldn’t believe how unlucky he was.  The Major, his own father, had given him the boot from the Research Space Station.  That meant the treasure was on board somewhere.  It was just a damned shame he couldn’t walk around unaccompanied.  His father, damn it, knew him too well.  Well enough that he was escorted onto his own spaceship where Squiggy was waiting for him.

Squiggy, who was strangely excited.  Cujo didn’t understand why.  No one who didn’t know his friend would even guess he was excited, his stoic features showing nothing, but Cujo knew exactly what the red tips on his pointed ears meant.  Squiggy was excited.  And very happy.  And nervous.

Enlightenment hit Cujo.  “Shit,” he whispered.  “You found the treasure?”

“Shhh!”  Squiggy sat down in the co-pilot’s chair.  “Let’s get out of the station in case anyone overhears us!”

Cujo was tingling with excitement himself now.  The treasure!  Squiggy knew about the treasure!  What it was, where it was, who had it.  Yes!  Within minutes his spaceship had lifted off the landing pad and was in space heading away from the Narc Military Research Space Station. 

Turning to Squiggy, he demanded, “Where is it?  Who has it?  What is it?  And even better, how much is it worth?”

Squiggy tapped the side of his nose.  “It’s not what you expect, and as for the worth, to the right one maybe a lot.  As for who has it…”

“Yes?” Cujo rubbed his hands.  “Who?”

“We do.”

Cujo’s mouth fell open.  “What?”

“We have the treasure!”

“You stole it?”  Cujo was incredulous.  “
stole it?”

“Not exactly.”  Ear tips glowing, Squiggy preened.  “You might say…it…came to us.”

“This I have to see.”  Cujo jumped up from the chair.  “Where is it?”

“Follow me.”

Setting the autopilot, Cujo followed Squiggy out of the control cabin, down the corridor and into the spare cabin.  What he saw lying on the bunk caused his jaw to drop.  “What the hell…?  You

“Kidnapped?’  Squiggy was indignant.  “I didn’t kidnap anyone!  She came to me!”

“To you?”  Incredulously, Cujo looked Squiggy up and down.

“Well, to the ship.”

“She came to the ship? What for?”  Moving forward, Cujo stared down at the unconscious curvy cutie on the bunk. 

“Not a clue.”

“Then why is she here?”

“She came onboard the ship and got stunned.”

“Huh?”  Enlightenment dawned once more. 

“Yep.  Her body pattern wasn’t in the security system so, of course, when she entered she got stunned.”

Cujo had the feeling Molly wasn’t going to be very happy when she regained consciousness, but another problem was rearing its head.  “Why didn’t you contact Amirov? Or me?”

“About Molly?”

Cujo rubbed his forehead which was starting to ache.  “When Amirov finds his woman gone, he’s going to be furious.  And when he finds out that we have her, he’s going to be chewing chunks out of the iron walls of the Research Station.  He’ll tear us apart!”

“Amirov?  Get upset?”  Squiggy scoffed.  “He’s so cool he’ll just issue orders as usual.”

“Shocking, I know, but you didn’t see the expression in his eyes every time he looked at her.  Any man who shows interest in Molly is going to find his balls ripped off and stuffed down his throat.”

Squiggy touched his dual hairy throat and grimaced.  “Ew.”

“Exactly.”  Looking down again at his partner, Cujo added, “Why didn’t you do something else apart from carry her in here?”

“Because,” Squiggy replied reasonably, “you wanted the treasure.”

“Molly’s Amirov’s treasure, not mine.  Though, of course,” Cujo eyed the curvy cutie with renewed interest, “I could interest her in
treasure.  I’m sure interested in
treasure.  Heh heh.”  Resting his hands on his knees, he bent over to study her face.  “Pretty.”  His gaze swept down the shapely body, a stirring starting in his lusty blood.  “I bet she’s soft and warm and-” Catching his thoughts, he straightened.  “Damn it, Squiggy, how are we going to explain this?”

“You wanted the treasure,” Squiggy said with exaggerated patience “Molly
the treasure.” 

“Will you stop that?”

“Will you listen?”  Squiggy’s three red eyes rolled impatiently, his tipped ears losing their red glow.  “
is the

is the

Cujo looked from Squiggy to the woman lying on the bunk.  Treasure?  Molly was the treasure?  What the hell was Squiggy on about?  Molly was…the treasure.  Incredulous once more, he stared at Squiggy.  “Molly is the treasure?”

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