Angela Verdenius (13 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #loyalty, #soldiers, #prisoner, #fighting, #law, #sexual desire, #romance, #rogue, #space travel, #lovers and intensity, #space opera, #sci-fi romance, #muscular men, #handsome hero, #laughter, #mystery, #love, #alien, #sex, #space sci-fi romance, #betrayal, #sexual intimacy and lovers

BOOK: Angela Verdenius
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Narc Military Research Space Station

Narc Section Five

Deep Space


Molly sat on the examination chair while Dr Surnace finished her tests.  Finally the doctor glided her chair over to halt beside her.  “All is fine, Molly.” She smiled reassuringly.  “No ill effects.”

“I had no doubt.”  Molly stood up and stretched.  “The lizards didn’t get a chance to start on me before they lost it and attacked each other.”  Sticking her hands into her pockets, she studied the doctor.  “So how is the investigation going?”

“Well, since your memory of the happenings back in your time with the Arkens was recorded on the instant recall on your arrival here and sent straight to Galaxy Command, I’d say give it more than the two hours it’s already been since your return and we might have some more news.  Say another week or two.”

“Just curious.”  Grinning, Molly made for the door.

“Oh, Molly?”


“When you see Cujo and Squiggy…”

Molly nodded.  “I need to thank them.”

Dr Surnace’s face was grave.  “They won’t remember you, Molly.”

For several seconds Molly was confused, and then she groaned.  “Their memories were wiped?”

“I’m sorry. Command thought it was safer.  This way only we in the Narc Military know about you.”

“But Cujo was so nice.” 
When he wasn’t being a womanising arsehole

“He can be charming, but the dangers of anyone knowing about you… Well, you saw what happened already.”

Molly sighed.  “Yes, I know.”

As soon as she left the room, a guard stepped into place behind her.  Used to it now, she meandered back towards the corridors leading towards her room.  She hadn’t gone far when she saw Cujo and Squiggy come out of one of the rooms, Alsandair behind them.

Alsandair’s gaze lingered on Molly, a small smile playing around his lips and – good gosh, was that fire in his eyes?  Molly felt herself blush, her heartbeat quickening.

Stopping, Cujo eyed Molly.  “Well, well.  What delightful little sprite is this?”

Remembering that he wouldn’t recognize her now, she held out her hand.  “My name is Molly.”

Catching her hand, Cujo carried it to his lips and brushed the back of her hand with his lips.  When his tongue licked quickly at her skin before he released her, she started. 

Taking her hand, Alsandair cut Cujo a hard look.  “Molly is mine.”

“You have a claim?”  Arching one brow, Cujo looked her over leisurely.  “Is she your wife?”


Molly gaped up at Alsandair.

“Really?” Cujo grinned widely.  “Well, until the actual vows are taken, she’s still got time to change her mind.”

“She won’t,” Alsandair replied shortly.

“If you ever change your mind, well, just send out an SOS and I’ll come running.”  Moving past her, Cujo bent down a little and whispered with familiarity, “Sweet Molly.”

Startled, she glanced up to catch his slow, knowing wink.  Cujo did remember her.  Had the memory wipe not worked on him?  How had he managed to retain his memory?  Did he also have some kind of gene that made him immune?

“Escort Cujo and Squiggy to their spaceship,” Alsandair told the soldier behind her.  “I’ll escort Molly back to her room and I’ll call you when you’re needed again.”

As quick as that, Cujo was whisked from sight and Molly was left with Alsandair, his hard, handsome face expressionless as he led her down the corridor to her room.  They were almost there before she finally stammered out, “I know you don’t like Cujo, but to tell him I’m to be your wife, and soon?  Why on earth did you say that?”

The door slid open and Alsandair pushed her inside with one hand at her waist.  “Because it’s true.”

It was definitely a day for shocks.  If indeed it was day, Molly could never figure out the time zone in space. 

The door slid shut behind Alsandair.  “You don’t seem pleased.”

“Pleased?”  She shook her head.  “I’m shocked.”

“Is that a good sign in your time?”

“Depends on the news.”  Molly took a deep breath.  “You really meant what you said to Cujo?” 

He stood there with that ease of a military officer who was in total control of himself.  Scary.  “Yes.” 

“You want to marry me?”

“It’s called pairing or mating up.”  His gaze locked onto hers, a flicker of desire within the grey depths.  Heat amidst coolness. 

It made her shiver with anticipation and –
no, shock.  It still had to be shock.  Maybe hope?  Probably fear.
 “I – I don’t know what to say.”

“You didn’t say no.  That’s good.”  Reaching out, he ran one finger down the sleeve of her jacket, and she could swear she felt the touch as clearly as if his finger had been stroking bare skin.

“What if I did say no?”  Her breath hitched as his finger slid down her palm and around, his other fingers opening to entwine around hers. 

“No is unacceptable.”  With their entwined hands, he pulled her up against him.  Lowering his head, he whispered hotly across her lips, “I know who I am, Molly.  I know what I am.  I know what I want.”

“You do?”  His every hot breath against her lips was making her blood tingle. 

“Oh yes.”  His grey-eyed gaze wandered over her face before finally drifting back up to lock with hers once more.  The sincerity in them was matched only by the ardour burning within.  “I am Alsandair Amirov, Captain in the Narc Military.  I have both human and alien genes inside me.  Your arrival has stirred to life some of the genes lying dormant inside me.  Only you brought me to real life, Molly.  Until you came along, I was cool, calm and collected.  Now…”

“Now?” she queried breathlessly, feeling herself being slowly but surely bent backwards over the strong arm around her back.

“Now I feel emotions I never dreamed of.  I know possessiveness, I know a lover’s predatory side, I know desire and sadness and worry.  I know I want you.  Forever.  By my side.”

“You want me?”  He was so handsome in such a harsh way. 

“You want me to say it, Molly?”  His eyes glinted.  “I love you.  I want you.  I will have you.”

The man might live in a time that was totally civilized and overly polite, but he had a real caveman attitude.  Molly liked it.  She liked it a lot.  Did she love it?  Looking up into his eyes, she saw the heat of love mixed with the fire of passion.

It was Alsandair who took her from the Professor, who made her do the total recall.  Alsandair who took her in this very room with an ardour that had totally floored her, and come for her in the midst of flames and the fury of a reptilian species.  It was him, so cool, calm and collected, who never did anything even remotely affectionate at any time, who had kissed her in front of his soldiers.  Alsandair had unashamedly, completely possessively, claimed her in front of Cujo and the soldier, and he hadn’t cared who’d seen or known.

Behind that calm exterior beat the heart of a caveman.  It both thrilled and scared her all at the same time. 

“Do you doubt me?” His words were hot puffs against her lips.

“No.”  She hesitated.

“There’s a ‘but’,” he said softly. 


“Tell me.”

She hesitated before blurting out, “When you kissed me in the War Room you looked me up and down and said you had no idea why you’d kissed me.”  Just the memory was enough to make her flush with embarrassment. 

“I didn’t know,” he agreed, “I didn’t understand why I kissed you, or why I reacted the way I did.  In fact, I had to have the good Dr Surnace explain things to me.”

Molly’s eyes widened in astonishment.  “What?”

His eyes gleamed.  “Shocking, isn’t it?  I really had no idea why I was reacting to you the way I did, and I probably would have bumbled my way forward, making mistakes and hurting you without knowing why.  But when you told me that I had to first figure out what I was, who I was and what I expected from you, and until then stay away, I knew I had to get help to figure it out.”  He looked seriously down at her.  “I never ask for help, but for you, I will do and ask anything.”

His words touched her deeply.  “Oh, Alsandair.”

“Do you trust me, Molly?”

That was the million dollar question.  Did she?  Did she trust him?

“Do you trust me with your life, Molly?”

“Yes.”  That wasn’t hard.

“Then trust me with your heart.”  His free hand slid up her stomach to lodge between her breasts.  “I will keep you safe, Molly, and I will do everything in my power to keep you happy.”

“I frustrate you.”  Her heart was melting, but she so wanted to know that he understood it wouldn’t be easy between them.

“Of course.”

“Can you live with that frustration forever?”


“It’s not going to be easy.”

His smile was predatory.  “Easy is for the faint of heart.  Since you brought my emotions to life, Molly, I find I like spice in my calm life, a curvy disturbance in my well-ordered routine, and passion in my bed.”  His lips brushed hers teasingly.  “Passion in my life.  You are what I want, Molly.  Spice and passion and delightful disturbance all in one sweet little package.”

He might have caveman instincts, but he spoke with a silver tongue.  And that silver tongue was doing magical things to her mouth.

But what cinched it for Molly was when he lifted his lips from hers and, his heart in his eyes, he whispered, “Mate up with me, Molly.  I love you so much.  I swear I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.  Just please, say you’ll spend your life with me.”

He just melted her heart. Every last little doubt was gone.  Twining her arms around his neck, she looked up into his eyes and smiled.  “If you think you can handle this blast from the past, Captain Amirov, I’m all yours.” 

Alsandair’s smile was hedonistic.  “I find I have a taste for a certain frustrating little blast.  Let the feast begin.”








Angela Verdenius lives in Australia where she is ruled by her cats, adores reading, and thinks a perfect day is writing and drinking Diet Coke, followed by reading or a good horror movie.  She has a weakness for potato chips, Pavlova & rainy days.

To date, she has written numerous novels in sci-fi romance series and BBW contemporary romances, 2 novellas, and several short stories, one of which is a zombie story she had great fun writing.  Her books have won many reviewers’ awards, as well as having been on the Fictionwise best-seller list and winning the Golden Rose Award.


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Other Books by this Author


BBW Romances


Big Girls Lovin’ trilogy

Doctor’s Delight

Cop’s Passion

Vet’s Desire


The Lawson Boys duet

The Lawson Boys: Alex

The Lawson Boys: Marty


The Virgin Sex Queen


The Mackay Sisters duet

Call on Me

Lean on Me


Seducing Sam

Adam’s Thorn

The Goodbye Girl


The Gully’s Fall series

Burn for You

Fall for You

Lie to Me

Fly with Me

You’re the One (not BBW)

Second Chance




Heart & Soul sci-fi romance series


Heart of an Outlaw

Soul of a Mercenary

Heart of the Betrayed

Love’s Sweet Assassin

Soul of a Hunter

Love’s Bewitching Thief

Heart of the Forsaken

Soul of a Witch

Heart of a Traitor

Soul of the Forgotten

Love’s Beguiling Healer

Heart of a Peacekeeper

Soul of a Predator

Love’s Winsome Warrior

Heart of a Smuggler

Soul of a Guardian

Love, Heart & Soul Moments

Shattered Soul


Box Set

Heart & Soul bks 1 - 4


Novellas sci-fi

Operation Seduction (BBW)

Blast from the Past


Free Short Stories

Zombie Hospital





Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Other Books by this Author

Chapter Four

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