ANGEL: When Angels Cry (14 page)

Read ANGEL: When Angels Cry Online

Authors: CJ Bishop

Tags: #cj bishop, #phoenix club

BOOK: ANGEL: When Angels Cry
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“My car’s out front.” Dane motioned towards
the front doors of the club. “Shall we?”

Nodding, not trusting himself to speak, Angel
turned back the way he’d come and walked back out of the club with
Dane close behind.

In his car, Angel sat anxiously in the
passenger seat, barely able to breathe. Dane glanced at him as he
started the car. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Angel looked at him and their eyes

“You know,” Dane said softly. “You’re really
good enough as it is. I doubt you need any lessons.”

Swallowing thickly, Angel murmured,
“Actually, I think…there’s
a lot
you can teach me.”

A notable rise and fall of Dane’s chest
signified his quickened breath–and full understanding of just what
Angel was implying. He smiled, eyes weighted with desire. “I guess
we’ll see.”


Chapter Sixteen

Devil in Those Angel Eyes


Dane’s apartment was large with a huge open
area that housed a sofa, television and stereo in one sectioned off
corner. In another corner was a multi-station weight machine–no
doubt the source of the man’s exquisite body. On the far side was a
slightly raised kitchen, not too spacious, and a set of open stairs
that led up to what looked like a loft; surely the bedroom. Angel
shivered as his eyes lingered perhaps a little too long up

The guy had been right; there was lots of
open floor space. He was also right about living the simple life.
The place wasn’t stuffed full of possessions, other than his
entertainment devices and workout machine.

Dane cleared his throat and motioned him
deeper into the apartment. “As you can see, there’s plenty of
room.” He stepped around Angel, his hand lightly touching the small
of his back, causing a rush of shivers to race down his spine and
tingle his butt cheeks. Dane stepped up into the kitchen. “Do you
want a drink?”

“Uh, no.” Angel swallowed through a tight
throat. “Thanks.”

“I can turn down the thermostat,” he said and
grabbed himself a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. “If it’s
too warm. I usually turn it way down when I work out.”

A sudden vision of Dane pumping iron exploded
through Angel’s head; body slick with sweat, muscles hard as steel,
veins bulging, face pinched in determination, hot breath bursting
from his lungs.

“You all right?” Dane chuckled, suddenly
right beside him again. He sucked on the bottle then smiled. “You
look a little flushed. Maybe I
turn down the heat.”

It won’t help
, Angel whimpered silently. “No, it’s
okay. I’m fine.”

“Okay then.” Dane walked towards the stereo.
“We should get right to it. We have to get back to the club in less
than two hours.”

“All right.” Angel breathed, his heart

“So what do you want?” Dane asked. “Something
fast and upbeat?” He glanced at him and smiled, “Or slow and

Oh please, slow and sensual
. Angel pressed his lips
tight and shrugged. “You’re the teacher. I guess you should

“Mm-hmm.” Dane nodded slowly and went through
his digital collection. “Well, since Ricky taught you plenty of the
upbeat stuff, perhaps…” He punched in a selection then walked back
to Angel as an instrumental piece began to play with a soft beat
that instantly grabbed the body and made it want to sway. “Perhaps
we should go in the other direction. Diverse customers call for
diverse dancers. Got to be prepared to give them what they want.”
His lips twitched as he moved closer. “
you prepared…to deliver up
what’s desired of you?”

Angel’s breath rushed through his nostrils.
“Yes.” He whispered.

Chuckling low, Dane murmured, “I do mean
within reason, of course. Some of those men…they’ll want so much
more than just the dance, and offer a pretty penny for it. The
money can cause a boy to use bad judgment.”

“I’m not a whore.” Angel said quietly. “I’m a

“There you go.” Dane smiled. “That’s the
proper mind set.”

If only it were the truth
, Angel thought sickly.
What would Dane do if he knew the real reason Angel took a job at
the club? Would he tell Max? Get him fired?
It doesn’t matter, because you’re not
going to tell him. And you’re not a whore–you’re doing what you
have to, to get Maddy out of a bad situation.
He knew it was
true, but the thought of soliciting sex from the customers made him
the very thing Wade was forcing him to be.

Dane slipped off his shoes. “It’s easier to
dance barefoot. At least that’s how I prefer it.”

Following his lead, Angel removed his shoes
as well then smiled evasively at Dane. “Would probably hurt less if
I step on your feet.”

“Aw, I don’t mind.” He murmured. “Step on my
feet all you want.”

“I’ll try
to.” Angel laughed softly, then nearly
choked on the laugh when Dane peeled off his tank top as well.
Angel stared at him, quite certain his hunger shown through crystal

When Angel started to remove his shirt as
well, Dane shook his head. “No, leave it on. Undressing is part of
the seduction.”

Angel nodded. “Okay.” He said quietly.

Taking hold of his hips, Dane began to sway
slowly to the music, urging Angel to do the same. “Now a lot of
this will be a replay of what we did in the booth.” He smiled. “Do
you mind?”

His throat closing, Angel shook his head.

“We’ll just…refine it a bit. Since we’re not
currently entertaining an actual customer.”


“But turn around and pretend there is one in
front of you.” Dane twisted Angel’s hips slowly and shifted him so
his back was to the man. His hands remained on his hips, his body
close, mouth near his ear. “Now take off the shirt, real slow…real
.” There
was a slight unsteadiness to his breath as it puffed against
Angel’s ear. “Remember, they come to the club to be teased and
tantalized, seduced.”

Angel gripped the hem of his shirt and slowly
worked it upward, his body moving with the music, slowly exposing
his firm stomach, then his chest. Dane turned him back around.
“Then you turn away when the shirt is about halfway off, teasing
them, hiding what they’re longing to see. But continue removing

The shirt slipped up over his head and Dane
took it, tossing it sharply away. “Then you toss it in their face.”
He smiled. “And face them again.” Once more, he shifted Angel’s
body around away from him. “Caress your body slowly, tracing your
fingertips through all your delicious grooves.” As if to clarify
his meaning, Dane slipped his hands around him and began running
his fingertips in and out of the crevices of Angel’s lean muscles,
following the pattern of his abdomen then up between his pec
muscles. His lips brushed his ear, breath hot, staggered. “Like
that, understand?”

“Mm-Hm.” Angel was feeling faint as the man’s
fingers continued to slowly caress up and down the front of his
torso. Then Dane covered Angel’s hands and guided him in doing the
same. His hips never stopped moving, rubbing, swaying, bumping
gently against Angel’s rear.

“Keep the rhythm.” Dane whispered, his lips
touching the side of his neck just below his ear. “Never stop
moving, stay with the music.”

Angel realized he had nearly stopped moving
altogether as the man’s touch began to immobilize his senses.
“Okay.” He said thickly and fell into sync with Dane’s body

“Now begin to caress down lower, over your
hips,” His breath puffed hotly on Angel’s neck and he moved Angel’s
hands to every area of the body he named off. “Your thighs.” Angel
bit back a moan as his strong hands gripped his and rubbed all over
him. “Your beautiful ass.” Angel’s lower lip sucked between his
teeth when Dane’s fingers reached through Angel’s own and squeezed
his ass cheeks through his pants. “They love it when you rub your
ass.” He groaned.

I love it when ‘you’ rub my ass
, Angel moaned
inwardly. At least he was pretty sure it turned inward, rather than
rolling up his throat, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Then your crotch.” He murmured, his breath
growing heavier, quicker. He slid Angel’s hands down between his
legs, rubbing them along his inner thighs then slowly back up over
the hard bulge of his crotch. Angel gasped before he could suck it
back, his body pressing against Dane’s chest, his fingers squeezing
Dane’s fingers as the man continued the slow, sensual caress of his
crotch. “Then,” Dane panted softly. “You tease them with glimpses
of what they came to see.”




Control yourself
. Dane was doing his damnedest, but
he was barely holding on. The way Angel was pressed against him,
the quickness of his breath, the tightness of his grip on Dane’s
hands–he knew he could have him right then and there. But even
though he was fairly certain Angel came here knowing much more was
liable to happen than just dance lessons, he didn’t want the boy to
think that was
he wanted of him. Dane did wish to help him get
on top of his game. True, he wanted the boy on top of
as well. But even

“Slowly unbutton your pants.” Dane could feel
the tremble in his own body as well as Angel’s. He wasn’t entirely
sure how much more of this either of them could take. “Then slide
down your zipper.”

Angel followed instructions perfectly, doing
as Dane said. His fingers shook a little as he popped loosed the
button of his pants and unzipped slowly, his body never breaking
rhythm, ass tucking nicely into Dane’s crotch, getting him so hard
he feared he might scream out loud and frightened the kid.

Taking hold of Angel’s bare hips beneath the
loose waistband of his pants, he told him softly, “Now slide them
down, just a little, like you did in the booth. And turn…” He
twisted the boy around again so they were chest to chest. Well,
evenly so. The top of Angel’s head barely reached past Dane’s chin,
placing his mouth at his upper chest. “Now show them just a little
look-see of that fine ass.” Angel shoved his pants down enough to
expose the upper swell of his cheeks and his lovely, inviting
crack. Dane’s heart jumped and slammed into his chest wall,
breaking his breath. He gripped Angel’s pants around the boy’s
hands and pushed them down just a hair more. “A little more, give
them a good glimpse.”

Angel’s hot breath puffed erratically against
his throat, his nipples hard buds against Dane’s heated skin.
Oh fuck, baby, if
we do take this all the way–I’ll only last about a second, as hard
and horny as you have me right now
. Angel’s hips rocked back
and forth across the surface of Dane’s solid crotch, which bulged
out almost embarrassingly so, but he had no control of how his body
responded to the young man.

“Like this?” Angel panted softly, voice
shaking as he slipped his pants lower, baring about two-thirds of
his ass cheeks as he swiveled down gracefully, his lips dragging
down Dane’s chest and stomach.
Oh holy fuck! Yes! Just like that!

“Yes.” Dane gasped. “That’s…that’s good.”
of the year.

Rising up again, Angel gazed at him with
half-lidded eyes burning with want and desire. The sexual need in
him was taking over, eradicating his inhibitions. “Now I take them
off all the way…right?” He whispered.

“Mm-hmm.” Dane was shaking, hands resting
lightly on Angel’s arms as the boy began a sexy, sensual strip
tease that was indeed teasing the fuck out of Dane.
You know what you’re doing to
me, don’t you, you sexy little shit?
But of course he
knew–the evidence was right there, straining to be seen, touched;
screaming for attention.

The boy’s pants came off in a sexy slow
motion that reminded Dane of a hypnotized cobra, and he was truly
caught in a daze, entranced, mesmerized. Then Angel was standing
before him in very snug, cherry red spandex briefs that left
nothing to the imagination as the elastic material melded around
each and every swell and crevice of the boy’s hardened crotch.

“Now what?” Angel moved closer to him,
touching his body, rubbing up firm against him. “Will you show me
how to seduce him after the strip tease is over?” He raked his
fingertips down the front of Dane’s body. “I want to learn as much
as I can.”

At this point, Dane was beginning to think
learn a few tricks from

He was no longer clear on who was teaching


Chapter Seventeen

Scenic Route to Heaven


Dane took to the sofa as the instrumental
song played on a continuous loop, affording them all the time they
needed and wanted without the typical time limit of the song. He
leaned forward and grabbed Angel’s hips, his face just inches from
his insistent crotch. His thumbs massaged Angel’s hipbones gently.
“Nudge my knees apart with your leg and move in between.”

There was an almost unbearable heat emanating
out through Dane’s fingertips, searing his skin. He used his leg to
bump apart the man’s knees, applying just enough force to imply he
was in charge. Although he didn’t feel in charge, not with Dane’s
eyes burning him alive.

“You remember what you did to Oliver?” Dane’s
low voice was a bit raspy, even anxious.

“Yes.” Angel murmured and swung his hips
slowly, gracefully, turning his body around. Dane kept a grip on
his hips but allowed Angel to go through the motions without being
forced. The man slid back on the sofa in a more relaxed position.
Angel closed his eyes as his body swiveled lower. When his ass
grazed Dane’s straining cock, he bit his lip hard and swallowed the
whimper struggling to fly free. His fingers slid along Dane’s
thighs and gripped him at his knees as he ascended and dipped his
tightly clad rump, teasing the man’s crotch.

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