ANGEL: When Angels Cry (11 page)

Read ANGEL: When Angels Cry Online

Authors: CJ Bishop

Tags: #cj bishop, #phoenix club

BOOK: ANGEL: When Angels Cry
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“It’s okay.” Dane murmured. “We’ll manage.”
The look in his eyes burned through Angel and he felt it
prominently in his crotch.

Oliver took a seat in the armless leather
chair and relaxed back, hands resting lightly on his thighs. There
was already a bulge behind his fly as he gazed at the both of them
with a measure of lust, but in his eyes was also admiration. He
didn’t have the
look in his eyes that Angel was so used to
seeing in the eyes of the men Wade picked out for him. This man
wasn’t a sick minded pervert–just an average guy who enjoyed the
company of sensual boys.

When Dane turned on the music, Angel’s
nervousness heightened a notch. Dane stepped up behind him and
rested his hands on his hips and brushed his lips across his ear.
“Relax.” He said softly. “And just let me guide you.”

When Ricky had told him the same thing–it
hadn’t had quite the same effect on Angel’s senses. And when his
body touched his and began to move so sensually, Angel feared he
might faint.

“Feel the rhythm?” Dane whispered, his hands
gripping Angel’s hips. “Just move with it, let it take over.”

Oh God yes, he felt the
. He closed his eyes and
let himself go. Unaware of what he was doing, his arms snaked up
and around Dane’s neck as the man’s hands began to move over his
body. He guided them between Oliver’s legs as the guy just watched
for now.

Dane slipped his hands under Angel’s shirt
and the boy trembled and shivered as he caressed up over his bare
chest then rubbed back down across his stomach then to the sides
and down his hips. His crotch was glued to Angel’s ass and there
was no mistaking the hardness developing there, and Angel had to
wonder what would happen between them if they were alone in this
booth together.




The boy’s skin was growing hot beneath his
hands, damp with a slight sheen of sweat. His body pressed back
against Dane and followed his movements perfectly. His fingers
sliding up Angel’s ribs, he peeled his shirt up over his head and
tossed it aside then resumed caressing his now bare torso.

He urged Angel closer to Oliver as the man
rubbed his hands up Angel’s outer thighs. Dane discarded his own
shirt then turned Angel around facing him, turning the boy’s back
to Oliver. He could feel the heat in his own eyes as he gazed down
at the young man, and it reflected back in Angel’s gaze. “Now the
trick,” he whispered, “is to tease your customer.” He smiled over
Angel’s shoulder at Oliver and winked. “They love to be

“Indeed.” Oliver murmured.

Dane dropped his hands to the front of
Angel’s pants and unfastened them, slowly sliding down the zipper.
The boy’s breath quickened–but with excitement rather than
nervousness as Dane let his fingers play around underneath the
loosened waistline of the pants. Angel touched his stomach
tentatively, then slowly began to caress his skin, sending sizzling
shock waves snapping wildly all through Dane’s body, swelling his

“Start by showing them just a little of your
fine ass.” He shoved his fingers down the back of Angel’s pants,
underneath the band of his briefs and slowly pushed his pants down
until a third of his ass was exposed then pulled them back up a
little as their bodies swayed and curved with the beat of the
music. “Then a little more…” His voice felt thick, and turned raspy
as his fingertips slid over the smooth, firm swell of the boy’s
rump when he shoved his pants down a little lower. He tugged his
hands from beneath the briefs and worked Angel’s pants down off his
butt. “Then go ahead and take off the pants.” He swayed down to his
heels before Angel, dragging his pants down with him. The boy
stepped out of them and he rubbed his hands up the back of Angel’s
thighs as he slowly rose up again, his lips barely grazing the
impressive bulge contained in the kid’s briefs.

Oliver rubbed his hands up Angel’s bare legs
and over his ass. “So beautiful.” He groaned. Dane had to agree.
The man unfastened his own pants, opening the front, revealing his
own restrained arousal.

“Now, to get them nice and turned on,” Dane
was beginning to pant as
was the one getting
turned on
. “Sit down in their lap
and just work that lovely ass real good.”

Angel did as he was instructed and Oliver
held his hips as the young man lowered down onto his hard crotch
and rocked his hips, swaying, circling.

Oh fuck, Oliver, let me take your place.
artistically removed his own pants, beneath which he wore a mere
G-string. As Angel worked himself on Oliver, Dane straddled both of
them, rocking his hips with the music, dipping and swaying, teasing
Angel as well as Oliver.

He gently pushed Angel back against the man’s
chest and hovered over them, sinking low till he was brushing
against Angel’s solid crotch, then lifting up. His face moved so
close to Angel’s chest and neck he could almost hear the thumping
beat of his heart. The kid’s breath puffed from his lips, his eyes
heavy with want, but he never lost rhythm and continued to move his
body against Oliver. Dane grazed his mouth against Angel’s lips
then along his cheek and on up the side of Oliver’s face. Then both
Oliver and Angel had their hands on him, squeezing his hips,
fingers pressing into his hard, flexing ass muscles.

Angel gasped and clutched his flesh when Dane
sank down again and this time rubbed a little more firmly against
Angel’s confined cock. He knew by the tremble in the boy’s body,
that if he kept it up–Angel lose it. And so would he.




Please fuck me
. Angel bit back the words before they
rushed, untamed, out into open air. Oliver was steel hard beneath
him, lifting and pushing against Angel’s ass as Dane teased the
fuck out of him with his crotch massage. His tense fingers gouged
Dane’s hips, aching to pull the man down against him. He couldn’t
keep his breath from panting, gasping from his lips, as his body
burned alive between the two men.

Oliver released Dane’s ass and began to
caress Angel’s inner thighs and up around his stiff erection. For
as large as the man was, he had a very light, very erotic touch.
His hands began to caress both Angel’s crotch and Dane’s. Sweat
dripped off Dane’s body and his eyes were weighted as he gazed down
at him.

Take me home with you.
The sudden thought jolted
Angel and he trembled, eyes stinging, as he longed to be in Dane’s
bed, wrapped up in his arms…safe from the world. But the world had
its claws in him and he couldn’t get loose. He could never spend a
night with Dane, not when Maddy needed him at home with him.

He shoved the thoughts of
away and, for the moment,
let himself get lost in
here and now.


Chapter Thirteen

Flying with Angels


You need to back off.
But now that Dane was right
here, all up close and personal with Angel, his body refused to
pull away, drawn to the boy like a powerful magnet. And Angel
wasn’t pushing him away either, gripping his hips, he could feel
the kid wanting to pull him down even closer.

Angel shoved his crotch up to meet him when
he descended again, grinding them together much harder than before.
shuddered and knew he was on the bare edge of losing control. Angel
writhed sensually against Oliver’s strong body, shoving him to the
edge as well.
all gonna fucking come if this keeps up.

Forcing himself to back off, Dane tugged
Angel up on his feet. The boy was shaky, but he kept in time with
the music as Dane turned him around to face Oliver and grabbed his
hips, hugging his ass with his crotch as they moved as one;
rocking, swaying, dipping, bodies curving together fluidly. Oliver
groaned and rubbed his crotch.

“Good god,” he panted. “You boys are fucking
hot together.” He groaned again when they both twisted down low
between his legs then back up. Dane’s fingers pushed the band of
Angel’s briefs just barely off his hips and down low enough in the
front to expose his entire lower abdomen and a peek of neatly
trimmed, sandy colored pubic hair. His fingers tingled with the
need to reach deeper inside his shorts and massage his bare, hard
flesh, but he knew now wasn’t the time. From the wetness beginning
to seep through his briefs, Dane was sure that just a single touch
of his bare hand might well cause the boy to orgasm.

The song ended not a moment too soon, for the
feel of Angel’s hot, firm ass cheeks moving against Dane’s rock
hard cock had his dick leaking and drooling and thinking about

Oliver panted and wiped sweat from his
fevered face. He stood up and fastened his pants, his raging
erection bulging the crotch. “You two may just get a thank you note
from my wife.”

Dane stared at him in mild shock. “You’re

Oliver chuckled. “Happily so. To an amazing
woman.” He smiled. “And yes, she’s fully aware of my fetish for
male entertainment. She knew about it before she married me. But
she don’t mind–it brings me home cock hard and ready to give her
the fucking of a lifetime.” He winked. “And she’s all in favor of

Shaking his head, Dane grinned. “Damn,
Oliver, you have the best of both worlds right there.”

“Indeed.” He smiled then leaned in and kissed
Dane on the lips, then Angel, and stuffed a small roll of bills
into both their crotches. “You two were just too damn good to short
change.” He thanked them for a lovely time and left the booth.

Angel tugged the cash from his shorts and
unfolded the bills, counting them out. “Five hundred dollars.” He

Chuckling low, Dane took out his own stash
and counted out the same–then pressed it into Angel’s hand.

“But…” Angel frowned and looked at him.
“That’s yours.”

Dane shrugged. “And now it’s yours.” He
murmured. “Listen, I live a simple life. I don’t need much. I’m
well taken care of.” He held Angel’s pale eyes, his heart crawling
up into his throat as he read so much behind that gaze. “Something
tells me you need it much more than I do.”

“I don’t…” He looked at the collection of
cash in his hands and swallowed thickly, his voice straining. “I
don’t…know what to say.”

Dane cupped the back of his head and kissed
his warm, damp hair. “You don’t have to say anything. It’s my
pleasure.” He smiled. “And besides, you earned it.” He looked at
him with want in his eyes. “You were…amazing.”

Licking his lips slowly, Angel looked down.
His breath quickened a little. “Dane, I…” His lips tightened and he
glanced up.

“It’s okay.” Dane whispered, his eyes heavy,
and body aching to take him to the chair and finish what they had
started. And something
been started. He cleared his throat and rubbed a
quick hand over his mouth. “Look, Angel…if you want to continue
the…lessons…” He released a slow breath and looked at the boy. “I
have a studio apartment, lots of open floor space. If you want to
come into work an hour or two early sometimes, we could…practice
there. It isn’t far from here.”

Angel looked at him, and it was clear the boy
knew what he was really saying–though Dane tried to tell himself he
had no ulterior motives for asking the young man to his

“Okay.” Angel murmured. “I can…I can do

A shocking tickle spiraled down the length of
Dane’s cock and he suppressed a pleasurable shiver. “Great.” He
smiled, then ventured cautiously, hopefully, “Tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” Angel said thickly. “Tomorrow.”

When Angel stepped out of the booth, Dane
stared after him. He’d just went from zero to sixty in what seemed
a matter of seconds. Was he really ready for this kind of momentum?
of them?




The kids’ talk and laughter, the music, it
all served as a well needed distraction. Horatio had kept to his
word and invited Seth and his friends to his jet. The other three
guys obviously didn’t share Seth’s preferences since they had
girlfriends in tow. Horatio didn’t mind; the more kids, the greater
the distraction.

One of the guys had a brother in Sydney,
Australia whom he only got to see maybe once a year, and thought it
would be awesome to just show up at his door. So their current
destination was
down under

Horatio laid on his bed, listening to the
excitement in their voices–and suddenly the distraction was no
longer distracting. But rather pushing him back to a day and age
when he and Max had the same excitement in their voices as they
talked about the future. Though they were quite young, still in
their teens, Horatio had insisted that Max promise to marry him one
day. Him and no other. Max hadn’t hesitated, but swore his undying
love to him on the spot, for life or longer. Then they had made
love to seal the deal. Though it hadn’t been their first time
together, it was the one time that stood out above all the rest. It
was them
their promise of a future together.

And then suddenly, without warning–the
promise was broken. Everything wiped away. And nothing mattered any

A soft knock sifted through the bedroom door.
“Come in.” Horatio said quietly, staring at the ceiling.

Seth stepped inside and closed the door. “You
don’t have to hide out in here. This is

Horatio chuckled. “Not hiding out, just
taking a breather.” He looked at Seth. “I’m not as young as I once
was. I need more naps than you young whipper-snappers.”

“Fuck.” Seth rolled his eyes, a short laugh
puffing out of him. “You’re in your prime. Every bit as hot and
sexy as any college guy.” He walked to the bed and crawled on top
of Horatio, straddling his hips. He rubbed his hands up Horatio’s
chest then began to pluck loose the buttons of his shirt. “So hot,
in fact…” he pulled open his shirt and leaned down, kissing his
bare skin, swirling his wet tongue around an erect nipple. “…that I
can’t keep my hands, or mouth, off of you.”

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