Angel (13 page)

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Authors: Dani Wyatt

Tags: #Romance, #daddy dom, #safe

BOOK: Angel
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“Jesus, fuck.”  My head falls back and I bite the inside of my cheek so hard blood flows over my tongue.

That’s it.  My dick explodes with white jets of cream as I lean in to be sure it lands right where I imagine her sweet virgin body opens up.  The cotton drips with strands of my cum as I grunt and lean down to lock one arm on the bed, next to her hip, so I don’t fall on my face.  When my orgasm lets me breathe again, I gather the last of my cream off the end of my dick with my fingers and smear it on her lips.  I fight my still-hard cock back into my pants and zip up.  Reaching down, I tug the panties down from her full hips, over her knees and off her ankles, leaving shining trails of cum on the insides of her legs.

“Now, up on those pillows, sweet girl.”  I hold the sticky panties in one hand while I swing the covers back over her.

“You’re not really going to—”

I push the cum-soaked crotch of her panties between her sassy lips before she can finish her sentence.  Her mouth is full and her eyes are smiling.  She needs the comfort of knowing that when I say something is going to happen, it will.

“Now I have work to do and things to prepare for tomorrow.”

Once I’ve tucked the comforter around her, her eyes are already nothing but tired slits.  I lean down and kiss the parting of her hair.  “Good night, my precious Angel.”

Daddy loves you.

I’m thinking it, I’m just not sure she’s ready to hear it.  So I hold it in my heart for now.  She points to her mouth, asking if she can say something, and as beautiful as she is with those cum-soaked panties in her mouth I have to nod.

“You can take them out if you need to tell me something, but then they go right back in.”

She takes the fabric out, just far enough so she can speak.

“Okay.  Where will you be?  Will you come in to sleep with me?”  Her eyes light up a little and she brings my heart right along for the ride.  She replaces the fabric into her willing mouth.

“Yes, baby.  I’ll be here in a bit.  I’m keeping my clothes on though because I’m only so strong.”

Her giggle is like a good night kiss to my heart.  I want to make her smile and laugh more than I want anything else for myself in this life.

Seeing her so innocent and relaxed makes me think of my twinge of disappointment when she told me she’s on the birth control shot to ease some of her symptoms from her endrometriosis.  Once she told me about her health issues, I settled comfortably with waiting.  As much as I want to swell her with my seed, I think she needs her own time to be her little self.  Her health is most important.  The time will come.  But for now, I’m here to take care of her.  The babies will come soon enough.

I make my way to the bedroom door, and her breathing is already low and steady.  She looks so small in the massive log bed, and my mind thunders with all the worries I have for her.  I can see right now where the love my dad had for my mom came from. 

The way he took care of her all makes sense now.  He always said he worried about her even when she was happiest.  Because he worried someday that she wouldn’t be and everything he did was for her.

I get it, Dad, I get it.

After several hours of prep-work, I tiptoe back into the bedroom.  I had to throw around some big tips to get what I needed here for the morning, but thankfully I’m a well-liked guy in town.  Even when I had to call a couple shop owners at home, they were gracious and made sure I had everything I needed for my babygirl.  Because I need to make sure tomorrow is perfect.

set up my usual dog sitter as well.  Tinder and Leopold are at my other house and I have a service that comes twice every day I’m working to walk them and feed them.  The housekeeper is there in the guesthouse as well spoiling them to death in the evenings when I work late.  But I made sure to call in re-inforcements.  One of the dog walkers is their favorite and I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse, so she’s taking them home with her for a few days while I spend my time with Angel.

My dogs are part of my family, and very soon Angel will meet them and we will all be together, but for the moment, I need it to be just us.  I slip through the bedroom door as silent as I can manage.

I cover my nose and mouth to muffle the snort when I see how she is draped diagonally across the bed, my t-shirt pressed up under her tits and her arms wide over her head.  The sex-soaked panties have fallen out of her mouth and are laying on the pillow half, stuck to her cheek.  White flakes of my cum encircle her lips.

Her reckless abandon makes me happy.  Not just happy, fucking joyful.  So does the sight of her bare pussy.  I want her this comfortable here in our home.

Because that’s how it has to be.  She’s mine.  In a pre-historic, caveman, drag-you-by-your-hair-then-love-you-until-you-can’t-walk sort of way.

I slide into the closet, getting into a pair of boxers and clean jeans, discarding my clothes from the day in the hamper.  I leave my chest bare; I want to feel her against me.  Against my heart.

My better judgment tells me if I’m climbing in there with her, and expect to not ravage her before dawn, then I’m going to need to put on a suit of armor.  But I make the sign of the cross and ask for strength instead.

I debate whether or not to take off my prosthetic.  It’s not comfortable enough to sleep in, although I’m not all that concerned about sleep.  We haven’t talked about it at all.  My foot that is.  Or lack thereof more accurately.

My heart sinks for a moment as I wonder if it will disgust her or make me less attractive to her.  I may be her confident champion, a beast of a man that most people would think wouldn’t let anyone’s opinion unsettle him.

But that’s not true.  I care what she thinks of me.  I want her as attracted to me as I am to her.  I need that. With a deep breath, I sit down on the edge of the bed and undo the straps that hold the metal spring that serves as my ankle and foot in place.  Then I remove the two layers of fabric and formed latex that cover the base of my lower leg.  In the dark I can see the outline of the curve where it ends, just above where my ankle used to be.

I set it down on the floor next to the bed and shift my weight around trying not to disturb her. 

It takes a few slow movements for me to shift her back up onto the pillows.  I bundle her against me, and slip under the covers and she moans, flinging an arm around in high arc and practically knocking me out with an elbow shot to my temple.  That girl has a swing on her, that’s for sure, and I have to stifle a laugh.  But she doesn’t wake.

Another few shifts of our bodies and I’m spooning her like nobody’s business.  Who the fuck would have thought someone like me would know the word ‘spooning,’ let alone imagine that it would put this big stupid smile on my face.

I breathe her in, the cherry sweetness reminding me of what she’s going to give me tomorrow.  And what I’m going to give her. 

My cock springs to life at the thought, but he will have to make do with some nice bum nuzzling from inside my jeans.  For now.  He won’t have long to wait though, because by this time tomorrow night, my girl will not be able to walk on her own.

y six a.m., I’ve managed to get everything in order.  I’m running on a couple hours of sleep but I’m wide awake.  I’m as nervous as a bride on her wedding night.  A shift inside me makes me feel lighter than I have in years.  The mixture of pride and gratitude that she is here with me nearly has me pinching myself to be sure this isn’t a dream.

The house has a bedroom on the main level that I’ve never used.  It was sparsely decorated, and for my purposes it will be perfect.

I let the workers in at four o’clock in the morning, and warned them that if they were louder than a mouse taking a shit I would be wringing necks.  This whole thing needs to be a surprise.

The last of the delivery people are out the back door, so I step lightly up the stairs, only to hear water running in the bathroom.

Fuck, if she heard anything I’ll be pissed.  I don’t know why it means so much to me that this day is perfect for her, but it does. 

“Angel?”  The first grayish pink of the sunrise is coming up over the east side of the lake, casting a glow across the wave tips.  The wind kicked up during the night, blowing in a temperature drop and reminding me that Thanksgiving is in a few weeks.

“I’m in here.” 

“What are you doing up?”  I push open the bathroom door to see her standing there, fresh from the shower and dripping all over the marble floor, sporting a fresh pair of panties with the image of Beauty and the Beast dancing.

“I wanted to take a quick shower before you came back.  Today’s the day, right?”

I grab a towel from the counter as I step toward her, opening it up and rubbing it on her dripping hair.

“Yes, Angel, it is.  Come on, we’ve waited long enough.  I want to show you.”

I scoop her up, leaving the towel in a heap on the floor.  A flash of insecurity filters through as my leg reminds me of the parts that are no longer there.  Phantom pains, they’re called, and for me they’re a reminder of more than just my missing body parts.  I shake it away, nothing is going to come between us today.

We head out the bedroom door toward the stairs and her hands rope around my neck.  Already the scent of her is making my chest tighten and my mind spin.  I need her.

She has no idea how much.

Chapter Eleven



he scent of the flowers hits me half way down the steps, and Magnus starts kissing me before we even hit the landing, making my body flutter.  I feel so small in his arms, so overwhelmed.  But when he turns the corner in the hallway off the great room and breaks our kiss, I can see the smile right there, twitching under his thick, black beard.  He turns our connected bodies sideways and guides my eyes with his own to the corridor in front of us.

“Oh my God.”  My mouth drops open and every girl dream I’ve ever had is blown away.

The corridor floor is lined with vases filled with every kind of white flower I can imagine.  Roses.  Lilies.  Peonies.  All pure white and lush with their simple, honest beauty.

“You are too sweet for me, Angel.  Too pure.  But you’re mine.  By whatever grace of God made that so, I will do everything in my power to deserve you.  I’m not letting you go.  Not ever.  You are Daddy’s girl now, and I am going to show you just what that means.”

He strides forward down the hallway, a slight hitch in his step from where his leg was amputated.  I swallow, wondering what it will look like.  I don’t care, not in that way, I just hope I don’t embarrass myself by staring or looking at it the wrong way.  I don’t ever want to hurt his feelings or make him think that it matters to me because it doesn’t.

“Show me,”  I whisper, and kiss his cheek, feeling the rough scratch of his beard.

“No, baby, you’re going to show me,”  he rumbles as he steps into the enormous bedroom. 

There is a massive bed, draped in pure white sheets and about a thousand pillows.  Candles are everywhere, lining every flat surface, and a vanilla scent mixes with the smell of flowers in the air.

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