Angel (12 page)

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Authors: Dani Wyatt

Tags: #Romance, #daddy dom, #safe

BOOK: Angel
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Then, as Magnus pulls the car to a stop at the entrance, I get a little taste of magic.  Taking a deep breath, I let out a little moan.  The sun is dipping down, and I can see the glass surface of the lake reflecting the tangerine orb as it hits the horizon and ignites in pink and orange.

“That’s so beautiful.”  I let out the sleepy words, a little embarrassed that I’m nearly falling asleep on our first official date.  But I’m that comfortable.  More so than I can remember for so far back.

“No.”  He lifts the back of my hand to his lips.  “That’s a sunset.  You’re beautiful.”

Magnus is out of the car and at my door in what seems to be a single stride, swifter than a man of his size should be.  He takes my hand and gently pulls me out of the car.

“This is your family’s place?” 

“Yep.  See over there?”  He wraps an arm around my shoulders, turning me to face a small, dark-wood cottage, sitting closer to the lake.  “That’s the place my mom and dad bought.  We used to spend summers here, and holidays too.  Ice skated on the lake at Christmas and learned to sail in the summer.”

There is a wistful distance in his voice, a fondness tipped with sadness.

“Good memories.” 

“Very good.  I still miss my parents.  Dad died around twelve years ago and Mom five years later.  She just didn’t have the heart to go on without him.  They were...”  He trails off and hugs me tighter.  I press my face into his leather jacket.  His scent is there along with the leather, fresh but masculine, and I draw a deep breath as he continues.  “...great parents.  And they loved each other every day.  Dad always said he fell in love with my mom in one second.”

We start toward the front door of the huge cabin when Magnus stops dead, and my heart clenches.  Maybe thinking of his parents makes this seem trivial. 

“I don’t want you going back to that job.”

His voice takes on an authority that shifts parts inside my body. 

“There are these things called bills.”  My reply meets his authority with a bit more snot than I intended, but it’s true.  It must be nice to be all set up with family money, but most of us aren’t that lucky.  I have not had the same experience.  “Not everyone has a silver spoon to call on when they need it.”  I top off my snot with that snark, and I half expect Magnus to let me go from his embrace, but instead he pulls me closer.

“Baby,”  he says, turning to look down.  “You’re tired.  But when you’re ready, in the next few days, I want to know all about these ‘bills’ you have to pay.  I don’t think you quite grasp the idea yet.  Daddy wants everything from you.  That includes your bills.  But I get it, this is new to you; you will come to understand.  For now, as much as I’d like to get you inside and continue what we started in the car, you need rest.  And it’s my job to give you what you need.”

He has to bend far down to plant a kiss on the top of my head, and as much as I want to tell him I am perfectly capable of paying my own bills and that he should mind his own beeswax, a bigger part of me literally swoons. 

I think I should tell him that, but if I’m being honest, and it seems he’s bringing the honest out in me, it would be really nice to be so taken care of.  I don’t care about a lot of money, never have.  Mom taught me to live in the moment.  In the experiences of life, not in things.  But bills still had to be paid, so I learned to persevere with my reading.  I love my books because they let me have experiences I couldn’t have any other way.  I’ve traveled, I’ve been in love, I’ve witnessed murders and horrible family drama.  It may take me ten times longer than most to get though my books, but I love them just the same.

But right now, I want to experience this.  And this is real.

We blend together as we walk under the entryway. Magnus has a key ready and the deadbolt makes a thump that matches what my heart is doing inside my chest. 

It’s actually beating everywhere.  I can feel the thumps in my fingertips and my throat, inside my ears.  My blood has never felt so dang alive before.

He carefully unhinges our bodies, and I feel a little loss when the weight of his long arm leaves me.  But his hands come to my shoulders, turning me to face him.  He has to look down nearly as much as I have to look up, and I’m immediately lost in those seductive, dark eyes, wondering if he’s holding back something dangerous.  Half hoping.

“I’ve never brought anyone here.  I’ve never had a woman in my home anywhere.  Something always told me to wait.  That there would be someone special, and I should save things.” 

There is a softness in his voice that makes me shrink underneath his intense gaze.

“I know what you mean.  I’ve saved things too.”

He tilts his head and blinks, then as quickly as I see the question in his eyes it’s replaced by a twinkle and a knowing.

“You saved yourself for me, Angel.  And I will never tarnish that gift.  But first, let’s get you inside, draw you a bath and get you to bed.”

I purse my lips together at the sound of that and he shakes his head slightly.

“Sleep now, princess.  What did I tell you?  Daddy knows best, little girl.  And you need sleep.  Trust me.  Once I’m inside that sweet pussy, I’m moving in, so you’re going to need your rest.”

I sigh and nod.  Something tells me he’s right.

Chapter Ten



t’s going to be a miracle if I can keep my dick under control for the next few hours.  I’m standing at the edge of the bed, having tucked the billowing white linen around her twice already, and already I can see I’ve created a monster.  Who knew this sweet, shy little Angel I’ve craved for months would turn the tables on me.

.”  Her pout has a direct line of communication with my dick.

That word is going to be my undoing.

“Stay under the covers, Angel.  Don’t make Daddy turn you over and give you your first spanking.”

She flings the covers back and I know she’s testing me, but that’s fine.  That’s what I’m here for, to show her I will never waver.  What I say, I mean, and eventually that will be the safety net she counts on.

My cock twitches higher in my pants.  I tossed out the cut open underwear, and now I’m regretting my decision to go commando because she’s eyeing the near constant tent in the front of my pants like a lioness stalking her prey.

“I said please.  Didn’t you say you would give me what I need?”

She pushes her still damp hair from her face, jumps up and kneels in the center of the bed.  The white sheets, crisp and clean, make all her soft pinkness even more intoxicating.  Thank Christ I made her put on my t-shirt to sleep in.  I wanted something on her that smelled like me.  It drapes down over her legs and hangs on her like a doll dressed in life-size clothes.

“Yep, and I
give you what you need.  But that’s not always the same as what you

From the twinkle in her green eyes and the way she bites down on her lower lip, she’s fairly sure she’s got the drop on me.  Poor baby’s going to learn eventually; I’ve been preparing my entire life for her and my resolve will not falter.

“Where do you want me?”  She wiggles higher on the bed, half leaning down on one elbow.

This is our family place, but it’s really mine.  I built it a few years back, paid for it myself, thinking I would use it for just a weekend house, but while I was working I barely spent any time here.  Now, I’m rethinking that.  It’s got twelve acres, a barn, the old cabin.  The grounds are partially wooded, and I’m starting to see visions of a future here much different than I’d ever expected. 

“I’ll show you where I want you, Angel.”

“Oooo.”  Her mouth makes my dick drip cum inside my pants as I imagine those lips making that sound as she takes my monster between them. “Goody.  I knew you’d give in.”

But there’s something else in store for her at the moment.

“Daddy means what he says.  I’m not fucking you until tomorrow, princess, and I’ve had about enough of you pushing the issue.”

“Sure he does.  But I bet I can get what I want if I really try.”  She bats her eyelashes and I can see from the determined look in her eye that she’s not clear on just who’s in charge here.  I’m not a boy, easily swayed by her flirtation.  I’m a man, and she will soon learn the difference.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed.  Sure, I want to spread her and sink my dick home and stay there for about a week.  But once we cross that line, her pussy’s going to take over and it will take every ounce of my control to not let her sweet heat call the shots.  I need to set some boundaries right now.

I reach over to her, looping my hand down and around her waist, and she gives me a playful grin.  I ate her cunt and she came twice after her bath, and she wants the main event, but I already told her that wouldn’t be happening tonight.  Our first time is planned out to the last detail; I want it perfect for her.  And she’s tired.  It’s been a long crazy day, but she thinks just a wink and a peek at her shiny pussy is going to weaken my will.  She needs to learn that when I say so, playtime’s over.

“Come here, princess.  Time for a lesson on who’s in charge.”

A flash of realization finally spreads over face, her cheeks still warm from the bath turn deep crimson just as I’ve got her around the waist, and she begins a futile struggle.  My power is no match for her tiny, curvy body.  I have no doubt she can be a firecracker, and I honestly look forward to all the ways I’m going to teach her just what being my precious little girl is going to mean.

“Ass up, princess.”

“Wait, what—”

Her arms flutter around a bit, but I’ve got her up and over my spread knees in about three seconds, pushing the t-shirt up to her waist.  I look down and see a pair of
Beauty and the Beast
panties covering her full ass-cheeks, half riding up her crack and it feels like I just took a hard sucker punch to the gut.  On a grunting prayer I regain my composure.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph those panties.  I’m horrified at how turned on I am right now.

She must read my mind because she wiggles her ass and cranes her head around.  “I stopped at the store on my way up here last night. They had them at the dollar store, a little treat for my job promotion.  Do you like them?”  She tilts her head, with a smirk on her face.

“Yes, very much.  I like them so much, I’m going cum all over those sweet panties and stuff them in that sassy mouth of yours when I’m done.”

The sight of her ripe ass cheeks sends my mind spinning.  Thinking of the day I will take her here as well.  Fuck.  I shift my hips under her torso as she starts trying to press her hands on my rock solid thigh in an effort to dislodge herself from her new position.  But that’s not happening.

I jerk the soft white fabric down until they catch on the crease below her ass cheeks and the first smack has her sucking in a breath that must go all the way to her toes.

For the next minute, it’s two people lost inside the same new experience .  Bodies tense, random words spilling out of open lips, heady breaths, and hands and arms gripping onto any part of the other they can find.  The sound of my hand smacking on her flesh lights up even deeper, more primal parts of me.

“Next time, when I tell you how it’s going to be, don’t keep pushing the issue, babygirl.  I mean what I say.  You’ll get more than enough of my cock eventually, trust me on that.”

The next smack brings a yelp from her throat, but at that exact a moment her hands find my lower leg and hold on like a child.  Her body softens and by the next swack, her ass comes up to meet my hand.

Soon, she’s melting over my legs, her sounds changing from painful to pleasurable, and I feel even closer to her than I have so far.

Her red ass is more than I can take, and I can’t resist sneaking a finger down into her crack, touching ever so gently at her back entrance, listening to the change in her breathing when I press.

“This will be my cock’s second home someday soon, little girl.  Daddy’s dick is going to be in here before you know it.  Would you like that?  My cock in your ass?”  The words rumble out of me, my finger ready to push inside, gently teasing her there with a spin around the puckered rim, but if I did that, I don’t think my resolve would hold.

“Uh huh.” 

With that I pull her panties back up and over her crimson skin.  I gather her, shaking, into my lap for a long hug.  I’m shocked that I love the cuddles as much as the sex.  Maybe more.  Damn, this sweet girl has me by the short hairs, that’s for sure.  When her breathing steadies, I lay her back on the bed so her legs are almost dangling off the edge, her cheeks plump and her lips shiny and open.

“Spread your legs and get those knees up, too.”  I reach down and release my cock from my pants, stepping over so I’m centered between her knees.  Her eyes light up at the sight, but I set her straight.  “I told you I’m going to cum on those cock teasing panties, and that’s what I’m going to do.  Then you’re going to put them in your mouth so you can taste us together while you fall asleep.”

My fist tightens around my diamond-hard shaft as she opens her legs.  Her face reminds me of a kid on Christmas morning, her eyes nearly popping out of the sockets as she watches me pump my cock, aiming the head down.  I’m already close, pre-cum making my hand glide easily up and down.  My balls tingle, and a sensation like lightning hits me in my gut when Angel puts her index finger into her mouth and starts to suck.

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