An Introduction to the Pink Collection (25 page)

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Authors: Barbara Cartland

Tags: #Romance

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The Marquis received him graciously.

“You're just in time to join a toast to my bride,” he said. “Lavina, my dear,” he took her hand, raising her to her feet. “Was ever a man so fortunate?”

He handed Sir Richard a glass that a footman had filled.

“To Lady Lavina Ringwood, the future Marchioness of Elswick.”

This put Peyton in an awkward position. He knew, as did everyone in the Queen's service, why Her Majesty required the presence of Lord Ringwood. He also knew that she was going to be, as he later put it to a crony, “ready to explode” when she heard of this engagement.

But he lacked the courage to refuse to drink the toast, and he gulped down the champagne, praying that his royal mistress never found out, for she would certainly have his hide.

There were more toasts, speeches, and he was forced to delay his errand until everyone had left the table and repaired to the drawing room.

But then he was interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Ferris, a representative of the local newspaper, whom the Marquis cordially welcomed.

What was worse he spoke to Ferris for some minutes, and even introduced his bride, all of which made Sir Richard shiver as he thought of what would soon appear in the press.

Jack Ferris, who was the owner and editor of the local paper, could hardly believe his luck. To have gained admittance to Elswick Towers was more than he had hoped for, even after the strong hint he had been given earlier in the day.

Now the Marquis and Lady Lavina had greeted him affably.

“Come out into the garden,” the Marquis invited him. “The fireworks are about to begin.”

“Fireworks?” Lavina echoed.

“In your honour, my dear.”

The French windows in the drawing room were thrown open and the company trooped out onto the broad terrace.

The Marquis took Lavina to stand in the centre of the broad stairs that led down to the lawns.

Darkness had fallen, and now the night sky was lit up by showers of glittering colour.

Most of the servants had come out into the garden to watch the firework display, and their “Oohs” and “Aaahs” blended in with the noises of the rockets.

Lavina stood at the top of the steps, her head raised to the sky, her attention absorbed in the gaudy beauty overhead. She did not see that every eye was upon her. Nor did she see the Marquis turn his head and look at her for a long time.

As last she lowered her head and turned to look at him.

Then, to the cheers of the servants, and under the appalled eyes of Sir Richard and the fascinated eyes of Jack Ferris, the Marquis drew her close and laid his lips on hers.

It was the last thing she had expected from him, and she stood totally still with surprise.

It was not a fierce or passionate kiss. It was for the watching crowd, and it stayed well within the bounds of decorum. But the feel of his lips on hers was un-nerving.

His mouth was warm, firm, yet mobile, and it caressed hers gently. Lavina was intensely aware of the strength of his arms about her, and the feeling of his hard, wiry body against her.

“It would help if you looked a little enthusiastic,” he murmured against her mouth.

“I – I can't – ” she whispered, blushing.

“You are not playing your part, madam.”

“I – very well.”

Determinedly she put her arms about him, putting on a show of kissing him back. And then, somehow, she found that it was not a show, and she really was kissing him.

Shocked at herself, she drew back. Everyone around them was smiling, and she could see that he too was smiling. But it was a strange, uncertain smile, as though he were surprised at himself.

“Is that enthusiastic enough for you, sir,” she asked demurely.

“It will do, for now.”

They drew apart and, somehow, returned to normal. There were more toasts, champagne flowed.

Jack Ferris was still nearby, hastily scribbling. It was clear that he had seen everything and would report everything, so Lavina supposed she should be very grateful to the Marquis.

But yet she wondered why a man should go to such lengths for something he had not wanted to do.

Emboldened, Jack Ferris approached her and said,

“Might I ask if the two of you have been acquainted for long?”

“For years,” the Marquis said without hesitation. “In fact our first meeting was in London, at Lord Bracewell's house, is that not so, my love?”

“It was indeed,” Lavina said promptly, “three years ago, although as I was not, strictly speaking, out at the time, perhaps it does not count as a proper meeting. But that was when we first set eyes on each other.”

Ferris, overwhelmed with delight, scurried away to tell the world that Lord Elswick and his bride had long cherished a secret love.

Sir Richard regarded all this with a baleful eye, and wondered when he would be able to deliver his letter. At last he managed to approach the Earl, who had sufficiently recovered his nerve to smile and put the letter aside, saying,

“Have a drink, my dear fellow.”

“Lord Ringwood, it is of the highest importance that you read this now. Her Majesty urgently requires your presence tomorrow at Windsor Castle.”

Reluctantly the Earl opened and read the letter, which did, indeed, summon him in imperious tones, ‘to discuss a matter of national importance'.

But then the Marquis looked over his shoulder, saying,

“You can't do that, old fellow. We'll have started on our cruise by then.”

To Sir Richard he explained,

“Lord Ringwood and Lady Lavina have invited me for a trip on their yacht, and we leave immediately. So he will be unable to accept the Queen's kind invitation.”

“It is not an invitation,” said the startled Sir Richard. “It is a summons.”

“Whatever it is, Lord Ringwood cannot attend, as we are headed for the sea tomorrow morning.”

The Marquis slapped Sir Richard on the back and spoke with terrifying geniality.

“Her Majesty will have to wait until he gets back. It can't be that important.”

Sir Richard was beyond speech. His eyes seemed to pop out of his head.

“Have another drink,” the Marquis told him. “I've had a room prepared for you.”

Sir Richard began to protest that he must return to Windsor Castle, but he reflected that an overnight stay would give him a chance to talk Lord Ringwood into doing his duty, and yielded.

Soon after that the party ended. A stream of carriages pulled away from the front door, and Sir Richard went unhappily to bed.

“Let us go into the library,” the Marquis said to the other two.

With the doors safely closed behind them, he said,

“We have to decide on a plan of action.”

“It's useless,” the Earl moaned. “What can we do? Tomorrow he will refuse to leave without me.”

“He can't do so if you've already left,” the Marquis pointed out. “We told him that we were going to join your ship, and that's what we must do.”

“But where will we sail?” Lavina asked.

“Where do you normally go?”

“The Mediterranean.”

“But I don't think we should go there,” the Earl said anxiously. “Too close to the Balkans.”

“I agree,” the Marquis said. “So perhaps we should head for Scotland? I believe I heard you mention that you have family there, near Ballater. It's a logical destination.”

“But isn't Ballater near Balmoral?” Lavina reminded them. “And the Queen goes there in summer.”

“But not for another month,” the Earl said. “We can have left Scotland by then. It's the perfect solution, except – oh dear. My Captain will not be expecting us.”

“Leave that to me,” said the Marquis. “Then it's settled that we leave tomorrow, as early as possible.”


Whatever the Marquis planned he carried out efficiently, or at least got Hunsbury to carry out for him.

The Earl found himself awakened at an early hour by Hunsbury wanting his “instructions for the telegram.”

The Earl, who had not known that he was going to send a telegram, stared.

“The local Post Office will telegraph the Tilbury Post Office, who will take it to your Captain, so that he will know you are arriving.”

“Oh my goodness!” the Earl exclaimed. “The wonders of modern science. Whatever will they think of next.”

He and Lavina joined the Earl for a very early breakfast. Through the window they could see the trunks being loaded and the carriage brought round.

“I think we might depart now,” said the Marquis, finishing his coffee.

“But what about Sir Richard,” the Earl asked. “Surely I must speak to him before I leave?”

“Do you know, I think it might be better if you did not,” the Marquis murmured. “I have left a letter to be delivered to him when he wakes, offering my apologies for whisking you away.”

“In that case,” the Earl said decidedly, “let us be gone immediately.”

The carriage took them as far as the railway station where they boarded the train that would take them to Tilbury.

“I cannot believe that this is happening,” said Lavina when the train was moving.

The Marquis had gone out into the corridor, leaving them alone to talk.

“It does seem incredible,” the Earl agreed. “Two days ago we had no idea that any of this was possible. And now, here we are, headed for the coast. I do hope we have a calm sea for our voyage.”

“I hope so, too. Although, on the whole, I think I'm a good sailor.”

“You have been one ever since you were three years old, when I took you on the yacht, and you ran from cabin to cabin. Of course you were terribly spoilt by the crew, who thought you adorable.”

“Which I was,” Lavina answered with a smile.

“You certainly were, and you have been even more adorable ever since. I cannot think what I would do without you.”

Lavina knew what was in his mind, by a sudden sadness in his voice.

“You are thinking of Mama,” she said gently, “and how wretched you were when she died.”

He nodded.

“I loved your mother from the first time I saw her, and she gradually fell in love with me. It took a little time and a little ingenuity to make her love me, but when she did so, it was with her whole heart and soul. We were very happy. Do you remember that?”

“Of course. That's why, when I was young, I was happy, too. The house never seemed quite the same after Mama died, and I still miss her very much, even though it is four years since she left us.”

“I miss her too,” the Earl said. “I will miss her even more when you leave me. How dark and lonely the house will be without you.”

“But Papa, what are you saying? I'm not really getting married. Eventually this ‘engagement' will end, and we will go on as before.”

“I wonder if it will be so easy. Suppose the Queen cannot find another bride to take your place?”

“I hope she doesn't. Why should I wish on another woman the fate I don't want for myself? She will have to find some other way, that doesn't involve marrying some poor creature off like selling a head of cattle.”

“You're right of course. I only mean that she may continue to apply pressure for some time, and that would make it hard for you to break the engagement. You might even have to go through with the marriage.”

Lavina laughed.

“Have no fear, Papa. Lord Elswick would find that idea as horrifying as I should myself.”

The train had slowed now so that there was much less noise and Lavina's voice carried clearly.

It carried to Lord Elswick standing outside in the corridor, and, since there was nobody to see him, he allowed himself a private smile.


Nothing surprised Lord Ringwood more than arriving at Tilbury to discover that the Captain of his vessel was ready for him, having received the telegram.

The boat, which despite being called a yacht was actually powered by steam engines, was looking exceedingly smart.

Lavina was delighted to see her father had had the inside decorated in a pale blue.

The Captain greeted them heartily, and told the Earl that he would be pleased with the crew, and with the refitted engines.

As guest of honour, the Marquis was given the Master Cabin. As soon as he was settled in and all the baggage was aboard the Captain gave the order to cast off.

As they moved slowly out of port, Lavina watched the shore recede. After a moment the Marquis came to stand beside her.

“Are you easier in your mind now?” he asked.

“Oh yes. They cannot catch us. How will they know where to look? Your butler will not tell anyone.”

“I instructed him to say that we were going to the Mediterranean. On the other hand – ”

He looked into the distance.

“Is that not a naval gunship I see pursuing us?”

she cried. “Oh no, please no – where?”

“Nowhere, you goose. I was joking.”

Her hands flew to her mouth and she choked back a sob.

“That was unkind,” she said. “You don't know how I dread – ”

“Then forgive me. I did not mean to distress you. But aren't you forgetting that I have promised to protect you at all costs?”

“Yes, and I am sure you mean it, but – ”

“But you still fear the Queen? Do not. You can back me to defeat her any day.”

Then, as though seeming to feel that he had been kindly for long enough, he resumed his brusque manner and announced that he intended to join her father and the Captain on the bridge, and he would see her at dinner.

It was already late in the day so dinner would be the only meal before it was time to retire.

Over dinner the Marquis produced a surprise.

“The Times!”
Lavina exclaimed. “However did you come by it, for I know we left too early to receive it at your home.”

“I sent my valet out hunting for it as soon as we reached Tilbury,” Lord Elswick said. “The announcement is in there, together with a short piece by Mr. Ferris. The telegraph wires must have been humming last night.”

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