An Introduction to the Pink Collection

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Authors: Barbara Cartland

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Barbara Cartland was the most prolific bestselling author in the history of the world. She was frequently in the Guinness Book of Records for writing more books in a year than any other living author. In fact her most amazing literary feat was when her publishers asked for more Barbara Cartland romances, she doubled her output from 10 books a year to over 20 books a year, when she was 77.

She went on writing continuously at this rate for 20 years and wrote her last book at the age of 97, thus completing 400 books between the ages of 77 and 97.

Her publishers finally could not keep up with this phenomenal output, so at her death she left 160 unpublished manuscripts, something again that no other author has ever achieved.

Now the exciting news is that these 160 original unpublished Barbara Cartland books are ready for publication and they will be published by exclusively on the internet, as the web is the best possible way to reach so many Barbara Cartland readers around the world.

The 160 books will be published monthly and will be numbered in sequence.

The series is called the Pink Collection as a tribute to Barbara Cartland whose favourite colour was pink and it became very much her trademark over the years.

The Barbara Cartland Pink Collection is published only on the internet. Log on to to find out how you can purchase the books monthly as they are published, and take out a subscription that will ensure that all subsequent editions are delivered to you by mail order to your home.

Titles in this series

These titles are currently available for download. For more information please see the
Where to buy page
at the end of this book

1. The Cross of Love

2. Love in the Highlands

3. Love Finds the Way

4. The Castle of Love

5. Love is Triumphant

6. Stars in the Sky

7. The Ship of Love

8. A Dangerous Disguise

9. Love Became Theirs

10. Love Drives In

11. Sailing to Love

12. The Star of Love

13. Music is the Soul of Love

14. Love in the East

15. Theirs to Eternity

16. A Paradise on Earth

17. Love Wins in Berlin

18. In Search of Love

19. Love Rescues Rosanna

20. A Heart in Heaven

21. The House of Happiness

22. Royalty Defeated by Love

23. The White Witch

24. They Sought Love

25. Love is the Reason for Living

26. They Found Their Way to Heaven

27. Learning to Love

28. Journey to Happiness

29. A Kiss in the Desert

30. The Heart of Love

31. The Richness of Love

32. For Ever and Ever

33. An Unexpected Love

34. Saved by an Angel

35. Touching the Stars

36. Seeking Love

37. Journey to Love

38. The Importance of Love

39. Love by the Lake

40. A Dream Come True

41. The King without a Heart

42. The Waters of Love

43. Danger to the Duke

44. A Perfect way to Heaven

45. Follow Your Heart

46. In Hiding


Barbara Cartland, who sadly died in May 2000 at the grand age of ninety eight, remains one of the world’s most famous romantic novelists.  With worldwide sales of over one billion, her outstanding 723 books have been translated into thirty six different languages, to be enjoyed by readers of romance globally.

Writing her first book
at the age of 21, Barbara became an immediate bestseller.  Building upon this initial success, she wrote continuously throughout her life, producing bestsellers for an astonishing 76 years.  In addition to Barbara Cartland’s legion of fans in the UK and across Europe, her books have always been immensely popular in the USA.  In 1976 she achieved the unprecedented feat of having books at numbers 1 & 2 in the prestigious B. Dalton Bookseller bestsellers list.

Although she is often referred to as the ‘Queen of Romance’, Barbara Cartland also wrote several historical biographies, six autobiographies and numerous theatrical plays as well as books on life, love, health and cookery.  Becoming one of Britain's most popular media personalities and dressed in her trademark pink, Barbara spoke on radio and television about social and political issues, as well as making many public appearances.

In 1991 she became a Dame of the Order of the British Empire for her contribution to literature and her work for humanitarian and charitable causes.

Known for her glamour, style, and vitality Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime.  Best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels and loved by millions of readers worldwide, her books remain treasured for their heroic heroes, plucky heroines and traditional values.  But above all, it was Barbara Cartland’s overriding belief in the positive power of love to help, heal and improve the quality of life for everyone that made her truly unique.


"Never look for love, love will find you"

Barbara Cartland


Rena had promised herself that she would never tell him of her love, for his sake. And yet the words burst from her, called forth by the intensity of his own emotion. John loved her. He had said so. And nothing in heaven or on earth could have prevented her from confessing her own love in return.

“I love you,” he said, holding her away from him so that he could see her face. “I love you in every way that a man can love a woman. You are mine, and I am yours. That is how it has to be. It was meant. It's our destiny. I couldn't fight it if I wanted to. But I don't. I want to love you and rejoice in you all the days of my life. And if you don't feel the same I have nothing to live for.”





Copyright © 2004 by Cartland Promotions

First published on the internet in 2004 by


The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.


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Crows wheeled and circled in the bleak winter sky, while the mourners huddled over the grave beneath. The chill in the air was not more bitter than the chill in their hearts.

What will we do without him? How will we manage?

The man they were laying in the earth had been their vicar and, in some ways, their father. In their tiny, remote village of Fardale, there was nobody else to care for them, and they remembered now that the Reverend Colwell had exhorted them, praised them, chastised, defended and loved them.

Now he was gone, struck down by a chill he'd contracted visiting a sick parishioner on a snowy night.

For a while he'd seemed to rally, then failed again, finally sinking into pneumonia, and fading gently away.

They all felt his loss, but none more so than the pale, distraught girl who kept her eyes fixed on the open grave, and closed her eyes as the first clods of earth hit it. She was Rena Colwell, the dead man's daughter.

Beside her, a much younger girl, wearing a shawl over her head, slipped her hand into Rena's, offering and giving comfort. She had the work roughened hands of a maid of all work.

“Let's get going, miss,” she urged.

“Just a few more minutes, Ellie. I want to talk to the curate who read the service. Why don't you go on to the vicarage, put the kettle on and make a few sandwiches? He'll probably want to join us for tea before he leaves.”

But when she approached the haughty young man, who'd travelled over from a distant parish to read the service, he made no bones about his eagerness to depart. He preferred the city and was clearly appalled by this backwater village.

“Have you heard anything about who may be coming to take Papa's place?” Rena asked.

“Well, it's hardly the best situation, but there are always plenty of hacks who've lost hope of anything better.”

She stiffened at the implied slur on her father, but he blundered on, oblivious.

“So I should think somebody will turn up any day now. It's a pity there's nobody living in that huge house I passed on my way here. A great man always lends tone to a place, besides bringing employment.”

“The last Earl of Lansdale died ten years ago,” Rena said. “Nobody seems to know who the next one is, or if there's anyone at all. The family may have died out. The Grange has stood empty since then.”

“Then it's a bad business. Well, I must be going. I've got dinner waiting for me at my hotel.”

Rena trudged home alone through the twilight, her heart heavy. In the kitchen she found Ellie, the only servant the vicar had been able to afford, ready with tea.

The two young women sat together companionably in the kitchen, drinking tea in the fading light.

“He was never the same after your Mama died,” Ellie said.

“That's true,” Rena sighed. “It's strange to think that a year ago today she was still alive. And then she collapsed and died, and something went out of him. He was always very sweet and gentle to me, but I can't help feeling he's happier now.”

“What are you going to do, miss?”

Rena gave a wry smile. “I don't know. That curate made sure to remind me that I shall have to move out of here soon. I'm glad, of course. The village needs a parson. But I don't know where I'll go.”

“You could be a teacher, miss. You know ever so much.”

“Well, I read a lot, but I'm afraid I don't know enough to be a teacher or a governess. I could care for children, but nobody around here is rich enough to hire me. In fact the only thing I'm any good at is keeping house.”

Ellie gave a little scream.

“You can't be a housekeeper miss. What would your Mama have said?”

“Mama wouldn't have approved,” Rena agreed. “Her family were ‘gentry' who thought themselves above a marriage with the clergy. They were very shocked when she fell in love with Papa.

“But I must earn my living somehow, and I'd be glad to hear of any honest employment before I have to leave here.”

She gave Ellie a rueful smile. “I'm afraid I can't afford to keep you on – “

“That's all right miss. Mum'll be glad to have me home now our Gladys has married. Besides, it's time I reminded Bert I was alive.”


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