An Ideal Husband? (19 page)

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Authors: Michelle Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical

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‘My stepmother sent Jane on ahead, so that she’d be there with my things, waiting to help me get ready. We have everything planned.’

‘Your stepmother and your maid have no place in our marriage bed.’ He put his forehead against hers. ‘It is well that I told Myers that the entire staff were to have the afternoon and the evening off. He will ensure your things have been safely put away, but no one remains. You will have to allow me to be your maid for tonight.’

Sophie gulped. ‘We will be entirely alone.’

‘What passes between us, Sophie, is strictly private. No audience needed.’

Rather than glancing at his face, Sophie toyed with the beaded portion of her glove. She wasn’t sure if she should feel pleased or distinctly shocked. He made it seem as though it was an everyday occurrence. And for him perhaps it was. She didn’t want to think about all the other women he must have known. She had to wonder if Myers was used to disappearing when Richard brought his new mistress back to his rooms. Not mistress, she corrected her thoughts. She was his wife. ‘Is it normal for married people to behave this way?’

‘Normal people be damned! It is how I want to behave.’

Sophie folded her hands together primly. ‘I merely asked. I didn’t want to provoke comment. I know how servants talk and gossip. I was brought up to respect convention.’

‘There won’t be, not about that.’ He took her hand and slowly removed her glove, finger by finger. The gold band gleamed against her naked flesh. ‘People do not pry into the bedroom of married people, Sophie. Our marriage will be on everyone’s lips for a few weeks. Can your conventional soul withstand that?’

‘Yes.’ She put her hand on Richard’s cheek
and felt the soft bristles against her palm. ‘I have never done this before.’

‘We are both new at marriage.’ He turned his face to her palm and kissed it. ‘We shall grow in it together.’

His words sent a soothing balm over her jangled nerves. He might be infinitely more experienced in the ways of love than she, but he had never been married before, either. This was the start of a new life for the both of them. It was something they could share together.

‘It is a good thought.’

Sophie started to lean towards him. The carriage jolted to a halt and the coachman opened the door. Instantly she sat bolt upright. Richard got out first and turned back to her with his hands outstretched.

‘Are you ready?’


‘I intend to carry you over the threshold.’

‘You don’t have to. I must weigh a ton. I ate far too much of the seed cake.’

‘You will be as light as a feather. I want this to be perfect.’

‘Very well. You may carry me.’

He put his arms about her and she looped her hands about his neck. Sophie noticed the servants
filed out after the door had been opened. Richard had arranged everything to perfection.

Richard carried Sophie into the bedroom. Myers and Jane had done their work well. The severe masculinity of the room had been transformed with vases of flowers, flickering candles and Sophie’s nightdress, prettily arranged with ribbons. A cold repast of cheese, apples and bread sat on a small table beside the small coal fire. Everything ripe for seduction.

He could not have planned it better.

‘Shall I put you on the bed?’ he whispered in Sophie’s ear.

‘I’d prefer to stand.’

‘Would you mind telling me why?’ he asked, slowly lowering her to the floor. He had to hope that Sophie’s stepmother hadn’t filled her head with silly notions about propriety. When Sophie had insisted on changing and her stepmother followed her up, Richard had known what was coming—the talk about doing your duty and allowing a man to take his pleasure. Always have the light off and other nonsensical rules. It was little wonder she had seemed distant in the carriage, bringing up all manner of topics for discussion. Her stepmother had probably scared her half to death.

‘Why, Sophie, is it necessary for you to stand?’ he enquired softly when she bowed her head.

‘You have to be careful when you sit in a crinoline. They have tendency to fly up and expose everything.’ Sophie gave a feeble laugh. ‘It took me ages of practising before my stepmother would allow me out of the house. And you have to know where your skirts are. Fanny Hubert suffered terrible burns to her legs when her skirt caught fire. Luckily, I remembered to shout roll like Henri had taught me or it could have been far worse.’

‘Why wear it if it is so dangerous?’

‘Because it weighs so much less than six petticoats.’ She laughed and placed her finger against his lips. ‘And here I thought you were more than adequate as a maid.’

‘I’m obviously out of practise.’

‘Then we must hope you do a good job of it tonight.’ Her hands went to her tiny hat. ‘I expect you to be neat and tidy or Jane will grumble.’

‘I will be what I am,’ Richard growled, reaching for her. ‘And your maid will mind her manners about you or she will have to find another situation. But since you asked so prettily, I will do my best to keep your clothes neat.’

Sophie’s heart gave a little leap as he quickly
divested her of the jacket and undid the back buttons of the dress. The cool air licked her shoulders as she stood in the centre of the room dressed only in her crinoline, corset and combination.

He walked all around her.

‘It is a cage.’

‘It hooks at the back.’ Somehow the knowledge he had not encountered a crinoline before made everything easier. The enormity of what was about to happen hit her as he carried her into the bedroom. She wanted to please him and all she could think about was that awful night four years ago.

The last thing she wanted was Richard getting angry with her. She wanted to be perfection and drive all thoughts of other women out of his mind. She wanted to match the picture he had painted in her mind yesterday, but she’d never done anything like this before.

‘Step,’ he commanded, releasing the crinoline and pushing it down over her hips. His hands caressed her hips, sending tiny licks of fire throughout her body, driving all thoughts of the other time away. This was different. This was Richard and she desired his touch.

He undid the hooks of her corset and sent that tumbling to the ground as well. Without giving
her time to think, he lifted her up again and gently laid her on the bed.

‘I prefer slippers to boots, Sophie,’ he said, undoing the laces of her half-boots and easing them off. ‘And I don’t care about fashion, I want you to be able to breathe.’

‘I like to look fashionable.’ Sophie lifted her hands and removed the pins from her hair, allowing it to tumble about her shoulders.

‘You look utterly delectable.’ He moved her hair and kissed her neck. ‘Even better when you are undressed.’

He undid his neckcloth and quickly took off his shoes, coat and shirt but left on his trousers.

Sophie realised with a start that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His skin gleamed golden in the candlelight.

The bed sagged when he sat down next to her. His hand stroked her hair, sending a tingle down her spine.

The hard knot of misery had vanished to be replaced by something new and exciting.

She reached up a hand and stroked his cheek. ‘Hello, husband.’

Instantly he rolled over on top of her and she felt the full hard length of him.

He bent his head and kissed her. Their tongues
met and parted. The wildfire which had spread through her yesterday, reignited, blazing hotter and more out of control because she knew what was coming. Her nipples tightened and her back arched, demanding more of him.

His mouth left hers and trailed down her throat, lower and lower until he reached her breasts. Rather than moving the material away, his tongue drew lazy circles, turning it translucent, so that her nipples showed a dusky pink.

She squirmed and her drawers rubbed against the apex of her thighs, sending a fresh wave of pleasure throughout her body.

Her head thrashed backwards and forwards on the pillow, but still he continued to suckle through the cloth. Her breasts grew full and ached.

‘Please,’ she gasped out, tugging at his shoulders. ‘Please.’

He lifted his head. ‘Allow me to pleasure you, Sophie. It makes me happy. I have dreamt about this. We are man and wife. Nothing is forbidden.’

‘I know,’ she said in a small voice. ‘I want to do it right.’

‘Relax.’ He ran his hand down her flank, before placing his fingers at the apex of her thighs. The new sensation sent pulses of warmth
through her. Her body bucked and she knew she wanted more. She wanted to feel all of him.

‘We are overdressed,’ she whispered.

He started to undo her combination, but the buttons stuck and he ripped it.

‘I will buy you a new one,’ he murmured, nuzzling her ear as his hands slipped off his trousers. ‘You are more beautiful than I dreamt. Allow me to explore you.’

She gave a nod.

His hand returned to the apex of her thighs and slipped in between her nest of curls, parting her folds. The action sent fresh waves of pleasure throughout her body.

His silken warmth covered her. She ran her hand down his hard muscular back, marvelling. She cupped his buttocks and held his against her, lifting her hips to meet his.

The tip of him nudged her.

‘I’m sorry,’ he breathed in her ear. ‘This will hurt. There is no way around it.’

He positioned himself and drove deeply between her thighs.

The pain and burning instantly blotted out all the earlier pleasure.

Sophie froze, shocked. She’d expected a pinprick of pain, not this burning sensation. A tiny
cry of ‘no’ emerged from her throat. She tried to close her legs and her body bucked upwards, driving him deeper, making it worse. She beat her fists against the mattress in frustration. She had wanted this to be perfect. She wanted it to be like her dreams.

‘Shush, it will be fine. Trust me. It was necessary, but now I will make it better.’ His voice came through the pain and the panic subsided.

She forced her body to lie still and concentrated on the bed hanging and trying to breathe slowly.

He was deep within her, unmoving. She noticed the small things—how his chest felt against hers, how the candlelight highlighted the planes of his face and the way his fists were clenched as if he was under some nearly overpowering urge. She ran an experimental hand down his back, but he still didn’t move.

His lips brushed her temple. ‘There, it wasn’t too bad. I had to break your maidenhead.’

‘Is that all there is?’

He raised himself up on his elbows and his mouth curved up in a sensuous smile. ‘Do you want more?’

She wrinkled her nose, considering. ‘Yes, please. I liked the first bit very much, but not what just happened.’

He began to slowly move within her. ‘We shall have to see if we can get you to enjoy this bit as well. Relax and open your legs wider.’

She tried to and he moved his hips slowly, going deeper, then retreating as his mouth returned to hers. The gentle movement reignited the fire within her. Her hips lifted in time with his, matching him.

The movement became faster and more intense, but she was swept along on a wave of intense pleasure.

Finally he drove hard and cried out before collapsing on her.

She put her arms about him and held him, glorying in being one with him, her body alive with new sensations. Richard was right. It would have been foolish to wait any longer. She was pleased he’d insisted on their marriage.

‘Thank you,’ he said, placing a kiss on her temple.

‘For what?’

‘For being you.’

‘How can I be anyone else?’

He rolled off her and started to move away.

‘Where are you going?’ She held out her hand. Her entire body seemed to be remade and he wanted to leave her.

He returned with a damp cloth. ‘We need to clean you up.’

She looked down and saw the blood on her thighs. Her hands went to hide it. ‘I’m no longer a virgin.’

‘You are truly my wife.’ He nipped her chin. ‘And well worth waiting for.’

He moved her hands and wiped her thighs. The cool cloth contrasted with the burning, soothing her. Her hips moved upwards, seeking the relief. He slowed the movement of the cloth and stroked her gently. The heady longing returned and she knew she wanted his hands on her. She wanted him inside her again.

When he had finished, he gathered her in his arms and held her. She felt him grow hard and knew he wanted her again. The thought gave her a heady sense of power.

‘All gone.’

‘Do you intend to do it again?’ She hesitated.


He gave a brief laugh. ‘Unfortunately you are too sore. We have the rest of our lives and I intend to teach you all the ways it is possible to have pleasure.’

She wriggled. ‘I believe I shall like that very much.’

Much later, Richard lay with Sophie in his arms. It had taken more self-control than he thought possible to avoid taking her again.

He had done the right thing in marrying her. He was not going to become like his father, overly possessive and jealous, driving her away. He wasn’t going to fall in love with her at all. He was going to look after her and protect her. The way he felt about her and having her in his life frightened him.

Richard stiffened. His father. With mental apologies to Sophie, he released her and rolled away from her warm body.

He needed to tell his mother about his father’s arrival and plans such as he knew them. It was not something which he could put in a letter. He had to see his mother and suffer the hysterics, but then he’d be done.

He ran his fingers through Sophie’s hair. It was better to keep Sophie out of any fireworks. She didn’t understand the problems and the way both parents had used him when he was little. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt. He’d promised to keep her safe. He could not ask her to take on this burden.

‘When we are in the Alps, Sophie, and we
know each other better,’ he murmured. ‘Then I will explain. I’m sure you will understand.’

She murmured softly in her sleep. He took it for a ‘yes’.

Chapter Twelve

ophie awoke, naked and alone in the large bed. The sunlight flooded on to her face. Her only ornaments were her engagement ring and the thin band of gold Richard had placed on her finger yesterday. It took her an instant to think where she was and why. Her body ached with muscles she didn’t know she had. She reached out a hand to touch Richard. Even though she could see the imprint of his head on the pillow, the space beside her was cold.

She glanced about the bedroom. Someone had cleaned up the candle wax and the uneaten meal. Her dress and underthings no longer lay on the floor and her robe was neatly folded at the foot of the bed. A small fire blazed in the grate. But Richard was nowhere to be seen.

Something inside her shrivelled. She reached for the robe and slipped it on. What had she expected—that Richard would watch over her while she slept, transfixed by her beauty? That he’d be so enamoured of her charms that he wouldn’t bear being separated from her?

Her mouth twisted. All of her doubts and fears from yesterday came crowding back in. Had she done the right thing by marrying this quickly? Did she truly know the man she had married? The man who promised passion, but never mentioned his finer feelings?

Marry in haste, repent at leisure

She had certainly married in haste. She hadn’t even given herself time to think. And Richard had never claimed anything more than desiring her. Was desire enough to build a marriage?

And she was stuck here until Richard returned, unable to dress herself without assistance. Silently she cursed the twenty-four hooks of her corset and the fifteen back buttons of her going-away dress. The other dresses she’d packed were just as bad. Without assistance, she was as helpless as a babe in arms.

Sophie swung her feet on the floor. ‘Hello? Is anyone there? Richard! I’m awake.’

Jane hurried in. ‘Oh, I hope I didn’t wake your ladyship with my tidying earlier.’

Sophie’s throat closed. Jane, not Richard, had tidied the room. ‘You are back.’

‘Mr Myers and I arrived back from the hotel early this morning. I could hardly allow my lady to be on her own on the morning after the wedding.’ Jane’s plain face broke in a wreath of smiles. ‘I need to have my lady looking her best for her new husband.’

‘You tidied everything up?’ Sophie’s face flamed.

‘There wasn’t much. Your clothes hadn’t been properly hung and the fire needed cleaning and restarting. The master said that I wasn’t to disturb you, that you needed your sleep.’ Jane bit her lip. ‘I dropped the shovel as I went out, but you slept for another hour.’

‘You have done nothing wrong,’ Sophie assured her, trying to peer around Jane, hoping to see if Richard would suddenly appear, having heard the murmur of voices.

Her maid’s shoulders sagged. ‘I am so glad. I want to be a good maid, your ladyship. I want to serve you well, particularly now you are a viscountess and will some day be a marchioness. I never thought I’d be a maid to such quality when I first entered service.’

‘Is his lordship here?’

Jane shook her head quickly. ‘His lordship went out over an hour ago. He didn’t tell me or Mr Myers where he’d be going.’

‘Did he say when he’d return?’

‘I doubt he will be long. He thought you’d sleep as you had such a big day yesterday with the wedding and all the preparations. You were such a picture, my lady. A fairy princess bride could not have looked finer.’

Sophie silently blessed Jane for not remarking how odd it was that a man should leave his bride on the morning after their wedding night.

‘I suspect he has gone to see his father.’

‘I shouldn’t like to speculate.’

‘We are not going on our wedding trip until his father departs from Newcastle.’

‘Do you know where you are going?’

‘The Alps, I believe.’

‘Mr Myers and I are to go on the trip.’ Jane clapped her hands. ‘I have always wanted to go abroad. The delay will give us time to get you a proper wardrobe. One fit for a peeress!’

Even her maid didn’t consider her a fit person to be Richard’s wife.

Jane began detailing the sort of costumes Sophie needed, from walking dresses to ball gowns and parasols for keeping the sun off. Sophie listened
with half an ear and tried to ignore the tiny hard knot in her stomach.

If Richard had not returned by the time she finished breakfast, she would go to her stepmother’s rather than sitting around here, waiting. She’d use the pretext of sorting through the wardrobe she’d left and seeing if any of it was suitable. She wouldn’t go and see Lord Hallington until Richard was with her—that would be prying. She didn’t want Richard to think she was checking up on him or becoming a shrewish wife, but if she remained here, waiting, she’d go mad.

‘There you are, my dear,’ her stepmother called out from the sitting room.

‘I … I came back for some of my things,’ Sophie called back.

‘Is dear Richard with you?’

‘No, I believe he went to see his father.’

‘His father is here, dear, taking tea with me in the small sitting room. Neither of us expected to see you today. But I am ever so pleased you called. We have something to ask you. Can you spare a moment?’

Sophie’s stomach knotted. Richard wasn’t with his father. He had gone somewhere else. The knowledge thrummed her. ‘I … I …’

‘No doubt Richard will be along as soon as he discovers where his father is. You will have time for a cup of tea.’

Sophie breathed more easily. Her stepmother thought that they had just parted. The last thing she wanted to explain was how she’d woken up alone, without even a note. And Richard was sure to come here once he had finished whatever he was doing. Staying in those empty rooms would have given her time to panic. This way she could begin her acquaintance with her father-in-law properly.

‘I am sure he will be,’ Sophie said, going into the small sitting room.

Her stepmother and father-in-law were sitting in front of a fire. A variety of china pigs were placed in front of her father-in-law and it was obvious they had been discussing their respective collections. Her stepmother probably wanted to know where one of the china pigs was. Sophie attempted to remember if any had broken lately.

‘What is it that you wanted to ask me?’ Sophie asked, opting for a bright voice as her stepmother passed her a cup of tea.

‘Where did you say you and dear Richard met?’

The back of Sophie’s neck prickled. The story was foolproof, but somehow it didn’t seem right
to lie any more to her stepmother or her father-in-law. They deserved the truth, but Richard might want to be there when she explained fully.

Sophie mentally sighed. She had to play for time. She placed the cup down with a clank. ‘We met in Liverpool last spring. I was there for the ship launch. You remember, Stepmother, the ship launch. It was such a big occasion.’

‘That’s what I thought. We were there on the nineteenth of March.’ Her stepmother gave a smug smile. ‘I consulted my diary. You enjoyed the play very much.’

‘Yes, it was … it was that evening when we went to the theatre that I first encountered Richard.’

‘Impossible!’ Lord Hallington thundered, banging his fist down.

‘Impossible?’ Sophie clasped her hands together and looked to the door, hoping Richard would appear. ‘No, no, I assure you it was then. Richard could not get me out of his mind. It was why he journeyed up to Newcastle and we became engaged. Things progressed more quickly than either of us imagined, but why wait?’

Sophie included her father-in-law in her smile. She was proud of her explanation.

‘The nineteenth of March is my birthday, my dear. Richard was at Hallington for the entire
week. In fact, he stayed ten days,’ her father-in-law said in a firm voice. ‘Perhaps you are remembering the date incorrectly.’

‘Hornswoggle! The nineteenth was when we were in Liverpool,’ her stepmother declared stoutly. ‘It was the only time we were away from Newcastle, except to go to Corbridge for Christmas and the New Year. And the one short excursion to Carlisle Sophie made when I had a cold. I have shown you the diary.’

‘Do you have an explanation, Sophie?’ Lord Hallington asked. His brows lowered. ‘How could my son be in two places at once?’

‘Yes, I want to hear it.’ Her stepmother pinned her with her gaze. ‘We have been arguing over this for more than an hour.’

Sophie sank back against the sofa, suddenly sick. She had to tell the truth without Richard being there. She had no choice.

‘We didn’t meet in Liverpool,’ she whispered.

Lord Hallington gave her stepmother a triumphant glance.

‘Where did you meet if it wasn’t Liverpool?’ her stepmother asked in a deadly quiet voice. Even her cap radiated disappointment. ‘I think I deserve that much, Sophie.’

‘We met the night Cynthia Johnson eloped,’ Sophie said in a rush.

‘But that … But you said …’ Her stepmother’s face crumpled and she fumbled for her handkerchief. ‘How could you, Sophie?’

‘I know what I said.’ Sophie handed her stepmother her handkerchief. ‘I am ever so sorry, Stepmother. It wasn’t supposed to come to this. We … we never planned to marry. The engagement was false, but the marriage isn’t.’

‘You had best explain from the beginning, young lady,’ her father-in-law thundered as her stepmother wept. ‘You have caused your stepmother considerable distress.’

‘I will be happy to.’ Sophie glanced over her shoulder and prayed that Richard would arrive to rescue her. ‘Shall we wait for Richard’s arrival? It will be better if we are both here.’

‘No, I don’t think we shall,’ Lord Hallington said with a severe frown. ‘I take it that you are truly married? Your marriage was not some sort of attempt to trick everyone again for your own purpose?’

‘Of course they are married.’ Her stepmother pointed towards the door. ‘If you are going to make outrageous allegations, Lord Hallington, you may leave. Dear Richard is my son now. Sophie is properly wed and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Anyone with half a brain can see how much in love they are!’

‘We are truly married.’ Sophie winced. She wanted to kiss her stepmother for being such a romantic and so loyal. She was going to have to hope her stepmother would understand. But love didn’t come into it, not on Richard’s part. And some day, when she’d shown him that she was worthy to be a marchioness, it would be different. She had to believe that. Out of unpromising starts, happiness could be found.

‘Sophie, start from the beginning. Start with the night you met. Lord Hallington and I need to hear the truth.’

Lord Hallington started to say something, but her stepmother hushed him.

‘Sophie will tell us everything, Lord Hallington. I find it best in these situations to allow Sophie to explain in her own time. My stepdaughter is normally a truthful person. I am sure there is a logical explanation. After all, they are married and the settlement agreed to everyone’s satisfaction.’

Seeing no other option, Sophie began to explain, starting with the ball and how Richard had saved her. She skated over the kisses they had shared and the incident in the carriage where Richard had acted honourably.

‘In any case, what does it matter now?’ Sophie
finished. ‘Richard and I are married and everyone is happy. All is well that ends well.’

Sophie choked back the ‘in love’ part. She loved Richard or rather the Richard she thought she knew, but she had no idea about his feelings for her. He had only married her to satisfy his notion of honour. Was he starting to regret his actions already? She wished he was there and then her doubts might vanish.

‘Do you know why Richard was in Newcastle to begin with?’ Lord Hallington asked, drawing his brows together.

‘What does it matter why Richard was here? He stayed to help out Sophie and they fell in love.’ Her stepmother gave a happy sigh. ‘Harum-scarum to begin with, Sophie, but ultimately one of the most romantic things I have heard in years.’

Richard’s father looked less convinced.

‘Do you know, young lady? Until I had his letter, I was unaware that he had ever visited this city. He was supposed to be in London.’

Sophie kept her head up. Richard had never said why he was at the ball that night. It hadn’t seemed important. ‘He was undoubtedly visiting friends. There are several men he was at Eton with on the cricket team.’

‘But why keep it from his father?’ Her stepmother rapped her finger against the diary.

‘Richard is a grown man. He doesn’t live in his father’s pocket and have to explain where he is going and who he is seeing. Perhaps the invitation was sudden,’ Sophie replied evenly. ‘I know he stayed only to help me out. The events at the Assembly Rooms meant he could not just disappear. He was quite clear on that point. He had a score to settle with Sir Vincent. That was the only reason he stayed. Then there seemed to be no reason to wait after the settlement was agreed.’

‘I wonder why my son failed to mention his journey? He went out of his way to make me think he was in London.’

‘Perhaps he knew that mention of the city upsets you.’ Sophie took a deep breath. ‘Your son loves you, Lord Hallington. He knows your mother is buried here and that is why you don’t visit it. Surely after all this time, you can visit her grave.’

Lord Hallington frowned. ‘That is not why. Newcastle is where my former wife lives, or rather lived.’

Sophie’s mind reeled. Richard’s mother. The woman who had caused a huge scandal. If his mother was in Newcastle, surely she would have
attended the wedding? ‘Richard’s mother? He never mentioned her. Does he know?’

‘The divorce was a bad business. I had Marguerite agree never to speak to him as a condition of the divorce. I couldn’t risk my son being hurt the way I was. The woman is a she-devil.’

‘Funny, Richard has never mentioned his mother,’ her stepmother said. ‘Did he mention his mother to you, Sophie?’

‘Only in passing,’ Sophie answered truthfully as her stomach knotted. Richard would have said something about his mother. He had no reason to hide his mother from her and he didn’t know his father would appear at the wedding, unless … Sophie refused to allow her mind to go there. Despite what his aunt thought about her lack of suitability, he had married her.

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