An Heir for the Billionaire (13 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Medical

BOOK: An Heir for the Billionaire
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Damon chuckled, "You're welcome."

She stepped back and examined the dress again, feeling like a princess and praying it would fit. "I really don't need you buying me stuff."

Damon's smile faded and he shrugged. "In that case, I guess I can take this back."

Turning back to him, her eyes quickly caught sight of a brown bag dangling from a string on his finger. "Well, we can make one more exception." She rushed back to the coffee table and gently placed the dress back into the box, feeling like a child on Christmas day.

She spun back around to see Damon standing behind her, the parcel for her still suspended from his index finger. Taking the bag, her heart rate accelerated as she peeped inside.

"Well, open it!" Her eyes met his and she could see his excitement was at par with hers. As kids he'd always loved buying her little things. Neither one of them had much in the way of money so they couldn't afford much, but it hadn't been about the money. It had always been about the thought.

Sitting back down and with trembling fingers she pulled out a medium sized narrow box. Opening the white box she was confronted with a black velvet jewellery case.

"Damon, you really don't need to spoil me," she said as she slowly opened the box. Despite her protest, she loved that he had.

"In that case, I can take it..."

She slapped his hands away from the box. "No. You already bought it."

Chuckling, Damon sat back onto the sofa and watched intently as she continued opening the box and gasped. Katrina's blue eyes widened, hardly being able to believe what she was looking at. The diamonds sparkled unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She didn't even have to know the price to know the contents of the box cost more than she'd make with two years wage, at the hotel.

Her legs felt weak under her and she sat down next to Damon, as she fingered the stunning necklace. The diamond bangle bracelet and earrings were equally as stunning, but it was the large yellow sapphire that kept her eyes drawn to it.

"This is too much Damon," she gasped as she continued to finger the beautiful diamonds. "I don't know what to say."

Damon took the box from her and set it onto the coffee table, next to the dress. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her over to him. Katrina stretched out over him and kissed him softly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He ran his fingers through her long locks, taking a moment to watch the golden strands falling from his fingertips. "There is one thing you can do for me."

Katrina nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, anything."

"Put the dress and jewellery on. We have a little function to go to. I tried to get out of it, but it's a charity thing and it was strongly suggested we attend." His hands snaked their way around her waist, holding her secure to him.

Katrina's spirits fell. She hated the idea of sharing him this evening. She was being greedy, she knew she was, but after the previous evening with him the only thing she could think about was the feel of his hard, naked body against hers. She'd been itching to masturbate all day, but she'd restrained herself waiting for him.

His grin widened upon seeing her disappointment. "It'll be a couple hours at the most; we'll try to escape within an hour."

She nodded. "Okay." She ran her index finger down the front of his shirt. "And then you're all mine for the rest of the evening?"

"To do whatever you want with," he confirmed, brushing his lips across her temple.

She wiggled onto him, and relished the sound of his sharp intake of breath and the feel of his growing dick against her. "Mmmmm. You're making it too tempting an offer to refuse."

"Good." He gave her ass a quick, but smarting slap, making her yelp in both surprise and because of the sharp burn that came from the slap.

Pulling back and getting to her feet she growled at him, eyes narrowing. "You'll pay for that mister."

Damon laughed, mischief dancing in his dark eyes. "Oh promises, promises." Getting to his feet, Damon picked up the box with the dress in it and nodded towards the jewellery case. "Come on. Let's get ready for the ball, baby."

She cocked a brow up at him. "A ball. Are you serious?" She grabbed her beautiful new necklace, earrings and bracelet.

"As a heart attack, sweet
," he attempted a Southern drawl, but failed miserably. He attempted to give her rump another smack, but she scampered out of the way and turned the tables on him, giving him a taste of his own medicine, smacking him soundly on the rear.

He made a soft '
' sound and growled at her. "Oh, you're going to pay for that missy."

"Gotta catch me first!" Without waiting for a response she clutched her jewels to her chest and sprinted from the room on her way towards the stairwell leading to the bedrooms on the second floor. She heard laughter behind her, along with his heavy footsteps in hot pursuit. She doubted she'd mind all that much if he caught her, but at least wanted to make him work for it - if even just a little bit.


Katrina stepped into the satin gown and wiggled as she pulled it up and slipped the straps over her shoulders. How he knew what her size was still baffled her, she'd gained some poundage since they were younger, but it seemed everything Damon did was perfect... Well, except for the idea of driving the Ferrari to the lookout, but she'd cut him some slack on that considering he was trying to be romantic.

Brushing her loose hair over one shoulder, she reached behind her and attempted to pull the zipper up, but was only able to get it part of the way. She groaned her frustration and sighed. Leaving her massive dressing room, which was easily as big as her apartment in Bangor, she entered the bedroom she was going to be sharing with Damon to search him out.

She stopped in mid-stride when she laid eyes on him. Standing in the middle of the bedroom, adjusting a cuff-link was Damon wearing a tuxedo and looking so drop dead sexy that it took her breath away, rendering her speechless.

He turned his eyes toward her and a wide smile broke out on his face.

"I... Ummmm." Katrina frowned. Her words seemed to leave her.

Damon cocked a brow at her, his grin widening.

"Yeah, I..." She spun around. "Zipper." Holding her hair up, she waited, breath held. She was about to turn back around when she heard his footsteps behind her.

Damon touched her shoulders, sending a shiver through her, igniting the fire between her legs. Leaning into her, he bent down and grazed his lips up the side of her neck. "You smell incredible," he murmured, his lips moving closer to her ear lobe.

She closed her eyes and leaned back against the hard wall of his chest. His cologne overtook her, sweeping her up. She longed to lose herself in his arms and in the smell of his cologne. Damn, she wished they didn't have whatever charity function it was that they were going to attend and that they could just spend the evening naked and in each others' arms.

"So do you," she managed to choke out.

He straightened back up and slowly tugged her zipper up, the bodice of her dress tightening around her modest breasts. "Stay there a second and I'll put the necklace on you."

Chewing at her lower lip, she nodded. Excitement welled up within her. She really was going to be the princess of the ball. Her... Katrina Alexander... a banquet server for a hotel in Bangor was being lavished in diamonds and beautiful clothing. It had to be a dream. Any minute she'd wake up and it would be all a cruel dream and she would be going back to her life as a server, avoiding the landlord because she didn't have the rent for him.

Damon stepped up behind her and then slipped the diamond necklace around her neck, the yellow sapphire landed just over her breastbone. Despite her building excitement over going to whatever event he was taking her to, she was craving his touch, the apex between her legs becoming increasingly wet.

"Okay," he whispered, his lips less than an inch from her ear. "Turn around. I have another surprise for you."

Another surprise?
She doubted she could handle many more. She turned slowly, allowing her hair to slip from her fingers and cascade down her back. She was once again struck speechless as Damon fell to one knee with a small velvet box in his hand.

He cleared his throat and began to look slightly nervous. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips at seeing him looking so uncomfortable.

"Last night I really didn't get to do this properly." He motioned towards the bedroom. "This isn't exactly the way I'd envisioned proposing to you either, but," he sighed, "It is what it is."

"This is perfect Damon." And she meant it.

His body relaxed slightly as he took her left hand in his. "Katrina, when I think back over my life. And I've been doing that a lot lately, the only time I really felt happiness was when I was with you. You were my best friend, my first love..." He chuckled, glancing up and catching her eyes, "My
love. I swear to you now that you'll never want or need for anything again. You, and if we're lucky our baby, will be my world. I want to give you the world Katrina. I've loved you from the day we met and I'll love you for the rest of our lives and beyond."

Oh God. The tears
. She fought them back, knowing the make-up she'd spent a half an hour to apply would be for nothing if she let the flood gates open.

"So." He opened the case and she gasped. She'd never seen a diamond so perfect. He pulled the ring from the case and stuffed it into his outer jacket pocket. "So will you, Katrina Alexander, do me the immense honour of being my wife?"

"Of course. I love you Damon. Of course!" He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood.

Oh, here we go!

"Damon Garratt, you bastard." The tears began to stream down her face trailing long streaks of black in their wake. She sniffed and grabbed for a tissue, trying to salvage her make-up. "You've made me ruin my make-up!"

He chuckled, pulling her into his arms. "I'm sorry baby."

"You are not!"

He laughed louder.

Sliding her hands up his chest she laced her fingers behind his neck and pressed her body tight against his. "Are you sure there's no way we can skip the thingie and just stay here?" She kissed the side of his neck lightly, and he groaned.

"Wish we could. Besides, you look stunning. We don't want that to go to waste."

She kissed his neck a second time, hoping to entice him.

"Not going to work woman." Despite his words, his cock told a different story as it began to harden against his stomach. He groaned a second time as her hand slipped between them to stroke the ridge of his shaft over the layers of clothing. "No. No, no, no." Damon pulled away and stepped out of her embrace. He tapped the bridge of her nose. "Later. Besides, we won't stay long. We have a long day tomorrow, and the following day..." His voice trailed off leaving her anxious to hear what he had in mind.

"Which is..."

He shrugged. "I'm not at liberty to say, Miss Alexander."

"Damon!" She heard the high pitched whiney note her tone took and winced, but he didn't seem to be bothered.

His grin widened and he shook his head, determination in his gaze. "Nothing you can do will change my mind, so you might as well finish getting ready. Don't want to be late."

Katrina sighed and turned towards the large mirror connected to the double dresser.
Oh-my-God, I look a mess
. Her smeared make-up made her look like a crazed clown.

"Ten minutes sweetie. Then we gotta leave."

Ten minutes to fix this!
She groaned and prayed she could get cleaned up fast enough.

Chapter 13

Damon could feel the nervousness and tension within Katrina as she clung to his arm and they entered the ballroom.

"I'm freaking scared Damon," she whispered as they began to descend the black marble staircase that lead to a ballroom with roughly three hundred people fraternizing. There were twenty-five tables set up with twelve place settings per table. Dinner was to be served in a half hour with an up-and-coming blues band providing the music for the evening, after the supper.

"Why?" He glanced down at her frowning.

"Look at all the women. They're gorgeous. And they all look so..." She nibbled at her lower lip, considering her next words.

"Snotty?" he offered.

She laughed, her body relaxing somewhat next to his. "Yeah. But they're all nice people right?"

Damon's eyes surveyed the crowd with seriousness and then shook his head. "Most of them are pompous assholes, but they're business associates and people that can be useful so we have to endure I'm afraid." She looked up at him and caught his gaze. "And play nice."

She rolled her eyes at him. "I work as a server; I spend a good chunk of time pretending to like people I can't stand each week. Nothing new here. But it feels like they're watching us."

"Besides, they're not watching us. They're watching you," he leaned down and whispered.

"Oh and that's supposed to make me feel better?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

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