An Exceptional Twist (50 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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Thanksgiving was around the corner. Although
this year’s get together was going to be at Caleb's house, Stefen
offered his own home, as well. Abby, being the amazing host that
she was, insisted it be at their place.

With his feet on the coffee table, he looked
up from his laptop to find Leah chewing on her lip, scanning
through spreadsheets on her own computer. They were spending a
quiet afternoon at his house.

“Did you finally make Thanksgiving plans?”
he asked, hoping she was going to be with him.

Moving her new reading glasses down to the
bridge of her nose, she peeked up. “I thought about going home, but
now that everyone else is meeting at Caleb and Abby's, I’m going to
see if my family would mind driving up here.” She poked her chin
with her index finger. “Abby already asked me to make the

He threw his head back, showing his relief.
“Thank god! I was afraid we were going to get stuck with that tofu
turkey.” They both chuckled.

She pursed her lips. “I’d love to go to
Evanwood’s together the next day, since we all refuse to shop on
Black Friday.”

Nodding, he was thankful that she was
spending her holiday with him. “Sounds good to me. Do you want me
to call Zachary?”

“Sure.” She looked past him almost in a

“Shockingly, both of my parents are planning
on coming. They’ll be staying at a hotel, though, I’m sure.” This
didn't surprise him in the least. They didn’t want anyone to see
them in separate rooms. “It’ll definitely be an interesting

She tilted her head to the side. “Bri

Looking back and forth between her and his
computer screen, he confessed, “Yeah. She and my mom don’t have the
best relationship, though. So as much of a jerk as it makes me, I’m
not telling her my mom is coming. Otherwise, I won’t get to see my

She rested her chin on the palm of her
hands, mulling something over. “Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” He moved his computer onto the
coffee table, pulling both of her feet onto his lap. This was
something he did often when they sat next to each other in the
living room.

She also put her laptop and glasses to the
side. “You don’t talk much about your parents,” she said pointedly.
“When you do, it’s not normally something positive. What’s the

He cherished these moments. If anyone else
had asked that question, he could imagine closing himself off. With
Leah, it was different. He wanted her to know everything, and he
loved when she shared things about herself.

Running his hand from the top of her foot to
just below the hem of her mid-shin length yoga pants, he shared
what he knew about his parent’s lives. “It’s a long story, but
basically, from what I’ve learned from other family members, my mom
had a rough childhood. I wish I knew all the details, but we never
met any of her relatives.” He shrugged. “I guess she finally found
hope when she started college, but—and here’s the scandalous part
my grandmother shared—she actually fell in love with my uncle

Leah jerked her head back, surprised.

“Yep.” He nodded. “Somehow my dad ended up
with her after my aunt got pregnant with Caleb. Mom’s been on a
destructive path for as long as I can remember.”

He was used to this story, but apparently it
shocked Leah.

Her mouth gaped open. “Wow, that’s crazy.
Your mom was in love with Caleb’s dad? I’d love to know more. What
about her and Bri?”

This was the part that actually did break
his heart. “Honestly, I don’t understand what my mom’s deal is with
Bri. I’ve often wondered if she was jealous, but Mom’s so cold and
judgmental. It’s been that way her whole life. I was there to help
her through most of it. But as you know, I didn’t have the
healthiest outlook myself.” He raised his shoulder in disdain.

This conversation was getting too heavy. He
wanted Leah to know everything, but it was going to take more than
one afternoon.

He turned and looked out the huge glass
doors, toward the beach. “It's a beautiful day. Wanna go for a
run?” Leaning over, he patted her thigh.

It was an abrupt change in conversation, but
she seemed to catch his cue.

“Sounds good, I can’t figure out some of the
numbers on that damn spreadsheet anyway.” She leaned her head back,
covering her forehead with her arm. “I need an accountant.”

“I can take a look if ya like.” He ran his
hand up her leg, teasing. “Then when we come back, you can shave
these prickly legs. They’re giving my palm a rash.”

Leah lifted her head and gasped, eyes wide

He laughed out loud.

Picking up a cushion from the couch, she
began to hit him over the head.

His laughs continued while he held his arm
up in an effort to block the soft blows. “I know it’s no-shave
November and all, but I didn’t think that applied to women.”

She scrunched her face and continued her
assault. “It’s only a day’s worth, butthead.”

The cushion made contact with his forearm
one last time before he grabbed it, yanking it from her hands. They
were both laughing as he pulled her down on his lap, but the mood
immediately changed.

She was straddling his thighs as they
breathed heavily into each other’s faces. Closing her eyes, she
took a deep breath as he watched the pulse on her neck pick up
speed. He touched her waist softly before he realized what he was
doing. The things he would love to do to her at this moment.

Definitely a bad
. As painful as it was, he moved her
to the side and slipped off of the couch, heading into the kitchen
to shake himself out of it.

He paced uncomfortably for
a minute, then looked down at his crotch.
Shit! Down boy. Think about something
. He jumped up and down, moving his
head from side to side to crack his neck.
Um…oh, Old Yeller at the diner.
pictured the cashier with the smoke stained teeth at the small
restaurant across from Leah’s shop that he had coffee in that one

Okay, it’s working.
He breathed in, then out.
Old Yeller in a bikini.
He shivered,
completely repulsed.
Okay, I’m

Now that he was calm
enough to speak, he called out, “You have a bad habit of exercising
on an empty stomach. You must be hungry by now.”
Because I sure as hell am.
“I’ll make you a protein shake before we leave.” He didn’t
dare look at her as he gathered the ingredients from the

“I had coffee,” she yelled back, but he
could still hear the paused breaths within her words.

Refocus, man.
“Yeah, but coffee isn’t enough.” He poured
strawberries, almond milk, protein powder, and a banana into the
blender, turned it on, and got a couple of glasses

He heard her footsteps as she began to climb
the stairs. “I’m going to go change. Be down in a minute.”

He cleared his throat. ‘Kay.”

I could use a cold shower
right about now



Thanksgiving was Leah’s favorite holiday,
second only to Christmas. Her family was arriving this afternoon,
and she was giddy to have them on her side of town. Thankfully,
Elena decided to spend the day with one of her friends who was also
a newly single parent.

Leah had gotten into a little tiff with her
mom when they made sleeping arrangements for that night, so she was
hoping all would be dropped by now. Her mom didn't approve of her
staying at Stefen's, even if it left the loft above her shop open
for her and Sal.

Dani and Bri were also staying at Stefen’s,
so she didn’t see what the big deal was. Her mom would probably
have a shit-fit if she knew how often Leah did spend the night at
his place.

She’d gotten up early to make the turkeys,
hoping she did her mom’s recipe justice. They weren’t traditional
‘American’ turkeys, but it was the best she’d ever had. Hopefully,
everyone else would agree.

Hearing the knock at her door, she opened it
to find her favorite person wearing his fitted dark jeans, grey
pullover, and black boots.

“I don’t know why you won’t just use the key
I gave you, Stefen.” She strolled into the kitchen.

He followed close behind. “What would you do
if you were standing in the living room naked, and I walked in on

Die of
“Good point.” She nodded

She twirled around to find him twitching his
lips. His pupil’s looked dilated.

Was he actually picturing it? Oh my.

How much longer were they going to keep
playing this game of touching and not touching? Leah was getting
worn out by it.

Looking at his lips, she shook her head to
snap out of it. But she couldn’t. The desire between them was
palpable. He wanted her, and she definitely wanted him. Her hand
slowly pushed up his chest where she felt his heart beating
erratically. They both stood still.

Oh shit, what are we doing?

Stefen moved in closer, holding onto her
waist as he pulled her body flush with his. Moving his hand to her
face, he rubbed his thumb along her bottom lip. “Leah,” he breathed
out asking for permission.

“I feel it, too,” she whispered, blinking
rapidly, feeling both fear and longing.

Closing his eyes, he moved his hands to the
back of her neck, threading his fingers in her hair as he pulled
her head to his chest. Taking quick breaths he said the words that
had already played out in her own thoughts. “We have to talk about
this. I’ve been fighting it for a while, and it’s not going

“I know. Can we wait until tonight, please?
I don’t want to rush through it and there’s not enough time right
now.” She took short, shallow breaths, closing her eyes as she
listened to his pounding heartbeat. As much as she wanted him, she
couldn’t help the fear she felt.

Holding on even tighter, he grunted, “Okay.
Tonight. But you make me wait any longer, and I’m coming after

She nodded in agreement, but didn’t want to
let go of him. Peering up through her lashes, she had to say
something to get them out of her apartment. “Um, is your arm okay
to carry one of the turkeys down?” Then she made the mistake of
running her hand down his bicep, which flexed under her touch.

“Yeah. I’m stronger than I look.” His cocky
grin appeared.

Damn, she’d missed his confident smile.



Everyone was gathered at Abby’s house, and
Leah could tell her friend was a nervous wreck. Trying to maneuver
around her kitchen with her new belly was proving to be a bit
challenging, so all the women took turns lending a hand.

Abby was also bothered about the fact that
Caleb wasn’t upset that his parents cancelled last minute. While
her best friend was not a fan of her in-laws, Leah knew she felt
guilty, as though she was the cause of the broken relationship. No
matter how much Caleb tried to assure her.

Leah opened the door to the last guests who
were arriving late. It was her turn to be a ball of anxiety. With
her husband following closely behind, Stefen's mother stepped into
the living room and attempted to hand her coat to Leah's mom.

The snootiest scowl appeared on his mom’s
face. “Please make sure it doesn't get wrinkled. If I have to walk
out of here with creases, I'm going to make sure my nephew takes it
out of your pay.”

As ladylike as possible, her mom replied, “I
think you have me confused. I'm Leah’s mom, Maria.” She extended
her hand to the snobby woman who just looked at it and walked

Maria’s nostrils flared,
visibly infuriated, but being a lady through and through, she put
on a fake smile and spoke to Leah through her teeth,

Hija, si esta
bruja no se mantiene alejada de mi me le voy a sacar la madre a

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