An Exceptional Twist (47 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

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The moment she showed up would also mean
that he could leave this sterile environment for the last time.
Besides a final check-up scheduled with a doctor closer to home, he
was done with surgeries, physical therapy, and his least favorite
part of this whole thing—dealing with Ben.

As though he'd heard Stefen's thoughts, Dr.
Asshat appeared at the doorway, casually leaning against the metal
frame. “I bet you can't wait to get out of here.”

“You can say that again.” He pulled the grey
T-shirt that displayed his favorite hockey team’s logo over his

Ben curiously asked, “Is Leah coming to get

Ah, that's what this pleasant visit was
about. If he went out with her last night, then he’d know that she
was picking him up. Besides, who else did he think would?

“Yeah, she should be here any minute.”

As if on cue, Leah strolled past Ben,
avoiding his eyes, keeping her back to him.

What was that
Stefen recognized it. He'd seen her
avoid his own eyes when he made her uncomfortable. Fury suddenly
erupted in his chest. Did he screw her and leave her,

No way. She’d never do that. Again.

am I too late?

“Hey,” she breathed out loud enough for him
to hear. “You ready to go?” She would only look at Stefen.

He hated making assumptions, but after
seeing how she avoided Ben, Stefen’s aching heart pounded
violently. He glared at Ben, ready to beat the shit out of him.

Ben interrupted Stefen’s thoughts. “Leah,
can I talk to you for a minute?”

Closing her eyes, she held her breath.

Not happening.
She’s not talking to him. He wasn’t letting this
happen. “Actually, we need to get back.” Stefen touched her arm to
let her know he was taking control. “Ready?”

Popping her eyes open, she nodded, a little
relieved. “Where are your bags?”

“I’ll get it. My eye may be shit, but my
arms are plenty strong now.” He stretched his arms down, showing
off his muscles.

The good doctor took the hint. Pushing
himself away from the doorway, he grunted and walked away.

Pulling her toward his chest, Stefen
whispered, “You’ll tell me in the car?”

Her long, dark hair slid up and down her
shoulder as she nodded again.

“Let's go,” he said, rushing them out. He
was done with this place.

Grabbing his leather duffle bag, they headed
out. Stefen spotted Ben watching them from the nurse’s station. He
looked like a panther ready to pounce.

Watch this, you
. Stefen wrapped his arm around her
shoulder, pulling her close to his side. As usual, she melted into

You might think she’s your future, but she’s
going home with me, and I intend on making her mine.

Rounding the corner, Stefen peered over his
shoulder and gave Ben his best cocky smirk. Ben was giving him a
deadly glare in return. Stefen just shook his head.

Too little, too late, dumb shit.

They’d made their way to his car, and
started off for the town he never imagined he would call home.

The space in the car was silent for a while.
Too long. Five minutes into their drive, he finally got the courage
to break the silence.

“You’re quiet,” he said softly. “Do you want
to talk?”

He’d felt so cocky leaving the hospital with
his arm around her, but now he wanted to know what the hell was
going on. His knee was bobbing with curiosity.

What happened with Ben? Why is she so

She bit her cheek as she held tight to the
steering wheel. “I broke up with Ben last night,” she blurted, then
tipped her head as she added, “Well, I’m not sure that’s the right
word when we were never officially dating. I don’t know why I’m
upset. I didn’t even like him that much.” She puffed out, “I guess
I just got caught up in old feelings, but my heart was never in
it.” She shook her head. “He sure looked good on paper. Really, in
fairness to Ben, he was nothing more than my rebound guy.”

“I’m sorry.” This was fantastic news, so why
did he feel like shit? He’d suspected from the beginning that Ben
might be the one she turned to, hoping he would pick up the pieces
of her that Stefen broke.

“Yeah, I’m sure you are,” she mumbled, still
looking upset.

Surprised by her comment,
he jerked his head back to look at her as she drove.
I thought we were okay. Even better than

She exhaled loudly. “Don’t listen to me. I’m
just irritated. I feel like I can’t win when it comes to men. I
have the worst luck. I either date guys who only want to sleep with
me, or they string me along. It’s always been that way. Even my
college boyfriend strung me along forever until I found him in bed
with another girl.”

Reality slapped him upside
the head.
What did I do? Her scars run
even deeper than I realized.
“Oh shit,
Leah, I hate that I added to that.” He blinked hard.

She somberly glanced over at him. “Trust me,
Stefen, you were not the only one. I’m just tired of even

The honesty in her words stabbed him in the
heart. The same heart he was finally ready to give her.

“I’m not blaming you,” she said. “We talked,
you’re forgiven, but I’m so burned out on guys right now. I’m
swearing off men for a long time. It’s just not worth the effort.”
Her eyes were glossed over when she glanced over again. Placing her
hand on top of his, she added, “Thanks for being my friend. I don’t
know what I would do without you.”

Friends. Awesome. Just
what I always wanted.
He leaned back in
the seat, fisting his hands in frustration.

He was too late. Not because of Ben. Because
he’d screwed up the first time. He was a part of this, hurting her,
hardening her. He had to face the fact that no matter how he felt
about her, she wasn’t willing to take another risk. Even with

Stefen sat at the refurbished wooden bar at
Evanwood’s Vineyard while he waited for Leah to finish making all
the arrangements for tomorrow. Filling his lungs with the smell of
wine-filled barrels, he swirled his favorite Pinot Noir in the wide
bowl of his glass before taking a sip.

He was beginning to get used to the sting.
This beloved ache of being only Leah’s ‘friend’. After her speech
about swearing off men, no matter how painful it was, he had no
plans of acting on his love for her.

If he accidently brushed up against her or
caught her looking at him again, he was going to lose his damn
mind. He had to get over her for his own sake, but how?

Glancing up, he found a group of women
ogling him. Women were always staring at him. It used to matter,
but it didn’t much now. They didn’t know the real him. If they knew
what a bastard he was, they’d stay the hell away. He’d thought with
the disfiguration in his eye, they’d stay away on their own. Not so

One in particular was looking a little
longer than the others. She seemed like the wild one of the group
with her fiery red hair and the lust in her eyes. She was licking
her heart-shaped lips.

Drinking his wine, he shook his head, not
wanting to pay any attention to her.

Not too long ago, he
would’ve jumped on that.
Hello, nice to
meet you. My place or yours?
A kind thank
you, then a forever good bye

That wasn't him anymore, though. His heart
wasn't in it. Then again, his heart may never get what it really
wanted. Maybe this could be a good diversion.

Stefen watched Zachary approach the group of
women, then saw the slender finger of the redhead pointing at him.
It would only be a matter of minutes before she would make her
move. He’d bet money on it.

He turned away, nursing his wine as he
watched the scene unfold in the mirror behind the bar. Zachary was
nowhere near the jerk he originally thought. He’d actually turned
out to be kind of a buddy. Stefen wondered what this buddy of his
would tell the ladies about him. Zachary had already shared with
Leah, months ago, that he thought she and Stefen should be
together. But now, he had to see it was impossible.

After making a rude gesture to her friends,
the predator in the capris and white lace top sauntered over to
him, oozing seduction. He offered her a sly grin. Yep, this woman
was looking for some action, for sure.

Curious as to how this conversation would
go, he wondered if he would let her hook him. There was no good
reason why he couldn’t have some fun. He was free to roam. If this
tramp was willing to take his mind off of Leah, then nobody would
be hurt.


He hadn’t been with anyone since Leah, and
that was months ago. Now that he did the math, he decided he would
indeed take this woman up on anything she offered.

“I couldn't help but notice you were looking
at me.” She was definitely on the prowl. Playing with her necklace,
she slowly trailed her fingertips up and down her chest.

Stefen let out a throaty laugh, “Really? Who
was looking at who, honey?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Does it matter?” Her unwelcome seductive
tone crept down his spine, leaving him unsettled.

Shrugging, he said, “No, I guess it
doesn't.” Then he took another sip of his wine.

“Good.” Plopping herself on the stool next
to him, she leaned in, making sure to brush her chest on his

He would have loved this
months ago, but now it just felt wrong. She had no business being
this close to him. He scooted back a little, hoping it wasn't too
obvious. He found himself glancing over his shoulder to make sure
Leah wasn’t watching this.

The redhead’s eyes unashamedly roamed his
body until they landed on his crotch.

He squirmed under her
This must be how girls feel when
guys stare at their boobs.

“Ah, sugar.” He pointed up. “My face is up

“I know. I was sizing you up.” Her pupils
dilated, filled with desire.

Stefen’s stomach churned. This girl didn’t
know him, and she was basically letting him know that she was ready
to screw his brains out.

He’d dated aggressive tramps like this too
many times. Normally blond, but this redhead fit the rest of the
bill, so he didn’t understand why her comment offended him.

Get your head in the game. This bitch is
holding all the cards.

“And what were your
What a cheesy line.
He blinked hard
. I gotta
do better than that.

Placing her elbows on the bar, she ran a
perfectly manicured finger across her bottom lip. “I think you are
exactly right for me.”

He tried to keep a sexy look going, but he
wondered if his jacked-up eye was cooperating. Not to mention his
stomach was still turning. He was used to girls that got around.
This never bothered him before. Why did it now?

He just had to get this over and done.
Screwing this skank would turn his feelings off. It was the only
way he knew how to. It didn’t, of course, work when he was with
Leah, but surely it would with this woman.

Talking himself into it,
he thought
, this is who I am. This is what
I’m used to.

But he still couldn’t ignore the feeling in
his gut that he was about to make the biggest mistake of his

“Stefen Hunter,” he managed, reaching for
her hand.

“Hunter? I like that. I’m Ginny. Hmm.” She
tapped her chin with one of her slender fingers. “Stefen and Ginny.
I like the sound of that.” She looked down, turning their connected
hands. “Nice strong grip from such large hands. I like that,

Internally, he felt himself rolling his
eyes. Outwardly, he plastered a completely fake smile on and pulled
his hand away.

“We’re in town—well, Santa Barbara—for the
weekend. Would you be interested in hanging out?”

And there it was—the come on.

He really didn't want to go out with this
What am I doing?
It was difficult having this interaction while he
struggled internally with his true feelings.

“Sure. What did you have in mind?” He tried
to hide his wince.

“My friend, Kendra, over there,” she pointed
to a gorgeous blonde in the group she’d just left, “she’s getting
married tomorrow, and I don't have a date. Wanna go with me?” She
flicked her long straight red hair over her shoulders, similar to
the way his ex, Lisa, always had.

“A wedding, huh?” He took another sip,
searching for any excuse as to why he couldn’t go. “Not my favorite
place to take a date. Won't that be awkward since I wasn't

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