An Empire of Memory (45 page)

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Authors: Matthew Gabriele

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17. Saint-Victor of Marseilles: late eleventh century

Charter mentioning Roland and Oliver as brothers

18. Béziers: late eleventh century

Charter mentioning Roland and Oliver as brothers

19. Reims: early twelfth century

Robert of Reims, Historia Iherosolimitana

Appendix 1


20. Civray: early twelfth century

Peter Tudebode, Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere

21. Apulia (?): early twelfth century

Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum

22. Aura: early twelfth century

Ekkehard of Aura, Chronicon

23. Caen: early twelfth century

Ralph of Caen, Gesta Tancredi

24. Saint-Pierre of Bourgueil (in Angers): early twelfth century

Baldric of Bourgueil, Historia Jerosolimitana

25. Saint-Germer-de-Fly: early twelfth century

Guibert of Nogent, Dei gesta per Francos

26. Le Puy: early twelfth century

Raymond d’Aguiliers, Historia Francorum

27. Balazun: early twelfth century

Pons of Balazun, Historia Francorum


28. Saint-Denis, Monastery: ninth century

29. Le Mans1 (3): ninth century

30. Fulda, Monastery: ninth century

31. Reggio nell’Emilia (2): ninth and tenth century

32. Würzburg: tenth century

33. Kremsmünster, Monastery: tenth century

34. Concordia: tenth century

35. Worms: tenth century

36. Aquileia: tenth century

37. Bremen: tenth century

38. Santa Maria of Gerri, Monastery: tenth century

39. Hersfeld, Monastery (2): eleventh century

40. Montecassino, Monastery (4): eleventh century

41. St Emmeram of Regensberg, Monastery: eleventh century

42. Cormery, Monastery: eleventh century

43. Osnabrück (2): eleventh century

44. Lagrasse, Monastery: eleventh century

45. St Maximian of Trier, Monastery: eleventh century

46. Saint-Aignan of Orléans, Church: eleventh century

47. Novalesa. Monastery: eleventh century

48. Ravenna (2): eleventh century

49. Münster: eleventh century

50. Saint-Claude, Monastery: eleventh century

51. Psalmodi, Monastery: eleventh century

52. Saint-Michel of Cuxa, Monastery: eleventh century

1 Unless otherwise noted, locations listed under ‘false diplomas’ and ‘Einhard’s Vita Karoli’ refer to bishoprics.


Appendix 1

53. St Mary’s of Sesto, Monastery: eleventh century

54. Flavigny, Monastery: eleventh century

55. Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche, Monastery: eleventh century

56. San Salvatore of Rome, Church: eleventh century

57. Saint-Omer, Monastery: eleventh century

58. Tals: eleventh century

59. La Réole, Monastery: eleventh century

60. San Vincenzo al Volturno, Monastery: eleventh century

61. Saint-Polycarpe, Monastery: eleventh century


62. Metz:2 ninth century

63. Saint-Wandrille, Monastery: ninth century

64. Saint-Rémi of Reims, Monastery (2): late ninth century and late eleventh century

65. Saint-Amand, Monastery: late ninth century

66. Saint-Gall, Monastery (2): late ninth century and early tenth century

67. Saint-Médard of Soissons, Monastery: early tenth century

68. Saint-Germain of Auxerre, Monastery: early tenth century

69. Lorsch, Monastery (2): mid-tenth century and late tenth century

70. St Eucharius of Trier, Monastery: mid-tenth century

71. Saint-Denis, Monastery: late tenth century

72. Lobbes: late tenth century

73. Saint-Bertin, Monastery: early eleventh century

74. Fleury, Monastery: early eleventh century

75. Bonneval: early eleventh century

76. Santa Maria of Ripoll, Monastery: early eleventh century

77. San Paolo fuori le Mura, Monastery: early eleventh century

78. Saint-Omer, Monastery: early eleventh century

79. Cluny, Monastery (2): early eleventh century and end eleventh century

80. Saint-Cybard of Angoulême, Monastery (2): early eleventh century and end eleventh


81. Saint-Martial of Limoges, Monastery: mid-eleventh century

82. Gembloux, Monastery: mid-eleventh century

83. Saint-Bénigne of Dijon, Monastery: mid-eleventh century

84. Saint Alban of Mainz, Monastery: mid-eleventh century

85. St Michael of Bamberg, Monastery: late eleventh century

86. St Peter of Perugia, Monastery: late eleventh century

87. Prüm, Monastery: late eleventh century

88. Egmond, Monastery: end eleventh century

89. Christ Church, Canterbury: end eleventh century

90. Saint-Pierre of Angoulême: end eleventh century

91. Fécamp, Monastery: end eleventh century

2 For more information on the locations listed in this section, see Matthias M. Tischler, Einharts Vita Karoli: Studien zur Entstehung, Überlieferung und Rezeption, 2 vols. (Hanover, 2001), esp. i. 20–44.

Appendix 1


92. Saint-Riquier, Monastery: end eleventh century

93. Jumièges, Monastery: end eleventh century

94. Prüfening: end eleventh century

95. Blaubeuren, Monastery: end eleventh century

96. Weingarten: end eleventh century

97. Ferrières, Monastery: end eleventh century



Oxford. Queen’s College MS 348. Miscellany.

Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine MS 1711. Legendar.

Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine MS 2013. Historical Miscellany.

Paris. Bibliothèque Nationale de France MS lat. 5997. Historical Miscellany.

Paris. Bibliothèque Nationale de France MS lat. 12710. Historical Miscellany.

Rouen. Bibliothèque Municipale Y11. Historical Miscellany.

Vatican. Vatican Library Chigiani F IV 75. Miscellany.


Abbo of Fleury, Apologeticus ad Hugonem et Rodbertum reges Francorum, PL 139: 461–72.

Actes des comtes de Flandre, 1071–1128, ed. Fernand Vercauteren (Brussels, 1938).

Ademar of Chabannes, Chronicon, ed. R. Landes and P. Bourgain, CCCM 129 (Turnhout,


Adomnan of Iona, De Locis Sanctis, ed. Denis Meehan, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae,

3 (Dublin, 1958).

Ado of Vienne, Martyrologium, PL 123: 201–420.

Adso of Montier-en-Der, De ortu et tempore antichristi, ed. Daniel Verhelst, CCCM 45

(Turnhout, 1976), 21–30.

Agobard of Lyons, De Iudaicis superstitionibus et erroribus (ad Ludovicum), in Opera omnia,

ed. L. van Acker, CCCM 52 (Turnhout, 1981), 197–221.

Alberic of Trois-Fontaines, Chronicon, MGH SS 23: 674–950.

Albert of Aachen, Historia Ierosolimitana, ed. and tr. Susan B. Edgington (Oxford, 2007).

Alcuin, Ad Carolum regem, MGH Epist. 4: 326–9.

——The Life of St. Willibrord, in Thomas F. X. Noble and Thomas Head (eds.), Soldiers of

Christ: Saints and Saints’ Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (University

Park, Pa., 1995), 191–211.

Angilbert, De ecclesia Centulensis libellus, MGH SS 15: 173–9.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, tr. Dorothy Whitelock, David C. Douglas, and Susie I. Tucker

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Annales Altahenses Maiores, ed. Edmund L. B. A. B. Oefele, MGH SRG 4 (Hanover, 1891).

Annales Augustani, MGH SS 3: 123–36.

Annales Elnonenses Minores, MGH SS 5: 17–20.

Annales Mettenses priores, ed. B. Von Simson, MGH SRG 10 (Hanover, 1905).

Annales Nordhumbranis, MGH SS 13: 154–6.

Annales Quedlinburgenses, MGH SS 3: 22–90.

Annales regni Francorum, ed. Friedrich Krauze, MGH SRG 6 (Hanover, 1895).

Ardo, Vita Benedicti Anianensis et Indensis, MGH SS 15: 198–220.

Astronomer, Life of Louis the Pious, tr. Allen Cabaniss (Syracuse, NY, 1961).

Augustine, The City of God against the Pagans, tr. R. W. Dyson (Cambridge, 1998).

Baudri of Dol, Historia Jerosolimitana, RHC Occ 4: 1–111.

Bede, De locis sanctis, ed. I. Fraipont, CCSL 175 (Turnhout, 1965), 251–80.



Benedict of St. Andrew, Chronicon, MGH SS 3: 696–719.

Benzo of Alba, Ad Heinricum IV. imperatorem, ed. Hans Seyffert, MGH SRG 65 (Hanover,


Bernard of Angers, The Book of Sainte Foy, ed. and tr. Pamela Sheingorn (Philadelphia, 1995).

Bernard the Monk, A Journey to the Holy Places and Babylon, in Jerusalem Pilgrims Before the

Crusades, tr. John Wilkinson (Warminster, 2002), 261–9.

Bernold of St. Blasien, Chronicon, MGH SS 5: 400–67.

Bruno of Segni, Vita sancti Adalberti, MGH SS 4: 596–612.

Carolingian Chronicles, tr. Bernhard Walter Scholz (Ann Arbor, 1970).

Cartulaire de l’Abbaye de Saint-Corneille de Compiègne, ed. E.-E. Morel (Montdidier, 1904).

Cartulaire de l’Abbaye de Saint-Savin en Lavedan (v. 975–v. 1180), ed. Alphonse Meillon

(Cauterets, 1920).

Cartulaire de l’Abbaye Cardinale de la Trinité de Vendome, ed. Ch. Métais (Paris, 1894), ii.

Cartulaire d’Aniane, in Cartulaires des Abbayes d’Aniane et de Gellone, ed. Abbé Cassan and

E. Meynial (Montpellier, 1900), ii.

‘Cartulaire du prieuré de Saint-Pierre de la Réole’, ed. Ch. Grellet-Balguerie, Archives

historiques de la Gironde, 5 (1863), 99–186.

Cartulaire de Sainte-Croix d’Orléans (814–1300), ed. Joseph Thillier (Paris, 1906).

The Cartulary of Flavigny, 717–1113, ed. Constance Brittain Bouchard (Cambridge, Mass.,


The Cartulary of Montier-en-Der, 666–1129, ed. Constance Brittain Bouchard (Toronto, 2004).

Castets, Ferdinand, ‘Iter Hierosolymitanum ou Voyage de Charlemagne à Jérusalem et à

Constantinople’, Revue des Langues Romanes, 36 (1892), 439–74.

Chanson de Roland, in The Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition, ed. Gerard J. Brault

(University Park, Pa., 1978).

Chartes de l’abbaye de Charroux (IXe–XVIIIe siècle), in Chartes et documents pour servir a

l’histoire de l’Abbaye de Charroux, ed. D. P. de Monsabert, Archives historiques du Poitou,

39 (Poitiers, 1910), 86–126.

Christian of Stavelot, Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistum, PL 106: 1261–1504.

Chronicon Moissiacense, MGH SS 1: 282–313.

Chronicon Novaliciense, MGH SS 7: 79–133.

Chronicon sancti Maxenti Pictavensis, in Chroniques des églises d’Anjou, ed. Paul Marchegay

and Émile Mabille (Paris, 1869), 349–433.

Chronicon sancti Petri Vivi, ed. Robert-Henri Bautier and Monique Gilles (Paris, 1979).

Chronique de l’Abbaye de Saint-Bénigne de Dijon, in Analecta Divionensia, ed. l’Abbé

E. Bougaud and Joseph Garnier (Dijon, 1875), 1–230.

La chronique de Morigny (1095–1152), ed. Léon Mirot (Paris, 1912).

Commemoratorium de Casis Dei vel Monasteriis, in Itinera Hierosolymitana et Descriptiones

Terrae Sanctae: Bellis Sacris Anteriura, ed. Titus Tobler and Augustus Molinier, Publica-

tions de la Société de l’Orient Latin, 1 (Geneva, 1879), 301–5.

Concilium Vernense, ed. Wilifred Hartmann, MGH Concilia, 3 (Hanover, 1984), 36–44.

Conradi II. Diplomata, ed. H. Bresslau, MGH Dipl. Ger. 4 (Berlin, 1957).

Consuetudines Cluniacensium antiquiores cum redactionibus derivatis, ed. Kassius Hallinger,

CCM 7/2 (Siegburg, 1983).

Descriptio qualiter Karolus Magnus clavum et coronam Domini a Constantinopoli Aquisgrani

detulerit qualiterque Karolus Calvus hec ad Sanctum Dyonisium retulerit. In Die Legende Karls

des Grossen im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert, ed. Gerhard Rauschen (Leipzig, 1890), 103–25.

Dudo of Saint-Quentin, De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae Ducum, ed. Jules Lair

(Caen, 1865).



Dudo of Saint-Quentin, History of the Normans, tr. Eric Christiansen (Woodbridge, 1998).

Early Latin Hymns, ed. A. S. Walpole (Cambridge, 1922).

Egeria, Travels, in Egeria’s Travels, tr. John Wilkinson (Warminster, 1999), 107–64.

Einhard, Vita Karoli, ed. G. H. Pertz, MGH SRG 25 (Hanover, 1911).

——Vita Karoli in Charlemagne’s Courtier: The Complete Einhard, tr. Paul Edward Dutton

(Peterborough, Ontario, 1998), 15–39.

Ekkehard of Aura, Chronica: Recensio I, in Frutolfs und Ekkehards Chroniken und die

Anonyme Kaiserchronik, ed. Franz-Josef Schmale and Irene Schmale-Ott (Darmstadt,

1972), 124–205.

——Hierosolymita, RHC Occ 5: 1–40.

Eusebius, The Life of Constantine, tr. Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall (Oxford. 1999).

Ex Vita Posteriore sancti Udalrici Prioris Cellensis, MGH SS 12: 253–67.

‘Exhortatio ad proceres regni’, ed. E. Dümmler, Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche

Geschictskunde, 1 (1876), 177–8.

The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials, tr. Edward

Peters, 2nd edn. (Philadelphia, 1998).

Freculf of Lisieux, Ad Iudith, MGH Epist. 5: 319–20.

Frolow, A., La Relique de la Vraie Croix: Recherches sur le développment d’un culte (Paris, 1961).

Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana (1095–1127), ed. Heinrich Hagenmeyer

(Heidelberg, 1913).

——A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, in The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of

Chartres and Other Source Materials, tr. Edward Peters, 2nd edn. (Philadelphia, 1998),


Fulk le Réchin, Fragmentum Historiae Andegavensis, in Chroniques des comtes d’Anjou et des

seigneurs d’Amboise, ed. Louis Halphen and René Poupardin (Paris, 1913), 232–8.

Geoffrey Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae Comitis et Roberti Guiscardi

Ducis fratris eius, ed. Ernesto Pontieri, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, 5 (Bologna, 1928).

——The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of his Brother Duke Robert Guiscard,

tr. Kenneth Baxter Wolf (Ann Arbor, 2005).

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