An Affair Downstairs (27 page)

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Authors: Sherri Browning

BOOK: An Affair Downstairs
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Once stripped to the waist, Marcus followed Tom to the center where they shook hands with his opponent and the second. The blackness had taken over to the point where he couldn't think to lock his gaze on Harris, and he'd lost all awareness of the boisterous throng in the room. He did hear the whip cracking down to discourage spectators from crowding too close, and when Jameson started reading rules, he found his voice.

“American rules,” he growled, and stalked off to his corner of the ring. Bare knuckles, his preference.

“Queensbury,” Jameson countered, and Tom stayed center ring for some minutes arguing Marcus's case.

In the end, Tom returned to Marcus's corner and handed him his gloves. “Queensbury rules.”

Marcus answered between gritted teeth, “Queensbury it is.”

The time for argument had passed. He was desperate to hit something, fists gloved or no.

As soon as the bell sounded, he rushed in for Harris's head, missed him, and received a sharp body blow in return, leaving an angry mark above his ribs. He danced around, much lighter on his feet than Harris, and managed to herd him into a corner against the ropes, where he rained punches into Harris's steel-like chest and iron abdomen before landing one square to his jaw.

Unflinching, Harris returned a sound jab to the side of Marcus's head. Marcus reeled but managed to stay on his feet. His ears rang. Fortunately, so did the bell for the end of the first round.

“What's the matter with you?” Tom sponged him down and handed him a towel. “The object is to tire him out, remember? He's capable of beating you to a pulp.”

Marcus grunted. His body, coated in a fine sheen of perspiration, glistened under the gas lamps. The bell rang for the start of the second round. This time, he managed to duck and weave, avoiding all blows until the bell rang again. What he didn't do was land any hits of his own, which added to his frustration. It didn't matter if he got pummeled. He needed to hit, and hit hard.

The third round delivered the satisfaction he craved. The half-minute break hadn't allowed his opponent sufficient time to catch his breath, and Harris's huge, hairy chest rose and fell while he blew air through wide nostrils like a spent old workhorse ready to be put out to pasture. Marcus didn't intend to let him recover. He sprang at him with unimpaired energy, punching, weaving, ducking, and punching again—left, right, left, left, jaw, nose, ribs, jaw, jaw. The giant staggered back and looked as if he would fall. The black had begun to fade from Marcus's mind, and his instincts of survival came back to him.

He landed one last dig to Harris's chin, and Harris recoiled and spun in a slow circle. It was all but over. Marcus's gaze swept the mob to gauge the reactions of all who had bet against him. And that's when he saw him, shaggy brown hair over soulful brown eyes wide with wonder, the very image of his buddy Cooper who had died in his arms during the war.

“Coop?” he said, but he knew it wasn't Coop. It was Cooper's son, Brandon. Brandon, fourteen years old and in need of guidance and approval, who now looked up to Marcus like the father he'd lost. Brandon, Anna, Emily, and Finn. And Prudence Cooper, widow of Lieutenant William Cooper, the best friend and best man Marcus Thorne had ever known.

“Coop!” Marcus said it again, not to Brandon, but a summons to his dead friend, as if William Cooper could come flying out of heaven to deliver his errant son safely home. The pub was no place for a boy, especially not during a boxing match, and Marcus was powerless to defend him, should something go amiss. The Coopers were Marcus's responsibility now. He'd promised his friend as Cooper lay dying, his gut ripped open from one of the box bombs they'd been sent to dismantle. “I'll look after them, Coop. Find your peace.”

The last of Marcus's rage melted away, replaced by a growing sense of urgency to see the boy from the pub and home to safety. And in those few seconds of inattention, Marcus lost sight of the glove speeding toward his face until it was too late. The slam struck with such force that Marcus staggered and lost his balance, followed swiftly by his awareness. The black returned, but this time with the deadly silence of nothingness instead of a roaring rage.

When he woke, his friend Coop stood over him. Marcus recognized him through a gauzy haze.

“Coop, brother,” he said, “I'm sorry I've let you down.”

“You can't win every match, hey?” A higher voice than Coop's velvet baritone answered him. “But well done!”

Marcus's vision cleared. He hadn't died and met up with his departed friend after all.

“Brandon Cooper.” Marcus found his best paternal voice. “What are you doing in a pub late at night? Your mother must be sick with worry.”

“She thinks I'm at the millinery. I had a feeling you would come tonight. I didn't want to miss it.”

“At the millinery?” Marcus shook his head to clear it and managed to sit up. The crowd was leaving, the match over in a mere three humiliating rounds. The few who remained were collecting their winnings from wagers placed against him, insult added to injury. “Whatever would you be doing at the millinery?”

“Trimming bonnets. I've taken up some work to help Mum.”

“And your mum approved?” What had Prudence been thinking? He would have to speak with her. Their lot must be harder than she had let on. How had he not realized? How could he have been so lax in his duty to his friend? He would have to be more attentive. Brandon was at a tender age, too eager to grow up but not ready to face heavy issues. Left on his own, he could easily turn to unhealthy habits, fall prey to bad advice.

“I didn't give her much say in the matter. I am the man of the house now.”

Marcus sighed. “Man? You're not a man until your whiskers come in. Now come on, no more talk of the millinery. I've got to dress and get you home.”

“I have whiskers.” Brandon stroked his soft, young chin. “And we're not leaving until I collect my winnings.” He offered a hand to help Marcus to his feet.

“Your winnings? You wagered against me?”

Brandon had the decency to blush, at least. “Did you get a look at your opponent? Smithy Harris is enormous.”

“I'm fast on my feet.”

“Not fast enough.” Brandon chuckled, his lip curling up at the corner like his father's used to do. His brown hair, in need of a trim, nearly hid his eyes but couldn't block the golden spark of mischief shining from them.

At least someone had made money for the Coopers tonight. Marcus watched Brandon run off to collect his winnings and bid good night to Tom.

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