An Act of Redemption (8 page)

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Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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I know he won’t accept help because I’ve tried before and he got really angry about it. My heart aches at his story and I try to think of the right words to say but nothing seems compassionate enough. “Believe it or not, I can relate a little to what you’re saying.”

He quirks a disbelieving brow that makes me chuckle. “Are you tryin’ to tell me a sweet, beautiful girl like you knows what it’s like to live in hell?”

My smile vanishes and I sober quickly. “Yeah, I do. It’s a different hell than yours but it was hell nonetheless.” He waits for me to elaborate and I decide to share my story since he shared his. “Seven years ago I was abducted into the sex trafficking industry while on a field trip with my school in Thailand. I was only fourteen.”

“Jesus,” he breathes out, shock registering on his face and a rage I know so well lighting his eyes.

“It was the worst week of my life, but it’s also the same place where I met the most amazing men, one in particular who became my brother for life. He’s a former Navy SEAL.”

“Ah, an arrogant motherfucker,” he says with a smile, trying to lighten the mood, and it works.

I snicker. “Yeah, he can be, but all three of them are incredibly honorable and they would give you everything they had if you were in need.” I pause and look up at him. “They kind of remind me of you. Maybe you could meet them one day?” I suggest carefully.

“Maybe.” I can tell he doesn’t mean it, but I don’t push, at least not right now. “Come on, let’s get out of here, I’ve kept you long enough and Bandit is waiting for me,” he says, talking about the stray dog he’s had with him for the last past months.

He goes to pack a dinner roll for the dog but I stop him before he can put it in his pocket. “Wait, I have something else for you.” I take out the plastic bag that’s in my purse and hand it to him.

“Anna,” he scolds, his tone disapproving.

“Please don’t be mad, it’s nothing big, I promise.” He takes it and looks inside to see protein bars, fruit and dog biscuits. “It’s enough for you and Bandit during the days until I see you here in the evenings.”

“You didn’t have to do this,” he grumbles, though it’s weak.

“I know, but I wanted to.”

He blows out a heavy breath then wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. “You’re a good cookie, Anna.”

“Thanks, I love cookies,” I say jokingly, making us both chuckle.

We get up from our seats and make our way out the front door. As soon as I step outside I lean down to greet Bandit. “Hey there, boy,” I coo, giving him a big rubdown. “I gave Sarge some treats for you, but don’t eat too many or you’ll get a bellyache.” I give him a kiss on the head and he attacks my face with his sloppy tongue. I jump back with a laugh and wipe the slobber away. Turning, I see Sarge watching me with a smile.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night?” he asks hopefully.

I nod. “Yes, you will.”

“Bye, kid. Thanks again,” he says, holding up the bag.

“You’re welcome. Bye.”

I watch him and Bandit walk down the street, heading to what I’m hoping is the shelter. With a heavy heart I turn around to start my walk home, but come to a hard stop when I see Logan at the end of the street, leaning casually against his bike. Our gazes lock and my pulse spikes hard and fast.

What the hell is he doing here?

Knowing there’s only one way to find out, I take a deep breath then start toward him, putting a confidence in my step that I don’t feel. His eyes rove down my body, causing that familiar little flip in my tummy that I haven’t felt in years and it irks me to no end.

“Hey,” he greets me casually.

“What are you doing here?”

He watches me for a moment before responding, the intensity of his eyes evoking all sorts of emotions that I don’t want to feel. “I found something at the club that I think you dropped.”

My heart stutters to a stop because I know exactly what he’s talking about. Sure enough, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out my bracelet. I realized when I got home that it must have fallen off and it killed me to think I’d lost it. Not because he’s the one who gave it to me—not at all. Only because it’s gotten me through some really tough times.

“Thanks.” I take it from him then slip it in my pocket instead of putting it on. I hate that he knows I still wear it but I’m relieved he found it.

“Where’s your car?” he asks.

“I walked.”

A frown mars his face. “This isn’t the safest part of town to be walking in, Anna.”

I tense at the disapproval in his tone. “I’ve walked it many times,
But thanks for the concern and the bracelet.” I start off, needing to get away from him and all the feelings spiraling through me. He catches up to me then slows his stride to match mine. I look over at him, not bothering to hide my annoyance. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I think it’s safe to assume you won’t let me drive you back so I guess that means I’m walking you.”

“I don’t need a babysitter!” I snap.

He shrugs. “Maybe not, but either way you shouldn’t be walking home this late at night by yourself.”

“I’m actually quite capable of taking care of myself, Jaxson taught me. If you would like I could demonstrate on you.”

He glances over at me with a smirk. It softens his hard expression and has butterflies fluttering in my tummy. I look away, hating that after all this time he can still affect me this way.

The jerk

The silence between us becomes deafening and downright awkward. Logan is the one to end up breaking it. “I heard you’re studying psychology.”

“Yup,” I respond abruptly, not liking that he knows another thing about me when I still know nothing about him.

It doesn’t matter, Anna. You don’t care about what’s going on with him,
I remind myself.

“Are you liking it?”


“That’s good.”

Before I can stop it a scoff escapes me and I want to kick myself. I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling so bitter and angry, but that’s exactly how I feel. The last time we spoke was when he ripped out my heart, and now we’re just supposed to have a normal conversation, like nothing ever happened.

“You know, Anna, if you have something to say then just say it.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” I lie.

“Clearly you do, so just fucking say it.”

I stop and turn on him. “Why are you doing this? Why did you come here tonight?”

“To give you back the fucking bracelet, I said that.”

“Who cares about the bracelet!” I snap.

“You obviously do or I wouldn’t have fucking found it.”

Hating that he’s right, I shake my head and start off again. I’m not strong enough to hash this shit out right now. I don’t make it far before he grabs both of my arms and pulls me against him. “Say it! Just fucking say what you really want to say,” he demands, his face only inches from mine and his eyes finally showing the same frustration I’m feeling.

“Why are you acting like four years ago didn’t happen?” I shout, unable to hold back any longer.

“Do you really think I can act like it didn’t happen? I’ve been fucking living it every goddamn day.”

“What about me?” I wail. “Do you think I’ve forgotten what you did to me?”

His expression softens but his gaze remains fierce. “No, Anna, I don’t, but don’t you understand why I did it?”

“Oh yeah, I understand perfectly—you didn’t trust me.”

“That’s not true! Trust had nothing to do with it. I knew you would stay, I knew you would stick it out and I didn’t want that for you. My life was fucking over, I wasn’t going to ruin yours, too.”

“It wasn’t your choice to make!” I scream. “It was mine and you stole it from me.” My breath hitches and I can’t hold back my tears any longer. “I went back every weekend for two months and you never came out, not once.” Every word falls with agonized sobs. “And now you think you can just ask me about my life but keep yours a secret? Well fuck you!” I rip out of his grip and run, not wanting him to see how deep my pain still runs.

Thankfully, he doesn’t come after me, but I didn’t expect him to. There’s nothing left to say between us. No matter what he says I’ll never forget what it felt like to show up every weekend only to be sent away. It’s a pain I will remember forever.



pull up in front of the small house that holds a lot of memories for me—most of them not good—and am surprised to see it in the best shape it’s ever been in.

My gut churns at the thought of seeing my mom and sister after all this time. It doesn’t help that I’m still fucked up from my run-in with Anna last night. I knew I should have stayed away, and I know that I need to, more for her sake than mine, but after finding that bracelet I had to see her. I could’ve asked Jaxson to give it to her but for some reason I felt like it had to be me. And now I can’t get her fucking heartbroken expression out of my head. The pain that was in her eyes is one I know so well because I’ve also harbored it since the day I sent her away. Even though it was necessary it still fucking sucked, and it’s tormented me every day since.

Blowing out a breath, I get off my bike and head toward what very well could be another disaster. I want to see my sister, I’ve missed her and I feel bad it’s taken me this long to let her know I’m out. As for my mom…I’m not sure I’m ready, but I’ve put it off long enough.

I debate whether to just walk in or knock and decide to do the latter. My heart hammers against my chest at hearing the light approaching footsteps, but relief swamps me when it’s my sister who answers the door. Her hand flies to her mouth on a gasp, pure and utter shock resonating on her face. “L-Logan?” she stammers, as if she’s not sure it’s really me.

“Yeah, Janey, it’s me.”

She flings herself at me with a sob. “I can’t believe you’re really here.” She cries into my shoulder, clinging to me so tight I can barely breathe. “I’ve missed you so much.”

My chest constricts as I hold her trembling body against me. “I’ve missed you, too.”

She steps back, a big smile stretching across her face as she looks me over. I quickly notice how good she looks, how happy she seems. Something that I didn’t expect. I expected to come back here and see the same run-down house and my sister’s sad face at the life we were stuck with, except I don’t see that at all and it raises a million questions.

“Well come on, come in.” She ushers me into the house. “Why are you knockin’ anyways?”

I shrug, not really knowing what to say and follow her in. I immediately notice how clean the house is and the shape it’s in—I’m talking new carpet and paint. Even the counters and cabinets in the kitchen look relatively new.

What the hell has gone on the last four years?

Janey senses my thoughts. “A lot has changed—for the better,” she explains with a smile.

“Yeah? Like what?” I’m dying to know because I’ve worried about my sister for so long—my mom too, but more my sister. I was the one to take care of them, and knowing I couldn’t be here to pay the bills was something that weighed heavily on me.

She points to the sofa. “Sit down and I’ll explain, but first I want to know what you’re doing here. I thought,” she pauses, her expression turning somber, “I thought you still had two years left?”

I go take a seat on the sofa. “I got out a few weeks ago.”

“A few weeks?” She sits next to me, her tone shocked and a little hurt.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, but…” I pause, not knowing how much to reveal. “I’m out because I’m helping the cops with something and I can’t just leave whenever I want.”

She frowns. “You’re helping the cops?” I nod. “Doing what?”

“I can’t tell you that.” Her face drops and makes me feel like shit. “It’s something that takes up a lot of my time though and I really need to focus on it, but I had to come and make sure you’re okay.” She’s quiet as she absorbs this. When she still doesn’t respond a moment later I press on. “Are you? Okay, I mean.”

She nods. “Yeah, I am. Both Mama and me.” I tense at the mention of my mother. She places a hand on my shoulder. “She’s different now, Logan. Everything is different, and we have Anna and Jaxson to thank for it.”

Surprise slams into me at the information. “What the hell are you talking about? What do they have to do with this?”

She takes a moment, seeming to collect her thoughts before explaining. “After you were arrested something snapped in Mama. I’d never seen her like that. It was the guilt; she knew she was to blame for what happened with Robert. It ate at her and she didn’t know how to make it right. Unfortunately, it got worse before it got better.” I’m scared to know what she means by that, I didn’t think it could be any worse that it already was. “Jaxson came to us right after you accepted the plea bargain.” She smiles fondly. “He got Mama help. He sent her to a rehab clinic and paid for it all. I went and stayed with Stacey and her parents while she was gone,” she says, talking about one of her friends from school. “In those three months that we were away he fixed up our house and even set up a waitressing job for Mama when she got out. The people there are good to her. They gave her the hours she needed for the bills and I helped too by working part-time while I finished school.”

I sit stunned, not knowing what to say. That fucker never said anything to me about it, not one goddamn thing in all the time I’ve been training with him. He did ask once if I had gone to see them, but when I shook my head he left it at that. For Janey’s sake I’m glad he stepped in and helped, and I’m indebted to him for life. But I hate that he saw my life for what it was, to know that I truly wasn’t good enough for Anna.

At the thought of her, I look up at my sister to see her watching me carefully. “And what about Anna? What does she have to do with all of this?”

Her expression becomes softer, more sad, and I brace for what she’s about to tell me. “She was there for us the moment you were arrested. She came and took care of Mama even though it was easy to tell she was angry with her about what happened. Some nights she even stayed over because I couldn’t stop crying. I was so scared for you…for us. She shed some of her own tears too, but always tried to hide them so she could be strong for me.”

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